(2011/04) Apr 2011

Those using medela breastpump..do you wash the tubing? There were times when milk flowed into the tube and so I discard the milk. Is it necessary to discard?


I used bumpers on my bb cot. just tie it tightly should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i realised my bb doesnt like to slp in his cot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he much prefer the space between me and hb..

super nua and no mood to work today.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw anyone used boots breastmilk storage milk bag before?

andrea, any plans for ur 'holiday' on thurs/fri?

tweety, ya loh. Took leave both days. Who wanna go gai gai on Fri? Gor gor also holiday.. bring him out easier. keke.

mum05, i just put cot bumper cos Joel is starting to bump all ard his cot! He can turn 360 deg in his cot now!

lynn, i used boots milk bag. no complains. In fact.. I still got ard 1/2 pack extra. Who wanna buy from me? I got no milk to store now.. not even enough for bb's daily feed. Enduring 1 more mth to be liberated!!

mum: no wor.. i didn't use any bumpers.. i just use bolster and pillow... but when i wake up.. the pillows and bolsters are all over the place or even on the floor.. hahaaa

elmo: i can't leh... heehee... =P

finally, answers! hahaha

lyn : Ya lor, i hv to sew those velcro to hold up the 'in betweens', but then tis bb can still push it down wif her feet! Her jie jie lagi best, I used to sew riboons in betweens but she pulled the ribbons off, that's why I took e ribbons off and sewn on velcro - til the skin of my fingers teared!

#2 also prefers to slp in between us but it's actually dangerous, she almost fell into the side gap of the bed/wall once, 'saved by my UPapa', and I try not to put her on our bed ever since.

I had wanted to co-slp wif her on our bed when I took over to fully latch-feed her, but afraid that she'd get too used to it, we still let her slp on her cot at nite. In the afterns, we still let her nap on her rocker or put her on her cot when she's fallen asleep.

elmo : my #1 really terrible, she turned 360deg during her 1st few days, tt's why I bought cot bumpers for her then. now #2 also doing it, haiz...

That's why now I'm thinking to get bumpers with 'harder sponge', so that they won't be push down...


So good, 2 working days only.. enjoy ur break! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dun use bumpers wor, cos my bb sleep inside the bassinet... but like lynn hor, nowadays he co-sleep with us and i find he sleeps better like that lor..


hahaha... ur bb fighting with the pillows and bolsters ah...

re: 6 mth bash

thk Bbgoh suggested 15 Oct. I'm ok with that date wor. How abt the rest?

mum05, i have no probs with my bumper leh. Been using it since #1.

6 mths bash. So whose house izzit now? If Sat, I can only make it after 3pm.

I guess it's holiday mood for everyone here .

Want to check for happy bellies cereal? How many milk and spoonful of cereal to add in

Yesterday I open the tin wow only half filled this cereal is so ex

elmo, cos mine are those 'softer' types(like comforter?)... so they'd fold down easily once bb's feet 'push' at it...


Tried to post jux now but cant


Hope Bb Joel get well soon


wow Rendang!! Went once n i fall in love hope to go again.

6mth Bash

Im ok wif any places and date/time.

my gf giving me a preloved exersaucer, so am looking for a replacment of its seat, but kidzloft, the distributor(they claimed to be the one) for Safety 1st said no more spare parts available liao... sad. wl hv to go buy a brand new set [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos afraid of bugs in e old seat...

Hihi mummies,

Long time never log in..


Nice to see you just now.. =)

paiseh.. Just saw your post.. I don't mind hosting the 6th month gathering at my place..

Hehe!! This time we have 3 places to have the gathering.. Maybe we put to vote??


I used a bumper for my #1.. but took it out once she knew how to stand up.. Cos scared she use the bumper as a step.. My #1 is quite q monkey.. Ever fell out of her cot even though I placed the mat at the lowest!!!

Hi mummies

Check with u all, usuali after bb vaccination, u will feed bb pamol, dun care got fever or nt? Or onli feed if bb got fever? For my practice i will onli feed if bb got fever... But mani aunties tel mi 2 feed after jab regardless hav or no fever..


hmm even if he awake i will gave him pacifier n pat him he will go back to sleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


den get ur HB do the nite duty let him have a taste if it...


ya lo so coincident to met u ther[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so did it rain? when i left it looks like goin to rain anytime wor..

6mth bash,

smiggleprincess in Tiong bahru rite? i ok with either smiggleprincess or Gerry 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it depend on how thick u wan the cereal to be.. but if u put 1 spoonful of milk powder make sure u add at least 30ml water leh...

littletwinstar, it's better to feed paracetamol to the bb only when he/she's exp fever. it's no good to feed the bb when there isn't anything for the drug to 'fight' against with... Paracetamol itself, if consumed too much is already no good for adults, let alone a young bb, so unless there is a need, it's better not to, that's my opinion...

haha gerry, seems like our #1 quite monkey despite the age difference, haha. Oh ya, so when r u gg to start work?

re : cereal, must we add bm/fm or can we just add water? haiz so long ago liao, forgot how is it like... I hvn't started #2 with cereal yet, want to wait til she's 6mths old, heee and once that's established, hopefully I cld resume my facial treatments!

So, happy bellies is the preferred choice now?

Hee, my place not so big..

If gerry place is bigger of cos i don mind goin to east coast..

If not we can list down e preference and who is going.

15 oct , 2pm-5pm?

1. Smiggleprincess + Kasper ( Place-Gerry, smiggleprincess)


Vianne is drinking 150ml (5 scoops) now. so what I do now is to prepare the milk as usual and pour 1 scoop of the cereal out and then pour 30 ml of the milk to mix or even less than 30 ml of milk because I give a thicker consistentency for her. The first time I tried too watery and she end up having all over her chin. Yesterday tried giving her thicker consistency she can eat better.

I use a clean milk powder scoop to scoop the cereals because no scoop inside I always keep the spoon lol


I dont mind to be at Gerry's place ....

6mth bash gathering

15 oct , 2pm-5pm?

1. Smiggleprincess + Kasper ( Place-Gerry, smiggleprincess )

2. bbgoh + family. (anyplace)


for happy bellies, the tin stated that water also can but I have 1 pack of brown rice that states use milk to mix and need to cook

Oh just saw Smiggleprincess place is at Tiong Bahru I dont mind that too

mum05 and e_lazy,

now want bb to sleep on his own without latch, he also don't want. sigh.


if you don't need the milkbags sell to me? :D

you're going to stop at 6 months?


for cereals, does it matter if its oatmeal, brown rice for multi-grain? or must start with which one first?

halo mummies,

just went to east coast park mcd. so crowded...

re: 6mth bash gathering

15 oct , 2pm-5pm?

1. Smiggleprincess + Kasper ( Place-Gerry, smiggleprincess )

2. bbgoh + family. (anyplace)

3. e_lazy + hb + Nat (any place)


I only gave panadol when bb has fever. Talking abt that, is 37.1 or 37.2 considered fever? this kind of temp, will mummies give ur bb panadol?

My SIL advised me to cook some barley water for bb to drink before and after vaccination. Helps to cool the bb down and reduce the probability of getting fever.


I thk the mummies here have earlier advised to start with brown rice first, then oatmeal. Multi-grain should be the last.

Mum05: ya i oso tink so, bb shld nt tak med if can avoid rite..nt gd for them oso..

Elazy: 37.5 then consider fever bah.. I tink bb normal body temp is slightly higher than adults...

Thanks, LittleTwinStar. Oh ya, My pd also told me b4 37.5 then considered fever. Just that I'm abit paranoid after bb vaccination, feel that his head and body abit hot, measure temp was 37.2 like that so got worried.


I boiled barley water to my #1 when she was abt 6mth old, after drink she get phlegm so I thk not adviseable to give Bb. b4 vaccination I ll give pao Shen water

Ladies since we r on fever topic jus to share ESP for first time mother for 37.5deg n above gave paracetamol n anything above 38.5deg gave ibufen n above 39deg insert bullet.. Usuly in their 1st yr most might kena viral fever so gd to STD by these medi.. Hope this is useful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is ur BB prompt to fever after injection? If yes den better gave else can feed sone Chinese barley water be4 injection for me for those stronger jab like mmr yes I gave rite after the jab .. I agree can dun gave better but if need to jus gave cos BB 1 dosage v light afterall[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they gt diff medi for diff degree of fever summore[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya I prefer thicker also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6th month bash..

I can book the function room at my place.. but the problem is they have specific time slots.. 9am-3pm, 4pm-10pm.. So how? We can sort of do a brunch thingy??

I am ok with anything.. =) smiggleprincess or my place is fine..


Ya they are monkeys!! Now even worse..


it only rained after 4pm.. so thankfully by then we have cover what we wanted to cover.. at least what lisa wanted to see... =) but it was very humid leh.. Hate sg weather..


thicker easier to feed or else it will dribble down her neck so messy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today went to a medical hall at Rivervale Plaza to buy milk powder and diapers... very cheap Enfa selling at $40.80 per tin, buy 3 tins $1 discount

Buy pet pet at $15.90 for the L size and I think M size is very cheap but then the packaging was the old one so did not buy somemore if you present the empty packaging of pet pet next time you can get 5 pieces of diaper....

I also bought Mamy Poko to try and 2 packs of M size 44+2 costs only $25 ....

I think the cerelac cereal very cheap $4.80 NTUC sell $6 plus but I did not...

seems like my retail therapy now only revolves the little one..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua, I've seen it an a shop at Harbourfront selling organic product

I bought from Great World City basement 1- Four Seasons Organic Market. Why u need so urgently for Gervaise?

Lynn, pm u. Ya cant wait till 6 mths to stop bf! Milk crisis now. Not enough bm for bb le!

Mrs chua, try bp? Some sellers got ready stock.

I wanted to start cereals last weekend but bb sick. Will try this weekend if all goes well! J is back to his happy self le. Fever gone though still got abit phlegm n running nose

Piggy: ya my bb always tak 6 in 1 will get fever de.. i hear my mum say ther 1 jab veri prompt to high fever de.. is it e jab for measles de @ 1yr?

1 of my niece after a jab 3 days later then high fever n smemore last for a week.. i ask e ah ma wat jab she oso cant remember liao..

morning ladies..

sian my last day to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes MMR my #1 no fever all only kena when he took MMR... for MMR usu the fever will only come out after a few day 1...


tt gd my boys so tired the moment we put him in his car seat he KO lol~

morning mummies...

6 month bash - anywhere is fine..

fever - i also heard my fren say let bb drink barley before the jab then wont get fever so easily..my boy going for the 3rd jab in two weeks, worry that my nightmare will come back again..

question mummies - for those babies that slp tho, do they still wake up in the middle of the night for no reason but when u tap awhile they will fall back to slp??

