(2011/04) Apr 2011

Halo mummies,

Long time nvr come in to read and post since i started work. Today finally had some time after my bb sleep.

Work was terrible! First day start work already kerna deadline on the same day. Still thot maybe first few days can eng eng cheng cheng. haiz... Nowadays really no drive at work le, my only drive is to chop chop finish and rush back home to see my boy boy...

To those mummies with babies falling sick, hope ur bb will recover soon. You all also must take care of urself k.

Last sat brought my son to changi airport then followed by tampines mall. Cried and cried wor... no matter how we carry and coax him, still cry. Only place he din cry was at toys r us. Thk he really hates noisy and super crowded places.. Mummies, got any suggestion? This kind of behaviour also dun mean autism rite? i kinda worried or did i thk too much liao???


elazy,maybe nat not used to it yet..give him some time..bring him out more often n c how..

my mum bring my boy to the market every morning to train him..he is ok outside..bt smtimes for no reason if i walk into a particular shop that he dun like he start fussing , walk out den ok..oso duno why..

Good morning!!!!


Early in the morning wake up read carrot in poo..... Yucks! But Terry has that too!!!! Wahahahahaha..... Undigested vege & corn too!!!! :p

Good morning mummies.. Happy holiday to all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Would like to check with those mummies with babies boys.. Any of your boys have undescended testicle? My boy was diagnose with undescended testicle on his right.. Specialist in KKH recommend to go for an operation when he is between 9-12mths old...

Happy national day mummies

Me will be super bored with the little monster alone because Hubby went to work grand pa got sone 7th month thingy so not at home.

happy national day mummies!

I finally succumbed to the desperate measure to sell off some of the stuffs my baby outgrow.. she outgrows them real fast.. and not to mention, my un-used milk bags etc.. this is a good effort made on FB to help moms to sell off some of their stuffs.. without charge sia!


Piggy, bbgoh,

Yes I can imagine it must be difficult to get a kid to open their mouth but people keep telling me to take her to see dentist so I just made an appointment to see a pediatric dentist.. I called last week to make an appointment and he is fully booked till sept!! So many people!!


I never knew that I should give white rice cereal first.. I gave Lisa brown rice first.. I can't remember why but my pd told me to start with rice cereal first before moving on to oatmeal and barley.


I will try a single food every week..

Mrs Chua,

Oh dear! How are you taking it? What else did the dr say?


how many degrees Celsius on bb then is considered fever? feels like R abit warm today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies

just back from hometrip. had a enjoy & relax trip, and seline had great fun with her cousins too. I thk she must be same as me so miss it.


oooo. I nvr noe dentist also got pediatric one. I only tot of brg to normal dentist.

mrs Chua

oh.. wats tat? sound serious need operation?

1st solid food

I n goin to give brown rice cereal start this coming weekend.

Gerry: thanks for your reply. I was contemplating which "flavor" to give baby z and only bought the brown rice since I've been reading people have been giving the tcm brown rice. Phew! Tried to give him today and he was not taking to it. Think I should have fed him the rice cereal before milk cause he gave a "feel like vomitting face" when I tried. Sigh.. I really don't wish to give him solids at 4 mths but I know I should. I was talking to some mummies in my office and one whom was a third time mom did say she felt her BM was not as "fatty" as before and as such her little one is the smallest o all 3 boys. She was told to feed him solids/ add some formula but she was too stubborn so now her boy has always been in the 3rd percentile. After I heard this I knew I have to start solids.. Or worse use formula. Haiyah.. Makes me wonder if I should even bother with BF! Could it also be my diet?

Mrs CHUA: I have heard of it but think it's pretty common. How did you discover it? What I can say babies are so resilient. They end up being "braver'' than the mummies.


U shd always give solid b4 milk while she is hungry. I thk u dun need to top up fm now, maybe 2more monthif u worry your bm not fatty. try give cereal 1st and as long as she is healthy dun worry abt the size

I can't wait to start Kay on solid as she seem more & more hungry at night. tdy she start asking from 1+ I drag drag till nw give her. she used to wake up at 5, then forward to 3. -_-


Gerry.. My heart totally sank when I heard it.. To the doc, he most or less hv to go thr the op but I really can't bear to let him go thr such pain leh.. Though the cut on him but I felt the pain.. Trying to think positive now but is really hard.. Who can understand how much of pain I went thr to bring him to this world den now having to let him go thr such pain leh?

Sookie.. I heard from Joe is common & it will slowly come down when they turn one yr old.. But I'm still worried.. I got to find out when I bring him to gp for his vaccination.. They did a body check on that when he is ard 1mth plus.. After 3rd examination, refer us to specialist in KK..

Bbgoh.. Is a guy's prob.. U can refer to this.. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000973.htm

morning all..

really tired my bb woke up almost every hr last nite n i feel i am falling sick also again... sigh~

Mrs Chua,

hugs... i tink only mummies can understd how u feel.. can we actually tell from external?


like Gerry i also feed brown rice first cos i feed Happy Bellies only 3 flavours n dun tink any of them is white rice wor so i jus feed brown rice first..


piggy, ur boy still sick ah? My #1 still having fever yest.. went causeway pt to buy some presents for him to cheer him up. Poor boy. Hope today his fever is gone for good!

Mrs Chua, hugz! I've read that it is quite common among baby boys esp if bb is premature. Did u ask the pd if it's ok not to go through operation and let it descend itself when bb older? I think u can search in smh... got some mummies with the same problem too. Be strong k? Hugz!

Good morning mummies!!!

Mrs Chua

hugs can feel yr pain.


how is kleavan? still not well? why wake up every hour? u also must take care, boost yrself with vit C

morning all!!!

Looking forward to friday lo.. lol

Mrs Chua, hug hug.. We mummies can understand how u feel.. From now till his 9mth still got some time, hope mircale will happened..

bbgoh, hmm.. not consistent. Yest he woke at 4+am. This morn 2+am he already eating hand.. i drag till 3+am then feed him.

Mrs chua, i read abit.. apparently.. it'll heal v fast after the operation de. Babies recover v fast.. so be strong k?


me also can't wait for Fri but will be on leave tmr whahahah...i am sending my maid home tmr finally decided not to keep her..abit regreted not changing her during my ML so that i still have time to coach her and not waste my leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Chua

hugs hugs hopefully got other options


i see. bcoz kay yst ehh ehh ard 1.30am -_- i gave her pacifier & drag till 2.30am she start to scream. no choice must feed her. sigh..

she still drink 150ml in 3hrly but sometimes she drag till 4hr. read that 3-4mth got growth spurt but this has been continuoes for abt 1wks le..

Piggy, take care!!

elmo, dun scare me.. Both my boys premature..

bbgoh, think I give all the teachers cos all the teachers in childcare dote him a lot.

G'morning mummies,

Mrs Chua,

You must be brave!! I know when our child is sick or in pain, mummy will also feel heart pain..

I heard that sometimes the testicles will descend by 1 yo.. But if PD say must operate, I think it will be better cos boys with undescended testicles have a higher risk of testicular cancer later in life. So by operating, it would be easier to detect it earlier.. But the dr say he can feel the testicles inside?


Yup, there are pediatric dentist too.. I asked my own dentist and he said he is very good.. can make almost any kid open their mouth.. =)


Don't scare yourself, I am sure your pd will have done a routine physical examination for your boys during the growth check..


Take care!


When I went back to work last time, I felt my bm got thinner too.. but at the time didn't think much about it.. This time, I am trying to eat healthier fatty food like salmon, lean protein like chicken breast.. and trying to cut down on fast food.. Don't give up on breastfeeding.. at least for the 1st 6 months!! Even though bb not growing as well, the bm is till impt for the immune system and nervous development... Just give solids.. mixed with bm.. I think should buy those cereals with fortified iron and added nutrients.. like happy bellies..


ya lo.. my #1 better jus some cough n running nose. #2 cough with phlegm sigh..


i also dunno he jus eh eh n cry almost every hr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


day time they r at my IL place but nite time i gotta bring back mah..my MIl also need to work mah..

Thanks Andrea & Gerry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies,

Mrs Chua,

Hugz hugz, we are all mummies and can feel your pain. Will pray that he will get well without going through the operation. Jia you.

Piggy.. U can see that only his left part is filled up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Elmo.. I oso heard from some articles & mummies told me that it will slowly descend as baby grow older.. But the specialist in KK say no.. An op will b the only way.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] all I can pray is that it will slowly descend lo..

Andrea & bbgoh.. Thanks.. I oso hope miracle will happen but now the thoughts of op kept flashing in my mind & my heart feels hurt.. 

Gerry.. Actually is nt my pd, is KK specialist who Suggest op.. The specialist did say can feel it but is jus not coming down.. I know an op might nt b a bad thing but I jus hoping he dun hv to undergo it.. another worrying issue is the cancer part.. 

Thanks kaira & St [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


where is the pediatric dentist located? share with me the pricing after u brg Lisa there


maybe the phlegm irritate him can't slp well. is he under any med? hope both yr boys get well soon then u can have good rest


yah bcos I saw all mummies gave all teachers incld infant care last yr I nvr pre for IFC so paisei


my GP got gave him the 1 med for cough but u know la usu infant took v long to recover n this 2 days can hear more phlegm.. now i tinkin of bringin him to PD for neublizaiton treatment sigh.. i dunno how much longer my body can tong lo now i feel so giddy n can hardly concentrate lo..

hello mummies,

very no mood to work today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

super tired. little one keep waking up every 2hours. dunnoe what's wrong with him man! latch also don't want to go back to sleep.

also, when starting solids, should be start with cereal or fruit purees ah?

bbgoh, huh.. IFC also must give teachers presents ah? Give wat? I no time to prepare leh.. was thinking to act blur.... :p:p:p

piggy, u also fall sick v often hor. I must bu urself abit too! Or eat vit c.. then got strength to take care of ur boys!

Mrs Chua, ya. Can seek 2nd opinion anot? If seek 2nd opinion also say must operate.. then better listen to doc loh. May be easier to do it now when bb is still relatively 'immobile', as compared to when he's bigger can walk already? Then wound can heal faster too? Understand abt the heart pain.. which mother wont! But gotta do what's best for bb also rite?


last time seline's ifc centre i nvr prepare. but i thk for cc one must give le bcos when children day all the teachers also give them


nope i seldom fall sick 1 in fact i have not recover not fall sick again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tink due to lack of sleep n 2 sick child[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hippo, bbgoh,

This dentist is at Camden. Ok will let you know how much it cost.. I quite scared how much this guy will charge.. A lot of specialist all cut throat.. *gulp* but I think it is better to get the teeth checked especially if they have started eating sweets!!

The appointment is in September so must wait hor..

Mrs Chua,

Ya you probably saw a pediatric general surgeon or urologist.. But the dr said op usually around 9-12 months right? So that will give your boy sometime and hopefully it will come down naturally.. We all want the best for our children.. Take 1 step at a time.. =)


i also dunno really canot concentrate from severe lack if sleep.. hopefully both can recover soon enough n let me have some gd nite sleep..

Mrs Chua:pls be strong! Think positively! There will be miracle! JiaYou!

Piggy: Rest well! Not easy with 2 children!

Introduce solid food

1. is there any types/brands of bowls/spoons to buy for babies?

2. What types of chairs to buy when introduce semi-solid foods cos understand need to feed them sitting?


thanks.. really v challengin esp #1 is still young...

for solid yes there r weanin spoon i bott pigeon 1 usu they will indicate for which age group.

n for high chair only after they can support their back better ard 7-8mth or earlier depend on the bb den i put them in high chair personally i recommend ikea 1 v cheap n gd cos it plastic if they dirty jus bring the whole chair to toilet n rinse[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Piggy - Thank you for your reply! Thank you for yr add-on as well cos I am thinking how to feed my girl sitting as she still need support to sit upright let alone eating...

Sorry if I have asked a stupid question:do we need to sterilise the bowls/spoons?


u gotta read the instruction cos some material not suit for sterilise.. i bott the Ikea 1 n a fittin support pillow which support them v well even thou they can not sit up right on their own..

Hugs Mrs Chua

I pray that miracle will happen so little Gervaise no need operation. Yeah I agree with Elmo, go for second opinion and if it is necessary at least ittle Gervaise is still young easier to get over it.


for me I will use the bumbo chair for feeding since Vianne can sit on it now. Then later I will buy the high chair from Ikea because that is the cheapest I saw only about less than $30

Piggy - thank you for the info!

Vivi - Where did you buy yr bumbo chair? How much? Can use from what age to what age?



the bumbo chair not cheap leh I saw from the Taka baby fair it is selling at $79

can only use for a while because if babies grow fast they cannot fit into the chair anymore.

I bought second hand from the want to sell thread go look out from there, no need to buy new ones ...

At first Vianne dont really like to sit then I thought waste money now she can sit slightly longer liao but then hor depend on her mood

