(2011/04) Apr 2011

vonn: I noticed a few white spots inside her mouth, she was vomiting at least once a day for 3 days in a row, and she was drinking less milk than usual... sometimes she would cry during feedings also. So i decided to bring her to the PD to check.. i'm quite KS that kind.. anything unusual I will bring her to check liao. I got no one experienced at home to tell me what's normal and what's not so super gan chiong spider... hah

sookie: u poor thing...hugs... baby Z will get well soon!!!!


ningyo: i think pearly really needs to get out of the house... take a breather.. if not be at home with 2 kids... will go crazy one... go outside no matter how tough it'll still cheer her up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink, u very observant leh! If me, I wld tot its normal.

Tml I bringing my gal to pd leh, she's coughing and having block nose and today slept the day away. I got a feeling she feeling lethargtic...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Andrea, hur? No med?

I'm on the way to pd,will update here later.

Btw, yr bb still drinking as per normal? Mine no appetite and I have to use syringe to feed her.

Good morning mummies.. So sad.. Mixed 60ml of my precious breastmilk with 60ml of formula for baby and she only drank 40ml before falling fast asleep.. What a waste.. Have to throw the remainder away.

I also encounter the same situation where my baby stops crying the moment the maid carries her.. And I normally don't even let the maid handle my baby much! Cant stand the smug look on my maid's face sometimes :p I think it's the way she holds the baby.

Pongzai hugs try to observe how the maid carries. That will help and try talking to the little one and see if you can calm the baby . I usually will do this because Vianne is the hot tempered kind so sometimes it helps.

Vivi...oic...most impt she can drink...my girl is still veri fussy last nite wen feeding..have change teats but still the same..have tried to extend feeding time still fuss..will be bringing her to see pd...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that time vianne has air in her stomach,did she often raise up her legs and flex? That time u mention she cannot finish her milk is due to too much air in the stomach?

Pink-u r indeed veri observant..how I wish I can spot out y my girl fuss..I have tried everything but as usual..shake head...how is c? Better?

Piggy-yes,more to come for motherhood..really hope I can still endure..I am on the verge of breaking dwn these few days wen seeing her so cranky during feeding..just feel my path to motherhood is reali not smooth..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vivi & ponzai,

yah! sometimes my maid give the smug look too. =/ maybe its the way she carry the baby. I need to start observing!

Yoti sometimes Vianne also cranky cried during feeding then I have to look at her and tell her no in a firm way.

Erm actually naughty Vianne when she throws tantrum she always kicks so hard to tell. But if cry after changing diapers or after feeding then sometimes may be colic. You suspect your baby got wind?

The tmc nurse shared with me that sometimes there is air in the stomach so if you no burp and keep topping up milk sure got discomfort and cannot finish. What you can do is to burp baby halfway if she can't seem to finish then continue to

Let her drink. Sometimes I will change her diaper mid way then let her drink.

Sometimes baby just want to be cranky so may be a passing phase.


I checked with gynae when i do papsmear le. He say nothing to worry abt.. it's normal. Cos i was also bleeding like 2nd day menses for more than a wk after lochia stopped. Now the bleeding finally stop le. Gynae scan n say i wont have my menses soon. keke. Last time i stopped bf at 2mths and menses came alot immed after tt. This time dunno..

Michelle, some bf babies can dun poo for 4 days de. Depends.. so no need to be too worried if everything else seems well.

pongzai, can keep the milk wait till he wake then feed? I normally will do that within an hr.. i'll dream feed him or wake him up to feed. Dun waste! :p

Vivi-that time u went tmc..wat did they give you to reduce air in the stomach?

Experienced mummies,what are the medicine we can buy to reduce air in baby stomach? Can we just buy and let bb take it?


tt time i go kkh they got gave med wor.. for the cough n phlegm he was given neubulizer treatment n the dr gave me some powder med to clear phlegm..


icic but if ur gal dun 1 to walk den how u manage since ur friend cant carry for u n u carryin kae?

Yoti they gave ridwind which I think pharmacies may be selling that. If not give gripe water.

Occasionally now I give gripe water if Vianne no poo or just to prevent wind in stomach.

Try not to give medicine unless necessary. Also after bath put ru yi oil on the tummy and the sole.

Anyone interested in going spa at Spa Infinity for $29? I got promo for POSB credit card. Can bring along a friend for same price. Think of going next wk. I need a massage!!!


That's good to know.. Cos my spotting is starting to increase to become like menses vol.. Am getting a little worried that I am not healing alright inside..


Put ru Yi oil on the sole also help is it?? I thought only put on stomach.. Everytime I see eva's stomach very big, I only rub on tummy..

I'm at KK again. My boy was having problem sleeping last night, kept waking up due to his blocked nose. Just did neubilizer, gotta wait about 30mins later to do suction.

When he was doing the neubilizer, he also spilt out some phlegm.

Today's doc seems better than last week's. She seems more experienced n know what to do n didn't have to wait so long.

Surprisingly in d duration of 5days,he still can gain 500gm. He's now 6.1kg liao.

Gerry, it's normal. Gynae says inside still healing so normal to see blood on off.

ningyo, hope ur boy get well soon! He's of a gd weight too! Similar to mine.. 6.2kg now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Andrea, done w pd. She was given seawater nose spray, 1 med for Phlegm and 1 for cough. U might wan to see another pd if bb still nt well?

I've seen dr ong ek at mt A.

Hi mommies, today is my baby's full month!!! So officially confinement ends today or tomorrow? Meaning I can go wild today or after midnight har?


Hang in there, babies grow up very fast and you will be able to know their needs n wants n it become easier.


Thanks hope c will get better soon!!


Oh no speedy recovery to z!!!

I'm starting "work" today. This time more shiong gotta add in bf in between!! I have given up latching at the 6am feed so i can zzzzz. My baby wakes up like clockwork every three hrs to feed....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ok gotta go bathe etc. Busy week this week!!!

Andrea: think it depends on the PD on whether to give meds. when mine was coughing a little bit, she refrained from giving any meds. just that now my baby's cough is quite distinct and she said that chest sounds a bit tight. so i was given meds for cold and cough + neubilizer 2 times a day. frankly Idon't want to give any meds but i don't want him to get any worse.

voon:hope your baby will get well soon too. and yes, good weight! but your poor arms! kekeke

Gin: how come you are starting "work"?

falling sick really messes up baby Z's schedule.. he slept all day yesterday and woke up all night last night.. i'm again zombified.

Hmm seems weather bad hope all the illness goes away for the little ones

Gerry yes you can put ru yi oil on the tummy then left over put on the sole. Can so call get rid of wind. Vianne also is sporting a little tummy wor.

Oh Yoti by the way don't rely too much medicine the key is try to burp baby if possible

Gin happy full month enjoy yourself.

Sookie gin meant that Cl leaves so she need to start work ke ke ke

baby carrier

From my experience from #1, now before they reached 10kg, babybjorn is the best.

After 10kg, I uses beco which I used to sell for a while till some changes to the distribution rights. Actually, I still have some stock left and if anyone interested, can let me know here or via FB. Will let go at cost if interested but take note that it is not the latest model.


Happy full month to baby. I'm counting down to Friday as well. Will be out collecting, distributing cake that day then followed by the party in the evening :) Already told my #1 that I can finally send her to school on Friday! Can't wait!!


Need mummies advice as I realized that these two days, my milk seems to be very watery even though I pumped the same duration ( abt 30mins) until there is not much flow. Is there such things that the foremilk will be more? Even my hb who feed bb this morning give me the same comment that he feels that the milk looks more watery. I'm worried if it's me who don't have enough nutrition? I still eat the same except that yesterday morning I LS one time, suspect could be the half-boiled eggs that I ate in the morning!!

Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have no cl this time. That's why can eat funny things lah! Stole some chocs from the fridge last night. Yummy!!!

I'm starting work cuz need to ferry kids and supervise them after school. My kids drop afternoon naps so I can't nap too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I finally struggled into my clothes. But it's not my pre pregnancy clothes. It's my upsize clothes. This confinement I did not lose a single gram!!! Cham I got 10kg to lose.


Which PD do u go to?


Can pm me your beco stock designs? I want to get it as a gift for my friend. But gotta let her choose design. So far she has been extremely fussy lor!!

Thanks dear.

What is everyone doing during maternity leave?! Shopping?!

Can't rem what I used to do leh. Haha.

Hi mummies, do you all bring your child to polyclinic for vaccination? Do you all know if polyclinic has 6 in 1 vaccination as I called the operator able to quote me the price but the nurse who called me told me that they don't do 6 in 1 jabs in polyclinic can anyone advise me thank


PMed you


I need to check and will PM you.


Paisei, cos was too busy with bb so didn't contribute on the carrier topic so far!!


Wrong! We must jian you!!! 3rd time ler no need cl since my maid has been with me from my first baby n my mil's maid can cook confinement food. Very happy cuz I save over 2k hahaha!!

Going out soon. Woohoo!!


Ok let me know thank you!

What's everyone doing? I feel so liberated but dunno what to do hahaha! Cuz bogged down by my two monsters


Soon we can take long sweaty walks to the park hor!!


Enjoy life and bonding with #1 and #2 during ML?

For me, I'm looking at once a week massage and maybe facial so that I will look refresh when I go back to work!! Will be looking out for new house during these period as well. Hope it will be fruitful!

gin: i go to my previous PD for my #1.. at TMC. but my goodness each time I go its super crowded even on weekdays.. i would actually like to change but because we are so familiar with her, we stuck to her but im thinking for jabs go to her, illnesses to another place. which one do you bring to? does the clinic take baby bonus?

totoro: could it be you have an over supply so more fore milk? i did have 1 bottle like that but its because i was too full so i pumped a bit before latching baby.

gin: slowly.,.. after 1 mth, i still had 8kg to go... now i still have 3-4 kg left. subsequent pregnancies harder to lose man...

Hello mommies!

My boy finally pooped after 30 hrs... And the damage is no joke. It flooded his diapers like there's no tomorrow haha...


My first day of tingkat came.. Still a bit hard to make judgments based on 1 day's food... But for a start it's quite ok... No 'wow' factor in the food leh... I hv lemon chix, ginger fried fish, radish soup with 2x winglets inside, n 3 pc ngoh hiang... (i opted for no veggie). All taste ok, soup a bit bland... Rice is dry hard n lumpy but ok when soup's added in. No thirsty feeling after eating. Will review tmr again.

Andrea, I spent $93 inclding $15 for sucking mucus. Btw, mine is 2mths old so it depends on yr bb age.

If u goin to my pd, can actually call and make appt. I walked in today but was given priority due to young bb.

If nt wrong, Kk A&E chrg $85 inclding meds and consultion.


gilera (gilera)

Junior Member

Username: gilera

Post Number: 200

Registered: 2-       

Hi, am due in early oct n really need re for good cl

pls ask if ur cl wanna do for me in oct pls

Pls email me contacts [email protected]

many thnx


Early walks?!?! How early?! I used to bring my baby out for walks so he won't be bored. We walk to the Market n buy lots of food home n I eat them. Hahaha!!

Oh tmc so far! I go to bukit timah plaza n yes recently can use CDa account. Woohoo!

Btw for those who submit CDa details with baby bonus gotta wait for them to send us details for CDa account opening or account details right?


Got your pm will show my friend n see if she likes anything. Will let you know.

Massage! Shiok hor!!

I'm so busy sending kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U looking for new hse to move ah? What area?!


Tingkat sounds pretty good. Maybe can cook your rice?


I lost weight very fast for no2. This time round nothing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone knows how much does polyclinic clinic charge for hep B - 2nd dose?


I called up and checked before, NHG Polyclinic they have. 6-in-1 cost $360. and only start at 3rd Month...

Piggy-thank you for the info...

Vivi-thank you for the information.yes I suspect she has wind in her stomach cos will always raise her legs up high and flex...so suspect tis is the reason for her cranky attitude..by the way, vianne will poo everyday? And did u give her water during the day?

Gin-yes trying to stay positive and handle her.. It's really tough but I guess mothers have to pull through tis period!


Am still pondering but most likely still NE area. As my girl going to 4 this year so chances are may need to consider for her pri school hiaz.

I purchase a package for massage and has been doing pre-natal so now can do the rest of the massage after giving birth liao. If not, start work and back to no time again for such things!!



If it's oversupply, I tried to pump further but nothing much came out leh ... I can feel the breast soft leh although it will feel hard again very soon later and it was like that since day 1. The feeling of the breast engorged like got something there is really not very confortable!!

