(2011/04) Apr 2011


Confirm menses... Yest spotting today flood liao... ZzZZzz...

Last time Terry partial bf menses report only at 4th month, this time tbf menses so fast come back... What a joke...


If u intend to let bb take rotavirus (oral med), either he is hungry or half fed... Full later merlon like Jovie waste $$$ lor... Today is Jovie 1st jab of 6 in 1...


I'll still pump... If happen she wants more then bott feed lor...


Ur boy also good leh... U'r damn lucky... Everything so smooth de... Not like some of us... Struggling till zombified Liao... My Jovie last week own self drag 4 hours I was so happy... This week pattern Liao... 2.5hr need to feed aldy... Night time worst... Dun wan sleep... I really scare I can't dong...


bbgoh/hippo: my boy only 4.4kg and i remember our babies were born on the same day... some more mine boy.. so small size. anyway, after the jab his eating a bit haywire.. sleep too. ope tomorrow will be a better day!

i feel there is some truth to the cold water and breast feeding cause i started to drink a lot more now and i get the impression that my ss has dropped but i do agree soya bean helps with ss. i was told best to buy from mr bean those type of stall than hawker centre cause they specialise in soya stuff. but i wonder if drinking too much will cause gas?

Hippopolai: I'm crossing fingers.. Hopefully jerrell remains a good boy.. Today he's back to 4hours Liao.. Had his feed at 10plus.. Now hubby feeding him and I'm pumping.. Hehee

Sookie: ur boy really light wor...


sorry to interrupt, i'm from the feb 2011 thread. I have boots, blue egg, tollyjoy, pigeon, avent, playtex and thantawan milkbag to let go as i too kiasu, stock up to many. PM me if keen.

Hi jojo,

FYI, i use playtex liners to store my FBM. They don't take up that much space compared to milk bottles, but are thinner than normal milkbags. Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm so proud of myself. i brought my kids to eat prata today all by myself. though baby Z cried like the whole way back home.. i did it! without my silly husband :p

Hippo: but your girl looks so much smaller hor but still same weight. it just shows that mine won't be sumo lor.


last night didn't dreamfeed my girl end up she ask for milk at 1.30 & 4.30.


yr girl got 'you xiu' look more girly


wah u alone brg a Bb & toddler out? still can eat prata.. peifu peifu


day time u also nvr wake him up for milk? wait till he ask?

I'm finally going to be out of confinement!!!!!!!!!

Now at salon coloring my super black hair. Yeah!!!!!

Later having first month party. Just a really tiny one since we initially decide not to do. My greedy husband ordered alot of food. I wonder how we are going to finish it

So envy all your babies are stretching hrs ler! I'm happy mine is more or less fixed on certain timings but mine is really lazy. Sleep n drink n sleep n drink only!!

There was a study saying soya n hormones right? Is it true that if you have a boy best not to drink soya too much?

Sookie well done!! I wonder if I even dare to bring baby out myself. Wait driving she cry how?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy, hippo

the GP clinic u went for injection, do they have small weighing scale for baby? or they weigh mum n Bb then minus mum's weight?

my side GP dun have small weighing scale ler so I find it not accurate ler tat Monday he calculate Kay weigh at 4.8 then yst 4days passed only I went PD weigh again is 5.3kg so big diff woh

Bbgoh: the gp we go no standard.. Lol..

Sookie: ahem.. My boy is a sumo.. Wait till u see him.. Bbgoh saw him before.. Should i cut dwn his amt huh?


haha. next time go must suggest the doc buy 1

yr boy hai hao lah dun cut down his intake, he just belong to chubby not overweight one

Hello everyone

Yoti Vianne has good and bad days so joint and crossing fingers soon we will be able to see a teeny weeny light shining

I also don't dare to bring vianne out that day we tried bringing her out to buy some stuff she cried. Put her to stroller she can't sleep end up me carry her. I need a carrier badly must buy then easier for me.

Bbgoh: yup.. I let him sleep till he wakes up for milk.. I ever tried to wake him up and dreamfeed him.. End up he puke a bit out.. So dun disturb his sleep...

Vivi: I'm going Tpy today leh.. Wanna meet me for dinner?? bring vianne out..

Hi mummies,

Wanna ask silly qn again..haa. If chilled ebm is taken out to warm b4 bringing bb out, n kept in thermal bag, can last for 3-4 hrs to prepare bb for next feed when out rite? Or usually wat is e simpler way to feed bb w ebm when out? Or bring fm out easier?


I see. hmmm. yr boy also another small drinker huh


not the same haha. chubby is cute mah just bai bai pang pang

Mikio, sumo baby good mah. I think it's too early to cut down on baby intake coz when they start teething, their appetitie will drop. So i think it's good to fatten baby b4 teething. Besides, a hungry baby is a angry baby! Haha

Got a fright just now. my #2 was playing with d electric switches and she off my milk freezer switch! Luckily I discover early....gave her a good beating but she doesn't seem sorry about it. Sighzz, hope she won't do it again.


Wow~ bravo!!!! *clap clap clap*

Think my kids all after us, heavy bone type... Haa haa...


Chubby is cute lor... Overweight u jialat, dr sure ask u vontrol diet... Of course different...

so depressing that baby prefers the maid then me the mummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ha ha Vianne also got double chin and she is a gal wor.

Tweety today cannot wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] next time?

Lynn what happen? Hugs

Mikio, wow! Double chin sure is power but I still think it's ok coz baby can afford to be fat. I'm sure ur in laws must be damn happy to have such a sumo grandchild!

Btw, any mummies using Lasinol milk bag? Do u only fill 180ml of milk or can we fill up more? Coz it seems like d bag can fill to 250ml or even more.

Ningyo how are u feeling? Read that u are sick but too busy to reply u. Hope u are getting better!!

Yoti, baby C has thrush. So maybe it was making her cranky. Sorry I haven't been able to reply. How's ur baby doing now?

Btw, piggy/hippo etc, I may not be joining u all at jp coz the timing happens to be her nap time. How about u all come over to my place after that? Can come after 2pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What do u all think? Can share cab to my place it'll be more economical.. Coz very paiseh leh my house is so ulu and inaccessible

Hey mummies, long time didn't post here. It's been a bz week for me. Some updates:

Yeah, no more interviews for me le! I got 2 offers in the end, so Fri went to sign contract to accept 1 le. But the bad thing is I gotta sacrifice 3 wks of ML.. starting work on 27th Jun. J got injection on 27th June.. so I cant bring him so le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hb gotta take leave to bring him. We intend to put J into IFC on 30th Jun.. few days after his injection.. hopefully fever clear by then. So hb gotta take a few days leave to be SAHD while i start my new job. Still gotta call IFC to confirm date. Really hope everything goes well as planned. Abit worried. I'll probably stop bf b4 I start work too.. or see if i can survive not pumping for the time I'm at work.. see how. So now trying to squeeze out more milk n freeze if possible. But abit difficult.. cos now just nice to meet his demand only. keke. My fbm left abt 2 litres now only. :p

Now gotta start shoppping for working clothes le. My "working clothes" last time are too casual le. Some pants also cant fit in.. bones expand le. And top also become shorter?!?! I wonder if I grown taller after every pregnancy.. last time also like tt. hahaha! So now i got very good excuse to buy ALOT of clothes n shoes!!! Wahahahhaha!!!

Baby J's nite drinking habit is 10pm, 12, 4am, 7am.. more or less the same every nite now. But these 2 nites he drink 50ml in 1 shot for the 4am feed then stop le.. gotta feed v long to finish the rest. SO tonite i'm going to try reducing the amt.. feed him 70ml instead. See if he can last till 7am also. Then slowly reduce see if can skip nite feed. Try n error see how. Day time he's still drinking 125ml every 2-3hrs. Wanna feed more to drag to 3 hrs so tt IFC easier.. but he cant stomach more too. For several times he overeat n puke all.. or choke on his saliva n puke all too! Hai...

gerry, durian's high in sugar/calories i think. It really did help. oh ya, as wat sookie's queried, will drinking too much soy milk cause 'wind'? cos i've been taking quite abit too, heee.

aiya lately, keep getting blocked ducts, sooo painful! bring #1 out to classes also bth the pain...

oh ya gerry, i rem u posted b4 that u kept unfinished ebm for next feed? But hor, I referred back to the book 'successful breastfeeding' written by a local LC(endorsed by doctors) that we have to discard unfinished ebm. And also, we should only leave EBM for up to 4hrs at room temperature...

As for the room temp storage, I'm wondering, the temp's usually rather cool at night, if it's been on the table top for 3-4 hrs and feels abit cool, should we warm it up? I seem to feel that EBM does feel alittle warm right after we've expressed it... any thoughts to share on this?

well done, sookie! not easy huh, esp when yr #1's still quite 'young'.

gin, u good ar, dare to drive out with an infant. I've given up driving since we moved here, hahaha, 1st route direction blind, scared #2 cries and helper garang gabok then made me anxious, hahaha. So told hub, no matter how, dun hope that I'd take to driving again, at least not for a period(he's been wanting me to get another veh ag so he can be free from chauffer duties lah!)


Congratz !!

do u thk yr boobs can kp milk for so many hours? maybe u can train or at least partial BF also not bad. last time when I was abt to stop I only pump morning & night. at least like this u can give him 2x a day.


cannot let her nap in stroller? usu if go out best is nap time mah so can eat in peace?


wah u gd la my #1 to active v hard to bring alone ah...

Any preference NYNY or Peranakan food?

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Time: 12pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) Hippopolai

3) Tweety

4) baby26

5) Andrea

6) mikio

7) bbgoh

8) Pink (tbc)

9) Sookie (tbc)


11)jerelbliss ( got to leave at 230pm cos need to bring bb to poly for jab )


congrats!! nvm la at least u no need to worry abt income[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah seem like market v gd now huh..


Soya bean is not a known gas producing food and is quite low in allergen as compared to milk.. But of course, if u think bb is cranky cos of the diet, then can stop for a while and see whether bb improve or stay the same..

For unfinished ebm, I would put it in the fridge and warm it up again prior to next feed.. No problem.. But I don't mix old ebm with fresh unused ebm lah.. And the longest I keep unfinished ebm is till the next feed.. No longer than that..

Expressed milk will warm of course cause from our body.. But I think it is also ok to give room temp milk to baby if they don't mind.. Cannot be cold like from the fridge cold..


Congrats!! I cannot start any new job during my maternity leave as I am still with my current co.. So had to wait till august to start.. So don't know which co would want to wait lor..

For me the tops are shorted cos my breasts are bigger!! Haha!!

Piggy I can't leh she's very distracted outside. Remember that day all of ur babies were sleeping and C's eyes were so big?

I tried a few times already she can't nap outside..Plus she has thrush now I want her to have enough rest to get well..

Mummy143, i bottle feed all e time. Only latch during bb's cranky hr to make him zz.

Bbgoh, if can survive only pumping 2x a day.. Tt'll be good. Tt time you also like tt ah? So how much milk can you yield like tt? Supply wont disappear or you wont get engorged? I'm only pumping 4x a day now. Can survive up to 7hrs without pumping. No engorgement le. At most leak milk only. So seems achievable ba?

piggy, ya. Market is good now! I went for countless interviews already till i was so tired and stressed! Now finally can relax for e last 1mth +. Hb see market so good also tempted to find but i ask him to wait till my side stable 1st.

gerry.. I'm also still on ml. But no choice they dun wanna wait 4 me so long. So i forfeit 3wks of my ml loh. So old company no need to pay me 4 tt 3wks le.


if pump regularly on certain timing the supply won't drop.

tat time I can get 100+ on each pump, but bcos I intend to stop so I din clear thr boobs then it ll slowly drop.

if yr boobs can kp 7hrs maybe u can train it to kp longer a bit so maybe u can pump 3x morning, evening & maybe midnight?

can recommend me the recruitment u goin? my hb also hunting for job, has sent few resume out but all no reply maybe direct to agency ll be easier

hi mummies,

thanks for your encouragement on bringing my kids out on my own. but i started small.. just brought them to the prata shop near my house.. about 7 mins walk. my gal was very cooperative so that helped.

today was a super cranky day.. baby Z did not sleep from 11 in the morning till now.. its one of those.. put him down, he wakes up 5 mins later.. thinking he might be hungry, i offer to latch but turns out want to suckle.. never mind. thought suckling helps but put him down, 5 mins wake up again.. nightmare! now his eating schedule so haywire.. dont know when is his real last feed. think i am going to robinsons to buy every pacifier i can find cause the nuk one I have, he does not seem to like it. now i put him in his cot but i can still hear him go eh eh eh.. argh

elmo: congrats.. glad you found a job and i hope it something that you really like.

pink: hope Baby C will get well soon!

Sookie I know that kind if feeling Vianne nowadays don't really sleep in the afternoon. Tired wor.

Or can try put baby on chest for at least 15 minutes then let baby sleep on tummy maybe better?


icic den better let bb C rest more.. poor gal.. ya did dr say wat causes it?

hmm dun tink i wil be goin ur place after the lunch la see the rest wan to go over anot..


hope after my ML market will stil be gd tink i can only find job after my notice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope ur new job is gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ic gerry, thks, will take note.

oh my hubby so worried, one cool morning, he asked our maid to warm up the EBM i've left on the table few hours earlier,with luke warm water, he said "so long liao, it's cold" heee

Good job Sookie! Managed to bring 2 out!!

Did u go to ah Mei cafe for prata? Heh

Piggy, vivi, hmm PD didn't say what caused it.. I read online there isn't a specific cause sometimes. It could happen if the mother is on antibiotics .. But I'm not on any.

Piggy, thought u all want to gather all the babies at my place for photo shoot? Hehe

Thanks mummies for all the well wishes!! C is very grateful ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



ya but now too last min to organise la cos the 1 gatherin at ur house is 1mth bash leh mon only a few of us keke.. i tink we make it in June? maybe we fix a date first den see how many pp den see wan cater food or wat etc?

