(2011/04) Apr 2011

tweety: still dont dare to cut his nails!

pink: why i make you stress? keke yes we can share cab [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you let me know if you are going. yah railmail nearer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can also meet up with gin since so near.

jtho: definitely will bring the gemini out. way better than the pikkolo in terms of material.

mom05: try to get your baby to latch your problematic breast. your baby is your best pump.


hilo mummies!!

today is my milk monster 2nd mth le. i fall in love wif him more n more meanin i haf neglected my gal for very long le.

So sad she start to call other ppl MAMA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haix sometime i feel like she is not given birth by me seeing her how close she is wif other ppl i very jealous. no matter how i bond wif her the love is no longer there so useless.


wow i miss ayam penyat.

fung fung

ppl at my hse r oso like tat bb cry meanin hungry n the bloody maid will stuff him milk.

now is worse gif either water or milk when i reach hm he puke will b these 2 lo sian.


to my hb nap is oso very important he can stay outside livin rm watchin tv away or laughin talkin wif his family but once step into the rm the eyes auto close.

like now we take turn do night shift yday nite suppose to b his turn i hao xin wake up prepare milk gif him feed he don wan say next feed den do so angry but wat to do n reali next feed he do but he is late for work


Thanks for the info, I think I more or less made the decision liao. Should be celebrating on the actual day which is the 27 so that I don't need to rush!!


most shelters got water de. after making payment they'll pass you the tap spindle. then can use their water from there. ya HDB common area very cheap de, much cheaper than function rooms etc. some community centres got function rooms but those are not near to me. u can check People association website.. :)


paragon has nursing room. i used the one at the level where FOX kids, Chateau de Sable and the playground is. it's beside the playground.


ya i removed my bb's mittens at week 3 after cutting his nails short. only put them on when going out to keep warm. need to remove after 6 weeks so they can develop their motor skills. they need to see that they have 10 fingers and not two fists like doraemon. after i took them off my boy kept looking at his fingers and now he always play with them.


hugs & jiayou! :)


Ya tinking of taking e mittens off aft cutting nails but seems like she's found her fist aka mitten q yummy now..scared if take out mittens she'll start chewing her fingers le..


hugs hugs. ur post reminds me of my #1 time. is reali very stress n tough n super tiring but very soon it will b over le. like wat pink say swaddle her? both my kids i swaddle them n my life is much more better esp wif #1 swaddle=gd life. when nite time hb swaddle my boy onli head can move like caterpillar.


u lookin for admin job?? i think my co need ppl wor is at marsiling.

yeah yeah knockin off soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tmr holiday soooo happy

Hi mommies!!!!

Can't wait till I can join gatherings!! Confinement is ending!!! Woohoo!!

Yeah Skokie n pink we can go rail mall very near!!! Wait till it's not hot we can bring our babies walking!!

But I'm only free before 1pm, after that big monsters come home, I am swamped!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So happy to find many west side mommies. I love going to jp!! Hehehehhe

Hang in there...everyone..we can see light soon!!!!


I'll b going JP with hubby & my friend one of the weekday next week.. We intend to eat kuishin bo lunch! Got promo mah.. I've fallen in love with kuishin bo.. Lol.. Then if possible, catch a movie or two ba.. Will dump kae at neighbour's house if she's ok! Lol..

So i'll confirm again ba.. Haiz.. Dun really like JP but my friend stays near there & she's heavily pregnant + have to take her toddler son out so should b ok ba


Got hire?! Office hrs de ah? I wan! =x Can intro? Whatsapp me.. xD


Same as wad sandy said.. I was like u during #1 also.. Take it easy.. After all that torture, my girl still grew up.. 3mos!! Jia you!!


Haha, nice seeing u today! xD Ur first time meet my boy right? Keke..

Mich S, ur description about doraemon is damn hilarious lar. U make such a good mom coz ure so creative and u'll enjoy watching cartoons with jovann? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tink most prob ard 12-12.30?


hahah ya lo so surprise to see u there till din notice ur boi :p nvm shall meetup again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u wanna join us nex wk?


hmm see how many pp first tink most prob only the few of us bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyo nothing can change the fact tt she is ur daughter... u r workin now for her better future mah.. nex time she go U need lotsa $$ leh.. unless ur Hb income is enough la else can be SAHM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks... im not creative la. i do those wu eh bo eh things to jovann because i was just bored and needed some entertainment. haha.


really! i read online that babies think they have two fists when they wear mittens. only when the mittens are out, then they'll start to consciously stretch their hands open.

mommies, think ive posted this before but dunno got ppl reply or not... is there anywhere i can buy medela soft funnel? and if have, how much is it? my funnel a bit yellowish liao. hmmm ):

also, need to ask... if we take caffeinated food like coffee or coke, will the caffeine go into our bm and cause the baby to be unable to slp?


I took coke once n aft tat I latch my boy omg whole nite cannot slp now I dare not drink coffee or coke even those peach tea apple tea lemon tea le although me onli latch him once a day.


Ya lo cannot change le but c her call other ppl mama soooo heartpain lo.

Thank you gals for the wonderful support. I am feeling much better Le .

My friends came to visit and I think Vianne is a little cranky now. She can't sleep soundly and is crying on and off.

Pink Vianne doesn't like to be swaddled she will use her hands and break free

For Vianne after full month we bought nail clippers and I cut her nails already. Sookie quite easy to cut just need some time.

Yeah i noticed that after I took out her mittens she start to stretch her fingers and explore her hands


I buy fm mums & babes think united square it cost $15 for e soft funnel, than bought e filter part ( think u post on ur fb) $6

Hi guys,

Went jalan jalan today.. Hehe!! With both my princess!! Quite crazy.. Thankfully mil was with me..


Caffeine would be found in bm.. But the effects will be quite child dependent.. With Lisa, I could drink 1 cup of coffee, tea and coke and no problem.. Spicy food also ok.. The only thing I tried to avoid is cauliflower, cabbage.. A lot of wind.. Gave Lisa colic..

For mittens,

My girls don't wear mittens at all.. It alWays falls out.. The 2nd day after giving birth, I already cut eva's nails.. As soon as she was born, I thought her nails were super long and needed to be cut sO asked my mom to bring th scissors!! Haha!!


Your girl always wants tO be carried?? What I did last time, was put lisa in my bjorn, and do the housework as usual.. I would vacuum and mop the floor with her on my chest.. That way she gets to sleep and I get to do stuff.. Sometimes, baby get overly cranky if don't ger enough sleep.. And the lack of sleep might actually make it even more difficult for them to fall asleep..

Last time, Lisa was super difficult.. Got one time, she was crying all the time that I couldn't sleep the whole night, couldn't eat.. GOt so upset that I actually left her in her cot, let her cry.. And I went into another room to cry!!

Jia you!! It will get better.. =) there is light at the end of the dark tunnel.. Lisa now is super fun and interactive to be around!


Oh ok...Thanks! Will reduce my caffeine intake. Scared my boy will be very awake or hinder brain development.


Thanks! Will go down to buy tmr... Really can't stand e yellowish stain.

Pink/sookie: count me in if u all going to railway mall... I'm near too...

Sookie: very easy to cut de.. I'm using scissors.. =)

Mikio: come join us..

Hippopolai: I dun think ria can reserve table leh.. U forgotten that time they 'invite' us off arh??


come n join us la...


bobian 1 la usu if taken care by nanny they will tend to call them mummy but when they grow older they will still know who is their mummy..

Lynn - PD says that the main culprits for wind = cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and dairy. All babies are different though, so you need to monitor. If bb shows windy signs, then try to remember if you ate anything different etc. My boy is very sensitive and prone to wind - even certain medicines he is taking now are causing him wind. Poor fella.

Hippopolai and Piggy - Wow, so fun! Another outing. Hope to come along when Nick is feeling better, though JP is a bit far for me. Rail Mall definitely can!

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


Jurong point I can join...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry I think yes Vianne is super cranky and hard to fall asleep because she seems to know my friends visit her and she was wide awake now hard to sleep. I think she is over tired.

Don't know what time can I sleep tonight

Yeah I thought of getting a carrier or else my back can break

Tweety & piggy: u need to book the plc? Trying my best to go but lazy to bring stroller along but also can't keep carry bb.. Hands tired.. -.-

Today met bbgoh n both our bunnies took injection at the same clinic.. That doc forgot to take my bb's length.. Zzz...


it call softfit breastshield but softfit turn yellow easily so get the norm 1 better...


gotta see how many of us den can call for bookin mah.. but tt restaurant abit small dun tink can accomodate so many stroller... hmm if too many mummies joinin may gotta go another restaurant..

oh bb length i measure myself..


Ya... Think u can get normal 1... The softfit turn yellowish like 2-3 week use only... Xiong...


Too many then go where? Then I skip id i dine out at JP so dun eat repeat food... Lols~


Sob sob worse is not nanny jux tis woman who always come up my Hse everynight n she sees her less than 3 hrs on wkdays while wkend either whole day or not even a hr lo. She c me more than her. Hope she knows ba haix IM HER MUMMY

WOw since I start wk I no longer haf engorgement or leaking breast but jux now my breast leak till I wet my shirt soooo surprise now I don mind hard like rock breast wif engorgement lol

ya sookiewookie, luckily my bb and my timing were just nice today, so I quickly latched her on and it helped(otherwise I can't go out!) but e breast felt very sore til now & nipple cracked alittle liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope won't kana again, really dislike the feeling.

Pink, is the maternity milk still available?? If yes, can I have them??


Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

oh SY, i was at united sq tis aftrn! Aiyah, i've been looking n looking for the past 2 wks and cldn't find stock of the soft-fit funnel! Nvm, hv to go to novena sq again tis Wed, wl go over to mums&babes then! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I felt so bad because Vianne cried hard just now and I don't know she is actually hungry since it is not her feeding tome yet but my mil pop over to my room and suggest that maybe she is hungry.

No choice I made milk and end up she finished it. I felt like I am a lousy mummy

Vivi, it's common for us mommies not knowing that bb actually wants milk from time to time, esp. when the bb's still very young. I myself, 2nd time mom, had made the same blunder too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 'cos when they're so young, their feeding schedule's still not entirely fixed yet, and like wat they say - during their growth spurts(which no one can tell for sure/exact when it'd be) Or sometimes when the bb poos more, then gets hungry earlier...

Hi vivi-jia you: u can do it de! I can understand how u feel..my hb is having exams now-though he is at hme to do revision, I handle everything alone-hsework,take care of baby,washing bottles...etc(sometimes I do not even has the time to take a proper meal)...If bb co-operate,gd days ahead..however,my bb wanna be carried most of the time..wen asleep in my arms,put her dwn will wake up again and the cycle repeat!cannt understand y she behaves like tis as from the inital stage, I seldom carried her!Somtimes, I really let her cry it loud until she is tired and fall alseep! I thought of getting a carrier also cos bones is tearing apart! At least wat Gerry suggested, we can carry her while doing our stuff! What brand of carrier are you looking at?

Hi piggy: that time u mentioned u wanna buy carrier, have you decide on the brand?any brand to recommend?

Mummies,kindly check after we burp our bb,are we supposed to put them dwn directly or we need to let them sit upright for a while?

Vivi, do not blame yrself on the feeding! We first time mummy are still on the learning path...are u on totally fm now? U are giving her how many hrs interval of feed?maybe she is on grow spurt?

Yeah after the milk she poo and then she cried for a good whole 2 hours and is drinking milk now.

Vianne is on fm but today the timing quite regular but i think she gets cranky the timing goes haywire. Huh growth spurt but she just had that like last week lasted for 2 days and back to normal feeding time

Yoti I also don't know which carrier is good wor


Aft burpin my boy I let him sit uprite or place in rocker but at nite aft burpin I will put him down cos I wanna slp cannot tahan to waste my time haha

So super angry stupid maid again. Wth she doin I donno lo ask her don use washin machine wash my bb clothes she used n all the while ask her she say no she nv full of lies some more wash le nv bother to hang up jux threw it back in tub tmr dry Liao den fold back gif me so disgusting hb

scolded her she cry n the stupid bil came back in time n again sayang her lo. Reali suspect they got something gng on. I broke down tell hb his family gang up wif outsider to bully me. Haix already 2 mth le but seems like my mood swinging. Aaarrgghhhh sooner or ltr I shall kill her wif a knife

Vivi when my boy is cranky I like to hold him to my chest vertically instead of the cross cradle. In this position his head is close to mine and we are chest to chest. Easier to pat his back in this position too. I find that he calms down really fast this way. You can try this on ur gal and see if it works. Just a word of caution to watch out for bb head in this position.

Tweety- I read that ur milk supply is really good. Can I check which pump u are using? Cos my LC said medela PIS is a really good pump. Whereas freestyle may result in decreasing supply. Now I m contemplating getting the PIS since my boy may not succeed in latching.

mittens - my baby is at 6 wks and i'm starting to remove the mittens in the day time.. but those with long hair, pls tie up.. sometimes i forgot to tie my hair when i burp him over my shoulder, ended up my baby entangling his fingers with my hair! pain.. already lost a few strands.. gotta ask hubby to help to "release" the grip n entangling.. haha..

btw is it normal for their hands and feet to be cold? coz when i remove the mittens and socks, their hands and feets get cold easily.. maybe not much blood flowing there? but should we get worried and put the mittens back on?


Gals, may i know how much milk and how many feeds per day is your baby drinking at 1 month old?

my mil keep commenting to my hubby that my baby is drinking a lot, he's drinking 130 ml per feed, 8-9 feeds, he's now 5.7kg liao le, i think is quite normal, right? my mil keep calling us to give lesser, have to develop a drinking pattern cannot give too much etc... and my baby keep crying for milk, making me and my mum having sleepless nights, all thanks to my MIL, my MIL refuse to help us take care baby yet give so much comment to make ppl xin ku, haiz. really sickening, so i wanna know roughly how much is consider normal?

