(2011/04) Apr 2011

Yoti u're most welcomed we are all here to share info.. Think ur girl drinking 90 is ok.. Usually girls have smaller appetites mah .. Piggy's mrs chua's ones all boys n bigger sized.. Baby Gervaise is 5 over kgs now so can't compare.. Mine I'm concerned coz she was barely drinking enough according to guideline.. These few days she is starting to be able to take 80-90 ml I'm happy until I wanna fly to the moon liao ..

My C's bday is close to Vianne Vianne has been drinking 90 for long time liao lor... Mine all along 60... Even 60 was a war zone when it comes to feedings and sometimes she can't finish.. Really traumatizing for me. I think my baby's priority is to sleep not drink .. Lol

Vivi jia you! Get ur mil to help. Do laundry wash bottles also good. U still continue to pump? I'm so lazy.. Pump every 3.5-4hrs now... The days just disappears like that


i'm so frustrated... my boi last feed is 5pm and juz now 6+ he make noise and mouth move move, (sometime when my boi mouth move is that he juz want to suckle) MIL said that he needs milk, then i said not even 2 hours yet.. not so early.. then when i go and bath, they give him milk... I juz don't understand why they juz don't understand...


sorry for venting my frustration here


mine i think will be 27 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz by right if based on 28 days, she should leave on 21st May but my CL is leaving on 20th May coz her son is getting married on 21st May


My parents were unsure and it seems different people have different thinking!! If I still can't find a venue for Sunday, guess I'll just do it on the 27.

Your boy poo poo is very similar to mine, actually like what you experienced, some are stain which was let out together with the gas! I'll occasionally put thick diaper cream so that his butt will not be so red if we didn't change in time!! During his feed, I'll need to change the diaper at least twice normally!!


i juz checked with my grandma, she said based on the date you delivered..so if you delivered on 27, then actual day should be 27 may. She said not count the number of days one.. based on the date that you delivered.

hope it helps in your decision making.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya.. sometime, he will poo poo a lot after his feed.. ya.. now my CL also put thick thick diaper cream to prevent his butt from getting worse

Pink sometimes Vianne also naughty she will only drink 60ml and simply refused to drink some more. She will hide her lips and make it impossible for us to stuff the bottle in her mouth !

Erm I got my Hubby to hint her so it won't be so awkard . Actually me tired and lazy also no time to pump so I gave up Liao . Can I just don't pump like this. Not much of the engorgement feel

Vonn I read that as babies get slightly older will be better lesser colic

So happy my boy finally latched on after help from my hubby jiumu. But he is a really lazy boy cos he only suckle when we assist him by pushing the milk out. At least he can suckle the right way now. Gonna try again later. I am totally shag out today so going to take a nap before he wakes up for his next feed. Thanks Gerry and hippopolai for ur answers!


For warmed ebm, if baby cannot finish, I will keep it until the next feed.. No longer.. For freshly pumped ebm, ya can keep 3-4 hrs.. But in a cool place.. ESP now that it is so hot..


Wah 60 degrees quite hot.. Even when we start having fever at 39-40 degrees, some proteins in our body will start getting messed up..

Actually baby have this intense urge to suck.. So even when not hungry, might still want to suck something.. My girl has quite bad reflux so my pd told me to feed her smaller meals more frequently.. And if she fusses in between feeds, can use pacifier to satisfy her urge to suck.. Don't have to feed.. Of course must make sure that baby is actually drinking enough..

Old people like that.. For me ESP since i am full time latch, sometimes when baby cry, my mom will ask whether she hungry..

Hello mommies! Been so busy n tired just finish readin all e posts...

I'm done with my bb's full mth celeb.. Took jessie's catering. Not bad, the fried rice, curry chix n tempura prawn were good. Sweet n sour fish cannot make it... Haaa. And not enough drinks so had to buy extra packs of drinks.


Ehhhhhhh Terry got champion or something for Hwa xia's swimming comp before? I saw 'terry lai' on Hwa xia's brochure when I brot my boy for a swim today.


Add gripe water in water... For my boy I put a few drops in teaspoon n feed like that. Then give a bit of water.


Dun worry. Bbs know hw much they need.. If they don't wan to drink they'll refuse the bottle or spit out e milk... For me I always let bb feed on demand. If he wants to drink every hr, I'll let him do so. Sometimes they digest fast. Dun worry. :)

i m so angry and sad. tdy have to make a trip down to paragon to chg my iPhone so my #1 no take afternoon nap as she is those can't sleep on pram one. each time weekend go out must wait till she took her nap then can go so can't stay too long outsd. after done at m1 ard 3+ only se start get cranky, a bit not comfy she cry. so hb jiu no patient also get phek chek. not shop anywhere, back home after tat loh. rch home she refuse to slp as maybe her nap time passed Liao but hb still can lie on sofa sleep leave a Todd n Bb to me. I busy like mad no time to drink water. 7pm Liao he still just slp there no concern our dinner at all, end up I also dun wanna wake him up just cooked maggie mee eat with #1. maybe no drink n eat well my ss tdy very bad.

dunno why recently feel like always upset over the weekend


need some advice, my bb doesn't seem to be coughing and doing okay in the morning and afternoon today. (he was coughing, crying, refusing to feed, wants to be carried to sleep last night)

should i still bring him to the PD tmr? or wait and see how it goes?


usu my bb for day time not too bad cos i sort of set a routine for him so even exceed wun be more than 30min n his nex feed if he cry earlier for milk i will gave also so plus minus abt the same... cos for us who wan need to go back to work mus really train them to sleep thru else once u start work v siong leh..


cool down maybe let ur HB know? cos sumtime if we keep quiet they will tink we r copin well... for me all the while i get my HB to involve in takin care of both so he appreciate me more n understd how tired... dun expect them to have initiative tt man lol~


i will monitor another day to see how.. my bb jus recover from cough also n only nite time he will have prob.. or fed him some chinese medi first? usu i will try not to gave western medi unless bobian..

Bbgoh, dnt upset. Think when hubby r ard we expect them to do 'value added' svc to us. But I notice when my hubby ard, I get very irritated easily. Instd of helping out, he yue bang yue mang!

I think u r nt the only one facing hubby problem so kan kai yi dian bah.

I also agree, hubby at home over the weekend sometimes make us even more pissed off .. Asked him to help then mess up the schedule ... Still got the cheek to say I'm fussy lar etc etc lar. bang yue mang!!


i so understand how you feel. my hub sometimes also like that. you have to let him know else he'll bo chap and thought everything is normal. last time something like that happened i cried silently in the room then he saw then i poured out everything to him then he realised what a blockhead he had been. now he is so much better. still a blockhead but at least he makes an effort. am sure your hubby wont make you eat maggi mee if he knows you're hungry n busy. jiayou, cheer up & be strong! :D


Hug Hug~ yes, pls voice out to hubby... All hubby same same pattern... No reel mean no need help... Pek chek lor~~~ must tell them on their face!

Michelle S,

Yes~ Yes~ Yes! He was 1st Hwa Xia Super Star Baby~~~ Can see him on their webby too! They have the brochure in their shop???? Ok ok, I go take 1 coming Tuesday... Hee hee... Thanks!!!

gerry, i don't diet leh, I even bought maternal milk powder to drink + hv been drinking full cream milk(2 bots) every day! Eat 3 meals + lotsa in between snacks some more...

mayb not enuf slp bah, tt wl also affect rite? haiz...

Oh, after feeding e warmed ebm half way can still keep for another few hrs til the next feed? Wldn't bacteria accumulate(saliva)?

bbgoh, men r almost all the same! They always come bk, read newspaper, computer, watch tv, no auto help one, yet at times still say 'stupid' things to frustrate u! haiz.


the matter is he always put his afternoon nap as number one.

in fact he is always helpful in hsecore and look after 2gals but once weekend coming or ph when no working he is a those MUST take nap one. and 1hr nvr enuf at least 3-4hrs. and he knew well himself he can't stand not enuf sleep one but as long next day no need to work he ll spend his time on tv n fb till late night sometimes 1-2am. always remind him if next day he can't wake up late as we got somethg on have to go out so he can't take nap. but he nvr listen to me. I noe e need 'HIS' time but who care if I need ME time.

I always tell him when we both r cool down and let him noe how upset I was but when he is no in mood he nvr remember it. I just take n do everythg my own loh feed Kay milk, bath #1, pump then cook dinner for #1 n me. nw he so relax sit in frt on tv and enjoy his late dinner Liao loh after the naps I thk tonight he sure watch n play till 1am again bcos he slp dao shuang Liao but I have been awake and nvr rest since 7am

pearly, hippo, ya loh.. siong. Tt's y still considering. But i dun suppose need to stay so late everyday ba. I hope not.

hippo, i also not looking for v high $. But just wanna match my current and not so stressful work. But like cant find le. Maybe my current salary considered high le ba. Only my current coy like tt.. maybe tt's y dao bi le. :p I no need to do housework/cook on weekdays.. but i wanna bond with my 2 kids leh!! If take pay cut.. also dunno wat job to look for. Ppl may not want me also.. and scarly also need to stay late.. then LL. Very FAN!!!!!!

bbgoh, new coy so many unknowns. Wait i din stop bf.. go there then realise no room, no fridge or no time to pump.. my neh neh will burst at work then cham!

vonn, i intending to op for 6-in-1 too. Save 1 poke mah.

Gerry, thanks for advise. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety, sure sure but better sms me in case i lost thread here... :p

Mrs Chua/Elmo,

U ladies bought from luvbabies already right? Need anything else? I'll be ordering again soon le, prolly end of this week or next week..

Any other ladies live near Woodlands wanna tag onto my order?


Ya I would keep the milk until next feed.. No problem with contamination.. However cannot be longer than 4 hrs.. The milk has lots of anti microbial properties so it will prevent bacterial growth.

Hmmzz ya tired and lack of sleep can affect supply.. Stress too..


No probz =)

bbgoh, men are like tt de. Not happy just voice out to him. Ask him to take turns nap with u! Must tell them directly de.. hint here n there they also dun get it.

Pearly, i may wanna tag along wet wipes ok? But i wanna see these few days i can find the watson wet wipes anot 1st.. tt one cheaper but nowadays i cant find. Dunno tpy still got sell anot.

tweety when u going back tpy? I going gynae on Wed! Provided my spotting stop le lah. I'm like having menses for the past wk leh. Dunno normal anot. Now like no more.. pray tt it wont come back again!

Hi mummies,

Anyone knows if excess frozen EBM can be donated somewhere? I'm expressing much more than my baby drinks and even though I bought a separate deep freezer, it's running out of space. I don't want to reduce/stop expressing as supply may drop.


he was slightly better last night, but still coughing. chinese med is fine for them to take?

btw, anyone knows if its true that bb under 3 months are not given any medications at the pd's if they fall sick?

Hee hee tweety me ok with gathering but still I got no confidence to bring Vianne out because I scare she cranky

Last night I got emo because Vianne was cranky and Hubby these few days not around at night to help . My bed was like with diaper to be thrown milk bottles to be washed and baby crying I can't put her down. Then tears dropped because it seems like I feel helpless and stress .

Elmo: I just went back yesterday.. Hehee.. This wed I dunno can ma.. U update me if u going to gynae or not.. Morning or nite??

Vivi: hugz hugz... Jia you!! U can do it de.. Dun stress urself..

Pearly.. I dun think got anything to buy le for the time being.. thanks for asking... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry what is ESP? but we tried to give my boi pacifier but he spit that out, he don't want it.. then my CL said must let him get use to it, then he will wants, is it true?

you said 60 degree is hot. you know what.. after what you and Hippopolai told me about the warming degree, i asked my CL to do that for yesterday.. then in the middle of the night, my boi dunno what happen, keep don't want to sleep after his feed,(keep moving around and show sign of wanting some more milk, dunno how true is it) so heard from my CL that she feed him every hour in small quantities, then at around 5+ to 6am, he cried non stop after his last small feed. I went out to carry him to the room to let him suckle so that he can calm down and go to sleep... then when my HB came into the room, he somehow told me not to warm bb milk at 60 degree coz scared CL in a rush when bb cries, she juz give my boi milk that is not warm up coz it takes time to warm up the ebm (this is coz my MIL told him that my boi could be stomach not feeling well; that is where he came to know about the 60 degree warming thingy). Ai ya.. i also dunno why like that, it happen once i started the 40-60 degree warming up. maybe juz coincidence or what...

Just to check, for ebm that just expressed out and when my boi can't finish it, don't need to up the balance on warm water right, can juz leave it like that right? coz my HB keeps telling me that must put in warm water to keep the milk warm so that it won't spoilt. I keep telling him don't need, juz leave it like that but must feed him within the next 1 hour. He juz don't get it.. sigh

oh no, seems like I'm getting blocked ducts on the side that's been giving me prob earlier, arrrgggghhh. Alr tried to 'push' the 'rocks' towards nipple to release but shortly, it'd return and sooooo painful! :** (


BIG HUGS! It's norm to feel emo at times..me too, was so helpless on sat nite cos hub had to go out to entertain his clients..I was uber tired, n this Renee was oso cranky..had her feed stil eyes big big look at me..tok to her play w her aft awhile she'll b angry n seems to wail for milk again..n e cycle continues fm 6+pm till 1am then she finally knocked out. My tears oso flowed uncontrollably when hub told me he had to go out, I und tt he had no choice, but was stil so emo..n when bb R refuses to z..my tears oso machiam tap water like tt when I jus stared into her eyes n ask her y she's so cranky when daddy's not ard..

Jia you k! U'r not alone..

Hmm..jus wondering, has anyone taken off bb's mittens or booties yet? Read somewhere tt aft 6 weeks old shd remove mittens lo..my ger haf been eating her mittens recently..haa..


i alr remove my bb mitten at home.. only let him wear at nite cos scare he cold..


ya i gave med like hou zou san/ bao ying dan in small amt help to calm them also.. for them if u go PD got med but nothing strong n depend on the illness...


cheer up can understd esp u r first time mummies.. maybe bring her out can gave u a break? cos like the motion in stroller helps them to sleep easier...


ok den we make it 23 May so who else wanna join?

Lunch Date

Date: 23 May

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety


count me in first, and this time got to bring bb liao cos CL should be gone by then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


great i was calling u gals tt day for our Ria date lol~ can la bring ur handsome boy along we have not met him in person:p

Lunch Date

Date: 23 May

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho

piggy: i don't mind joining but JP a bit far.. unless Pink goes.. then maybe I can go with her :p

jtho: i bought the beco gemini but I have not used it yet. cant wait to use it.

vivi: there are good days and bad days. hang in there.. you are reaching 2 mths already.. 3 mths is coming soon.

rene: tweety mentioned that after 2 mths should remove cause i remembered in prenatal class we should remove it by then so that they can start feeling with their fingers. but i would remove earlier if i can, like after 5/6 weeks but my boy's nails.. super sharp and long.. we keep filing but it grows so fast. now he has 4 scratches on his face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy: yeah.. Meet up meet up.. Heehee..

Jtho: bring bb out.. We have not see him yet.. =)

Sookie: u never cut ur boy's finger nails arh?? Just file? Maybe try to cut??


ok, will try to force my butt out of the house on that day... hahaha


if u joining us at JP, bring your beco gemini and show me :p itchy backside again... hahaha... i can also bring the beco butterfly II that my friend lend to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

One of My LC told me that medela freestyle is not as good as pump in style. She says freestyle can cause block duct cos the pump strength not as strong.

Sookie u make me stress leh.. If I go we can share cab? Hehe. Hope we can have a chance to meet up at rail mall next time hehe even nearer for us! I've not had a coffee in ages .. Wanna have a cuppa at coffee bean lor but I'm sensitive to caffeine then now BFing so cannot. Heard the food at cedele is nice too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi jia you jia you u're so brave n strong to be able to handle Vianne alone. U must be proud of urself. I can understand how u feel. When parsley cries during her feeds I get so upset I cried too. So i was desperate to find a solution.

Btw, I went back to swaddling her. It helps with her sleep. Coz Vianne also wakes up when u put her down right? Used to be like that for me but now I'll carry P until she's almost asleep then put her down. Cannot keep carrying leh... How to survive in the long run

Hope u can join us for outing. Who knows maybe V will be very well behaved outside? It will cheer u up and P can meet V! Really helps if u take a breather sometimes

Pearly pearly if u haven't started work can join us too?

Piggy what time are u all meeting?

Jtho u stay so near jp still must force yr butt out?

I stay in ulu ulu jungle place... Must get a carrier to bring me there liao.. Heh

Eh, anyone wants maternity milk? I can bring to give away.. Mrs Chua u still taking fenugreek? U want my bottle? I pass to u? Are u joining us?


Finally get to lie down...

Jovie very cooperate... Once enter 6weeks, she starts her grow spurt sharp sharp no delay... Has been cranky since last night... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feed & merlion... Arghhhh...

Now feed 2-2.5hr interval... Think I will go insane this week... Haa haa... Some more this week got Terry CC's teacher meet parent session, Jovie's vaccination... Why everything in this week huh????? Luckily we meet next week else I really bang wall... Kekekeke...


Jia You!

