(2011/04) Apr 2011

Helpless mum-could it be because ur bb is not getting enough milk? My boy takes 90ml now at 2 weeks old. If he doesn't get enough milk he doesnt sleep well. if he does he can sleep through until the next feed.


Hi mummy Ho,

I am feeding her 90 - 100 ml now that she is 3 wks old. It seems like she doesn't know she's full and will just finish how ever much we give her. And she'll vomit out the excess at the end...

She gets 'sleepy' after each feed during the day. But at night, it'll be hard to put her to sleep after each feed. We can't do anything except to carry her and sometimes she still cry even when we carry. We are really lost :/


Yup mine's the one where u can set to 1 2 or 3.. I always select less than 1... I put on 3 only if I need milk urgently. The other one I dunno hw to use wor...


I do exclusive pumping... True, u will pump out a lot of excess after some time... I always pump out 140ml on each side.. So I hv 2 bottles of 140ml each on every 3-hr pump interval but my boy only drinks one bottle every 2.5 hrs. So I'll have extra. My boy can't latch well too. ):


i did exclusive pumpin also n supply will increase no worries...


for FM usu i gave abt 3hr interval +/- n as i increase the amtt i increase the interval also.. now my bb drinkin 150ml so i feed 3.5-4hrly...

helpless mum,

is ur bb havin colic? did u try pacifier? hmm for me i dun encourage mummies to carry the moment bb cries la.. usu i will let him whine n cry abit be4 i carry him... n to make him sleep longer i do let him sleep on his tummy with supervision also..

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

7) mikio?

8) Pink?

Hugs helpless mum my gal is the same as you. I knowhowit feels . Have you tried Yao lan ? What piggy says is true if baby sleep on tummy will be better.

Mrs chua colic is baby crying non stop and it happens when there is wind. Erm I can only say as babies grow older lesser colic.


my boi will suckle the pacifier for a while and once he sleeps, he will spit out. if not, then we will try to take it out.. thus hope it won't cause too much impact for weaning off later.

as for windy food, how do you know whether bb don't let you take what food. any signs to tell?

Mrs chua,

why don't you tell your MIL that you had bought black already? and don't want to waste $$ to buy again


does sleep on tummy can let bb sleep longer? as for bb crying.. i also dun want to carry bb once he cries but ppl will carry him once he cries..sigh!


yes sleepin on tummy they feel more secure so will sleep longer it work for both my bb but need to watch out la esp if bb neck not strong scare they will suffocate when they move..

ya tt the prob if u stayin with others cos i on my own so easier to train..

dun worry abt pacifier ... my #1 i gave him pacifier when he make alot of noise when we were out n when i wan him to sleep other time he wun even wan to look for pacifer n it not diff to wean him off... jus remove the pacifier when ur bb is asleep..


Do you let your children sleep with pacifier?? Or do you take it out as soon as they sleep?? Cos my girl will drink till full but still want to suck so i give her pacifier and she will sleep.


Even if it is hard to wean off, at least can cold turkey and will eventually not need a pacifier.. thumb cannot chop... so I also don't know how to make my girl stop..

For windy food, if I eat cabbage, for dinner, around the middle of the night, she will become super fussy and will cry in pain.. She might even curl up her body.. You can even see her tummy super big..

Piggytoh, we used pacifier on her but doesn't always soothe her. I dunno if she's having colic but she doesn't cry continuously for hrs at specific time. I think she is already used to carrying... :/

Vivi, we tried putting her in sarong but she's like scared of it and didn't like it.. we tried letting her sleep sideways as elderly say she won't feel scared that way but she doesn't stay in that position for long.


i let them sleep with pacifier after they fall into deep sleep they will spit out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe u can try rid wind or gripe water to see if it improve... as for carryin u can always start to train her now.. let her cry be4 u carry her? or tried puttin her on her tummy?


Thanks!! This girl seems to like the pacifier.. thankfully.. if not very jialat.. cos if she drinks too much, she will also feel uncomfortable.. She just spit out the pacifier and sleeping quite soundly.

hello all!

any way to prevent baby from vomiting out alot of milk after feeding? or have i been overfeeding him?

I think i have alot of blocked ducts on one side, can't even pump out 10ml, bb feed on this side not full, not happy and fussy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any recommendations how to remove the blockage totally?


Is she too young for gripe water since she is less than a month old? We only carry her when she starts crying, sometimes we will let her cry for sometime before carrying her.. sleep on tummy means 趴着睡 is it?


could ur bb be havin reflux? did u try to reduce the amt of milk?


yes 趴着睡.. gripe water is ok jus follow the amt on the bott...


Blockage must massage or best get ur bb suckle... Cannot totally remove... Must take good care if the blockage removed or else it will come back... Use hot compress before pump n during pump massage with ur hand...


Did u try swaddle her when sleep? One of the way make them feel secured also...


That time u mentioned the Dr at Healthway is Dr what huh? I saw from webby is Dr. Tan & Dr. Loh... Which 1 huh? Btw, found another healthway at blk 690 leh...


We always swaddle her when she sleeps, or else she won't be able to sleep tight at all...

Another problem we face is that we can't get her to burp after feeding. Very hard to burp her and we just let her be most of the time.


Maybe u can put a pillow behind her back when let her slp sideway?? Normali I do this so my boy will tahan tat position.

At night I swaddle my boy n he can slp very well.


Don let bb finish a whole btl of milk at 1 go try burpin him on between


My boy on FM. Every 2.5th to 3 hr I will feed him. He is 2 mth but drinkin 120ml nia


I'm not sure. but he seems to be abit sick. cough and running nose. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He's 5 weeks and drinking 100ml if bottle feed, if latch, i have no idea how much he drink siah.


managed to remove some with the help of my hubby abt 2hours ago. now its like back again!


do i have to do the same if latch on?

I have a major problem

Vianne starts to cry from about 10pm onwards until late night. This has been happening since saturday onwards.

I dread night time now and just had a quarrel with my Hubby .

vivi.... vianne is colicky.. bo pian... she will cry to express the discomfort.. must be very tough on you.. jia you she will be well very soon!

try to communicate with hubby nicely... it is a tough time for us and we need the support.. i also cried today coz i feel so exhausted. I can't even take a proper nap without him or the maid walking in to ask me something or ask me to breast feed her.

Try to massage Vianne and do the bicycle rides in the air... helps to get rid of wind. BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU!

Pink I am so mad . Just now when Vianne was crying my mil kept on asking us to give her water. She drank quite a lot Liao and yes once she drank water she stopped crying but once you removed it she starts again.

Then just now my Hubby got pissed because he lost patience with Vianne and my mil came into my room and she carry the baby and refused to let me carry. Hubby made milk and I want to feed but my mil do not want to give me the baby back. I am very pissed f....... Pissed to be exact now they don't want to give me back Vianne

vivi: actually they are too young to take water..at most a little bit but try not to give her too much? think pacifier will work better...

And in any case she will cry coz she's colicky.. not because she's hungry... if they keep feeding her she may vomit coz her stomach cannot take so much milk... haiz

Try to cool down first.. it's very frustrating... u try to rest awhile first. u must be very tired

Helpless mum,

Could be colicky? Ur baby is bott feed? Bott feed baby more prone to colicky coz they suckle from bott easy to have wind in tummy wor...


Every night? Same timing? How long has the episode happen? If for me I will try to shower baby Vianne with shi liu leaves...

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

7) mikio?

8) Pink?

9) Sookie (tbc)

hi mummies,

I have a question about storing breastmilk.

currently i latch most of the time but when my breast feels engorged after a feeding, i pump it out. i put the EBM in the fridge. after 2 days if it is not consumed, i bag it and put it in the freezer.

just now i was reading and i realised that we should put EBM to freeze immediately or 4 hours after pumping.

Which way has the rest of the mummies being freezing their milk?

I;m a bit confused cause if i freeze my EBM immediately, that means for days i need to run errands he would have to drink the frozen milk. won't drinking frozen milk be less beneficial vs the EBM in the fridge? but if the EBM in the fridge is not consumed within 2 days, does it mean we have to throw?

sigh.. i second time mom but still so blur about breastfeeding.. first warm up milk in hot water than now, maybe storing my EBM wrongly! aiyoh.


Yes she is bottle fed. So we have to bring her see pd to get medicine for colic?


We did try putting a pillow behind her back to maintain the sideways position, but she didn't sleep for long either.


This is the 5th week after my delivery. My lochia kind of became yellowish and it was only a bit. I thought it was finishing... But yesterday all the blood suddenly came back and it's heavy flow, similar to 3rd day of menses. Does anyone have the same issue? Is it normal?

Dear Mummies,

for those who pump, may I know how much you pump out every 3 hourly when your baby was 3 - 4 weeks old? My gal will be a month old this Sat and while she's taking 90ml to 100ml every 2 to 2.5 hours now, I can only pump out around 120ml to 130ml every 3 hours... Should I be taking Fenugreek then?



Yes... I hate that kind of feeling when they hug my baby & dun wanna give me back... My MIL did that to me when my #1, really feel like give her a tight slap & told her that is my baby!

Hug hug to you! Maybe u want to have a half day off w/o Vianne & hubby when hubby us off, just u alone... Out for a short walk or sit down to have a cup of coffee.... Relax urself, boost ur energy back! Of course after ur relax time, it's hubby! So that both u can gain some 'sane' time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Helpless mom,

Colicky baby give rid wind or gripe water will do... See PD prescribe rid wind to u... Try to burp ur baby if she is colicky... To get rid the wind from stomach is impt for colicky baby... Apply Ruyi oil... Massage clockwise...


It's normal... Think tmr will back to stain again... On n off de...


Supply cannot compare, just like how much bb drink also cannot compare... U can try dink soya, hot Milo, or Mother milk tea other than fenugreek... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not that I want to compare lar....:p

was just wondering if there's a guideline on how much I should be producing on average now.

Okie, noted about the things I can take. Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Based on mummy_ho's link. It says :

milk can be "downgraded," but never "upgraded." In simpler terms, if milk is in the freezer, it can be downgraded and placed in the refrigerator, and if it's in the refrigerator, it can come out to the counter. But milk cannot be upgraded from the refrigerator to the freezer, or from the counter (after it has been out for a while) to the refrigerator.

Pink I know but no choice la. These few nights I have Bern crying myself to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hippo last night I told my mil off and have stopped talking to her.

I dont have shi liu leaves neither my neighbor has. Where to buy or get it? Yeah these few nights has been cranky at the same timing at night.


the dr i mentioned is Dr Tan there is a few healthway ard our area opp JP also got 1 dunno the blk # i go to Healthway Tuas cos Dr Tan is gd gave me lotsa advice n tips.. if u dun mind the dr jus wan vaccine can jus go to the 1 more convenience for u? their 6 in 1 is $270 be4 GST even cheaper than Poly..


no guideline 1..


for me if i have enough for whole day feed i will freeze EBM straight..

Lunch jurong point

Date: 23 May

Time: 12 or 12.30pm

Location: Jurong Pt

1) Piggytoh

2) HIppopolai

3) Tweety

4) Jtho


6) Andrea

7) mikio?

8) Pink (tbc)

9) Sookie (tbc)


oh ok.. will start to let him sleep on his tummy now but on supervision.


what i did is i'll put into freezer straight after i express out (if i think for the rest of the day i got excess for my boi to drink)

And if put into refrigerator, it can only store for up to 48 hours, after that cannot be used.. thus if you said that you put any unused emb from fridge after 2 days (which is after 48 hours) to freezer, don't think is correct.

coz firstly it had already exceeded the required storage time (which is after 48 hours)

secondly, as what sapphire mentioned, you can only "downgrade" and not "upgrade"

hope above helps


sorry, i remember wrongly...

i have been putting all those excess ebm straight into freezer once i express and i know i have enough for my boi for the whole day.. but only one time, i put inside fridge after i pump out in the afternoon and wait for my HB to put them into bag after his work and put into freezer. it all happen within a few hours (not like what you said after 2 days). Thanks for asking and it make me realize it and i'll take note in future... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hugs... seems like u r gettin stress.. if u tink ur MIL is makin things worse y not ask ur HB ask her to go back? or relax a bit take the opportunity to have a break? dun strain ur relationship over this i tink ur Hb is equally stress with a cryin bb...



I also confused leh like that... If my output is too little sometimes I will wait till next pump combine then I send freeze leh... How huh? Anyway, Jovie has been drinking the fbm for quite awhile, so far no issue, think lost some nutrient bah....


mrs chua: have you bought that mat cooler yet? does it work for your boy? i'm still deciding whether to buy.

Think my boy has reflux.. keeps fussing and spitting out milk.. and coughing and hiccuping after feed. hopefully the PD can shed some light tomorrow.

