(2011/04) Apr 2011

elmo: u got such a good CL.. don't emo~ jiayou~

next wk my turn liao.. -.-

shice: my CL was not bad for the 1st wk plus wor.. slowly after that when my MIL and my mum buy things for her.. buy nice stuffs for her then she changed for the worse.. -.-" shouldn't treat her too gd in the 1st place.. now in the day time i also look after my bb.. then she'll go rest, unless i'm unable to coax my bb if he wails loudly... then she'll take over.. she was saying that bb wails very loud.. so i pretend telling my bb saying that "mummy needs to talk as loud as aunty then can win u loh.." then she keep quiet.. -.- i almost every night will emo nowadays.. feel like crying nia.. sigh.... =(


Mikio: hugz hugs.. Dun get emo.. She's leavin soon... Hugz hugz.. U should have change her when she starts to change pattern Le..

Rach; cannot keep the formula arh?? I have a tin but haven't open yet.. Bought it during discharge to standby just in case no milk..


Small tin: Store unopened tin under normal room temperature conditions. Once tin is opened, contents should be used within FOUR weeks. Cover opened tin and store in cool, dry place (not in refrigerator)

Big tin: Store unopened tin under normal room temperature conditions. Once tin is opened, contents should be used within THREE weeks. Cover opened tin and store in cool, dry place (not in refrigerator)

*Above info is as per indicated behind the tin.

tweety: we didn't know she'll become like that in the end ma.. but now can only count down loh.. next mon will be her last day liao.. as what hipopolai says.. i'm Apr Mom version de 阿信.. just REN loh.. then not happy just cry loh.. in fact after crying easier to slp and felt much better though.. =x

Mikio hugs don't cry so much no good

Pink same sentiments me only a 40ml moo moo so can stop bf anytime so sad

Gerry for Vianne she can sleep on her tummy because this is the only position she wants to be in. Her neck is strong and can change from left to right side.


Tks for sharing. My stupid similac tin never state le. So my opened whole tin gotta throw away liao?!? So wasteful le..put in fridge cannot ah..any experienced mummies any solution?


no reali slp thru sometime will wake up. Either 2am or 4am sometime but hate 4am de cos I will look at the time den tell myself onli left wif 2hrs slp.

I think my boy know I workin le hehe like yday mornin he woke up I say mummy go work le he cried


I took hong kong fried noodle n kong ba bao they say very nice n is wipe clean ESP kong ba bao even the sauce they use bread to dip little complain is the bao very hard. Pineapple rice I left alot next day can eat till dinner lo haha. There is a salad prawn I don like cold cold de but still gone. I oso order curry veg, Thai style ckn, sweet sour fish n prawn tofu. For dessert don get longan tofu I choose yam paste but sil insist tat I rather open a few cans of canned fruit.


I tried YLS very nice lei Hehehe n I eat like nobody business tat day haha.

Today last pump is at 630am till now omg my nei nei exploding anytime so hot n painful. Even I hand express out the milk warm warm de


Haa! E dumb one is me not e tin..Haa..ya read e instructions le..then how ah..e whole tin stil sooo full..throw away buy new tin ah..

Hi mommies!

So envious you are all doing full month party ler! I just started my confinement!!! Third child so I guess it's easier on me. Not to keng cheong!!

I forgot how tough breastfeeding is. The engorgement is soooo painful! My LC solved it luckily!!

Any mommies still waiting to pop?

First mth catering.. I ordered Neo garden & manna pot. Neo garden food portion small, manna pot food portion big. Overall, both food are nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Full mth cakes.. Sweetest moments is nice & comes with lovely Package & baby's first name card [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must try their muach Chee..

Bengawan solo so so..


Sell to other mummy?


I say say nia u really turn urself into 阿信... Fainted...


Hi hi!!!! So long nEver come in chat... Still have arh.. Totoro said her big day tomorrow...

rach: -.-" i also not sure if need to throw away the whole tin wor.. maybe call similac's customer care to check with them?

Gin: jiayou... maybe u can start planning for bb shower now also? =)

Hi gals does ur bb neck have like heat rash red red de how?

My CL say she got clean and dry the area leh but still like that

st: my bb's neck don't have.. but that time his eye lids have red red de.. then i bring him to aircon rm.. after while then ok le.. maybe weather too warm le?


Depends on bb de... Can b as early as 3 mths.... U dun tell me urs can flip liao hor...

Michelle's boy really can flip now... She put in her fb....

st: ya.. weather very bad.. we must take care too..

hipopolai: mine cannot flip yet.. but i see Michelle's boy can flip that's y i'm asking u wor.. hmm.. but her boy how many days/months? so fast can flip already?

my CL says as long as is air-conditioned area can go out ma.. so u can go shopping too.. =D


Her bot not even full month... Think now only 10 days or so... Scary... Too fast very dangerous... Must be careful de...

Ya, I'm going out tmr... Now raining cannot... My CL also said go shopping inside air-con can... I bring her out tmr... Wahahaha....

Any 1 used both pupsik n Ergo carrier be4? whihc is better?


my #1 bb flip at 2 wk old.. at this time not really flip la jus tt they gek their muscle to flip after a while when they gain more weight they cant flip liao the real flip is ard 3-5mth...


i may dropby ur house this wkend to pass u the mother milk tea u be at home??


i got a bott of Nordic Strawberry flavour fish oil 180 capsule unopen exp. Jan2013 any1 interested pls let me know i lettin go at $48[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hipopolai: huh.. so fast know how to flip liao? -.- like that must monitor them closely le loh..

tml u bring Jovie and CL out for shopping at JP? o_O

piggy: ohh.. they stretching their muscle huh.. my boi gain quite alot of weight liao.. haha.. just now i send his pic let hipopolai see.. LOL


Maybe IMM... Y? I prefer Fox at IMM, more cloth leh..


Think shld be in, unless I buttock itchy run out... Wahahaha... Sat shld be whole day home de... How much to pay you?


I just jio my Cl, she said she dun want go leh... Sian.... She said she prefer to stay home look after bb... Wahahaha... She really loves bb alot...


it ok la the milk tea v cheap nia i keep also waste might as well gave u.. ok i let u know again via sms[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah finali got e time 2 cme in.. Hi mummies mi oso pop liao...hav a hard time taking care of my darling, keep 1 ppl cari, will cry once put her down, headache man..

Piggy: help mi 2 updae in e chart, pop on 16apr, bb weigh 2.9kg, natural w/epi, name: Evangeline, tks tks...

Check with mummies, confinement usuali we do 28 or 30dae?? Weather damm hot man, bth, gg crazy with e sticky body...

1 more issue abt jandice, i hate gg polyclinic keep ask mi go bk n bk 2 draw bb blood, as if my bb is rabbit meh.. Her latest jandice is 186. I nv go bk liao coz i hate e waiting n drawing my bb blood, till her sole got blue bk leh..

Dear all,

Have been adjusting my new roles as a new mum and moo moo career till didnt hv the time to come in. My sleepless nite has began when my boi is born. So tired and shag. Whenever want him to slp, he keeps waking up to suckle. I tnk he treat my nipple as pacifier liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm nt referring to at hospital. I still got long way to go coz doing confinement at MIL's pl. So miss my hm.


Thank u so much for ur advise and help. I didnt hv the time to come in here to ask all experienced mummies and i happen to hv ur no so thought of asking u, faster. =D hope u dun mind. But really appreciate ur advise and help. I may trouble u some more in future. Lol


So kind of u! Thanks!


No prob... Ask if u got prob! I share with u whatever I know!!! I need to change job Liao... No more master Hippo... Now change to consultant Hippo!!! Hahahahaha.....

Calling for Gerry!!!!!!

If got swollen point but no hot feeling just a bit redness, very painful... What is that huh??? Could it b block duct huh? Only happen on 1 side of breast... any mummy know?

Mikio: dun cry too much ooo.. Since she's going off next Monday.. Sunday give her more colours.. Hahaha..

Fungfung: Jia you Jia you !!

Littletwinstar: congrats!!!! =)


could be mastitis/block ducts... tt wat the LC told me n i read tt mastitis will have redness n fever wor... maybe u monitor??

Little Twin Star,


Hi mummies, just wanna rant out here pls lend me a place.

Me n hb reali cmi le has decided to put a full stop in these relationship. We decided to go ahead wif divorce. Me so heart pain now. I jux wanna cry n cry n cry. So xin ku.


Ya could be mastitis.. Hmmzz the link that piggy sent will probably be useful.. Is it painful?


Oh dear.. Please come down.. This kind of decision cannot be made rashly..

Hi shice,

I also noticed that my CL eats the same portion of food like me but she never take my confinement food(even if she does, I also won't know as she might cook a portion w/o Ginger or wine for herself). I still remember my very first meal cook by her...she gave me alot of fat meat. While I saw the food she prepared for herself, It was like all lean meat & no fat meat at all...& the portion she took was also the same as mine or I should say slightly more than mine??

I give her my benefit of doubts that she also needs to eat more so that she can have more energy to take care of my Bb. Btw shice, do you allow your CL to watch tv while she has finished her work and while Bb is sleeping??

Hi Gerry,

Just to double confirm with you again Gerry. I will express two times (for instance, 9am & 3pm)in the day after I go back to office. So I can start expressing out the milk after i latch on at these two timing in 2th-3th months onwards, am I right? The milk supple will go up? Can i give my #1 some breast milk if there is excess? Please advice...thks.

sandy: don't be upset ok? calm down first... maybe you need to talk to your hubby properly... can talk to us anytime if you need ok? there are other ways to resolve the problems. don't talk about divorce ok?

Hello mommies! Finally got to rest...


Ya my boy only 12 days old. He 'gek' his muscles n flipped over... Not sturdy that kind... And his neck cannot support his head so his face is like flat down... Either that or he'll stubble to breathe... V dangerous so now I put pillows to stop him from doing that... I read from the net tt bb can only start flipping ard 2 months+ so no worries if bb can't flip. All bbs will flip, sit, stand and walk at some stages of their lives :)


My boy also have rashes all around his neck. Was so bad I brought him to PD. PD says it's sensitive skin but I doubt so... Anyway just keep the neck area dry and apply a bit of powder to the neck area. I cleaned his neck with warm water with cetaphil added in it also n within 2 days e rashes are gone. :)


*hugs* really no way to salvage? Cuz 孩子是无辜的。

I started my massage yesterday. Used noni from origins and she's not bad. The herbs stank and kinda 'burnt' my tummy so I didn't use the cloth binder. After I bath I put on girdle instead. But e massage is damn shiok. She used hot stone to clear my blocked ducts also. Pain but after that v 爽。:)


I tried using pupsik sling but... my boy looks uncomfy like tt. Material everythin is good but my boy doesn't like. Oh and a bit hard to wear and slot baby into e pouch.


ya my bb tt time ard 2wk also flip a few time but after they become heavier will stop :p

oh not comfy ah my friend highly recommend to me so wonder shd buy pupsik or ergo hmm...


Tried to PM you but it is not enabled..

You can do that in the 2nd and 3rd month.. But don't be surprise that the volume you pump might be small initially.. But yes the supply will go up.. And you can start storing milk before going back to work..

When I went back to work, I would latch my girl before leaving for work (that's around 8am) and I will express once at around 11am and another time around 3pm. At least there's a 4 hour interval for enough milk to be produced and yet no serious engorgement.. I scared if you wait 6 hours, you might feel uncomfortable.

How old is your #1? There was actually a recent study that showed the breastmilk doesn't have enough iron and protein to sustain older children. and if your child is between 1-3yrs old, then they would still heavily depend on milk on top of their solids.. Cow's milk has more proteins than human.. so either fresh milk or Fm would be better.. but if you think he's solid food intake is good enough to provide his daily nutrition then go ahead and give BM..

I personally feel that beyond 1, BM does not benefit a child anymore.. But that's my personal take..

Even for premature babies, apparently it is better to drink fortified BM.. again for the reason that the amount of protein is not enough for the premature babies body to develop..


Piggy & Gerry,

Not me not me... I help Fungfung ask de... We chat in whatsapp & she ask me, I hv no experience so I ask here...


HUGS!!!!!!! No way other than dirvoce??? 百年修得共枕棉。cannot salvage? Think abt ur kids, they are still so young... Not healthy for them to grow up only single parent... Anything can share with us here... Don't give up so easily....

