(2011/04) Apr 2011



dun be emo... every bb is different and u will slowly be able to handle de... just relax cos bb can feel u.


tweety, thks. Today go 2 agencies only lah. Tt's y will drag so many hrs. Bring pump i dunno got time to pump in btw anot leh. N where can I put the milk? At nite i can tahan 7-8hrs.. but havent try in the day time yet. Hope i wont burst later!!

pink, i'm a lousy mum lah. #2 liao still like a newbie.. hahahaha! Too many yrs ago... forgot le! :p Ya Joel don't look like Jerrell anymore. Got nice pics thks to my sis who just bought a new camera! keke!

vivi, for my #1 baby shower.. we also bz till forgot to take pics! So this time round.. i remember to take pics with everyone!

piggy, thks! Hang in there! It will pass de! I'll join u in the sleepless club tmr nite! Dreading..........................................................

Vivi: jia you u are doing a wonderful job! I can understand how u feel.. I don't have a lot of milk too.. Pump 80ml-90ml every 2-3hrs n quite stagnant there liao.. Only over night I can get 150ml like that .. Think my C is small drinker so it's still managable for me. Soon I won't have enough too. I also feel very sick n tired to keep to the pumping schedule. Whole day goes past like that. I want to spend my time more productively n not be a cow to the baby leh. Some more

pump quite little, so sian.

Piggy: sounds like u need a gd long sleep.. Is Kleavan colicky thus the crying? Thanks for the well wishes on behalf of baby C! Think at the end of the day I made myself super tired n it's not like she will remember anything...zzzz....

Elmo: gd luck for ur interviews!

Vivi: the only upside to it is that I enjoy letting baby C latch on ;) that keeps my pumping going too so that I can still have some milk for her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u can let Vianne latch on once in awhile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i cant help it leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now with this bb i cant rest n i miss bondin with #1 sumtime wish i din have #2 leh v chiam dunno y so emo this time round...


this time round i so tired tt i dun bother to take pic lo..


i try not to involve my HB cos he need to work.. n the prob is not the time feedin is he keep wakin up not for milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i dun tink day time when he awake he will whine but i dare not keep lettin him sleep wait nite time dun sleep dunno izzit this few day evenin time he keep sleepin so nite time like tt.. den nite time he keep stretchin n makin noise argh~~~

Elmo.. For me, I use left hand hold bottle den right hand squeeze my boobs lo.. That is for my left boob as for right boob, I place the bottle on the table den I use 2 hands to squeeze by bending towards the bottle lo..

Elmo.. Gd luck for ur interview [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink.. Dun pump later engorge leh.. Furthermore I wan to continue bf Ma so now under medication, milk pump out got to throw.. Though is wasted but must get well quickly den can bf my boy again..

Piggy: miss C also making a lot of stretching noises .. My CL says it's gd old folks believe that's a sign that they are growing up. But if C doesnt cry so we just leave her be. Kleavan will cry??

Winwin.. Hopefully my supply dun decrease.. This morn tried using hand express, realiz my milk not less de bit maybe always use pump, no pump out everythung so though v little.. Maybe rest really play an impt factor.. Ytd I rest while afternoon den supply comes in gd..

Tweety.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua: u still get engorgement I dont feel any! Haha

Yes I hear from a few mothers that those who rest n sleep alot really get a lot of milk..

But I'm not the kind who can do that leh.... So nua... N esp for mothers without help like u, how to rest n sleep so much?

Its my own fault lar always find new projects to do like my scrapbook or plan for manyue party or surf forum hahahaha! Choose to work myself to death .....

Sleeping is not my priority....


i do know how u feel... sometimes i also talked to my elder son saying "why mama itchy backside to have another baby? u alone is good enough liao"...

but then again, we made this decision to have a second child, gave birth liao, so it's our duty to take care of them lor...

it may be tough now, and i might face the same after CL leaves, but like what pink said, when u see Kleavan smiling at u next time, all of these are worthwhile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink, thks. My bb also make alot of stretching noises. CL say v noisy at nite!

Piggy, try to catch power naps when bb zz in e day time too! My CL still here mah.. Tt's y got energy to take photos. Hehe.

Mrs chua, thks! Get well soon! Hand express got technique anot? Or just anyhow squeeze? I squeeze like v diff to come out le.

Elmo ha ha maybe next one then I remember with the camera... but let me settle this one first before thinking about the second one.

You know what if you gals order cakes from Bengawan Solo remember to check whether they provide the ribbon tags for you to write your name... because I collected 3 cakes from the outlet at Toa Payoh and 17 cakes from Centrepoint. 3 cakes from Toa Payoh were with the tags and the 17 cakes were without the tags. Made me angry wrote them a complaint letter. See what they reply.

ningyo: I think my CL wan "fang bian".. with all rocker and yao lan she don't need to coax my bb ma.. but i tell her after my bb falls aslp i wan him to be in the cot..

As for the shower part.. i say i wan to learn how to bath for him de.. my 1st try ma.. i scared i cannot handle so i was telling her that i wan to take care of my bb from fri onwards..

pink: haha.. if u kena my CL maybe u will hoot her right? Congrates on Ms C's full month too..

vivi: u're funny.. u pui my CL.. -.-" i scared i cannot handle my boi after CL leaves.. *panics*


*HUGS* hang in there.... Soon it will over... Maybe the technic u use & CL use is diff so Kleavan is adapting? Could be? Very fast it will over... Jia You!!!!


Haa haa.. I also said that to my son once! That is the first & last cause after said that I felt so guilty, itchy backside is me, regret also me... Bth myself...


Good luck for ur interview!


How come u order from diff branch?


Oh icic!! Do rest more and take care.. Don't worry.. If you continue pumping, your supply will be maintained.. =)

Piggy, jtho,

What you are feeling now is also partially due to the hormones... When this #2 becomes a toddler, you will also be enjoying them.. Now is the tough part.. Later you will be rewarded one.. 2 is a good number.. =) I am also feeling emo and I keep telling my hb that this will be the last child.. Cannot take it Liao.. At night, it's either baby wake up or my #1 cos she's been coughing a lot or I cannot sleep cos my skin is so uncomfortable.. Sigh..


Maybe you should consider some part time helper to do the housework.. Then that will give you some spare time to either spend some time with #1 or rest..

Elmo I jus anyhow squeeze den got milk come out will do hehe.. Btw, the mothermaid tea is here.. I willtry when I'm feeling beta. Let u know how it taste ok?

Gerry.. Check with u, if I jus hand express indteAd of

Pumping out oso ok right?


ya both my boi stretch alot sumtime he cry sumtime he dun...yes i agree when they

bigger we will feel worthwhile dunno y this time round feel so depress i was tellin my HB dunno how i manage to do it the other time lol~


yes i know i will enjoy it when he become older n it the hormones n sleepless nite my #1 also sick cough n flu throw out last nite which make things worse[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] house work wise i did engage 1 last time but i bth the way she do la so long! n i cant go out if she din finish n my HB is helpin me with it so ok cos now the prob is the nite time-_-


hmm i dunno leh but i notice he sleep more in the day after the CL left dunno if tt the main reason... today first day alone with him so hope can figure out his pattern...


u also feel tt way huh? lol~ ya lo since alr given birth jus gotta do our part as parents...

ladies really appreaciates all the input i feel much better liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink.. Now back @ my mil's place. I take care of my boy most of the time myself. Den washing of milk bottles etc, I leave it to my maid. Occasionally mil will help to take care of my boy etc.. So maybe more time to rest. As for when I'm @ mummy's place, I do almost everything myself even though ky mummy will occassionally help with baby. I do more maybe becos I wan to set the rules to take care of my boy as I dun really like the way she takes care..


Ya lor.. Some more the last time, your hb wasn't around right? No 2 pregnancies are the same.. Sigh..

My girl will cough non stop in the middle of the night and start crying cos she grouchy, want to sleep.. =( we jia you!!


So long as the vol remain roughly the same, shouldn't be a problem bah..

Mikio ya ma your CL very jialat la . Me too I also scared because Vianne is very fussy and picky very hard to take care. A little bit she dont like she cry liao....

My hubby not only dont support me but pour me cold water. Says I dont know how to take care ... he wants my MIL to be back but I very sian to face her.

Hippo because 3 collected from TPY for my gynae and pray and then the rest were collected from my relatives. No standard SOP they have

Hippo.. Rem last time u say after pump, u use hand express & u found that u still hv do much milk left? Now I finally believe it man.. I did nt use pump, I tried using hand pump, see so much flowing out & it seems that more eyes of the breast ate open with my intensive expressing.. See liao really Shiok hehe

Gerry.. I think by hand express, I can press on those parts especially blocked ducts area.. Much beta [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy, dnt emo jia you. U knw I do nite feed since day 1 right, 1st 2wks was hell soon ur body will get used to it.

I've got a maid so mostly she take care of her while I take care of #1...initially I feel bad tat #1 dnt get our full attn but again, u have to tell yrself it's a passing phase!

Cheer up okie? Anything can msg me to chat or meetup since our confinement over le...

Hope yr #1 get well soon.

Gerry, I hVe to agree this weather is nt doin any help to our skin. After delivery, my eczema gone and 2nd wk into confinement, it came back. I Bo chap shower with heater water and during wash hair,I use herbs. Hope Lisa get well soon k!

Mrs chua, speedy recovery to u too!

Elmo, good luck to u!


ur skin still not fully recover?


hug hug. dun be so emo.. give yr lil one sometime I believe soon he ll be good n can sleep thru the night. u must eat & rest well.


u can pump then kp in cooler bag with ice pack? rather than turn hard rock very pain ler


any idea if we can tender resign after ML back to work? or must work at least 6mth the can leave current company. I m planning to chg job after ML & got a coy offer me but I scare I can't straight away tender after bk to work ler


not enough rest also will effect supply? mine drop from 150ml to 50ml pumped out, over the weekend quite stressed about it.

and my bb keep wanting milk every 1 hour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes, not enough rest and not enough fluid will affect supply... and the more u stress about it, the more the supply will drop, so dun stress... i'm speaking from experience... though now i also dun have a good supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Cham... Jovie also like that... Day time sleep all the way... Night time cries & cries... I will join your owl owl club soon...


Oic... Big co sometimes jialat de...

Mrs. Chua,

Haa haa... Yeap... More Shiok but hand very pain... So I only hand express 1-2 times a day... If not hand cannot tahan..


U also want change job huh?? So good... U all so daring leh... Can still change job after #2... hubby keep said want change until now still no change... While I still have to endure his stupid co... Arggggggg....


Cos now my skin on my legs and feet is shrinking.. So super dry and itchy.. The rashes on my belly is drying up too.. And plus weather so hot.. Doesn't help the situation.. And lotion in hot weather doesn't go.. Haiz.. =(


Ya lor weather is super hot!! Really cannot tahan.. I bathe twice a day.. Hehe!! But I don't follow confinement stuff.. Skin problem is also bothering me.. On top of all night duties.. I also don't have CL..


yes not enough milk will affect s/s..


i wan to rest also but how? nite time my bb tekan me n day time the moment he awake he cry wan milk den i wan to bond with #1 plus #1 sick now... my appetite now poor like dunno wat lo.. feel hungry but see food took few mouthful full liao..


ya lo all preg diff maybe now with #1 we feel guilty for not spendin time with him tt y more emo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am not stress more like tired.. yes i certainly hope this phase pass over soon n he can sleep longer!! else i tink i will become zombie...


maybe Jovie like my #1 after CL left sleep thru[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i jus go JP have a walk so wun feel trap at home all the time:p


I also still hesitate but bor pian ler. u noe my boss nvr hire temp to cover my job then i promise her to do closing acct & process payroll at home which no need to do everyday mah. but who noe she dump evrrythg to me. I haven on ML for a mth she many times email me to calculate resigned workers salary urgently. eg last fri is ph loh she SMS me ard 6.30pm to process 2 foreign workers' salary & said need asap as last fri is last day then sat ll cancel their permit. wth!! I just reply her I can't make it as weekend with #1 at home I can't work

tdy happened samethg again. I alrdy rushing gst report to submit yet she kp gave me stupid thg to do mostly on payroll issue. the problem is tat payroll software only in my lappy -_- really feel like ask her brg back tat lappy

and I alrdy 3yrs nvr get aws liao ler. no point stay at such coy with stupid boss


can feel yr tiring. I thk next week my mum go back I also dunno ll bcum zombie or not plus gotta do work at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

be strong no appt also must eat. as a mum really can't afford to fall sick. drink some chicken essence?? or Dom?


lotion not help?? u can try the cethapil cream quiet good

vivi: both of us must JIAYOU!!.. hmm.. u tell ur hb u can do it.. even though i'm not sure if i can.. but i must try loh.. i don't wan my MIL to keep coming over my place wor.. -.-"

piggy: hugs.. jiayou too~

hipopolai: hmm.. bb slp in day then at night wake up is normal for now right? hmmm.. now CL still around she handles the night feeds.. but after she leaves i don't know how liao.. next Monday is her last day.. so i was telling hb that we take over the night feeds from friday onwards, just to get use to bb's pattern.. do you think that will work?

bbgoh: u still wrking while on ML? -.-" get more rest bah..

Ladies.. just a question.. does ur bb keep stretching and make funny noises? *puzzled*


yah loh. gotta work ler. so ming ku.

it's normal bah my Bb also kp stretching and make noise then her face ll turn red red as she use up all the energy to stretch. I remember my #1 also like tat last time

it's good for u to practice look after yr Bb b4 CL left. but dun over worry if u can't handle. everything come in natural.

u booked yr caterer & cakes?

bbgoh: tell ur hb u want to be SAHM. =x

Ohh.. i thought how come my bb keep stretching till his whole face red.. -.- stretch very long somemore.. maybe that's the way they grow big?

Hb not free today.. can only settle by tml morning liao le.. we still deciding the cakes.. but got ppl suggest us to get bengawan vouchers.. they say it's better and if got left over vouchers can keep..

What about u? Caterer and cakes settled le?

Piggy: hugz hugz... Stay positive k.. Go for a walk if needed... Jia you!!

Bbgoh: why ur boss like this?? U're on ML leh.. Pengz

Lynn: dun be stressed.. The more stressed u r.. The ss will drop even more.. Just have enough rest and fluid.. I'm sure ur ss will come back soon!!

Mikio: my boy stretches his body and make noise too.. The elder ppl say they wanna grow up soon.. Hahaha


Oh... Yes.... This is call stupid coy... My hubby coy also like that... Sick on mc also ask him work... Pui~ as of the resign thing, not so sure... Maybe call MOM/MCYS to check?


Haa haa... I pray hard she will even I doubt so... Coz whenever she wail her gorgor wake up... Headache... Swparate room also like that... Gonna buy another unit for my 2 kiddo liao... If not all will become zombie... Sum more my hubby no patient de... A bit a bit scold Terry, end up shouting & crying... More pek chek... Cham....


Can... U take care night feed can monitor bb pattern... It's good... But also the seh bb need to adapt... So Jia You!!!!

hi mummies,

missing quite awhile.

just to check those delivered at KKH,

has u received your and bb hospital bill?

my bb discharge 3 days later than me.

but i had received my hospital bill 2 wk ago...but till now no yet receive my bb bill.

Hi I'm from MArch 2011 thread...

I've extra Drypers M56s to sell off..

$11.50/pack or

$22 for two packets

Deal at Seng KAng/Punggol MRT or can self collect at my place at Punggol...

Sms 98460422 for fast deal...


ya my bb cries v loud everynite i so scare will wake kor kor up... n i see my HB kena disturb nex day gotta work i feel bad too ask him to sleep with #1 if need to...


oh i dun drink chix essence n Dom 1..


ya tryin hard to endure thanks ya..

tweety: ohh... like that i also wan to stretch myself to grow taller.. =p whenever he stretch till whole face red red i thought he wanna cry liao.. -.- scary..

hipopolai: but i scared at night if my bb cry n cry i cannot handle.. if now he cry loudly i will carry him walk around the whole house liao.. if at night i think i need to walk inside the toilet so won't disturb neighbours.. i'm afraid that he cannot coax him when he cry loh..


Hippo.. Though my hand oso cannot tahan but when I see the milk flowing out whenever I squeeze, i fee so satisfied [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now I prefer hand exprss than pumP Lols..

Voon.. Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]now feeling bEta Le, hoping Tmr can stop all medication den continue bf my boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink.. U simply cannot rest ur body ah.. back @ my paen's plAce, though I wan to rest I can rest anytime but I still no rest cos I'll b there watching tv, playing game etc.. NoW back @ in laws place, I will slp whenever bb slp if nt pumping...


I'm from July 2010 thread.

Previously i have signed up a photoshot package with Sean Lau in Baby fair at $198 for classic Baby package (UP: $258).

But i'm not able to make it after 9th May (all the slots are fully booked till 9th May)

By the time i'm free to take leave, i think my baby is too old to take classic baby photoshot.

So for those mommy who keen to take over the package, pls kindly pm me.



Come come... U are welcome to my place to learn everything u want to!!!!!!! Cannot always cry then carry if not next time more jialat... Become ur son's human electric Yao Lan then u cham... SengKang new house shouldn't be disturb neighbour mah... Thought the design quite good de...? Last time my son also wail then next day ask neighbour they said never hear... Haa haa... Maybe they just too kind...

Bb cries in toilet more worst leh... The sound effect more powerful... Wahahahahaha....

