(2011/04) Apr 2011

hipopolai: LOL.. u got extra rm? i go there stay for 1 wk.. hahaha.. i nv always carry lah.. only he cry very loud and non-stop then i carry him..

haha.. bb cry in toilet got echo.. louder.. haha.. later whole block can hear..

I was telling hb that i slp with bb in the next rm so that won't disturb his slp.. but he don't wan wor.. -.-"



If it is quite a big one, I will burst it like how I burst a pimple.. Or can try to pinch off the skin on top of the blister.. The skin quite thin.. So wouldn't hurt too bad..


Ya I am also trying to tahan.. =)


I usually put the lotion at night cos daytime I feel very gross with the lotion.. Weather very hot..

gerry: i tried to use a sterile needle but like can't open it.. so not sure if its deep inside. sigh.. another prob with BF.. so demoralising. going to try hot compress and latch him on later.. hope it works..

after you burst it, what did you do? put nipple cream?

Mikio same situation because Hubby wanted mil here in may. I hear Liao sian but yet again can I handle?

Vianne is hard to handle she cries all the time. She cannot sleep on her back and she is not a sound sleeper aiya unlike other babies


y dun u tell ur Hb u try first if cant cope than ask ur MIL? since ur dad is also ard to help? my bb also not a sound sleeper leh n he can only sleep longer face down...


i cant tahan tt y usu unbind after 4-5hr:p

vivi: then no choice but to let ur MIL come over? I don't even dare to think what will happen if CL leaves..

Whenver my bb cries.. even after feed, my CL will make comments like, "Why not bring bb to the doc" "Bb can't slp well at night.. bring him to pray? Ask god if everything is ok." She keep saying all these until i really damn irritated.. If tml she still continues all these i think i'm gonna explode...

pink: wan pretty must tahan for a moment.. jiayou~

piggy: hmmm.. ur bb sleep longer facing down? but how to let them face down? Can ma?


usu if he dun wan to sleep i will pat him abit den put him face down den turn their head 1 way.. yes there is a risk but becos both my boi got v strong neck they will shift n turn if ur bb neck not strong pls dun try unless u keep an eyes closely on ur bb else got risk they will suffocate while sleepin...

aiyo ur CL.. my #1 durin confinement worse everynite wake up 1-2hr...


have~ u come I sure have room for u de... Got air-con de dun worry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think I know y u have serious sore nip liao... I change the breast shield that u said... Not soft shield type de... Wa Lao~ damn sore nip lo... When pumping also painful... Last time use soft shield type not painful de unless I use lvl 7 or 8... Now this breast shield use lvl 4 also pulling my breast.. Now whole breast like kana whack... Whole breast pain... :'(


keke... actually soft shield type i use also pain leh maybe my nipple short bah.. but now season liao not painful anymore loL~


I cannot tahan... Super pain... Now I was like 24/7 if Jovie no latch & I'm not pumping, I will keep squeeze BM to apply on my nips... Pain~~~

Wanna ask if ur cl eat as much as u do? I'm just saw that the dishes that she left for herself is same amount as wat I usually eat.. And i already eating much more than my normal amount le coz confinement, so eat more better for milk (

I think) And she also got drink the herbal soup for herself also.. Same amt as i drink too! Got cl liddat one meh? Then I have to pay for all the chicken, pork, veggies that she eat..

Really bu shuang... Not that i niao..

Then today she lie on my sofa beside me and put her legs up while I breast feeding baby.. As if she's the boss n i'm the cl lid dat.. Angry!

Previously she spoil my ceramic knife that cost abt $90.. I already ren her Liao.. And also other incidents that i very unhappy abt..

Thinking if it's possible to deduct her pay if I complain... She's leaving tml.. She's a temp for my original cl who is coming back..

Heard of anyone deducting pay for cl before?

Arh!!!!!! Just realise I kena cheat.... The boots milkbag indicates more than what I pump!!!! Sob sob... Kena cheat kena cheat....


never heard of deduct CL pay wor... I never check how much my CL but she is quite cin cai when come to makan... She never eat confinement food de... She said eat till sian Liao... So if lunch she normally packet outside food or she prepare another dishes for herself...

Dinner then she prepare tog with my hubby & son de...

Y not u change another direction to think? She take care bb night shift for u so she also xin ku... What u pay for her to eat is to repay her xinku during this period.... Isn't it worth while? So u can get more rest? U pay her to get more & quality rest so u can have a better body to take care ur bb after the helper leaves.... Think is not that good to deduct her pay even she did alot of nonsense to you... Afterall, she pay off her sleepless night to take care of ur bb right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


give ur CL d benefits of d doubt, maybe she cooked too much and so that's y eating d same food as u. Supposingly confinement food r heaty n not suitable for normal pple to eat on daily basis.

As for deduction of pay,er, I've never heard of pple deducting lor....


seems like ur baby is getting d upper hand at bullying u leh!

Some tips for crying baby, carry him n pat his buttock to make him sleep or try putting him in stroller n push to fro to make him sleep or maybe he's still hungry or wet diaper or shove d pacificer in his mouth. My nips is my boy's pacificer,so far he's still quite a good boy only yak yak abit at night for feedings n once I latch him, he'll keep quiet n go to z. Oh, another suggestion, maybe baby is uncomfortable e d sleeping position? My boy loves to sleep on his side n both his hands must be out of d swaddle blanket else he will make noise.

Or if u think d baby is scared of smthg, maybe try put a red ang pow packet on his tummy

Saw in TODAY Robinsons having sale!!!! Oh mine, so tempted to go n saw there's a buggy for $99. Wonder if there b good baby product buys....

Next week my confinement will b over. Happy time flies....quite enjoy doing confinement at my mum's place coz I don't have to do anything n they help to take care of my 2 elder kids. But d sad part is, I'm not lossing weight leh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Still have 10kg n I really don't know y I'm not lossing weight When I think I'm doing a gd job at bf n also hips n thighs r still fat! Now I'm really a big pear shape.

Piggy yes yes same I put Vianne sleeping face down and have to pat her at least half an hour other positions she don't want to sleep at all!!!

Yesterday night she awake until quite late carry her for a whole and then she cry again haiz sian

Ningyo.. My boy oso dun like to swaddle with his hands inside. If I would to swaddle his hands in, he will try his ways to bring it out so whole night u can hear his struggling sound Lols..

Putting an ang pow on his tummy will help if bb is scare? I noticed my boy will b frightening suddenly during the slp.. SP wondering Wat we shld do...

Sandy/Elmo.. I received the mother maid tea Le. Will try it Tmr.. Elmo, maybe u can take the sample from sandy & try den let me know if u dun like it. If yes den I pass u a box..

Mrs chua,

ang pow on tummy not sure if will work on all babies but those r old wives practices lor...can also go pluck those xia liu leaves to put inside ang pow for more power. Haha

my mum got a couple of those old wives practices except on solutions to cure baby jaundice. She say confinement women if needs to go out, must carry an umbrella to shield from 'bad' things... :p

Dear all, i have finally given birth to my gal yesterday nite after 13 hours...had an emergency c-section becos not dilating well, only 6 cm even after I was given prostate the night before and bb heartbeat was increasing too much..

Am truly glad that bb is fine after all the trauma...

G'morning mummies..


Congrats on your bundle of joy!! You must be tired after 13 hours of labour and then have to go through c-sect.. Rest well..

Mrs CHUA, vivi, piggy

Not advisable to put baby on belly.. If you do, must monitor gervaise..

This position allows them to sleep soundly and deeply.. But also dangerous as they might smother themselves..

Recently, a nanny put baby in this position to sleep and never check.. Few hours later baby still "sleeping" so the nanny went to check and found that the baby stopped breathing.. I think the baby was 2-3 months old..

CL is leaving this afternoon! Sob sob!

Yest go agencies interview.. i 7 hrs din pump! Come back can pump out 215mls. Almost explode. That last agency gal lah.. so lor soh. Late and then chatted with me for 2.5 hrs! She say the way i speak too laid back n relaxed liao... cant convince ppl tt i can work in a face-paced environment n not assertive enough. Gotta learn how to act. Well... of couse i laid-back lah... 1 mth din work n use brain leh. TOo motherly le. Cham! :p

sookie, i find mei hao so so only. The food i dun really like.. the pineapple rice not nice too. But got a frens say food nice lah. Serving wise normal.. not too much extra.

Mrs chua, my milk supply back to normal le. So may not need the mothermaid tea le. But see how lah.. after CL leave i dunno le. Scarly no milk then i need to buy from u. :p My frozen bm supply is slowly decreasing le. Cos feed less fm now as boy fussy drink fm v slow a nite again.. always cant finish.

hippo.. hahahaha ya. The boots milk bag.. i usually put in 200ml.. it indicated more than 250ml i think. I bobian coy make collapse anytime tt's y need to look for new job. If not i will never think of changing job at this period! So stressed! Ideally is to change after bb at least 6mths.. settle down in ifc.. get used to working again. Now is bo bian. Hai... I just got my Mar salary only loh! Apr also gotta wait till neck long long.

bbgoh u found a new job liao ah. U also went interview when on ML?

piggy: last night CL make those comments i ren.. but after i go back to my room i just cover myself with pillow and cry.. =( my hb see liao he tell me if i not happy with her just say it out.. but she now looking after bb, i scared she will do bad things to him so i kept quiet..

hipopolai: Don't need rm with aircon de.. slp living rm also can lah.. =)

shice: my CL eats with us on the same table.. she nv drink the herbal soup like urs did.. but while watching tv or sometimes even when i'm in the living rm.. she'll put her legs on the sofa.. like very comfortable like that.. what's more.. she farted in front of us loh.. -.-

ningyo: if bb cry very loud then i will carry him.. i think that bb wants to be cuddled.. but the CL says don't keep carrying him, so she ask me don't carry.. -.- there was once i pek chek i say in front of her and say to my bb "baobei, mummy today whole day nv get to carry you wor.. so sorry.." then my CL diam diam..

The xia liu leaves pluck liao put in red packet and put under the pillow of in cot can also right?

Mrs chua

I put my boy On belly n yes he can slp very well. But I very tired lo mux always c if his head side way anot do things half way mux go to the rm c I slp oso mux keep open eyes c him can't slp in peace.




hugs very fast ur boy will slp thru. Now me start workin Liao sometime my boy oso wake up ard 4am n I hate it cos left wif onli 2 hrs to slp Nia n reach office I mux look energentic very sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now I miss my confinement period altot can't slp well but at least can nua at hm wif my kids.


yup put under pillow also ok but usually I put on tummy(on d clothes, not direct on body) and wrapped with d swaddle cloth so that d ang pow is always w baby when I carry.


I think luck plays an impt part in looking for jobs n I don't like to go thru agencies. I prefer to apply via jobstreet or jobsdb and also flip sat's recruitment. Or how about govt jobs?

It's already very stressed to take care of newborn n u still have to look for new jobs....


for my boy full mth I got YLS. Feedback frm all I invited say very nice n they take more than 2servin luckily is nice n they willin to eat cos I order for 30pax but onli abt less than 20 come ba. I order 2 main dish is too much cos ppl prefer hong kong noodle than pineapple rice


Cannot lar... U sleep in living room not so nice,过门都是客,cannot ill-treaten u... Haa haa..

Aiyo, think u r April mom version de 阿信... Can tong until like that... 内伤Liao...


& I only realise it this morning coz backside itchy poor yo bottle Liao then think I better frost... Sian... That mean my supply sort of stuck Liao leh... 150-180ml only... *panic*

Mrs. Chua,

Only change the breast shield co turn yellowish Liao... Spare part I bought to standby just incase de...

ningyo: oh. okie.. then i must go find xia liu leaves 1st..

hipopolai: lol.. living rm also windy ma.. not slp toilet can liao.. hahaha.. 阿信 is what huh?


Go google.. 阿信is a Japanese woman... Very Ke Lian 1... kena bully by hubby's family member then also she choose to ren... Ren & ren.... She is well known with her ren Kung Fu.... Haa haa....

hipopolai: ..... -.-" i not always ke lian.. only sometimes ma.. LOL..

ehh.. i google but only got 五月天阿信.. =p

She training my tolerance level ma.. i can become immortal le..

My CL just left le! I'm all alone with joel now. So emo i wanna cry! She v nice leh.. Packed my kitchen v nicely.. Keep all e pots and pans.. Pack fridge and food.. Even wash her own bedsheets, bb clothes and everything before she left! If not for me going out of job soon.. Will give her more ang pow! Only gave $28 when she left.. Ok ba?

Tweety, cos my supply not as much as yours mah. But 7hrs really quite uncomfy lah. Keep dripping wanna explode le.

Ningyo, ya loh. I double stressed. Some more so tired still need to act energetic to impress ppl. No brain le still need to think of gd answers Hai.. I also apply through jobstreet or jobsdb. But alot of my IT jobs are posted by agencies instead. So i just apply loh. Gov if got suitable ones i also apply. V limited cos i kind of wanna change job scope.

Hippo.. 180 is v gd le ah. Now i 3 hr only 125. But i only pump 4-5 times a day. Lazy. Morning can get 200+ only.


I got save a copy

Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2011 - 8:46 pm:        

Storage guidelines 


Temperature Storage Time 

Freshly expressed milk 

Warm room 79°F / 25°C 4-6 hours 

Room temperature 66-72°F / 19-22°C 10 hours 

Insulated cooler / icepacks 60°F / 15°C 24 hours 

Refrigerated Milk (Store at back, away from door) 

Refrigerator (fresh milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 8 days 

Refrigerator (thawed milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 24 hours 

Frozen Milk (Do not refreeze! Store at back, away from door/sides) 

Freezer compartment 

inside refrigerator (older-style) Varies 2 weeks 

Self-contained freezer unit 

of a refrigerator/freezer Varies 3-6 months 

Separate deep freeze 0°F / 19°C 6-12 months 

These guidelines are for milk expressed for a full-term healthy baby. 

If baby is seriously ill and/or hospitalized, discuss storage guidelines with baby’s doctor. 

To avoid waste and for easier thawing & warming, store milk in 1-4 ounce portions. Date milk before storing. Milk from different pumping sessions/days may be combined in one container – use the date of the first milk expressed. 

Breastmilk is not spoiled unless it smells really bad or tastes sour. 

To thaw milk 

Thaw slowly in the refrigerator (this takes about 12 hours – try putting it in the fridge the night before you need it). Avoid letting milk sit out at room temperature to thaw. 

For quicker thawing, hold container under running water - start cool and gradually increase temperature. 

Previously frozen milk may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after it has finished thawing. Do not refreeze. 

To warm milk 

Heat water in a cup or other small container, then place frozen milk in the water to warm; or 

Use a bottle warmer. 

NEVER microwave human milk or heat it directly on the stove. 

The cream will rise to the top of the milk during storage. Gently swirl milk (do not shake) to mix before checking temperature and offering to baby. 

If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it may be refrigerated and offered at the next feeding before it is discarded. 

Want to print the above information? Go to Quick Reference Card


I haven search jobs lah just looking ard & not tender resign yet ler. how's yr interview?

7hrs really long ler, no leak?? I thk if me, my breastpad can't absurd anymore. nw I drag to 4hrly each time must chg pads le ESP left boobs

Hahaha.. I can't reach 100ml in 3 hrs.... U all got a lot of milk.. But im not stressed .. I can stop BFing easily next time!! No engorgement no nothing.. Not a slave to the pump or cow to baby.. Shiok.... Look forward to that :p

Using my pump faithfully now just so I feel that I've maximized my utility from spending 599$ on it.. Bwahahaha


actuually my sore n crack nipple is due to latchin wor ...


u r soooo lucky ur boi slept thru after a month right???


yup i know dangerous tt y mus see cos my bb neck strong he know how to turn tt y sumtime i put him sleep on his tummy..

Mrs Chua,

ya my boi also get frighten tt y i put him on his tummy or side to sleep but like wat Gerry say it dangerous for infant so mus monitor ya usu i only do it durin the day time..

argh the unit below my house reno again my bb keep wakin up n cry...


Ya how did your interview go? I still too lazy to update my resume.. Hehe!! But cos I am thinking of changing line.. Must think very hard how to do up my resume leh..


Jia you!! Breastfeed as long as you can.. =)


Likewise! Me oso oni got bout 90ml jus enuf for one feed in 3 hrs..oni e morn pump can get 200+..hee. V soon supply wun b able to meet her demand..but I got a qn now, does anyone noe a tin of powdered formula what's e shelf life aft opening? I read tt it's oni a month?!? Shucks my 900g tin is oni used a little cos oni use for 1 nite feed everyday..can I scoop out abit n leave outside in airtight container for use n keep e rest of e tin in e fridge? Wld tt keep it fresh longer?

Orbigood lo, first day when hm gan jeong scared no milk for her so hubby cheong to buy a tin.. (-_-")

Mikio, I totally understand how u feel.. I also got ren my prev cl until I cry to sleep at night.. My hubby also say might as well dun wan her, we take care ourselves, less stressful for me.. But I think u really can ren.. Ren for almost 1 month.. I only ren for 1 wk and I gg crazy le.. Luckily she left just now le.. Dun push urself too hard k? Come here rant abt ur problems also good.. Relieve some stress.. Or complain to ur hubby.. Dun keep everything to urself.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, my original cl supported me and brought up the issue of my broken knife.. Then deducted $50 from her pay before she left.. Anyway she come here, big eat big drink.. Some more sleep in the day time, if not automatically on tv and watch.. I gotta take care of baby in day time.. Like she dun have to do anything lid dat.. Then my original cl come in today commented how come the house so dirty.. And also baby got heat rashes how come never use rice water to clean.. Really dun feel like paying that useless cl at all..

Elmo, jiayou.. U can do it one! Get some power naps in the day time too...

Sandy, I also ordering yls for my baby full month on the coming weekend.. Able to share which are the nicer dishes that u and ur guests like? I also got order pineapple rice.. But I think after hearing ur comments, may wanna change.. :p


Hi mummies, long time nvr post le.. =X Hope everyone's coping well.. Hehe.. Mummies gonna join me in CL-free days le! hehe.. *evil*

Anyone tried Select for buffet catering before? How is the food and portion? I'm looking at YLS & Select now.. Can't decide cos I'm also hungry now.. Everything looks good la! =X

Select --> http://www.select.com.sg/homeparties_menu.asp?catcode=buffet&menucode=7106

YLS --> http://www.ylscatering.com.sg/contents.php?title=%2410.80+Menu

Any hearsay abt these 2?


