(2011/04) Apr 2011

JJ : haha I have been told I have "good veins" too! But can see them on my arm, quite prominent, not as elegant as other girls. Me too, been eating quite a lot in the morning

Piggytoh: Well said! Maybe the c-sect mummies are the brave ones.



icic.. but again the anesthetist should not let u see the needle mah... the way my BIL describe is so funnie imagine he was freak out but mus act nothing happen so my sis wun get affected... this time round i not goin to induce hope the water bag break itself den go hosp :p

Yolk Sac,

keke i got 1 friend she wan to be the first to see bb so she opt for EPi so she is nt KO durin the OP but she regret cos she say so scary to lie ther n when u hear the dr holding those tools etc to cut ur tummy v scary machiam pig waiting for slaughter v scary... n c-sect also got prob with poo poo.. i heard cos cannot exert tummy muscle n the internal wound take v long to recover also...

Tweety - blood test only too ?? My scan is like 3 weeks later ...

last time old day my mummy already opt for both c-sec for her 2 children, she will keep telling me & my bro to see which scar we belong too...

nowadays c-sec scar very non-visible cos of the improved technique by the doc ...


sorry for the late reply. I was puking last night so slept at 9pm cause had the horrid stomach acid was in my mouth. sigh.

my first was bad but I think this one is worst cause i had to take the hormone pills due to the blood clots around the baby. I have stopped taking the pills for the last 4 days and I still feel pukey! so I think this pregnancy hormones are way too strong. I think it does not help that i feel stress at work cause I just started and already I have been on MC so many times. Like today, i still feel woozy so i am at home resting.

I agree with YolkSac, don't scare yourself!

piggytoh: I hope your MS will go away..for good. i would love to be in your shoes.

The calendar is not accurate for me. Anyway, looking at my pregnancy symptoms (the same as the last one), I think its a girl again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yolksac: what is the age difference between your two kids? the smaller the gap, the likelihood they will be close.

sookie ..not sure if the same sympton tell you if its the same gender ...my mother say its the sharp of tummy .. my first one , she see my tummy she tell right away its a girl cos its obvious even in first 2 mths .. now cant tell cos mine's double .. usually they say if its boy , first trimester tummy not obvious .. not sure if this is true .. lets see .. Now mine is obvious .. maybe 2 girls again ? hehe


Thanks gd luck for ur appt tml n hope u can find out the gender:p


hmm but my Kolig show me her scar quite obvious wor...


ya i hope so too.... well u can nv tell from the symptoms la.. my sis all 2 symptom abt the same but got boi n gal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good luck for your test. Hope your baby will be in a good position so that you will not have to wait to be scanned again. Besides the blood test and the scan, they will also ask you to take a urine test. The strange thing is that they also booked my 5th month detail scan at the same time. I was thinking.. what happens if I don't pass this one?

Dr Tham will also scan you again when you see him after your scan. He did not say anything about gender but I also did not ask.

Good luck!


oh i can tell u not true i got many friend with gals n it not obvious in the beginnin even smaller than mine.. n they say usu boi will be sharp my friends 1 so sharp till no 1 believe it gal.. so dun believe la... u now havin twin so sure more obvious somemore it #2 & 3.. i also find my tummy come out faster this time round:p

piggytoh and Dz,

yah that's why pregnancy is just so.. strange.. so different for everyone. I have friends whose tummy is so sharp, no MS, and yet, still a girl. So i kinda of give up trying to guess even though it is fun trying to guess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agree, second time round, my tummy is SUPER big. though i lost 3 kg, i have to wear maternity pants for the last 2 months. i look like 4-5 months pregnant. can't hide it anymore.

Dz, I really admire you having twins. It must be so exciting.

yah I read a book and it says the tummy will be more obvious when you are having a second one or twins .. I am not in the state of both .

Next week I target to replenish my wardrobe ! everymorning have to stand at the cupbaord and think hard about what to wear .. really running out of clothes ... spend $ time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


v sian hor.. now my tummy still can hide... but doubt so in another 1 mth time i also lost 2kg.. for #1 pp only start to suspect when i reach 5mth lo... i tink for #1 we will be more keen to check out all sort of prediction bah:p

sookie .. I used to think twins are exciting .. when I tio .. I start to worry about the complications .. cos now cant see the placenta , not sure if they are indentical or not . and if they share the same placenta , there is a risk of one taking up more/ faster nutrients then the other . I jsut hope they have diff placenta and everything turns out well ... I haven told my mum , she will worry freak cos she know someone who didnt make it thru the pregnancy ( it was on the news on the Raffles Hospital one ) . So she always think twins very risky. And I have to start planning about post natal care .. if I shd quit my work .. and get a maid etc .. Anyway this time round is sure a 'stop production' one . I want my life back ! hehe

morning gals!

Think my bf not full enough.. now feel nauseous again. Sianz..

Talking abt delivery... I am the pro-natural one. I find csect v scary too. And I see the epi needle so big also wanna faint. For my #1.. I delivered naturally without epi.. actually requested for epi.. but bb came too fast. Gd also.. If possible.. i hope this time can be natural without epi too.

pink, actually.. the tear/cut is not that bad lah.. by the time u pain with contraction.. u wont even bother abt the tear/cut at all. lol. Then if scared abt poo-ing after tt, can ask nurse to insert enema(sp?) on the last day in hosp.. poo will come out smooth smooth.. no pain at all. I din even need to take pain killer after delivery.. think i only took once. So for those who opt for natural.. no need to be so scared k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your tummy can still hide? you must be super skinny or just plain lucky.


Hmm after reading what you wrote.. yes, a lot more things to think about when having twins.

I'm also stopping at this one. can't imagine going through the whole MS all over again. I'm getting too old for this.

last weekend I took out my old maternity clothes .. they are so huge ! OMG .. I cant imagine going back to that size . the last time round I even expanded my wedding ring after I deliver .. I am going to request for a new ring this round if it doesnt fit anymore! :p


u r lucky n v brave:p i v sway my boi head v big so kena vaccum n multiple tear n my wound was v painful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully this time round not so sway:p


no la i not skinny type i wear loose loose so still can hide... those tight 1 i dun dare to wear liao sure v obvious tt my waist is thicker... n yes after food esp big more bloated mah...

dz - i also haven't told my parents its twins.

Mine is fraternal twins, cos they are in 2 seperate water bag.

I'm already wearing maternity bottoms even though these 2 are my #1 & #2. running out of big office clothes ...but the funny thing is tummy not yet pop out, its the usual tummy tire seems bigger


My #1 was induce but me failed to dilate so endup epi csec. But after tat the wound recover fast n no pain. For #2 hv told dr tat i will also opt for epi csec cos dun wan waste time liao.


oh i opt for induce cos i alr dilate 2cm so i tink shd be ok.. i tink the wound for c-sect depend on individual n also the pain threshold... so far only 1 friend of mine told me not v pain still bearable hahah... ya if u got history not dilating dun waste time...

argh craving for crystal jade bo lo bao with a slab of butter n the har gao... sianz~


Ya dr also told me nt to try natural liao cos chances of csec is higher. But opt for epi csec cos still able to see bb once bb is out.

Hi mummies... having terrrible bachache now... think i sat too long.. hais...

For gals or bois, they say can see frm mummy face.. Bois normally mummy's face will be "disfigured" as in acne and bigger nose? Gals normally mummy's face will be radient and pretty ..

Duno how true but it applies for my sista! heehee


Nt true 1 cos me hv lots of outbreak on my face for #1 but is gal n nose big also. For #2 nw still ok but later dun knoe will hv outbreak again.


u no gd la tempt me... send over not nice liao mus hot hot den nice keke... argh this wkend die die mus eat alr been thinkin of it for 2 days[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wah u really brave if i were u sure opt for GA keke...


hahah no not true.. i dun have pimple n my mum also comment how come my nose not big when i had #1 so tt is jus another not proven myth... pimples etc all depend on individual hormone 1... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh izzit... perhaps its individual hormones bah...

think my coll oso super gan jiong.. now predict for mi liao.. hais...


although many r not true but fun la to see whose guessin is correct...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy... ya lo.. mi already very xin ku and draggy waiting for 2nd tri to come... they still enjoying the prediction and setting bets.. hahaha

tweety.. ya they knew! They are all mother of 2 le... my intial symptoms are too obvious for them... hahah cant hide.... only my close colls noes...

Hi Jiesiling

Not true leh. For my #1 my face super smooth, no pimples at all and im having a boy. Nose also same size.. This time round got lots of pimples sobs.. Hopefully its a gal

hippo> Oh my sista face gone haywired when she had my nephew hahaha... her face was orginally quite ok one, her nose expanded sia... OMG, will this run in the blood? heehee


hee my side have CJ but nearest 1 at IMM not possible to go ther lunch or dinner[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nowaday mus save the cravin for wkend argh~


nvm la they r jus happi for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya man.... they are super excited for my #1.... everyday input grandmother tales haha but its nice la they teach mi alot also...

tweety> my boss is the blur one... hahah she oso mother of 3 liao but I only tell her yday... she was shocked.. haha very furnie then come tell mi oh no u gg to take 4mth leave liao lo? hahaha

JSL: haahaa.. ur boss so cute... my boss (male) like more excited for me lor.. when my MS hits during my 7~9weeks..i keep vomiting.. then he say it's normal de... then ask me okie ma.. haahaaa....

tweety> haha ya she is a workaholic la... scare this 4mths no one do report for her... haha most likely need to shorten le... depend on my health lo...

hello mummies to be...

be readin but too tired to input...

even though its my #2, i feel really lost.. cos with my #1 , he came out very early, so i have no idea how last trimester should be..

how a normal delivery is like... sounds scary..

i very kanchiong..;


kaiden? my #1 is kayden[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it means warrior.


i goin to take all 16 wks.. cos only 3mth+ n u will have Child care leave after deliver mah so ok 1... for me i jus wan to spend more time with bb..


oh i got shortlist Kayden too but prefer Kaiden waitin for my HB to make up his mind..


tt the prob with workaholic boss dunno my boss will allow me take all 16wk anot... but i tell u, u wun bear to come back to work after 2 mth 1 keke..


Hi ladies

Congrats and envy those who have good oscar result.

I fail my blood test and in high risk group, maybe oso due to my age (39 this year). Since last Friday I got my result I keep worring till now and I still have 4 more weeks before I do amino plus 2 weeks for the result to be out. Think I will go into depression by then.

So regret of doing the oscar, should just do amino straight as I also failed my blood test when I have #1. At least I only need to worry for 2 weeks.

Now can only hope my baby guai guai and everything is ok.

