(2011/04) Apr 2011

At least ur hbs will still ask if you all complain unwell. My hb totally ignore me le! He say he cant help me also. And i complain everyday he also cant do anything. grr.. Last time 1st preg i like queen loh. Now only my son is e king.


man is like tt 1 last time everyday my HB will talk to my tummy now i mus remind him .... cos he know if he ignore me i will complaint more so he jus entertain me lo... lol~~


hahah if i havin gal i might go la if boi again i got lotsa of clothin liao no need to buy more:p maybe a few of u tt is 1st time mummy can meet n go together tt wat we did when i had my #1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr hubby very cute, haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby will shown concern too and if not well, will ask want to see doc anot.. He's the gong gong type.. so I don't blame him lar.. heehee

piggy: heeheee... also can walk walk even if carrying boy boy leh.. =P Meetup ma..

kaira: he always disturb de la... haahaa.. that time he sayang my stomach... call baby baby... then i tell him.. bb is at my lower adomen... not at stomach.. haahaa...

I think i will go down and buy some new clothes for bb. If gal i will buy more. Haha. All the pink colour ones! My boy's old ones some the colour run till so ugly le.


hahah now v lazy to go town keke.. wan meetup can alway arrange 1:p

hahah cos now it bb #1... bb #2 not as gan chong liao lol~~

Yah first time mummies like us need many lobangs to buy cheap baby stuff. Now everything is so exp sigh. And this is only the beginning. Last time I used to think that I'll pamper my child when I've kids but now I wanna get the most economical stuff. Maybe coz the baby has been torturing me I lost all mood


Very funny that u orbigood ur hubby. Hahaha.. At least stomach flu or food poisoning can recover fast. Not like MS that lasts for weeks or months

Wah some of you are so young. I'm 30 this yr.. Had my 1st one when I'm 27.

think meet up when all of us reach 2nd trim will be better. Wait till all our ms over!

hi ladies , jsut rush back to work after my week 10 scan , both doing fine .. the weaker one manage to catch up ! so relief just now see them both shaking , very touched cos I was very worried about them not having enough fluid .. Doctor say things are more stable now but still have to continue my jabs and medication for another 2 more weeks . I will be doing my NT scan in 2 weeks time .. cross finger everything ok ! AND its FRIDAY ! Yeepee ....

elmo: okie.. we organize meetup during 2nd trim.. maybe we can go to the bb fair at Expo in October.. heeheee

kurnia: Cause wanna have rabbit bb... MIL and DH also born in the yr of rabbit.. heeheee

dz: great!!!! very excited when see bb moving right?? =)

dz: haahaaa... no la... i always want to have children at young age de.. =P

dz, congrats! happy to hear that the other bean manage to get better.

tweety, can you tell me more abt rabbit babies.

Talking abt hubby's concern mine also like that

Preg with #1 wow i like queen will still ask me how i feel and massage for me every night..

not #2 dun even bother to ask even i tell him i xin ku he say apply oil leh..then walk off liao..and no more massage liao tell him can help me massage he say he tired..


u r so young... i tried to ttc when i was 23 wanna a pig bb but no luck only managed to strike when 25 n deliver when i 26.. now 27 like Pink.... pp say v gd if got 3 same animal in 1 family...:p


tt great:p hope ur oscar scan will be ok also...


hahah soon will reach 30 no more young liao... jus wan to close shop faster n relax lol~~ initially i plan to have 2 kids by 26 den close shop 1 hahah but nvm heng is Apr EDD i am still 27 when i deliver wahahah... self consolation..

wah jus now wait for food until over hungry den when food come i lost control ate 2 pcs of pizza n 1 kfc chix n 1 whip potato.. now bloated like dunno wat tink will have a hard time again tonight.. can skip dinner liao...


my appetite is usu gd in the noon but dinner cant eat 1.. many time only wan dessert or drink no food... now regret eat so much la v xin ku:p


for dunno how long my dinner i cant even finish half bowl of rice lo...


no la ur age still ok... i come across mummy at 38 also..


me too last time dinner eat half bowl of rice now can even dun need to eat or just some mouthful..


ya me is bloated all the way even when i sleep... so regret la tink i really over hungry jus now so not aware jus eat eat eat lol~~


last time i eat 1 full meal for dinner now dinner time i see food i sian liao... but gd la can lose weight lol~


the thing abt preg is u cant control ur weight 1... sumtime i eat alot no gain but no eat gain alot... jus hope tt all those u gain go to bb :p

piggy: i ever kena once.. i sleep le... then wake up 2~3plus to vomit sia.. terrible feeling... weight gain nvm.. so long bb healthy and growing well can le. =P

