(2011/04) Apr 2011


tweety is going to admit at nite as what she mentioned previously.

Mrs chua,

don't care what those old folks said.. they may have experience in certain things but some thing are old wives tales been passed down from older generation and they themselves also dunno why like this or why like that, they juz follow.. follow what the PD advise you and see how your boi goes from there...and pls take care, don't stress yourself too much... if can't tok to them nicely, then juz one ear in, one ear out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



u got latch on or just pump? drink a lot of soup & longan tea? since gave birth till nw I thk I only drink plain water when eat med, I finish 1pkt of 3in1 Milo during hospital stay. each pump I ll make sure I drink somethg warm even midnite.

I thk nw u still got chance to increase it, rite? haven stabile yet. and do u wanna consider wake up on time to pump during the night? so maybe yr boobs ll tell yr brain u need more supply?


u got engage ML? I also took out binder when rch home maybe just wear it on & off

Hi mummies

I'm oso a FTM, my gal was born last mon, 28 mar...

Natural wif epi... Until today still Super low MS as well, each pump only 15 to 20ml.. V low morale... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How to increase MS??


nowi only pump no latch... ya i drink lotsa fluid alr... 2 big bowl of soup daily n 2 cup of milo 2 cup of maternal milk n lotsa longan drink lol~ ya in hosp i got drink plain water... hmm i try to wake up at nite canot leh anyway in the morning i can pump 200-220ml which is abt 2 pump amt same as if i wake up at nite to pump no diff... may i will try fenugreek if need to[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic ok ok i usu speed read so may miss out..

Hello, everyone???

Who's at TMC?? Where's tweety???

Was so busy after discharge...

Bbgoh, urs drinking 50ml every 3 hrs v gd...mine only 30ml every 3-4hrs...

Mrs Chua, my side here also dun like breastfeeding... Ask u, who bring bb to polyclinic for Juan blood test?? Bring them along and go into the room together.. They will ask u to breastfeed more.. Now, my mil keep asking where's my milk.. Lol. How often u go polyclinic for the test?? I'm going there every two days.. So tiring....


Wah that's lots of fluid!! Your supply pretty good wor!! =)


You have to go so often to the polyclinic to check the jaundice level?? The doctors at the polyclinic very pro breastfeeding.. =) hope you are doing fine..

Hi, I have a query. I pumped out very little colostrum and now I stored it inside the fridge. I hv not fed baby yet. As the colostrum is so little, can I mix it with the next pump colostrum so that it is enuff to feed baby?


Ideally colostrum should be given fresh.. So most people would prefer to latch baby and feed baby with whatever colostrum they have as it will only be produced the first few days post partum.. It's main purpose is to kick start baby's immunity rather than to nourish.. Baby has enough storage to last several days without milk.. They will just suckle and get the colostrum..

Actually for my last baby, I found the following useful to increase MS.

- Drink hot drink before and after pumping

- Massage before/during pumping with very hot towel

- Pump regularly

- Pump for a longer period (I usually pump for 15mins, my friends told me at least 30mins!!)


Well done!! Congratulations and rest well! I think water birthing is very interesting!! Can't wait to hear your encounter!

Mrs Chua

Hope your little darling recover soon!


I bathe the moment I can step out of bed in the hospital. I bath and wash hair everyday and I am in aircon 24/7. CL also say ok, aircon is better than fan and bathing as long as with herbs and dry yourself quickly. I think the wound heals better if we are clean too!


Wow! Your baby is big!! Mine is only estimated to be 2.9kg at 36+5!!


hang in there. its really itchy huh!!!


hahah tt is only when i din pump for the whole nite n only in the morning the rest of the day only 100-120ml/pump so my s/s i tink consider so so nia n i really drink alot le usu i dn even drink half of wat i drinkin now lo..

piggy: me too...stagnant at 100 or sometime 80 only. now cant meet up my boy's demand le..he is drinking 80ml every 2.5hr (when i pump 100ml at most for every 3 hr). so day time need to add abt 2 or 3 meals of formula. so sians cant seems to be TBF. I tried pumping every 2 hr today but no use, every 2 hr i can only get 50 to 60ml...not increasing ss.


u admit alr??


v sian hor... my boi drinkin 90ml BM now also can last him 2.5hr nia...if i increase his feed to 100ml tink can jus meet his demand nia[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Are you at the hospital or at home waiting?? Are you going l induce??


Good already for now.. I am sure with more pumping will increase one.. Jia you! =)


Jia you!! u are not doing any latching? I do find that to achieve TBF faster is to actually latch.. Pumping alone might take a while longer.. When you latch ( if it's possible or feasible) your baby regulates how much he wants.. Cannot be done with a pump..

Gerry, I going there every two days. So tiring.. Cos doctor say he is preterm bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gerry: i m not latching leh, coz my boy is premature so we need to monitor how much his intake daily. i tried pumping for 20min now instead of 15min. hope can increase supply. so envy those with good supply.


Yes it's super itchy.. Trying very hard not to scratch but failing miserably.. ESP my arms and legs!! Gosh.. And the only light at then end of the tunnel is to give birth!! But when will that be..


Oh icic.. Then you have to just keep pumping.. Maybe you should pump 5-10 mins extra after the last drop of milk comes out.. It might help.. Stay positive.. The last thing you want to do right now is to compare with other mummies.. Don't do that.. Focus on yourself and your child.. =)


Ya must b extra careful with preterm babies.. Rest when you can.. With infants, must rest when they rest.. =)


Yup my baby is big but doc says if I'm determined i can give birth naturally. I'm just afraid my bb will turn out to be a big eater when he's born and I won't have enough supply for him. ):


Jiayou with your moomoo career. You can do it!


You waiting at home or at hosp? Haha

Michelle S,

I try to do 2 sets of 10 half squats daily and walk up and down the stairs...


I hope so. left one more day for him to decide to come out on his own before inducing on sat...


waiting at home or admit hosp liao?

Hey gals

Thanks everyone for your well-wishes and congratulations. I'm so happy my baby is finally here!

Here's my birth story:

9:45am: Visit gynae who inserts prostaglandin gel. Immediately afterwards, he tells me that my cervix is low and soft. 3cm dilated. Gynae does a sweep.

10am: Start having quite intense contractions every 5 minutes. Decide that we should drive to Mt A from gynae's clinic. Gynae calls Mt A and asks them to reserve water birth suite for me and says, "see you tonight!"

11am: Check in at Mt A. Doula arrives. After CTG monitoring, I sit on a stool, doula hooks me up to her TENS machine and I breathe through my contractions while visualising my cervix opening and thinning out. Doula says, "I predict you'll be done by 4pm".

1pm: VE - 4cm. 75% effaced.

1:45pm: VE - 5cm, 100% effaced. Enter the water tub.

1:50pm: Suddenly start feeling a lot of pressure and unable to find a comfortable spot in the tub. What's going on? I must be in transition! Doula summons my gynae.

2pm: VE - 8cm, water bag has gone in the water (and I did not notice), baby's head is descending rapidly

2:15pm: Gynae checks me - 10cm - I start pushing.

2:32pm: Baby arrives! All 3.78kg of him. I feel relief after the head is out, but gynae tells me to push the rest of his body out quickly and I manage after a few pushes. Baby is calm and alert. Apgar at 1 minute is 9 - at 5 minutes, he scores 10.

And that's the story! The boy amazed me by latching on immediately in the minutes after birth, as if he's a pro-breastfeeder. He loves to feed and has a good, strong latch. Let's hope he keeps this up!

Good luck to all mummies giving birth soon!


ya i am alr pumpin regularly so tired n time is always not enough.. cant imagine if i latch lagi no time.. jus tryin to hang on as long as possible..


take care ya did dr say when ur bb can discharge?

Tanks all for the tips.. Taking fenugreek currently n lotsa water n longan water, not much help... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] v demoralising but will continue pumping!!

I'm using freestyle n it leaks! Does any mummies face the same prob?? Tanks 4 sharing!!

Piggy, yes, sustained a small tear which my gynae stitched up. Am fine though. Haven't needed pain killers...yet. Fingers crossed!

Thank you for updating the table! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yolk sac,

Wow!! Sounds like a good labour and delivery.. =) you must be very happy!!


You are already doing your best.. Jia you!! =)


Very soon then.. Either tmrw or sat.. =)

Piggy, so far when I discharge he discharge with me le, no admission to hospital so far.. Just tht he is preterm must look after properly.. He is drinking so little. 30ml every 3-4 hrs.

Yolk sac,

dun worry I gt abt 2cm cut but I dun feel any pain at all it's small tear think nothing much also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh my lady is nice I stay ther the last time newly renovated like hotel rm keke[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic I tink for preterm 30ml is ok la as long as he gainin weight shd be ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

so sorry cant catch up with the posts.

bb jaundice still high....

he tue evening then discharged...his level at 202...yday at polyclinic went bk to 239...so worry yday...tat need to admit to kkh if today still high...then lucky today drop abit ...hopefully will continue to drop!

i agreed with piggy liao...pump out better than latch...latch so pain... i cant tahan the sucking.

The worse thing is my CL....sucks!

she washed my clothes together with hubby clothes w/o telling me! lucky i discovered...my hubby was not aware and pray to guanyin everyday! and many more stories...finally got a replacement toda...much more better.

Dreamysprings, thx!! xD I'll b suffering after tml le.. Hehe..

Fungfung, discharging tml before noon.. Wanted to extend but a lot of stuff happened at home so have to end my wonderful stay here le.. So sad..

Yolk sac, is that the "newly renovated" wards? Heard that it's nice.. xD I'm in St Elizabeth..

Piggy.. I can understand how they feel when they see their grandchild cry fiercely for milk but they think we as parent dun feel anything ma? I myself here seeing my son having flu and cough, I oso feel xin ku.. kept asking myself is it becos previously I having flu and cough den pass to him.. see him so small, cough and cough.. I oso heart pain ah.. furthermore, he lose quite a bit of weight after discharged den have to admit to hospital due to jaundice and under fed, I oso heart pain.. I cry and cry in front of my hubby but all they can say is how we know such thing will happen ah.. everything oso they say de.. so sianz..

The nose spray given is Sterimar baby nasal hygiene.. according to the PD, is to be given 1 spray per nose while he lie on his side den press abit on his nose for the plug to come out or use the suction to suck it out.. it is to help him clear his nose airway so he can breathe more properly.. I’m bringing him back to see the PD on tues evening, so by then abt 4-5 days of use so will let PD see, hopefully by then he will be much beta..

Ya, my parent oso know my temper but she will show me her attitude too den even my dad will say me too.. they simply dun understand things lo.. they jus always think they are right.. when they need help, will ask us but when we tell them things, they jus find that we are wrong etc.. was telling hubby, I really wan to go back home after confinement.. really BTH le.. hubby jus console me by telling to endure.. he know how I feel too cos he seen himself how much my parent dote on this grandson and what we say, they simply ignore and do their own ways.. if not will scold me etc etc..

Ok.. so nipple cream is safe den ok.. still worried cannot apply cos if now I need to latch him more often den I have to put on some protection if not my nipple sure sore etc.. think night time if can, I will give him FM to make him fuller so he can slp longer cos now with his blocked nose, he already not sleeping well so if becos of hunger den even cannot slp,. I think it will be tiring for him.. I think me too since I on night shift to look after him..

Voon.. thanks for ur concern but my mummy know how to say that I dun drink enough tonic la etc.. where she dun even make for me lo.. I rem the other day, u all was saying drink more soup and water to have more bm etc.. but I dare not say, I dun even get a single bowl of soup lo for dinner.. I think so far, I only drank 2-3 times of tonic soup b4 slp. Not counting 1 time of pig stomach soup which my MIL made from home and bring over to me. MIL even have to lie to say, she is here to see grandson so suan bian make soup for me cos she dun wan to offend my mummy who is doing confinement for me.. but I can see from my mummy’s face is that she is not v happy though my MIL said that. Cos she went to market that morn oso bought pig stomach, intend to make soup for me plus the whole family to drink but who know my MIL made 1st… tell u another thing hor, that pig stomach she bought that day until today, I still have not see her cooking it.. leaving it in the fridge, duno wan to wait till when lo.. really gek sim with my mummy like this.. argh…

Gerry.. I have been trying my best to ignore them le but is really gek sim lo.. furthermore they are my parent, I choosen to come back here do confinement thinking becos here is my own home so I will feel more comfortable and if anything which I dun like or wat, I can voice out easily and oso is my own mummy ma, so no matter what she will help me take care unlike I dun wan to tire my MIL out.. but who know this is hell for me.. really can’t wait to get out of here soon… U tired to latch ur girl every 1-2 hrs ah? I duno if I can do so leh.. maybe night time I give FM den day time latch him like what u say 1-2 hrs ba.. is it ok? Cos I scare by the time my boy get well, I will drop dead lo cos night time not enough slp den day time still got latch so constant.. den where got enough slp? How u manage to slp last time? Care to share??

Peach… thanks for ur concern.. I know I have to.. but my boy fall sick like this, I so xin ku but what to do leh..

Elmo.. my hubby oso same as ur hubby, the 1 ear in 1 ear out method.. sometimes when I tok to him, he oso like this.. omg.. but he oso got unhappiness with my parent but there is nothing he can do lo.. he can still go back home to have some freedom while I struck here waitng to get out of this hell…

Pink.. my supply oso same like urs.. only once or twice my ss gd.. but this afternoon after bringing my boy back from PD, from ytd night last pump duno what time to this afternoon, I only latch my boy, den come back pump out, manage to get 70ml.. was happy to see such result but hor.. my mummy see le, she jus jump to say other thing.. I was like falling from the peak to the ground.. reaching such a supply is definitely not easy for us but no encouragement yet gave me a super cold shoulder.. really sucks man! Luckily hubby still encourage me alittle..

Hippopolai.. thanks for ur concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how’s little jovie getting back @ home? Terry adjusting well with mei mei @ home??

Fung fung.. ya, I understand that they are exp in certain things.. but now already change ah, they simply too trad in thinking, cannot change. BTH… but I will do what I think is right from now on, if she wan to nag more, I will jus heck care.. jus counting down to the end of confinement so I can bring my boy back to my MIL’s place where I think freedom is more.. and MIL more modern so toking to her is more easy..

Andrea.. so far, my mummy and me will bring my boy to polyclinic.. sometimes my daddy on leave or wat, he will fetch us here.. NO matter where my boy goes, I will follow de though I know I not suppose to go out during confinement but I dun care.. that time I even go down to KKH myself when my boy was admitted due to jaundice.. MY SIL was commenting my mummy shld at least follow me ma cos I still doing confinement and feeling weak, what if I faint or what.. but I jus go out lo.. take it as a time to relax myself rather than crop myself @ home.. now my boy only need to go back once a week for his jaundice check.. how much is ur boy’s jaundice level now? My boy’s last check on Monday is 130 and the doc wan it to be below 100 so wan to review on Monday again..

Gin.. thanks for ur concern : ) gonna try those method u mention on how to increase bm. since my house got so much of milo, will drink b4 and after.. but hor massage, sometimes I see once got milk coming out, I will quickly start my pump cos every single drop of milk now is very precious to me..

baby kow.. u mean the leak is at where? from the bottom of funnel? Sometimes I oso experience it but I think is becos I did not press the funnel well onto my breast ba..

maybe see what other mummies who use freestyle comment..

oh ya, meed to check whether do u all think the freestyle is noisy when pumping? I thought it shld be quiet one??

mummies.. jus would like to check.. if I would to take EBM out from the fridge, how shld I warm it up? for me, I will warm it up by placing the milk bottle into a cup of hot water to warm it up, is this correct? if he cannot finish the milk, can I warm it up again den when he wan to drink it, den let him drink?

Hi Mia the whole day. Haix feelin so stress. Hate confinement cos it makes my mood go haywired. I miss my old self some1 tat always laugh n smile but now wat I do is cry, upset, unhappy n feelin tense up. Can't even tahan myself.

My boy since yday aft every meal his milk will flow out of his mouth no matter is BM or FM, btl feed orBreast feed is the same. Told hb abt it at 1st he say wan go c doc anot. Den say things like mayb we fed him too muchbut even I gif 30ml, 60ml or 120ml is like Tis. So worry donno is it reflux. I so sad carry bb n cry so he comment me in a fed up tone sayin y m I cryin everytime.

Haix shall rest my eyes le all tis cryin is hurtin my eyes

Sorry for my super long & unhappy post but I'm feeling very depressed.. I think is hormones plus too much unexpected things happened.. Was crying alone on my bed in ward just now.. Now crying again.. Can't seem to hold it in..

Hubby left early today to take care of Kait.. Mom suddenly can't take care cos dad got sudden stroke when they reached home.. Second stroke le.. Now in ICU in TTSH after being xferred from CGH.. On breathing tube.. maid related what she saw at home to my hubby who then updated me.. Hear liao super heartpain, especially the part where he pooped himself unknowingly.. My dad's not yet an elderly that's y all the more heartpain.. My mom panicked & almost cried at home also..

Another thing is that my cancer stricken MIL suddenly became unresponsive in bed today so admitted to hospital too, Mt E.. Awaiting to make appt for neuro surgery..

Both my hubby & I cannot visit our parents & we're so worried.. I know shouldn't think negatively but in ICU & unresponsive.. Have to be prepared for the worst but this is really the worst time! Today, my dad was here, all happy & everything to see me & Kaelen.. I can't help but think if this is the first & last time they see each other.. & i start crying everytime i think of this.. Can't help it leh.. He's such a great grandfather!

I'm so scared of losing my dad.. & I'm also scared i get PND cos of so much happening now.. How to take it?

I feel so alone


I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. Let's pray together that your dad & MIL will recover. Don't give up on that.

Pls take care of yourself. & remember that you have all of us here... you're never alone dear. hugz

Pearyl.. Relax girl.. Jia you! Everyone need u from Kaelen, kait, mil, mother & father so stay string.. Furthermore u now under confinement suppose to rest de so rest ehrhcer u can, dun worry so much , everything will b alight de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby Chloe.. U r welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u will enjoy the massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy.. Relax urself. Ur boy is alriht de, maybe is bring fed too much? If u really worried, go c a doc to confirm? I oso cried alot during this confinement, really heart pain to see my boy sick when he is so small, havIn to know we under fed him upon discharge so got to re-admit due to jaundice & I can't seem to get along with my parent esp mummy, really can't wait to go Hm.. I admit I'm those person who easily cry de, very emotional kind.. Hubby always say me, so easy cry de, no gd for health etc.. Relax urself ok? Jia you too! Jayden & jewelle needs u...

Mrs chua, stay positive! It's another 2wks more to go!!

Anything jus rant out here....btw, if nt wrong not all nipple cream r 'edible', u might wanna chk 1st or clean away b4 latching? Or try to boost bb weight up by feeding fm which pd suggest? Once bb weight up, shld be able to medicate?


Voon.. Actually pd was asking me to latch him mote since I wan to bf him when I told him my supply nt able to meet his demand.. She is hoping by latching more will help to stimulate my milk supply for my boy.. In fact, is no medication now for him de cos too young got any medication, onli can use those nasal spray to clear his nose airway so he can breathe beta & drink more..

I'm using medela one, think heard b4 is edible.. Jus wan to confirm.. Will go check it out again..

