(2011/04) Apr 2011

Piggy: nah... I think I'm not as handworking as u

Hippo; I'm hoping to wear the binder for 2-3 months? See if my flabby stomach goes down. Seems like its effective coz my tummy is flattening out :p


Hi ladies! Woke up at 3 am to contractions (like menses) and had them at 15-20min intervals until I fall asleep again at 6. When I woke up at 7, there was annoying nothing again!

From 7 till now I'm just having some contractions on and off, no specific timing, sometimes more painful and sometimes just feel a tightening.

Personally I hope it's soon for me, one reason so I do not waste so much of my maternity leave, next reason is I'm just feeling so tired! Though I'm only 37 weeks 1 day today only...

See how my visit to the gynae brings me!


yup i think movements are very mild. and i dont understand the use of the buttons. since the CTG can monitor bb's movements, why do they still need me to press the button...? sigh. bb's head is very low but doc didnt mention about head being engaged so i think not yet la haha. oh i just ate my curry rice hehe. how heavy is your bb now? mine's huge already. doc estimated at least 3.8-3.9kg for mine if i deliver next week ):


hee u got milk so no need to be as hardworkin as me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] plus u latch n pump is gd enough[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

ya bb sick is most headache 1...

Congrats to those mummies who pop.. Sorry can't come in do often to post.. Still busy Haizz.. 

Piggy.. My supply now already cannot meet his demand. Sub alot of feeds with fm which I really feel myself as a failure as moo moo

Mummy.. My supply not constant de..between 30-60ml but most if the time 30-40ml onli sad..

Gin.. My supply cannot meet his demand Le.. Trying all wats to increase the supply but really Duno how.. 

piggy: i decided to not latch these couple of days coz i'm on antibiotics. scared the baby get thrush... just pump... but i miss BFing her... :"(

Mrs chua: poor gervais! hope he gets well soon. it's ok it means he's building up his immunity! he will be a strong boy next time =)


icici but 75ml is consider v gd.. i am not tt hardworkin also u know keke i dun wake up to pump 1... usu last pump at 11pm den morning den pump lol~

piggy: not bad liao u can sleep through out.. i wake up to pump not because i'm hardworking it's because i'm scared of getting engorgement wahaha.... scared of pain leh

aiyah that 75ML is an illusion, i just pumped again and it's back to 40ML.. aiyah nevermind lar... i just do what i can...

Mrs Chua: don't say that.. u're doing ur best for him.. boys usually drink alot! it's ok to supplement ... a well fed baby is a happy baby ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] HUGS!!!

Hi ladies,

Just done with the gynae.. Sigh.. No signs of labour anytime soon.. Oh wells.. Tahan!! =)


Ya I have puppp.. Super xin ku.. That's why can't wait to deliver.. Hehe!! But hb keep telling me to hold until next week cos he has to work till then.. 1 more week I hope..


It's not really the latching that causes thrush.. It's the residual antibiotics in your bm..


Don't stress.. The more you stress, the worse it will be.. U must tell yourself that you are doing your best!


Hey we have 1 friend in common ( besides all the April mummies)


Thanks! =) yours should be soon..

Yolk sac,

Have a smooth delivery!! =)

Amk girl,

Ya I feel for you.. Part of me wants bb out but I know if bb doesn't want to come out then bb is not ready.. I don't want to induce unless necessary..

Gerry: yes but if she gets it n it's in her saliva it will get transferred back to me eh... I don't think she has it yet.. But better to be safe

wow... so many posts i cant catch up liao!

Congrats too all those who have popped!

Mrs Chua, my boy also ask for milk every 1-2 hrs if i latch on leh. But he drink 5-15mins then stop liao. So i ask CL to bottle feed now mostly... 60-70ml.. then he can last for 3 hrs. I only latch on 2-3 times a day.. more like snack for bb.

Can I ask those who are freezing bm in milk bags, do u freeze with the bags standing up, or lying flat? I v scared will leak when i defrost!

Are all of u bathing everyday har? I bath n wash hair every alt days anot.. think already more than what I did for #1. Feeling abit guilty.. wahahha. But too hot leh! #1 was is Dec... so much more cooling!

Yolk sac, jia you! Waiting for ur birth story soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am sure ur s/s will go up again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bath daily but hair wash alt. Day too hot Liao ...

Peach ,

day time I pump 3 hrly..

amk gal, i'm feeling exactly like you now, i'm 37 weeks 2days, but i working till nx tues, damn shag, but my boss dont allow me to start my leave 2 days earlier, very very tired

Hi mummies, long x no post liao...

Congrats to those tat have popped!!

Yolk and those Popping soon, have a smooth delivery!

Those yet to pop, bear with it, the day will come soon and enjoy yrself while u can. This weather sucks for confinement!

1 day nvr wash hair, I can hVe sticky yellow 'juice' on my scalp(sorry to sound gross)! And not helping me eczema at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

down w flu and sorethroat...sian to the max!!

Hmm, gotta survive another 1.5wks...oh man, pls let the weather cool!

Hi girls! I've given birth! Baby is 3.78kg, 53cm. It was a wonderful drug-free water birth. Baby emerged in the water and was calm and collected. He was alert and suckled like a champ within minutes after birth.

I got to Mt A at about 11-ish, was 5cm by 1:45pm and 10cm (fully dilated) by 2:15pm. Pushed in the water and Baby showed up at 2:32pm!

Thanks everyone for your support! Will update again soon.

Hi Yolk Sac, yes, both HB and me like dr tseng, he's so pro and calm, of course, his cuteness is an added advantage..hee.. congrats to the birth of your son! While, your birth was really fast1

Bought my boy back from seeing pd... Pd given him some nose spray hoping that it will help him clear the airway in his nose so that he can eat more to fight with the bacteria in his body.. Meanwhile, pd wan me latch him more.. In such a way, she wan him to help stimulate my milk supply & take in more of bm.. She say latch him 1st den if bm nt enough for him top up with fm.. Shall try this idea according to pd den bring my boy back to see her next tues to see how he's progressing..

Told my parent abt this idea. Think they super anxious & pamper this grandson, worried he will b too hungry over feeding bm saying bm v watery, if onli give bm, he sure v hungry de den where got enough nutrient etc etc.. Really hard to Tok to them lo... Hubby & me jus say, we gonna try this method according to pd den c how he progress..

hello mummies!

this is my first time posting here. i am also having a april baby. the edd is 16th april however my hubby and i are considering to induce the baby this weekend.

seeking the advice from the mummies here...

is inducing the baby dangerous?

is it painful?

will it end up as emergency c-section?

*sigh* really worried now. hopefully, can get some valuable insights from you ladies!

Yolk sac Congrats!!!!

Mrs Chua,

ya usu old folk will behave like this.. i did this while i in hosp too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


both my preg was induce... be it induce or natural there r chances tt it may end up in emerg c-sect if ur cervix r stubborn but statistic show tt induce the chances r higher... so for my gynae he prefer to induce me after my cervix r open.

for painess it depend on the induction method.. i use pill insertion for both basically same as natural but they insert a pill to induce the labour it will bring abt contraction to kick off labour.. for drip it will be more intense..

Pink.. Hope he can get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur supply really gd leh.. Make me envy lo.. Hope my supply can b that much too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. Agree that when child get sick is really a headache lo.. Ioso think so stress & not enough rest us causing my supply to drop.. Stress building up oso due to my parent, really v pek cek with them at times lo.. Tok to them, they jus dun listen, in their eyes, grandson most impt lo.. Really irritating lo.. 

Gerry.. Thanks for ur encouragement.. Will Jia you de! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elmo.. My boy though drinking abt that same amt as ur boy, but he still get hungry easily like abt 1-2nd asking another feeding.. Think that is becos of he is a big sized boy at birth ba.. 

Congrats yolk sac.. 

Yolk sac,

Congrats on the smooth delivery!! =) your boy is pretty big..


Oh he's your cousin.. Small world! His my colleague..


Ignore the older folks.. Bm is jam packed with antibodies and anti microbial properties which will help your bb recover faster.. Studies have shown that breastfed babies tend to fall sick less often..

It looks very watery but it has way more absorbable nutrients compared to fm.. =) my grandma also thinks like that too.. Ignore them..

Mrs Chua,

i trust the nose dorp given is Illadin? jus take note the nose drop 1 side at atime abt 5min interval ya n dun use continuous for more than 4-5day mus gave the nose a break...

ya sumtime our parent tink diff... my mum thinkin also v pantang sumtime really bth but i v attitude 1 if i dun like no matter wat she say i will jus say NO... she know my temper so will shut up lol~

nipple cream r safe for bb no worries usu i will wipe my breast be4 latch/pump also..


Yes you can put the cream and feed/pump.. No need to clean. It's ok to feed bb every 1-2 hrs.. I did that the last time too.. Tiring but still worth it.. My girl up to now very seldom fall sick one.. There's no hard and fast rule that a child should feed every 3 hrs.. To be honest, I feel that the 3 Hr interval is more for the adult's convenience.. This is ESP true during the 1st month..

Thank you, everyone! Yes, quite big, definitely harder to push out than his sister (who was 1kg less). But still, it only took 15 mins so I should not complain too much. Maybe the water helped and being in a squatting position in the water helped.


Michelle, u very bad lor... Now thinking shld have #3 so can go back for papaya fish soup, wahahahaha....

Bbgoh, I also had 3 bottles sample nia... Ask for more but the nurse said no more as the supply come in only every Monday... So I suan her if next time I want more sample I must calculate the date to discharge Monday or latest Tuesday lor???? Bad me... Hahahaha... Thy got give u the baby care goodie bag? Think they forgot give me Liao... I saw some ppl get it some ppl dun... But nvm lar... They are quite poor thing also... Today many ppl dischare then some mummy keep rush them... I heard the mummy at room 630 keep ask them faster faster despite her husband only come n inform them they are ready by the time inenter nursery... Bth...

Yolk & tweety, good luck for u!!!!!

Seems like I'm becoming a human pacifier to my girl.... Fall asleep n cry for boobs... Suck a few mouth stop fall asleep again... Grhhhhh.... The problem is she din really had a proper meal after we reach home... Same same like her Gor Gor... At hosp very good, come home pattern change... Haiz~

Yolk sac, Congrats on ur super smooth delivery! That's very fast! Plus ur bb is big! Well done!

Mrs chua, I've been through tt before! For my #1, my milk supply dropped drastically partly cos pekchek by wat my mum say too. She also keep saying bm not good. Must believe in wat you are doing k? And practise e 1 ear in 1 ear out method! My hb is best at this.. Then everything they say.. Just Orr Orr Orr.. No need argue.. No need to take to heart too. Now hb gave me some of his power.. I can practise it on my mil or grandma who nags too. Wahaha!


I salute you if you give birth to #3 just for the soup. Haha anyway the soup can cook at home mah... Can cook everyday...


Ya no news from tweety... She inducing today right?


Yup the world is small indeed :)

Mrs chua: no not really my ss is average only I think.. U see piggy, bbgoh n hippo their ss really good.. I only managed to pump 75ml once.. After that dropped back to 40ml hah..

Think u shod ignore ur inlaws etc.. U are the mummy so u decide what's gd ok


my SS is no gd leh pump n pump only so little after so long bbgoh n Elmo 1 is consider gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs. Chua, hope ur bb will get well super duper fast!!!!!

Pink, 2-3month!!!!! That is long... Too bad I got super sensitive skin else I will want to put on binder too... Haiz...

Sookie, maybe my pain threshold is higher? But I see other mummy also can walk around liao... So shld be more or less the same... My pattern is like that de... 38 38 de... Since to stay in hosp is aldy a must, just enjoy myself lor... Kekeke.. & their service is really good, don't they? & the food is delicious also mah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



they nvr give me samples. I got goodie bag, u dun have? nvr mind lah nothing insd too, just magazines & kodomo sample plus 1pc mamypoko.

i ask for glass btl she said some stupid ppl dunno to warm up then boil it & crack so nw they wont give away le. but I told her I noe how to warm up but too bad no more extra too as they didn't kp .

u dun wanna try bottle feed her?

my girl drinking 50ml every 3hours, and just can't wait her crying very fierce loh even the nurse complain to me. just nw I intro her pacifier she suck very well.

yolk sac

Congratz !!! u delivered by water birth huh? wow. must be great experience

