(2011/04) Apr 2011

Pink: hey thanks for the advices. In that case I better check with my doc what painkillers he's giving me. The coughing part is real terrible, I did use both hands to support my abdomen and wound during cough but haiz also got the rip open feeling. I hope the irritations go away soon. Very sad to hear u having uti also. Do rest well and drink lots and lots of fluids. Must stay strong kk! Rem Charissa still needs her mummy, we shall support each other thru!!!!!! ^^

Haiz seems like very dejected after delivery, no milk and pain and cough, plus the hormones doing wicked things to my brains... I'm trying to control my emotions and stay sane!!! >.<




dun worry sumtime u nv know today no action does nt mean nex wun have v hard to say 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aries: it's normal to feel that way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sudden drop of hormones in our bodies. Gd that u are trying to stay positive. First few days we won't have much milk so u dont stress urself over that ok. Just let baby latch on as much as possible to stimulate the supply. Think happy thoughts! Get the nurses to demo how to latch on properly if not when we go home we will be on our own. Everyone struggles thru the first few days,

some of us for weeks or months. Just do our best n stay

positive. Worse comes to worst if it gets too overwhelming n

the baby is very hungry, can ask the nurses to spoon feed

FM first while u recover. But the earlier u latch on the better.

Even if it's only a few mins. N good to bond with baby

Thanks for ur support n concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we jia you together!!

Hahaha what a joke n I thought I could quit the forum...

Wahaha need to slap myself

Yay C drank 410ml of milk yesterday plus some latch on... So happy! Mission of stuffing her with milk continues n it's another brand new day!!

G'morning ladies

To all mummies who popped,

Congrats!! And rest well!!


That's great!! Congrats!!


Hope you are feeling better.. Drink LOTS of fluid.. So suay.. Keena UTI now..

Yoti: formula is 150x weight of baby= total amt of milk needed per day

We can divide it by the number of feedings to know how much per feed they shld get

Eg: Charissa is 2.6 kg now. So 2.6x 150= 390ml in a day

Normal babies above 2.8kg shld feed abt 6-8 times a day so that's about 50-60ml each feed. But for Charissa she's a small baby with a small stomach she can only take 40-50ml per feed, we have to feed her 10-12 times a day. Maximum hours to go without milk is 3 hrs.

How is ur girl doing now?

Gerry: yah I'm susceptible to it always Kenna.. Actually throughout the pregnancy I had it but gynae left it untreated.. It came back with a vengeance. Been feeling really awful but I'm trying to focus all my attention on C. Hows ur pupp? Any better?

morning mummies


glad too see u still can thk of jokes :p can see from preg till give birth u have gone thru many difficulties but when look at C u ll feel all it's worth. and glad tat C appetite seem increase.

wish u all the best & hope u get well soon.


ask u huh. the Ameda pump can use only 1 side ? my right boobs flow still slower so if left alrdy empty then I need to spend another 5min to empty the right one. when use only 1 side seem the suction is soft ler.

the nurse said maybe got block duct need to squeeze then pump. I so scare to squeeze nipple ler if slowly pump can clear or not huh

Bbgoh- I can't say whether it's worth it.. But I've been through so much, all I want is for her to grow up healthy n happy.

Wah u got so much milk!! Amazing lar.. Think u'll soon need a freezer to store liao

Hi Hippo mummy,


So envy you can go thru VBAC...

My gynae - Adrian dun let me try VBAC at all when I ask him once he confirmed that my boy boy is stable....

anyway, cnt try VBAC liao as my boy boy is breech baby....


Ya at this point, must try to stay positive.. But It seems you have sort of establish some form of feeding routine for C which is good.. Plus her appetite seems better!! =)

My Puppp is just getting more itchy!! Put steroid cream and now almost every night have to take anti histamines.. And the itch is spreading to my thighs, ankles and arms!! Arghzz.. Really hope this little one will come out soon..


You should massage the breast before and while pumping.. Not the nipple.. I know we got only 2 hands. Maybe you can use the dual pump till the left is empty, then switch to single for the right to completely empty it. And while pumping the right, use your free hand to massage from your armpit downwards to your breast.. Like in a kneading fashion. Even if you don't feel lumps, just knead your breast.. Usually when I do that, i can see milk spraying quite forcefully out.. Hope this helps.. =)


yah when u see her grow up happily & healthy then it's worth loh. dun thk I ll freeze it, will give to my 1st.

tdy can get 140ml le


oh dear hope ur gal be gd come out soon to save u from all these torture..


dun stress urself over how much BB drink tt is only a guideline some drink more some less..


Ya I hope so too.. Sometimes, I can scratch my arms and legs till got blood cos so itchy.. Trying to walk more and do squats to persuade this little one to come out..


Yup that could be the mucus plug... If you don't have regular contractions or water bag leakage.. No need to go.. Your bbb's head is down already right?


I got msg b4 pump. my left armpit got lump since yst msg still here nurse ask me must wear bra. okok thanks i ll do more in msg when home with hot towel better, rite?

Gerry : yah the anti histamines work wonders. N they make us drowsy too.. Im taking Piriton as well cox I got rashes on my back from wearing the binder. Hope ur little bunny hops out soon too.. Another 2 weeks to ur edd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My routine is to stuff her with milk every 2-3hrs... Doesnt matter how much she drinks as long as something goes in

Yoti- yes agree with piggy that it's only a guide line. I

had to use it coz I was latching her on all the time so there was no way for me to gauge. Now that I'm pumping more I can monitor. Actually as long as baby is suckling well, poops and pees regularly, n looks contented after the feed, she shld be ok. Some babies naturally dont drink *that* much. We have to monitor for weight gain though


ya I can understd cos now my tummy also itchyalot think too dry so jus start to apply moisturizer[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u r really lucky to be blessed with so much milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw the ML taught me to fill bott with hot water n compress against our boobs this will help to soften the lump if u have any like Gerry while pumping I will continue to massage n knead any lump along the way to make sure my breast is fully empty[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Now just sit down relax and wait... May not be too fast though.. =)


Yes Piriton is great.. That's why now have been sleeping better too despite having to wake up to pee!! Haha!! But cannot take during daytime if not very xin ku.. esp at work.. =)

Ya just stuff C with whatever milk she wants..


Yes agree with Pink and Piggy.. Don't stress about volume.. When I was with #1, I chose to do full time latch on and I had absolutely no idea how much Lisa was drinking.. I just monitor her.. And as long as she was gaining weight and look pink and healthy... I am contended.. =)


Ya even when belly shrinking, also have to take care.. cos your skin is being subjected to so much stress..Aiyoh... Somemore for you, you are probably super hot.. Sigh..


Ya agree with Piggy.. Must massage while pumping too!! You are not wearing underwire bras right?


oh dear, but bb finally safe and sound in your arms already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] get more rest and must take care!!

I'm very very sick of the waiting game already, when is bb going to decide to come out on his own!!

lost more of the mucus plug this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gd morning mommies!


im doing squats everyday now. hopefully got some action soon.




same here, im sick of waiting too, but at least you lost your mucus plug. labour may start soon for you... :)

Hi Piggy, Gerry and Pink,

Thanks for your reply...

Everytime when feeding, I feel so stressful on the volume she can drink.

Piggy, my girl same birthday as your boy..today is 16 days le..sometimes she can drink 40ml and doze off....and I cannot force her to drink...Just worry that she will be UNDERFEED!

First time mummy so little little stuff (even sometimes she hipcups), I will be paranoid...guess I need to relax myself as the road to motherhood is still long...

Also, I didnt do Full Breast feed due to my thyroid as I am on medication...Doing partial breast feed only...Feel that I didnt do my duty as a mother by not giving her breast milk...feel so demolised and sad due to this for a few weeks...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] most impt, hope she will grow healthy and happy....


ya u need to relax abit we all learn along the way ya... my #1 i also partial BF no issue at all.. as long she is gainin weight she is doin well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mommies!!


Oks dun feel inadequate by not giving BM. Anyway you are giving her BM partially, isn't that good enough? She will still grow up well and healthy!! Most importantly is you as a mom being happy and giving her love. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Talk to your baby more and walk more! Some say spicy food can trigger labour!! Jia you!

Gerry!! You have PUPP?! I had that for my first pregnancy. Was a torture!! THe nurses and derm came during my induction. All went WAAAH when they saw my rashes. Said very very serious! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Itchy until I can cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Went for gynae visit yesterday. I opt out of VE. Baby head still high, but gynae said baby's head can move down only when labour starts. Hoping she can stay till past 38weeks. I'm not ready yet! Hahaha! But I feel so swollen and fat now. Move REALLY slowly and had to support the belly with my hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Baby at 2.9kg at 36+5, hopefully will cross 3kg mark when born

Hi hi!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!

MIA for quite awhile~~~ busy with my hosp stay enjoyment & my moo moo career~

Everytime finish my fb come in to read always half way sleep liao... Hahahaha...

Congrats to hippomummy... So both hippo graduate Liao... Kekeke...

Shice & Pink,

U still on binder? As in now? Shice only a few day after deliver... Pink leh? How long have to be on binder?

Me no wear binder leh... Will my tummy shaggy next time huh? But I can't on binder I think, only 1 day 1 night I stay in bed aldy rashes on buttock n hips...


I aldy can squat liao wor... Yesterday squat in toilet to clean myself... No pain, guess the painkiller works... Maybe u ask ur gynae to increase the dosage or change into a stronger pain killer?


U shld rest more...

Gerry keep us updated!

Yoti- gd enough that she's getting some BM u are doing ur best already.

She's 16 days old n still drinking 40ml per feed? Is she still very sleepy? Did ur pd say anything? Don't worry maybe she has a smaller appetite ..

Piggy- yay I got 75 ml from my last pump.... Happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You discharge ler ah? Everyday see your hospital meunu makes me crave for ginger fried pork! Haha!


How come you were strapped on CTG yesterday har? cuz go gynae visit? Not overdue leh, still can wait wait wait!!

Am I the only one who doesn't wanna pop so soon?!


oh u not on binder huh? I scare to remove it ler. but on & off I ll pull it to air a while. u ready to go?

Gerry, piggy

yah lucky same as #1 can get good supply.

thanks lata go home ll try to use the bott method.

I was braless during hospital stay. just start to wear tdy underwire one

my edd is 28 apr, i feel brickton hicks very frequent now, is it sign of labour? N i feel very hot n breathless, cant concentrate on work, do mummies here also experience this?

Quick update. 3cm dilated at 930am, prostaglandin gel inserted at 945am. At Mt A. Contractions 3-3.5min apart. Wish me luck!

hi mummies,

finally a little bit of time to come in.

Thanks all for your well wishes. it was a shorter birth compared to my #1and I actually "enjoyed" the experience a bit more since I know what to expect and i made sure that i did not take so much epi to be able to feel the pressure to push (did not have to use the vacuum unlike #1) but still just as tiring and i suffered such horrible effects from the epi - vomitting, skin itchiness and shivers.

my hospital stay at TMC was actually pretty good. It helped that my midwife at the labour ward is really good and not at all grumpy. She saw that I was pushing wrongly and actually taught me the right way. Gave her an excellent review and even though they said that the hospital was packed, the nurses at the ward were quite responsive.

I have started my moo moo career but it has been tough. I have been having very sore nipples. even though i am a second time mum, i feel like I cant seem to position him well or get him to latch well but can see that he is sucking ok so I have been trying and putting up with the pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my milk has also come in on day 3.

Hippomummy: congrats! so happy you managed to give birth via VBAC. we thought you actually gave birth before us!

Hippolalai: It was great seeing you at the breastfeeding and bathing class. i'm so amazed that for someone who has gone through a major surgery, is coping very well at the hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. still can post pictures of food! i never realised how tough C sects were until the class when i realised you could tell those who had C sect were those who had trouble walking or even sitting down! i was like up and walking as normal. also, my boy's jaundice level is 7 (saw yours was 10.5) but today, he is pretty yellow. i have been feeding him quite a bit but no much wet diapers so far.. sigh.. i wonder if I should pump instead since I am not sure if I am latching well.

To all the rest of the mummies who have given birth, congrats! for those still waiting, be patient.. cause i realise that the more you want the baby to come, they won't come. they come when you least expect them to.

tweety: good luck for tonight! You are in good hands with Dr Tham.

for mummies with 2 more children: i have been having some difficulty with my #1. she's not as responsive to me and i can actually feel that she is a little "insecure" with the new baby.. sigh.. how ah?

yolk sac: good luck! anyway, since its your subsequent birth, i think your labour will be much faster. mine was pretty fast when it came to active labouring.

My little boy is a monster in bm. I latch him almost 1hr b4 his bath, after bath he ask for milk again so latch again.. Wonder how long this time his latch will b.. Is he taking it as pacficer or really drinking bm? He really easily get hungry when he drink bm, jus finish latch onli, I go do something next min asking for it again.. Wonder how my supply can meet his demand in such long run.. 

sookie, congrats! and yup, the nurses at TMC are quite nice. They responded quickly when I asked something yesterday while being in the observation ward.. and they're really nice and friendly.

yolk sac

thats fast. jiayou, your bb will be here soon! :D


yesterday i was strapped on CTG because doc wanted to monitor bb's heartbeat, whether i had contractions and also whether i know what contractions are. he's afraid im having contractions and dunno how to monitor. haha. my gynae nagged at me for not being attentive during the CTG cuz he said, 'press the button when u feel bb moving'. and out of the 1 hr, i only felt it twice... so i only press twice. but on the graph, it showed lots of movement from the bb. hahaha. this sat need to go back to see him again. dunno for what but hopefully got good news or what that i can give birth soon.

how come you dont wanna pop soon?


i also have lots of braxton hicks but no leh, my gynae said i have no signs of labour yet though my edd is just next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but it also depends on individual...


no more hospital fish and papaya soup + milo + queen service liao hahahahahaha. anyway it's good news that jovie can go home with you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tt great my s/s still stuck haha u can catch up with me v soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I tink like us #1 take time to adjust n accept tt they have a sibling now dun rush into it ya..

Yolk sac,

gd luck hope u have a smooth delivery..

Mrs chua,

my boi also n I notice most of the time he is not drinkin if I latch jus suckle n I need to latch v long tt y rather pump n BF save me more time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Very soon!!! All the best!! Are you doing water birth?



How old is your #1? Its common to feel insecure for them. For me, I did alot of prepping to my #1 before #2 comes. I warned her that I cannot carry her and before that my husband carries her more often so she was alright with it. But after birth, I spend alot of time with her, still doing nighttime routine etc.. So I think that helps!

Mrs Chua

I think boys in generally drink more! But if you latch/pump I think you should have no problem meeting his demands.


I see. Hmm maybe baby's movements is very mild so you can't feel it? Is baby's head engaged already? Is the head very low?

I'm lazy, still enjoying my shopping/eating and uninterrupted sleep leh. Also want her to be a better weight before birthing.



jiayou!!! soon can hold yr lil bunny


I m goin home with K . her jaundice level is 12.0 PD said just sun bath as I got BM for her so hope her jaundice won't increase. nw she drink 50ml 4hrly.

