(2011/04) Apr 2011

Yolk sac

Yup so doc said I should just wait till bb comes out by itself... which I dunno when but I hope is anytime soon.


Your edd is 8th right? So u going to induce tmr?

Pearly n Aries

Congrats! Haven congratulated you all. :)


Oh dear... Please take good care and rest well. You getting another CL to help out with baby C?


Yolk sac, i'm doing both now.. Doing my best to increase MS so do both.. I'll latch then pump afterwards.. Latching as perfect as #1 but afraid no MS like #1 too.. So doing my best this time round, both! So he gets colostrum + i get better MS

Yolk Sac,

yeah, just very bad cramps. probably ate something wrong last night. but gynae told me to monitor since only about 4 more days to go till EDD.

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check is it normal for baby to has hipcup?

Is it because I didnt burp enough to cause my child to has hipcup?


For burping, u burp downward? can burp downward? thought is upward? cos I find upward stroke veri diffcult also...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Pink,

Pls take gd care of yourself...

Is there any improvement in yr daughter's feeding after you feed her 1-2 hourly interval?


hiccup is v v common..

I burp downward tt the correct way n taught in pre natal class.. Upward will cos them to vomit n those elderly like to burp upward which is wrong..


I also dunno but nurse said its colustrum as it's not milky, it's watery yellowish color. thk abt 4pump total 80 bah

tdy last pump can get 100ml le and I thk the nurse give up to let me latch le tml then try again at home bah

Sian.. Wanted to walk down with hubby to do baby's admission.. Nurse don't let me.. No epi effect liao, took out catether liao & peed liao, they still say cannot, scared i faint.. Zzz.. So ask hubby go buy sandwich for me again + milk tea! Hehe..

On the bright side, we're both very surprised that i managed to pump out my colostrum! Enough to give baby leh.. Good pump really makes a difference loh.. So happy!


wow so fast ar. Haha gd gd.aiyo sandwich u tempt me la. Hehe


take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hipcups r very normal for them even when they r inside us they oso hipcup Ma. No need worry n no need gif water it will go away by itself.

I oso burp upwards wor opps


oh yes I learn sometin Liao shall burp downward next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah!! You had a sandwich before dinner, dinner and now supper!! You super good leh.. Hmmz you want to drink milk tea?? You breastfeeding wor.. Plus bb is newborn.. Drink ice Milo??


Good for you!! Yes if you plan to pump early, it's good to invest in a good pump.. Plus this time, you are feeling very positive.. =)


wah ur appetite v gd.. but after delivery i feel v hungry also hahah but when reach home all the sweating really make me no appetite..

Sandy, tml u can eat liao! I pei u eat! Hehe.. U didn't eat when u were here ah? Downstairs de vending machine..

Gerry, duno leh.. Super hungry wor.. My #1 also like that.. Super hungry right after birth.. Possibly becos starved while on the waiting game.. Haha..

BF cannot drink milk tea? I got drink milo also & loads of water.. But hubby only allow me this luxury here.. Once home, it's off limits for cold drinks..

I got freestyle.. Heng decided to get it! I think i would cry if i stinged on pump again, esp seeing such result today! xD

hi piggy,

Burp downward as in the direction downward to the baby buttock direction when the baby sit upright?

Piggy, i plan to make my life easy when i go home so i'm not doing confinement.. Hehe.. Hopefully, with BF, will have appetite for at least some food good for EBM..


Maybe later when bb a little older.. But first few days, better not risk having caffeine in your bm.. I think I only started drinking a bit of tea after the 1st month.. Hehe!! Ask for ice Milo and cold juices.. Those are also shiok.. For me after I delivered Lisa, I had a beef steak!! Ya I remember I was quite hungry!! Then when bm supply increase, my appetite also increase by a lot!! Haha!!

Oh you are not going to do confinement?? I am not too.. But I try to make an effort to eat healthy stuff.. ESP breastfeeding mummies.. Lots of lean protein, oily fish, veg and fruits.. =)


yeah yeah tmr u pei me ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no wor I purposely bring my hb to the machine den I c c hor don dare eat cos worry will it affect ms haha stupid rite but aft tat time talkin to u I dare to eat back outside food Liao kekeke.

Milk tea got caffeine lei can drink meh?

Gerry, ohhh i see! Ok.. Then i better stop ba.. Even green tea? I'll be eating salmon or cod fish everday ba.. Veg also.. If can try to make soup in slow cooker.. I dun like fruits so maybe take fruit juices loh.. I'm ok with plain water all the way.. Watertank! xD

Sandy, this time i tell myself to relax! I won't worry cos i partial feed FM.. so happy got colostrum la, it's a good start for me.. Hopefully, will have good enough supply to fully replace FM but still will not stress myself over this.. Hehe.. Think relaxation very important leh..


Yes even green tea.. Haha!! Just tahan for the first month.. But after that must watch how your bb react to caffeinated bm.. Some bb are more sensitive to it..

You can drink those flower tea.. They don't have caffeine.. Yes fruit juices and water!! Drink lots of water.. I drank lots of water even cold ones!! Haha!! =)

congrats to those who pop today and yesterday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety and Yolk Sac.. Congrats.. u will be holding ur little one tmr or Friday.. JIa you!!!!

Piggy.. Thanks for the video... shown hubby, he gonna try tmr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearly, I also super like the sandwich from the vending machine there! Roasted Chicken..yum yum! Now I also like gian for it! lol

Mt A got subway room service also..hehe

Mrs Chua,

any updates regarding the themometer? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn.. the thermometer had arrived, is still with the organiser, I had yet to collect from her.. will ask hubby to go collect from her one of these days.. so sorry that I forgot update.. was really busy with my boy after he come out..

Mrs Chua,

no worries! take your time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb more impt!

Wanna ask mummies who undergo c-sec.. For the binder, do u all put on 24 hrs or got take out when sleeping? Also how long do we need to use the binder till we can permanently take off? Any advice on the binder is appreciated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here's my birth story..

0707hrs check-in for induction

0740hrs enema

0830hrs doc check; burst water-bag; 1cm cervix open

1130hrs contraception every 2 min

1300hrs doc check; 1cm cervix open; doc increase dosage to aid induce

1415hrs epidural decided

1700hrs doc check, 2cm dilated. Decided to go for emergency c-sec.

1801hrs baby born! But mummy is very tired and shivering from side effects of epidural/anesthetic..

Pink: yes I'm wearing the binder right after op, 24/7. I feel that whenever I bend the tummy area it hurts. Even thou now I'm on Painkiller meds I'm still so paranoid and big movements can still hurts. I wonder is it suppose to be like that or just because my threshold is simply too low???

Bbgoh: I'm at gleneagles. Yes I find the bed too high also. My home bed also very high. Siao Liao la. Hubby where got time everyday bring me up and down the bed?

I also wonder how long will I need to not feel pain without painkillers? I've got a feeling I will be extremely dependent on the pills. I'm simply too Kia-si lah.

Michelle: thanks! ^^

Pearly: wah u not doing confinement? Actually I also dun know if confinement will really help. I belief in having balanced diet and staying clean and cool, exactly the opposite of what confinement brings. Haiz but totally impossible to convince those old ppl larh. I really duno who to survive thru. Btw do u ladies wash ur hair during confinement? Like real washing with wet shampoo?

Shice.. I only put it for 1/2 day or so.. cos weather too hot, so prefer not to out on too long... I think after u r comfortable with the wound, can remove it.. but like what Pink mentioned b4, it helps in slimming so maybe can put longer??

Mrs chua/shince: haha I put on 24/7. Seems like I'm really very very paranoid. I can move around feeling safe without my binder. =s

Aries.. I cannot put on 24/7 cos too hot and there are rashes on my tummy area le.. so that is y I dun dare to put on 24/7.. anyway, I already stop taking pain killers, onli take it once a week.. this morn, I even squat to help baby bath.. think my wound healing quite ok le.. cant wait for massage... but think will start after 3 weeks, jus to make sure the wound is properly heal b4 I start.. heh

Congrats shice and aries!!! =)


I washed my hair with wet shampoo everyday during the first month.. I am very lucky cos both my mom and mil didn't go through confinement either.. So they didn't expect me to do so too.. =)

And yes I agree, so long as I am having a healthy and balance diet.. I think that's the best.. The only thing I didn't do during the first few weeks was to eat fast food and my all time favourite coke light!


I oso nv do confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I wash my hair as per normal with shampoo n heater water. Onli thing is I nv blow dry my hair hehe.

How come u all BF so gd appetite de??


get a cup of hot milk n listen to som music relax urself mayb u will fall aslp slowly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding the binder, it'll be gd to wear in the day time n remove it at night. I was too geh kiang last week,wore for 24 hrs n now there are rashes on my back. Same as u Mrs Chua....

Aries i was like that too, n I'm having a cough so I'm damn scared my wound will rip apart... Remember to remove at night though!

Yoti: my girl is drinking a bit more these 2 days. Today I pumped more so I could measure how much she was drinking. She drank abt 340ml today plus some latch on, so

we are closing on the target of 390ml which is what she's supposed to be drinking

Yolk sac: thanks for reminder I'll keep a look out for thrush. Have googled for some info too. Hope u deliver soon! Excited for u

Mich: hope u deliver soon .. Hugs.. Know it's getting unbearable for u! Some nights we have the owl night club here on the forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry if I missed out some postings... Currently battling my uti n a baby who is not hungry for milk ..... Think i'll have to MIA for awhile

Congrats to all mummies who have delivered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Waiting for more to graduate! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not hungry right now... Having mild contractions once in a while and keep going to the toilet to pee. Damn irritating...


I also wish to deliver soon... But everytime I visit e clinic n the doc says I'm not gg into labor soon, I feel really demoralized. You take good care and rest well... Don't take too heaty stuff if you can...

Gerry piggy and the rest: thanks for concern!

Chants mantra: " I must get well for baby! Need to rest rest rest!"

Mich: maybe ur labour will start soon since ure having mild contractions! Having some *ahem* activity may help to trigger labour too. Try to walk or do some squats... Seem to help some mothers

Sandy I'm so envious of yr boy.. Round round cheeks.. Chubby chubby... C machiam advertising for baby slimming advertisement lor. Sigh. So demoralizing sometimes

Icic.. Thanks for all ur advices.. I think now in hospital got aircon still ok.. Maybe I put half day when I get back home bah..

Lynn, coz tried to induce but my cervix not very cooperative to dilate further, so ended up emergency c-sec. might be due to baby being too big, cannot decent properly to open up my cervix..

Pink: i hope u get well soon from ur cough!

I'm having some cough now too. Only third day post-op. I don't feel like it's a normal cold coughing. Is this a side effect of GA csec instead?

Hihi mummies I have given birth le!! Finally no more false alarm. Bb was born 6 apr. Weighing 3.715kg natural with epi. My vbac was successful!! Jia you to all mummies giving birth ESP to those trying vbac ! U can do it!!

Aries try not to bend down or exert on yr lower body.. I try to use my arms to support. Maybe ur pain killers aren't very strong so u'll still feel some pain. U can check with ur gynae. I didn't feel pain after taking pain killers. Dont think it's yr pain threshold lar coz mine is non existent......


Aries: yes bcox they insert the anesthesia thru the throat n will cause the throat to be irritated. But I had a bit of cough on the day i was due for op... So I can't tell for my case

U'll feel better soon, hugs and jia you. My gynae prescibed a cough syrup for me when I got discharged. U can ask ur gynae

