(2011/04) Apr 2011


Just pamper urself with medi n pedi without nail Polish! It's the way to pamper urself!!!! Not the nail polish colour makes u happy right?


Thanks! Think I'm blessed this time round maybe I dun stress myself with the supply n I'm more open for other option like FM... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Michelle, no one is removing my nail polish when I go into labour!! I have SQ Girl-red on my toes at the moment, haha. Bimbo right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmmz.. if I am not mistaken, you can do manicure unless you go for c-sect.Maybe you can do those hand spa thingy.. like hand massage and buffing without nail colour.. =)

It really depends. Of course many people believe if it is still before EDD, best to keep baby in. 4kg still alright unless Dr says you might not be able to handle it.. I know of people who are very slim build and managed to deliver 4kg babies with no epi!!!! The no epi part is a bit crazy lah!! =)

I know it really sucks.. Right now you must do things to make yourself feel better.. If you keep looking at your belly and wonder, it will just drive you crazy.. For me now, how I deal with the stupid itchy belly and heaviness is to keep myself busy.. Go out.. That's why for me I choose to work all the way rather than stay at home and wait.. If you allow yourself to wallow in self pity, that horrible feeling will only get worse..

Sometimes I think playing and talking to my #1 helps a lot too.. My hb always tells me when I get into that kind of mood that we have such a lovely family and we are going to have another lovely addition.. And whatever I am feeling is temporary... For you it is going to be VERY SOON.. =)


wow ur milk so much ah keke... gd la...


cheer up.. man r like tt u dun tell them they wun know... ya try to find friends out for lunch etc? at least not so much of walkin also? n most impt dun stuck at home all the time..


my nails are very very short to begin with... the manicurist wont know what to do with my nails other than color. but never mind la, not going for manicure already cuz i don want to color then the nurse remove the colors (heart pain)...

and ask you ah, is TMC's food menu standardized or can choose the choice of food we want?

Yolk sac,

haha!! Cool nail colour.. =) You are really tempting me to go get my nails done later!!


Take a cab out.. Walk a bit, sit down and chill out at a cafe or fast food joint.. You gotta move.. Think about it as preparation for an easy labour..


Ya I think stress is the milk supply reducer..I feel that you are a very positive person!! =)

yolk sac

haha bimbotic but it makes you happy. im going to paint my feet later after my gynae appt in the afternoon.


yup will go do so in the afternoon after my gynae appt. am really in need of some happy stuff. need to get out of the house.

and i dont think i can deliver without epi. i have super low pain threshold but will try to do it without epi if i can... but then again, i still dunno whether i wanna opt for c-sec or go natural. both have pros and cons. will discuss with gynae later.


my friends are all working during office hours and after office hours, they're busy with their hbs and kids also... and i dont have many friends to begin with. never mind la... im almost there already. will try to keep my mind off the bb and find things to do.


icic... aiyo u shd join our outing more often in tt case[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nvm come in here to chat with us to keep ur mind off[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


after give birth i'll try to join you all for the gathering... ya am chatting here to kill time... and guess what, im looking at kleavan's massage video now. he looks so comfy and sleepy...


hee ya i post the video for the benefit of 1sttime mummies these massagemake them v shiok n help to get rid of wind in the tummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

have tag u in the videoo ya..

Good morning mummies,


Jia you and wish you have a smooth delivery


congrats and rest well

any more actions today?... what about tweety? didn't see you in forum lately


Done with gynae appt but STILL NO ACTION [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gynae said bb head lower, no dilation yet but cervix softened... Hope will have action these few days if not gotta admit Monday afternoon for c-sect on Tuesday morning.


Dun be so down... I'm already on maternity leave. So wat I do is to meet my gfs who are SAHM, who have their kids in CC, for brekkie, lunch and/or tea, whenever possible. Like this week, I already met them for brekkie n lunch on Monday, yesterday was at home to look after my son cos nanny took leave, today meeting them again for lunch.. If still no action, will continue to take lunch with them this Thursday n Friday... Hahaha.. Dun have to walk a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Or maybe u want to join us?


thanks but it's ok... and thanks for the suggestions... im going to find things to do till i pop. just need to distract myself from negative thoughts.

Please take note that you cannot have any nail polish on ur hands or toes nails while you gg delivery. hehe....therefore dont waste the money.....

Thx to mummies who are so encouraging!!

I gave in to epidural!!!! Lol.. & I'm not feeling bad over it.. It feels great! Hubby looks more relieved also..

9am - burst waterbag (so pain this time! Not bursting cos can't feel de but feels like worst VE ever cos doc said "this one got tougher membrane"), put drip, 4cm only! After a whole night!

10.30am - buay tahan helpless pain.. Cannot even move freely to relieve the pain.. Slightly stronger but frequent waves of contractions..

11am - epi done! Took abt 5min nia.. Now waiting loh.. Total relief! Shiok..


Dun worry, u're not alone.. I was a bit like u before my gynae gave in to induce me.. I begged him de.. Baby will come out de!


at Tmc we can chose from menu only for breakfast then lunch and dinner is just follow by confinement foods bah unless u request eg halal or non halal or any food allergy


yah u using Ameda dual pump too. u too?


ehhmmm. not the whole aroela go into funnel ler only the nipple but the nipple didnt rub with funnel so not so painful. but just feel the suction not as last time I used avert so strong but I only adjust to half for vacuum. paisei I shd say it's funnel not the shield. I also dun have nipple shield. shd I chg the bigger hole for funnel? maybe I ll monitor again since after pump not feel the engorgement.

still trying my best to hold best position for latching


when latching I need 2 hands ler so where free hand to take the other side leaking?

1 hand support breast 1 hand support Bb head

Michelle, just now when i was tolerating my pain, i a bit regret asking for induce.. Lol! So it might b a good thing for u also.. Can rest more at your own home instead of wasting time in hospital, like me..

Gynae estimate abt 1pm? Not sure cos my dilation super slow de.. Zzz..

Pink, u know hor.. I was walking ard a bit with hubby last night & i saw the board, before i read your post.. Told my hubby "eh dear, this baby is so pretty leh!".. Then i read the card & realized it's C! Lol..


Can choose from Chinese, Western, Malay or confinement menu for breakfast, lunch & dinner... As for snack, hi-tea & supper are standard~ everyday menu diff, so dun worry, u wun get to eat the same food~~


U'r right! I'm a POSITIVE person!!!! Or rather I'm those happy go lucky type... So sometimes I call myself bimbo!!!! Kakakaka... Big boobs n no use brain~ kakakakaka...

I used to b a negative person but somehow I change... Coz I found that I have no friends or no one to talk to when I have problem if I stay negative, since we reluctant to listen or communicate, y ppl waste time on us???? I'm glad on my changes!!!! It benefit not only me, also ppl surround me!!!


I use football cradle method most of the time with the help of pillow... So I use 1 hand can le... When u master it, I'll get what I mean... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia You!!!!!!

Jia you Pearly!

Piggy, I used to stay in JW..but now shifted le, but my mom's place still @ JW :D

Haiz, today my breast engorged till so painful.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


jiayou v soon Liao .. If u r 1 who dilate slow I tink induce or nt it the same??? Anyway v v soon Liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I find after 2-3mth when everything is more or less settle down u will start to enjoy cos as they grow day by day they will gave u more joy usu the 1st mth is tough but soon it will be over[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] another 2 wk to go for sianzz.. Now lookin forward to full mth celebration[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, i'm due in May but at times reading the Apr forum as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Michelle: Juz wanted to let you know you are not alone facing such situation. I do feel like you too. In fact, mine was from the 2nd tri till now. Hb says im like showing signs of PND - but, he doesnt do anythg. At least ya hb did wake up to ask you if youre ok etc. My hb tinks im just being paranoid/ overly emotional and continues sleeping even when im crying for hours. He says its so late (normally past midnite), he's tired blah blah.. and the least i can do is give him some peace and not "kajiao" him. I feel so sad and end up crying more. No matter how much i tell myself mentally to be strong and not cry cos it affects the bb, my tears jus keep rolling.

During my 2nd tri, i try to go out once in awhile but after awhile, hb says go out=spend $. So now, im more or less stuck at home (counting down). Take comfort in that you still hav a hb who tries to listen/ comfort you, and that your new bundle of joy will be out very soon. Jiayou. =)


thank goodness! cuz i dont really wanna eat confinement food. ewww.


yup you described EXACTLY like how im right now.. and yes, i should be feeling glad cuz my little one will be out soon. thank goodness for this forum, i have gain wonderful advices from everyone. really really glad to find this forum...

and sunflower, you jiayou too :)

tweety... not yet?

Jia you jia you :D

Confinement reali kana confined... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha I tot u got action Liao wor no hear frm u.

U on ml Liao Ma?


hugs bb will b out soon now at least u r more or less prepare le jux tell urself rest n enjoy when bb is out u will b like gng for "war"

my hb like to "curse" me tat I sure haf PND cos for nothin I can cry n cry esp at nite n do some silly things. Haix wat to do they don understand us n we r feelin upset onli thing is relax ba.

My fren sis gave birth in feb n last wk she told me her sis got PND her mum n hb got to bring her go c doc. Her sis for nothin can pick up knife n wanna kill the hb I hear Liao freak out donno is it true or my fren tryin to scare me


Huh ur friend sis's condition very serious wor.. I don't have suicidal thoughts la I just cry and cry at night only but Ure right... Now can only try to relax lor...

Now at TMC... I just put on 1kg over 1 week! Omg I dunno how that can happen but I think I really ate too much Liao.


yes very serious hor I hear Liao got scare cos me oso sometime haf tat thought to either kill my hb or #1. but is think onli. Don think I will do it la jux cry lo

ok la 1 kg now u put on is share wif bb Ma don forget u r preggy if is for me now aft birth n weight keep gng up I shld b jumpin liao cos every single fats belongs to me onli. Hahaha

UPDATE! Failed Induction!

Hey gals - saw gynae this morning and he tried to give me a sweep but couldn't. Cervix too high up for him to reach with his fingers. Poor guy tried and tried, but couldn't. I must say that I was very brave (modest hor?) and didn't really flinch despite the constant prodding. All those perineum exercises are paying off hopefully!

Anyway, I am 2.5-3cm dilated, cervix is soft but high, bb's head is at 0 station...

Since it seems impossible to do a sweep and allow the production of natural prostagladin, we decided to insert prostaglandin gel tomorrow morning after a CTG. So that's what we're going to do. Hopefully it will be a 7-4-11 or 8-4-11 baby.

Pearly: Sounds like labour is going smoothly for you. Is Mt A very crowded today? Seems like it is always busy. Worried I can't get the delivery suite I want. Jia yo gal! Update us when you can.

Michelle: I don't want to downplay what you are experiencing which is why I think if you feel it is necessary, you shld alert your gynae about what you're going thru. But relaxation exercises can help. And distraction methods (hence my scrapbook ideas and Gerry's suggestions) can help too. Sorry to hear hb isn't being of much help. Men are like that. Can't hint! Must demand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy: Oh dear, oh dear, sounds terrible. But I have heard stories like that too. PND is a dreadful illness. Hope your friend's sister is better now?

Tweety: We are same gang! No action gang!

michelle: 1kg still okie la.. we can loose the weight after that de...

yolk sac: yeah... we belong to the no action gang.. Dr did VE for me today.. 1cm dilated... and can feel bb's head le... so still waiting waiting.. haahaa

Michelle cheer up! Ur turn to join us will come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy life now because we will have no life after delivery... Trust me......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hugs hugs ok!!

hi piggy, my gynae was dr paul tseng, edd was 30 mar, ADD is 3 apr. baby gal not yet chosen, can call her little vivi, hee? 3.3 kg natural with epi.

michelle, I'm new in this thread, but thought I share with you things to do as well...maybe you could read up on things to prepare for baby's arrival, like breastfeeding, or e-shopping (my favourite, hee).. and of course, visit SMH more often to chat.. For my 1st child, i took 1 month ML in advance, who knows I was overdue and have to induce a week later..haiz, total waste of leave and also did the above things I was telling you.. for my this child, i negotiated to work at home from 38th week onwards and only took ML, 2 days before my ADD, so feel much better in that sense.. Maybe you could try this for your next child..

Michelle cheer up! Ur turn to join us will come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy life now because we will have no life after delivery... Trust me......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hugs hugs ok!!


Breastfeeding is hard.. Sigh.. Pumping only abt 20ml~35ml for 2 sides only.. So depressing wor.. On the verge of giving up le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

