(2011/04) Apr 2011

Lynn, I don't think it makes a big diff whether you opt for epidural or GA c-sect. In one study of 8o women, the babies born under GA were a bit quieter and "depressed" (lower Apgar scores) in the first minute but thereafter there were no significant differences in the GA or epi groups.


Yolk sac,

Oh is it?will cause what if Non stop cramp?u think I can call my gynea at this time?or call him when I really can't endure the cramp?

Yup Mchelle! Seeing gynae tomorrow. He usually lets women go to 41 weeks without induction. I will probably let him do a sweep tomorrow.


Can call ur gynae anytime you suspect sth is wrong. Its ok... Cuz they're on standby 24/7. Or did ur gynae give u any emergency no to call?

Yolk sac

Nothing works. Reading makes me even more alert.. Hb just took me for a short walk downstairs to calm down but now still can't sleep. I think I have prenatal depression. I have some symptoms of PND..

Baby, I think only if it gets really really bad then get yourself admitted and they can hook you up to a CTG and call gynae if necessary. To be honest, I can't think of why you might be cramping non stop. Maybe ligament pain? You have cleared your bowels? Sometimes digestion issues cause pain like that. That would be my first guess for a cause of that kind of pain.

Michelle, lie down and relax each part of your body from the top of your head to your toes, while clearing your mind and breathing slowly. The hormones make us crazy, but you can help yourself right now by relaxing. Hugs girl. If you suspect depression, pl alert your gynae when you next see him or her.

Hi girls~

Just finish latch my Jovie...


Talk to ur gynae if u suspect u have PND... This is the last ting we would want it happen from our pregnancy... Could it b u r too tired in the final lap n seeing some of us pop day by day make u anxious?

I've these frustrated feeling on the very happening day before I pop... U sound like u'r going thru the phase too... Well, I'm having guess, maybe talk to ur gynae, they are more pro!

Try to relax urself ya... U'r in ur very very very final lap aldy... Soon I'll see ur little 1~~~ hang on there! *hugs*

Morning!!! I fell asleep until now.. Sian! Was expecting pain early last night then popping asap.. Nothing.. Now 6am liao!! Argh.. Not even bleeding.. And I'm getting hungry liao.. Wish can faster pop then can eat! Hope wun pop in evening like my girl.. Y my uterus so comfy... Argh...


Try full day? Kait's in CC full day & that's a huge relief.. Can try?

Mrs chua,

usually I stroke BB back downward .. U can also do some tummy massage n cycle his leg to get rid of wind..


hugs dun cry v soon ur BB will be out try tokin to him ya n yes tok to ur gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pearly ,

sumtime pill work v slow for some like mr also ur gynae comin soon?


Duno leh.. Here not pro-VE, unlike TMC de.. Gynae say nurses will call him when i'm abt 8cm but they dun check de wor.. Doubt i'm that far anyway.. No blood yet.. Super sianz

Pearly jia you! If u stay at ST raphael's ward u can go see Charissa's photos on the wall. We made a thank you card for them n they pinned it on the wall.

Jia you!! Baby will listen to Jiahui jie jie and come out soon ok? Charissa is waiting to play with u!!

Hippo: envious that jovie is already hungry for milk... Her fren here hasn't cried for milk before lor... Only us trying to stuff my boobie into her mouth all the time.. Haix

Hi.. Just to update, I've delivered yesterday via emergency c-sec at 1801hr to my baby boy. He weighs 3.755kg. Will post my birth story later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

G'morning ladies,

Yolk sac,

You are still here!! Was wondering whether you delivered yesterday.. =) going to see gynae today right?




I see.. Hmmzz the choice between GA and epi.. I think there would be more risk for the mummies rather than the child.. And for GA, like pink cos she had GA, they wil put a tube into your throat to aid in breathing.. Of course a lot of mummies would opt for epi cos then they would be more alert to see their baby.. That's the good thing about epi.


Don't cry.. You are already reaching the end point.. I do feel awful at times too.. ESP now that I have developed PUPPP.. it can be super unbearable plus the huge and uncomfortable belly.. I try to keep telling myself that it will end soon.. Most pregnant and post partum women do experience a certain degree of what I would call post natal blues rather than depression... Talk to your hb more.. I am sure he is very supportive.. =)

Congrats Shice... Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. How to massage his tummy? My boy always took v long to burp.. making me so tired..

mrs Chua

I only noe 2ways. 1 is let Bb sit straight with support on her chin then pat her back. the other one is carry on our shoulder her head lean on shoulder then pay her bk. not sure other mummy got any better way.




check with u. this morning I manage to pump milk for both sides 80ml tot I noe it's good for 1st day but I can feel my boobs still heavy not hard just feel bigger so I wondering if it's the pump not gd enuf to clear or it's normal. dun dare to kp pump as the nipple ll pain. I m using a hand me down Ameda. dunno I shd chg the bigger nipple shield as when it pull the nipple seem like the hole queit small not dun have rubber part like avent. or I shd get a brand new pump

Yolk, still ard?? Do squats! I did tat after my induction! Nite I admitted to deliver....

My bb was crying frm 9+ to 11+ and 1+ to 2+!

her cries are so furious, sharp and full of frustrations!

After putting ruyi oil, she fart! I think I gonna buy colic drops later to try...feel so scared to c her crying like tat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Mrs chua,

later I upload the video in f/b u can go n see[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nothing for me after the tightening last night... Just pains in isolat areas here and there when I'm walking around. I'm just going to continue my plans to enjoy my leave before baby comes. Going to Marriott cafe for buffet later!

Good luck and congrats to mummies popping today!


After your girl farted, she stopped crying? Oh dear.. Sounds like the 'witching hour' that yolk sac described.. Will gripe water help too?

I have been squatting all the time to bathe my girl and pack her toys.. I hope it is going to help!! =)

Amk girl,

Enjoy your day!! Sounds shiok! =)

what you had last night was probably BH.. The cramps and aches and pains are most likely caused by the expanding uterus and ever growing baby.. =)

good morning mommies...

thanks for the advice. I dont know if it is PND but yes, everyday when I see more and more mommies popping I feel happy for them but really sad for myself cuz bb still doesnt wish to come out yet and im really bored at home. Used to be able to go shopping before bb reached full term cuz still got energy. now no energy to go out and just keep staying at home, so very bored and dunno what to do. actually been quite down since the day i stopped working due to pregnancy and initially, not working feels good because can take a break and mil doesnt allow me to do housework cuz she's afraid i'll fall down n hurt myself etc. after a few months i really cannot take it anymore. i kept waking up in the middle of the night to cry and kept having sleepless nights. i also dunno whats wrong when hb kept asking me whats wrong... i just felt sorry for myself and kept drowning in self-pity.

now i just cant wait for the bb to come out. am tired of waiting and waiting and staying home and feeling like a 'fei4 ren2 (useless person)'. Sigh..

Sorry to dampen your mood in the morning but I really need to type it all out...

hello good morning everyone...

Gerry full power very pain sometimes for my nipples but I will try and try....

bbgoh you also using Ameda dual pump?

ST and Vonn, thanks! With no 1 I did square and walked a lot which I think caused her water bag to leak. Will see what my gynae says this morning, going soon.

Vonn, it definitely sounds like wind or reflux. Try the gripe water which Gerry suggested, works for a lot of my friends' kids. Also got to be vigilant about burping bb, letting bb sit upright for some time after feeds, etc. There are also sleep positioners you can buy that help bb sleep at an incline, heard it works wonders for infants with sensitive digestive systems.

Gerry, yup seeing gynae this morning! Can't wait.

Amk Gal and Pearly, I have no action too. Thought my bag might have leaked when I stood up this morning but was prob just normal discharge.


im not a drama fan. i do watch movies all the time though. just that now no energy to go out, i can hardly watch a movie already.

and hb hasnt really been very supportive... or maybe he just doesnt know how to be. when he comes back from work, we hardly talk (he tries to make e effort) and when we do, we talk for a bit (less than 10 sentences) then he'll ask whether bb got behave inside tummy or not, then he'll start drifting off to sleep. whenever i cry alone in a corner, he'll open his eyes for a bit, look at me then fall back asleep. yesterday when i really couldnt take it anymore, i broke down in front of him. that's when he finally 'woke up' and really comforted me for a while.

Michelle, u have to be positive!! Jia You and do nt let yrself fall into despair.

Gerry/yolk, after farted..she still cry...will buy the colic drop and keeping fingers cross.

If she din burp after burping, I will let her sit upright...day time, she's a sleeping beauty...

Gerry, I hold the windows grill and pull myself up and down haha..u wanna try?

Michelle, sounds like a lot of things all acting together to upset you. Would it help take your mind off things if you started on a pre baby project like a scrapbook to keep busy?


im trying to be... but when the tears come, i find them uncontrollable. going to the gynae today and hope i can deliver earlier since bb is getting too big also.

yolk sac

i have an album for bb's pictures and scans and words for him. i look at it everyday but as I look i find myself more down than ever. it's like.. when is he going to be out?! anyway i thought i could keep myself busy with nesting instincts but i guess i do things wayyyy too early. im done with the bed and bath and everything else already.

Michelle S,

I think at this stage cos you are not working and at home you are also not doing much.. that's why you are feeling down.. Sort of like useless.. Try to meet some friends for lunch? You should try to keep yourself busy and not think about the baby.. Think about yourself now..Maybe go and do a manicure, pedicure? That's how i dealt with it when I had bed rest due to bleeding.. YOu know how pissed off I was.. Ya I felt utterly useless and like a handicapped and yes I cried a hell lot too.. Don't walk around the house, I think it would only make you feel sad.. You gotta get out of the house. When is your EDD?

Congrats to Shice!!!!

Mrs. Chua,

Piggy n bbgoh method is good... Some bb just take longer for them to burp... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I start to have milk let down liao... Amazing this time like the milk increase!!!! Busy fetching my milk while latch my bb another side, Kekeke....


Soon soon!!!!! Good luck for ur gynae visit!


Haha! Will try that.. My legs are so getting weaker esp when the weight of the baby is getting heavier.. =)


Ya a bit painful I guess.. cos by the time I started pumping, my nipples are already seasoned liao.. Don't give up.. The volumes initially may vary depending on the time of the day.. When you take warm shower, does your breast leak? Sometimes, when I pumped, I would watch tv.. keep my mind off the pumping and it does help in increasing supply..


I can't really remember, but does your entire nipple with the areola go inside the narrow part of the funnel? I didn't use the shield.. I just used the funnel provided by ameda.


Congrats on your milk supply!! haha!! So cute, ya when baby latched onto 1 breast, the other side will leak... Save it... It's liquid gold for your baby!! Good that Jovie doesn't have problems with latching.. =)


It helps to know someone understood the way i feel right now. Yes it's that kind of uselessness that makes me feel really down and sad. Now can still do manicure? My EDD is next week Sunday but bb is about 3.4-3.5kg at 37+weeks. Today going to see gynae.. think bb will hit 3.7kg. So better to have him out than wait till he hits 4kg.

now still can do manicure? I dunno where I read from, but the nurses will remove nail polish when we go into labor. True or not?

Michelle , don't be sad . Soon your turn to deliver will comes .

I'm due for C-sect on 9 April and now I sort of miss the times my boy is in my tum tum moving here and there . In a few days , all these wonderful moments will be gone and I'm trying to enjoy and appreciate all these moments more .

Maybe you can think along this line and you will feel much better . .


*hugs* cheer up!!!!! Maybe like what Gerry suggest, get urself out from house! It's way better than u feel down at home... Window shopping, pedi, medi or anything else rather to stay home will do u good....



Yup my turn will come soon. I really hope it's this week.


i also want to get out of the house, but no energy already... stomach gets heavier everyday and cannot walk too much ):

