(2011/04) Apr 2011

Win win,

tt gd cos now i pump abt 100-110ml per pump n my bb drinkin 90ml liao scare soon cannot keep up again lol~ hmm tt day my HB go check it $30 for 1st bott n $15 for 2nd bott dunno wan to try anot..


piggy: i think no harm trying and since ur boy is increasing his demand guess u need some external help to increase ur supply too.

Winwin- well done! Your efforts paid off!

Piggy- re fenugreek, check the dosage and concentration on the bottle. My Jack Newman book says that if you can, find a formulation that has fenugreek and blessed thistle. Or maybe take plain fenugreek and milk thistle separately?

Anyone has recommendation for normal tingkat? I wana order tingkat after my confinement. Now looking ard to see which one is good.

Hello mummies

Me latch on nothing comes out only baby suckling on my breasts like a pacifier. Use pump can only see few drops at the funnel not even enough to drip to the bottle !!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also dont know why since last night I feel faint and giddy leh...

But 1 good thing I managed to poop just now because I was so scared of the stitches ....

By the way, right now do I still put 2 pads or can put 1 pad only huh?

Mrs Chua what is Mdm Emma's number and what are the charges?

Vivi, you can put 1 pad if you comfy.. 2 pads is more for e cushion. I also feeling faint n dizzy 1st few days.. Think lack of food and blood. Try to eat alot alot to bu back. Diet can wait after confinement!

Mrs chua, you go poly can ask doc abt e flu rite? So small dunno can take med. Hope e antibodies in ur bm will take effect soon.

I'm holding Joel's full mth on 24th Apr. Which is my CL's last day too. Think I'll extend CL for at least 1 or 2 days more. If not v hectic after tt. I dunno can handle bb alone when CL gone anot!

Elmo ok I think can reduce to 1 pad liao because quite wasteful and then only the front part is stained the back of the pad is quite ok.

Strangely I only felt the faint and dizzy spells last night and it seems like the whole ceiling is spinning.... scare die me le

Win win

for the fenugreek can take so many per day? I went to buy n they told me to take 2 per day onli. Mine is frm GNC.


the 1st few days I'm like u can't even drip into btl onli at funnel. Jux continue pumpin air slowly milk will come in. Jia you.

Hi all!

Been bz aft discharge fm hospital yest..bb not int in latching on so I had to try n pump c if my milk comes in. Surprisingly I've 50ml on e first pump..second pump b4 I z 30ml oni. But woke up w painful breasts n pumped a 70ml..will start my pumping career since bb not keen in latching..haa. Moreover w my sticky body not so keen I'm latching her too.

Enialec, my ml suggested to start oni aft 2weeks..but is subjected to how well ur wound is healing..

Vivi, if ur discharge not alot jus use 1 pad enuf le..

Pink, high five man! My gal been wriggling herself outta e swaddle n taking out her mittens too! Duno y she seems to haf a big appetite..tink my bm wun b enuf for her..

Oh, anyone knows where to buy e ng kee to bath bb tt got jaundice?


you are welcome...and i believe you can overcome it. Wish you a smooth delivery tml. Rest well today and don't think so much.

One thing good about this forum is the support that we got from mummmies here.. who knows i may need the support from you gals when is nearer to mine delivery... worst still i'm a first time mum, definitely a lot of thing will go thru me after delivery...

juz want to check, heard that is good for NB to wear other ppl's bb clothing when NB discharged from hospital to go home. Does any mummy practice that? or can give NB new set of clothing to wear home?


Looks like ur IL neglected ur feeling also... Maybe just ren for the being time? Bo bian hor? If they bo chap we can mean to them, the problem is they treat u so well, sometime we gotta ren under such circumstances... Haiz... 做人老婆真难...

Pink, ya, agree... C is CHAO geng!!!! Lols~

Winwin, wow Hoo!!!!! Congrats! I must learn from u!!!! I want milk!!!!! Mooo~~~~~

Enialec, after 2 weeks bah according my ML...

Fung, we Jia you together!!!! I just lecture my hubby coz he complain that I'm so addicted to the forum... Sometimes, man just don't get it!!!!!! Wahahahaha~

Actually is old wives tales, said bb wear hand me down more easy to take care as they will b more guai...

Hello everyone just now while I was chatting with hubby I felt something wet leaking out from my breasts !!!!

Just now I was on the pump and managed to pump a pathetic few mls of milk.... Sandy you are right !!! So should I continue as every 2 hours pumping?

Also 1 thing how to know if the breasts has been empty with milk?

Rach wow so good from the start you have good supply.


Seriously, I dun think the gas helped much with the pain at all. It just takes your mind of it. Sort of makes you high. So you can still feel the pain but you're too high to do anyhing about it. I remember screaming into the mask coz of the pain but then drifting off once the contraction passed. But ultimately, I guess some form of relief is better than none. If I din have the gas, will be more jialat coz will be alert when the pain sets in. It's good for tiding you thru the contractions if you wanna try for no epi.


When it's time to push, the nurses took the gas away so totally no pain relief. The pain from the pushing and the head coming out was so immense that by the time the doc was stitching me up, I could't feel anything liao. Just have the sensation of thread going in and outta of you but no pain. Must be numb liao...

The pushing of the head out was like a case of stomachache gone really wrong.. I think my screams must have freaked out the other mummies in the other delivery wards...But once the baby comes out, the feeling is super duper shiok coz you feel the whole baby slipping outta you.

Mummies who is gg to deliver tmr all the best

Moo moo mummies do try latch or pump ur Bb even in the middle of the night it really help to boast the supply

Congrats mummies who have delivered

Pink.. Wow, ur supply seem to kick in fast.. I already coming to 12 days, my supply still not v regular, sometimes 40ml sometimes 20ml onli.. So sad.. Ya, I'm v heart ache to see my boy like this, so young start to cough & hv flu. previously i'm having flu & cough, i wonder is it becos i pass the virus to him or wat others say, dun drink cold drinks when u r preg, will pass to the baby de.. The other day I went to poly for his jaundice review, the doc say not giving any medication cos too young.. So can onli apply some Vicks on his chest to smooth his breathing lo.. Jus hope my boy get well fast fast, if nt I c Le, v heart ache lo.. 

Ya, he will curl himself up no matter sun bathing or sleeping.. Hubby scare will afraid his sleeping podium so ask me put him on cot to slp but my pert as 1st time grand parent say, put cot sleep v hot, day time slp this way cooling & won't affect his body de la etc etc.. Furthermore he is young now, so confirm will slp like this la & got pple to take care now, nvm la.. Haizz.. Starting to give me doubts if I wan to continue let them help me take care of my boy when I goes back to work.. 

My boy clothing which mostly given by friends are new born de.. But they were those romper kind.. My mummy dun wan to wear this for my boy saying his head now so fragile so difficult to wear those.. She prefer those like shirt kind which I got onli a few so my boy is wearing those repeatly as if he dun hv much clothing.. 

Piggy.. U oso having in 22/4 & 23/4? Which catering u gonna get? My sil recommend Neo garden & glory.. She say food not bad.. Den as for cakes, we thinking of giving bengawansolo vouchers instead cos scare food will b spoil & using vouchers, can use to buy any thing from there. 

Ur #1 already know how to flip at 2 weeks old? I think my boy oso trying cos he will turn to flip to the side as if reaching for something.. 

Ya.. I oso think pumping or bf takes up too much time.. Every 2-3 hrs need to pump, though each pump is abt 20-30 min but still got lots of other stuff to do leh.. Find time oases v v fast each day lo.. Haizz furthermore my milk supply v low lo, each pump onli 20-40ml.. Got to admit that I'm a v lazy mummy who dun pump @ night & onli pump when I rem or got time during the day.. 

Hippolai.. Jia you! Keep telling urself u can do it de.. I as a first time mummy oso find that able to come in here & get to learn from all mummies esp 2nd time mummies, it really benefit me alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad to know u all too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry.. Take care of urself ah, last lap Le.. Jia you! PUPPP will go away soon.. ;)

Mrs Chua aiyo little Gervaise sick wor... must take care of yourself and him too...

Can I trouble you to have Mdm Emma's contact?


ya.. i agree with what you said.. tok to them, they also don't understand or don't know how to comfort us or maybe think we think too much... then when we manage to find a medium (this forum) to let out our stress and get support from, they said we are addicted to it...

actually i also heard of those old wives tales... so it's all right for bb to wear new clothing back home rather than wear those ppl passed down one? coz i wanted to let him wear those I buy one leh... coz i only bought a few as there are passed down clothing.. so doesn't really matter when he wear new clothing, when he wear passed down clothing right?

hi mummies....

finali some free time to hop onto the forum... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


exactly.. It nt as if they treat me no gd jus tt they dote on my son too much so make me feel they r fighting son with me lol ~ tt is y last time after confinement I rather be the 1 going to their place than they come up at least I can plan wat time to go n I can't chase them away.. Nt easy to be a gd wife [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrs chua,

I holding on 22 & 24 apr going to cater mums kitchen n gd luck kitchen these 2 r my face caterer food nice n big serving size.. NEO garden is ok but v small serving size...

I also dun pump at nite too tired Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vonn/mrs chua,

ya my #1 flip at 2 wk old he will gek n gek his body n flip but after he gain more weight he stop flipping till 4mth old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HB knows that i have craving for durian for a few days already but he can't eat previously coz he is sick.. then juz now went to buy those by kg type, come back with 2 boxes(2 durians). he ate a bit and asked me to finished up all... now i'm so full from the durian and don't think can have dinner later. (in the end, can't finish still) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aiyah.. ILs are sometimes like that.. I think they see this as concern too.. Like you have to look after #2.. And they worry #1 will tire you out.. Ya agree with hippo.. They really treat you well.. Make birds nest and sugar cane drink for you.. Just ren!! When your #1 comes back, just enjoy the moment with him.. =)


my Hb also say I addicted to forum but I tell him wat he meant addicted usu I log on durin free time he also play game durin his free time mah n he say he going to find gt Singapore father hood forum anot -_-


ya lo tt y I din bother to ask my hb talk to them cos it will only sound rude sigh jus hope my confinement faster end so I can control my own timing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


is like that one.. when they see us on computer most of the time, they said we addicted... then they play computer game, can lah. you can ask him to try to find fatherhood forum but then even if have, i dun think guy can tok so freely like us gal.

Just now i even told my HB (coz he everyday also play game till sometime i also get so frustrated), if after i delivery already, he still concentrate more on his game rather than his son and wife, he'll get it from me


for me I continue my 2-2.5hr pumpin. Even though is pumpin air I still carry on cos it help to stimulate.

Gd luck n jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha my hb talk cock Nia la but after we had kid he really play less game la dote on his son Like dunno wat..

Mummies who store BM in bag can check how much u gals store per bag? Cos once defroze mus use up within 24hr n can't foreseen how much they be drinking mah..

Piggy, i have e same question too! I just take out 1 milk bag to try.. Put in 200ml le. Then my CL say usually ppl put e exact amount bb will drink. But now bb only drink 70ml .. The milk bag like so wasteful leh. Cannot defrost then pour out bit by bit meh? Then hor.. I forgot to squeeze out e air.. Now frozen le.. I dunno e bag will burst anot! Think i will defrost 1 bag next weekend when #1 is home.. To see if it'll leak. Then remaining can add to #1's milk! :p

Ningyo & pink.. Nt that I'm more settled down with the routine but I hv to start with the preparation since my boy's baby shower will b 2 days so need to prepare the food & cakes/vouchers to give away.. 

Sookie.. Happy anniversary to you & ur hubby.. Maybe u all can plan for a dinner together?? 

Winwin.. U took fenugreek? Supply really got 100ml ah? Gd lo.. Me started fenugreek ytd, hubby bought the GNC one. Now onli trying 2 pills per day (1 morn & 1 night). This morning I pump out abt 60ml after last night pump @2am.. Supply ard 60ml which I think I really pump until dry haha.. Hopefully will maintain & improve.. Let's Jia you together for our moo moo career hehe 

Piggy.. My hubby oso bought the fenugreek from GNC. Ur supply not bad liao la, nt like us onli 20-40ml each pump so need more supplement to increase it.. Think u jus need to continue  to Jia you with ur pump, ur supply will

Increase too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, if u really wan to buy from GNC, can join them as member cos I think more worthwhile.. If nt, I can lend u my membership [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enialec.. According to my Mdm Emma, she say can start on the 3rd week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but provided ur wound ok & u are comfortable with it.. 

Vivi.. Pm u her contact Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Tell her u recommended by Germaine for breast massage & she will know cos I jus called her up last week for the breast massage.. Price for breast massage $20 for 30min if post natal massage, can't really rem the price.. Maybe u wan to check with her den let me know? Thanks! 

Elmo.. I checked with them, they say apply vicks on his chest & no medications lo.. I now trying to pump & latch him more hoping my bm can help him fight for it.. But I abit worried is becos I passed the virus to him de when I myself gotten it though now recover Le.. 

Sandy.. My hubby say the sales girl told him tat during the 1st week, take 2 daily (1morn & 1night). 2nd week, 4 daily (2morn & 2night). By then supply still not improving, 6 daily (3morn & 3night)

Mrs Chua

Wow, your supply is not bad at all! Glad the fenugreek is working for you. I'm sure you'll be at 100ml soon. I took it all the way from six hours after giving birth until my No 1 was about 8 or 10 weeks' old and never had supply issues.

Elmo and Piggy

This question used to stress me out too. I think one method is to freeze in portions that make sense. For example, at this stage, maybe each bag or bottle should only contain say 60ml of milk. That way, you can defrost the whole serving and there will be little or no wastage. Whereas if you store 200ml in one vessel, bb may not be able to finish all.


I did use air and gas for my first labour, from 7cm to pushing. I did find that it helped take the edge of the contractions, though it still hurt. I did not get high on it though. I think my doula was very good about coaching me how to use it properly. Glad it worked well for you! You were great to go without pain relief during stitching. For me, I asked for LA.

Vonn: Oh no! I hate that evening crying thing. The ang mohs call it the "witching hour" when bb is especially fussy. Hope it's not colic! Maybe just bb settling into the new routine at home. Fingers crossed for you.

Sandy Dee

Fenugreek - I don't think you need to worry about overdosing on fenugreek. As a starting point, follow the dosage guidelines on your bottle and drink lots of water. See if that helps to increase your supply. If not, can gradually increase a bit. One book I've read says that you need to take so much that you can smell the spice/herb on your skin a bit. I don't think I ever reached that stage, but my friend said her husband could actually smell a difference on her!


Can I say it? Please please, can I say it? OK -


I told you that once you meet Parsley, everything will change. Suddenly you have this little thing and you will do anything to take care of her and protect her. And she will just become more and more fun. Soon you'll be able to do mummy-daughter stuff with her (my No 1 likes to go for manicures with me!) and chat about funny things, and you'll wonder how you ever thought you didn't want kids. It really is amazing, and I'm so so happy you're experiencing all this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's a special journey, babe, and you've set off on it already. Remember that through all the trying times, late nights, lack of sleep, painful blocked ducts, etc.

Elmo/yolk sac,

hahah last time no extras milk to store so dunno how to go abt storing.. ya cos i was thinkin if i froze 100ml den nex time i defroze 1 bag not enough den if 2 bag too much dunno how n so wasteful to use 1 bag leh..coos usu we freeze now for future usage mah if use bott my fridge runnin out of space... i read mus froze abit to seegot weird taste anot if have mus boil the milk first...


i was told fenugreek can take 2-3 each time leh..

Mrs Chua,

since u got engorement i tink ur milk is ther jus continue to stimulate it... now i try to sub 1 feed with FM so i wun waste the tin of FM n now i got 5bott of milk in fridge liao see liao v satisfy but scare my supply remain at 100-120ml ...

Hi ladies, just to keep you posted that I have delivered. Kai Lynn was born on 31 Mar 11 (induced) after a 12 hour labor. Didn't feel any pain throughout the whole process as I was on epidural. Am however recovering from a bad case of piles (think I must have accidentally pushed the wrong muscles =P)

Doing my best to produce more milk but have only been able to secrete some colostrum so far. Quite a frustrating process for both baby and mummy. Finally gave up last night and bought a can of Similac Gold to simultaneously feed baby while waiting for the real milk supply to come in..


I prefer baby to wear nice new clothes when going out.Most of d hand me downs clothes that I got for newborn r quite old n worn. Anyway, I'm wondering,old wives tale say wear hand me down clothes baby will b guai BUT what if d clothes came from a naughty baby? :p hehe

hi piggy,

usually I'll fill d milk bag to d max(with alloance for expansion) freeze. Then few hours before feeding, bring it to d normal compartment to de-froze.I'll put d bag in a big cup of water so that d frozen milk can de-froze faster. N when almost all d in liquid form, gently shake abit of mix d milk evenly before pouring out d quantity that I want to use for feeding.

Sometimes if I have odd quantity balance left, I'll mix it w d milk that I pump for d day but both have to be same temp,meaning d normal compartment temp.

Usually after I pump out milk, I'll put in milk bottle in normal compartment n if unused for 48hrs, trf to milk bag n freeze.

Regarding fernugreek,my gf took before n she said d milk smells like maple syrup n thou supply is more,it looks diluted.

Btw,sufficient rest is very impt for generating milk.Coz I realize if I didn't have enuf rest,my milk supply will b lesser. Drinking plenty of fluid is also impt,try to drink some warm drink before pumping.

Mrs chua,

wah 2 days full mth celebration is going to b tiring! Luckily my in laws n parents r not fussy to hold full mth celebration. I can't imagine having to clear d mess n to finish d catering food.

What cakes r u going to colleagues? Previously I used Choz confectionary n bengawan solo vouchers but thinking if there r other options. I still like Choz but don't know if it's too traditional for my current colleagues.

Hi mommies!!

I forgot who was asking about milk bags. Was it jojo? I found them at Robinson today. The 125 per pack, not the 140s one. Cost $16.50 with 20% off. Not a bad deal!

For those who still have to stock up on stuff, Robinson is still having their 20% nursery sale and for cardmembers, you get a $25 voucher on every $150 purchase. Can be used to offset immediately. Was told it will be till mid of the month.


I did speedread. Did you have problems with parsley's feeding? Some babies are just born small eaters. My #1 was 3percentile and we went to soooooo many PDs. PArdon me if I read your posts incorrectly!

Who is popping tomorrow?!

To those that I missed out, COngratulations and rest well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for ur input[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tink i know wat to do.. cos i read it best to freeze imm after pump to prevent weird metal taste in milk wor...


dun stress urself i also top up with FM.. n now my milk is enough for TBF dun gave up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Err.. I wanna ask. How come cannot pour some out of e milk bag for 1 feed.. Then reseal then next feed pour out again? I already got 800ml of frozen milk in e fridge le! Storage will become a headache!

Mrs chua, you just recovered from flu so ur milk will have e antibodies mah.. Hope can take effect on ur boy soon!

Pongzai, congrats!

ningyo, thks for e tips! Tt's wat i was thinking of doing. Tt means can pour out.. Reseal then next feed pour again? defrozed milk can only keep in fridge for 24 hrs har? Heng now got #1.. If milk cant use up in time still can mix with his fm. Hehe. Just now i pour 20ml of excess milk into #1's milk.. He cant detect. :p. Wonder if my antibodies still can pass to #1 through e bm anot?

Hi to all

Firstly would like to congrats all mummies who had delivered. Me 2nd time mummy, gng for csect on tues. As first was under GA, this time would like to try for epidural, but just want to seek some advice from u gals

Can i join the apr's mummies fb?


You can do it that way too.. At least that was what I did.. I froze 200ml per bag.. Then if I want to use it, I will thaw it in the fridge the night before and next day, will pour out accordingly over several feeds.. Once thaw, must be used within 24 hour.. And 200ml will be finished up in no time..


Thanks.. I am really trying to tahan.. There are moments where inducing seems soo tempting!! Haha!!


wow u mux b very happy now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] breastfeedin is a success to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm still struggling I tot my supply increase Liao den past 1wk drop till very jialart now den I know rest n diet is very impt which I'm lackin in now

Yolk sac

ok I shall try to increase my dosage Liao. Tat time when I buy the salesgirl told me fenugreek in high in fibre cannot take too many n mux drink lots n lots of water if not me n bb will constipate

mrs chua

when I buy the gal told me cannot take too many but frm wat I c on mar forum it seems like ppl take more then tat. Tats y curious to find out is it possible to take more than 2.

Hello ladies... Sigh.. Tried latching on, bb sucking well but nothing came out.. He pissed off till he started crying.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suddenly feel so useless, can't provide milk for him..

Gerry, yeah. Finally found someone who do tt! Was wondering y everyone say must freeze in exact amounts. More for convenience sake ba? Think next time infant care will have to bring in exact amounts for them le!

Ha ha I tried again just now and managed to get 20 ml Liao Vianne drank it and I was like so happy . Finally ! But Vianne gave a puzzled look when my Cl fed her must be taste different

Mrs chua thank you I go and check call her then I let u know

Mummies who uses the medela PIS pump, is there any particular one that you gals bought? Realized they come in different carrier bag etc? Any difference?

Cannot reseal thawed frozen milk?

Hmmm I usually freeze my milk in 50/100/150/180ml depending on baby's consumption. I like to freeze in 100ml so that depending on how many feeds I need, usually I will spilt the bags into diff feeds. As long as use within 24hrs right?

The last LC I had told me that fenugeek have to be taken 3 or 4 pills every 6-8hrs to be effective. She is practicing professionally leh. I can't rem the exact dosage, but its much higher than what is recommende and I find that its effective.



Hmm Was told by CL that its ok to be in aircon room, but cannot have fan. So pls pls pls dun have fan blowing directly at you.

As for bathing and washing hair, I think it depends on individual lah. My CLs all encourage me to bathe too as long as I use herbs and don't catch a cold and dry my hair well. For hygiene's sake!

totoro BB, the bags for PISA is just a different way of carrying the pump.

Mrs Chua,

Mdm Emma do massage or only clearing of block ducts?

