(2011/04) Apr 2011


Haha!! I was very determined... Hb and I really wanted to give bm to Lisa and I read up quite extensively on the subject before and during.. Did lots of troubleshooting.. And I was blessed with lots of supportive people.. No one ever told me that I did not have enough.. Even though it was hourly feeds 24 Hr cycle!! I was tired, but I think I wanted Lisa to be tbf that got me through the tough times.. I slept when she slept so that was my rest. Feeding her at night can be enjoyable if you put aside the fact that you are tired.. If you think you are tired, you are tired.. But I think no matter how tired, putting your baby to your breast and holding her will give you the supply needed to nourish baby.. When you are tired, and the pump is at your breast, I think physiologically your body will react differently.. Babies I think are most contended when they are with their mummies.. And even at a few days old, they know mummy.. They know your smell and they have been hearing your voice for the longest time.. That's why when I was breastfeeding, I did not use any perfume when I go out.. Scared my Lisa couldn't recognize me! Haha!! They will follow your smell and your boobs..


Vonn, ooops! Sorry! Haha yes when I'm in confinement you can taunt me with tea. Actually looks like we can't have bubble tea for a long long time...got caffeine! How to BF and drink Koi?

Hippopolai, yeah haha,we better be careful! *wink*

Yolk sac,

even durin BF i still drink bubble tea n eat spicy food leh lol~


aiya joke joke nia wait u really no come in durin confinement we bored leh lol~


ya if scare jus use those herb bag to bath if u got CL can use lemon grass+ ginger to bath also..

Piggy and Gerry, some babies are very sensitive to caffeine...can don't sleep whole night! My no 1 was fine (thankfully) but some friends couldn't have even a it of caffeine.

Wah wah jia you 4 those mummies delivering on 4apr..so excited 4 u all..

Mi juz discharge fr hospital on thur..but nt yet deliver, coz keep vomit n lau sia middle of e nite so gynae keep mi 1 dae under observation.. Lau sia will trigger early labour oso, so scary... Reali veri tired.. Gynae tell mi if can drag dun deliver 1st coz bb still in 36weeks onli..

But told mi i hav oradi diluted 1cm liao.. Scary...


icic maybe for me caffine dun have impact on me 1 so maybe tt y my #1 no impact but will watch out for #2 hope same[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little twin star ,

no worries some pp dilate early but no action till wks later also..

Piggy- yeah I'm really hoping my boy will not be sensitive to caffeine because I love tea, chocolates, Koi, etc. But will have to monitor and see! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anne I just treat it as sauna lor can burn fats away wa ha ha

Aiyo Piggy me sotong again should have called her until now she no reply hopefully Mdm Maz dont fly me kite leh

Now I am starting to feel some breast pain liao and breasts seems to be a bit heavier


huh till now no reply ah u better call her... nvm if she fly u kite u can consider Mdm Emma also... ya maybe ur milk all blk tt y.. u try to feel ur brest if u feel any lump press n massage in circular motion...

Yolk sac,

me too a chocolate lover hahah maybe tt y my body immune to caffine lol~

Vonn, haha, so I have been told! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very funny lah... I have had teenage girls "stalk" me only to realize later I'm not her.

hi mummies


we have 1 more day to go. how's yr preparation?

after read vivi's comment abt TMC nw a bit worry of their service. sigh... still remember last 2yrs ago queit ok with their services.


use hot towel and msg the lump, last time I also got many lump till the armpit there. I thk u got milk duck better clear up then u may have good supply. just use pump if u not good in latching yet.

vivi: ur CL cannot help u with BF? how come u cannot latch on Vianne? Does TMC have a parent craft centre that supports BF? My cousin in law gave birth at TMC and she engaged the LC to go to her place to do home visit. U can maybe check it out? My CL is quite good at breast feeding so she has been helping me. Jia you! Maybe u need to try and latch on abit first before pumping? Coz it's a hormonal response.

Yolk sac: OOH we have an in house Evelyn Tan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie+ Gerry: Wahh.... sounds challenging~~~~ Guess u're right that there will be so many different phases and problems that we are going to face next time...

COOL so many mummies going for 4/4 birth!!!

MIKIO Congrats!! hope u're recovering well from ur CSECT. U also woke up very fast rite???

piggy: yah i'm really exhausted. But managed to latch on C in the afternoon and evening today. I think I'm going to collapse soon. Milk seems ok at my last feed I massaged a bit and the milk literally dripped out from my boob. Hubby was very amused. Last latch on C fed for 27 mins on both sides... hope my nipples can last

Going to take a nap.... cannot take it anymore

Pink - your supply is really very good! I always had loads of milk too. Filled one chest freezer plus full [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but who knows whether this will be the case with No 2?

Hi all,

Just to update that I've given birth on 28 Mar. Here's my birth story..

27 Mar

530pm - Feel tummy tightening all the way on off till 9pm. Thought I better go to Mt alvenia to check for dilation.

9pm - Reach hospital. Was told 3cm dilated already and contractions 1 in 6min. Have to be admitted.

9pm - 5am 28 Mar - No action. Checked again and still 3cm dilated. Asked to go home but nurses refused. Say already in labour.

8am - Stomach ache. Keep wanting to go toilet. Checked. 5cm dilated.

845am - Checked again. Nurses said 9cm dilated. Called doc to come over.

920am - Doc came. Broke waterbag. Pushed a few times. Say cannot see head. And doc said only 7cm dilated so he went back to TMC to start his clinic. The moment he left, immense pain and urge to push. Asked for epidural and entonox. Was told no time for epidural so only could rely on entonox gas. Have to tahan till doc comes back to Mt Alvenia

1020am - Dunno how many pushes as quite high on the gas. Just remember screaming and was told to conserve energy to push. After a few pushes, Baby Abram is out!

These few nights been really tiring with all the BF, coz supply din come in until day 5. Just wanna encourage all mummies who have popped to jiayou! And those mummies who are still waiting... all the best!


wah lucky u I tink those like me will have to be more hardworkin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus now after pumpin I try to hand express the balance milk n a bit spray out my hb was amuse also keep luffin...



Prayhard.. Sorry for the late reply.. If nt wrong, price in the webby. If nt, got to check with supplier.. Cos I jus came across this webby, thought of getting so jus wan to share & see if anyone is interested to get it den maybe we can share courier cost or wat.. 

Vivi.. At least ur nurses do give u 3 bottles.. For me, they dun even give lo saying later will spoil if to take out from that nursery rm etc etc... Den the other day when my boy was discharged for jaundice, the nurse can say quite kind to offer me a bottle when I say I going for lunch b4 bringing my boy back den worried not enough time to reach Hm on time & I did nt bring my nursing shawl so cannot bf in car.. 

Anne.. The either super unbearable recently so I jus on aircon @ 27 degree celius cos my boy sleeping with me. I oso started having rashes on my body Le.. Sianz lo.. 

Elmo.. That's gd news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy oso going for his check up on Mon @ poly. Which one u going? I'm going Yishun one.. 

Vivi.. My mummy onli allow me to wet wipe my body & onli allow me to bath after 12 days.. So happy that tmr is 12 th days, which mean I can bath Le! Yippee! But same like u, I oso took quick shower but without anyone knowing hehe.. No choice la, I'm sweating like pig too.. As for fan, if I inside my rm pumping, I will on fan to blow me den night slp in aircon rm if can cos too hot Le.. But onli on @27 degree cos my boy sleeping with me.. 


hug, hug! don't be too upset.. Maybe the 30ml is enough for Ms P. Think as long as she is full and got the sufficient nutrients from you, then should be alright. if you are still worry, then when you bring her to PD for injection or follow up, maybe can check with PD so as to have a peace of mind. Don't too stress yourself as it may lead to post-natal depression if didn't handle properly...

glad to know that Ms P is increasing her intake of milk

toking about sleeping in air con during confinement, so envy... i don't think my MIL will allow me to sleep in air con during confinement... really cannot imagine the life without aircon will be coz have been sleeping in air con every nite even before pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


have u spoken to ur MIL abt it?? i tink i will die if cannot sleep in aircon room cos sumtime i even sweat in aircon room leh... confinement is like hell for me hate the food sweat like dunno wat.. if i follow the rules strictly tink i will go mad...

Mrs Chua,

wow gd for u finally can bath openly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but hor on aircon is better than fan blow directly at u wor..


hmm.. i didn't but then i know surely cannot coz normally if fan blow directly at us, she already said not good to blow the fan directly at us.. but then will ask my hubby to do the toking.. easier for me... coz he also cannot sleep without air con... i juz pray that i can sleep in air con.. even if its 27 degree is also better than nothing


ya if no aircon v jialiat usu with bb best ard 25deg or higher .. ya get ur HB to do the tokin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua, i going woodlands poly. Where to get nursing shawl har? I'm thinking dunno wanna buy anot. I really no technique in bf in public!

Hai.. My #1 having running nose. So scared he'll spread to didi. Then he zz with us.. I cant on air con to zz tonite! I wanna die le....... So hot and sweaty now. Think tonite i no need zz le!


ya lor.. no choice.. easier this way to get HB to do the toking.. if at my own place, i think should be no problem....

just pray that everything will go smoothly lor

but sometime i was wondering, how come at home cannot on air con during confinement, then we cannot delivery or stay at hospital after delivery lor coz hospital also got air con meh... (hmm.. should use this as an example to tell my HB to tell her mum)

Huh mrs chua they so mean leh what a stupid excuse saying the milk will spoil.

Pink my Cl ask me to latch on even though nothing comes out. Just now I try using pump and could see a few pathetic drops of colostrum leaking really tiny drop hopefully this is a good sign

Elmo - I've seen nursing shawls/covers/wraps at Mothercare, MothersWork (GWC and Tanglin Mall) etc. Can also try online retailers like Mumsfairy or Birth Shop. You can also just use a clean swaddle cloth or receiving blanket to cover the spot. I love shawls! Have a few from before but couldn't resist buying a lime green one made from cool bamboo fabric from Mums En Vogue (Centrepoint) recently!

FungFung - good point! I use aircon during confinement, will die without it...

Vivi - sounds like you have good supply! I couldn't see much milk in the early days using a pump (with No 1) but I definitely had enough for her and I had no problems TBFing. If you have excess coming out during pumping sessions, I think you'll do just fine!

Adel - great birth story! You progressed very quickly! How did you find the air and gas? Did it help with the pain? I won't go into hospital now until my doula checks me and gives me the ok. At 2.5cm dilation, the hospital will surely not let me return home.

Vivi, it's normal for pump yield to be low, but baby latch can get more milk. Must think positively cos milk supply is very much affected by stress! Last baby my supply dropped to all time low due to stress and also comments from family that I dun have enough milk and baby always hungry so it was very difficult to bf until a few months later, but by then I could not do total bf already. Must tell yourself that you have loads of milk!

I'm suffering from gastric, reflux, indigestion, diarrhea. Anyone feeling the same way as me? I eat a little but feel hungry fast. Always burp cos lots of wind. Very uncomfortable. Sometimes even have acid when I burp. Can't wait to deliver, but I also know once baby is out I'll be even more tired! What a dilemma.

I also got strep b infection! Maybe it's the antibiotics that is causing my disgestion problems! 3 more days to finishing the course.

Vivi, can spoon feed bb even if a few drops.

Amk gal, are you also getting iv antibiotics during labour? The oral ones don't work to combat Strep B.

Amk girl..

Ya I have loads of gastric reflux.. Sometimes even when I bend down to pick my girl up, I can regurgitate my meals!! It's terribly uncomfortable.. I agree.. You musn't let anyone tell you that you are not giving enough bm to you baby.. =) yes antibiotics can give you stomach discomforts like wind and indigestion.. Sometimes can make you LS too.. Cos it kills bugs indiscriminately.. So it will also kill the good bugs in your guts too..

Yolk sac,

Oral antibiotics does work to clear GBS.. I took it prior to giving birth.. Did not have iv antibiotics..

I'm back~~~~~

Mrs. Lee,

Quite a number of us, but I only remember bbgoh as we are 1 hr apart, hahahaaha...

Plus those surprise 1, shld be at least 4-5 leh... kekekekeke...

I think about 10days my wound ok liao... I even carry hot water from kitchen to bathroom myself during confinement... So it's not as scary...


I think I go through separation anxiety this morning...

I start to feel "down" in the morning then while my son fall asleep I looked at him I cried silently... Really can't bear to leave him for just 3 nights... Haiz...

So afternoon after hubby come back from work I request to go out for a walk which I told him yesterday I wished to stay home for rest.... Luckily he is ok with my request...

Just reach home from my eating therapy... Hope I'll be ok tomorrow... But I think Monday when I send Terry to CC I will still cry... haiz...

I haven't buy my confinement herbs yet! Going to buy it tomorrow coz I lazy to carry all the stuff by myself... So wait for hubby to go down together...



Piggy & yolksac: so still can go work n do thing as per normal la, i hear diluted 1cm like so scary, as if telling mi ani moment n muz b standby mode..

Congrats Adelchia...so u go natural without ani epi? Wat e feeling like? Can feel anything when they do e stitching?

In hospital, they keep 1 check 4 contraction, but bunny gal so active, she will kick every 5min oso.. Results in data lost again n again...

Piggy ur SS is way better 100ml I can only dream....

Fung fung thanks for advice! I'm seeing Kk ho's substitute doctor next tues btw.. When are u going to see him again ?

I need to check on my wound...


Dun say like that lar... U can only dream maybe for 1-2 days, who knows later U will have more??? Have faith in urself...


my 100ml is a result from my hardworkin!! Thou I nt as hardworkin as many mums lol~ imagine u so fast gt leakin leh .. Pp blessed with milk only need half the hardwork so cannot compare 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can understd how u feel cos I can't bear to leave my son n even now I still feel emo for spending lesser time with #1.. cannot ask ur hb bring him to visit u 1 of the day?

Gerry - eh I'm reading a 2008 article from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology which says that oral antibiotics only stop the infection for a limited period and that the birth canal is recolonized once the antibiotics are stopped. Maybe you read and let me know your thoughts? I'm not in the medical/bioscience field. PM me your email address.

Piggy - wah I missed your post about pumping 100ml. You power lah, girl! I'm really impressed. Can only hope to do so well when this boy finally arrives.

Yolk sac,

no la u shd see Elmo she gave birth later but her s/s better than mine Liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry I am sure u will be able to Do so well or even better when yr BB arrive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Vivi: Gerry n the rest of the mummies always say the milk supply is different when we latch on and pump.. So it's ok just let Vianne latch on first? Is she satisfied after feeding? If she is then it's ok right?

I haven't pumped the whole day just let C latch on and she seems to be sucking for longer n longer.

Btw how much FM are u giving her?

My first pump was damn pathetic too after I pumped n saw how much I was giving C all along i got super demoralized and upset.

Jia you jia you...

Elmo: congrats Joel can go home liao. My pd gives me the impression that no matter how bad the jaundice is, BM is still the best for the baby..,

