(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy: but the feeling is terrible issit?? I also dun wanna take any medicine.. the anti-vomit medicine my gynae gave me... still untouch in my bag... =)



having MS is really tough. if i could choose, i would not want to have any. it makes life so difficult and hard to live each day. Just don't understand how come some suffer and some don't.

I will be doing my Oscars on Monday and hope everything is ok cause in my other pregnancy that was not viable, I failed it.

I really like Benjamin Tham as a gynae. My first pregnancy was under LC Cheng who was also good but the waiting time was like min 1 hour, max 3 hours.

Thanks Piggytoh, may we cross 16 weeks soon! i hope my MS will go away the same as my first pregnancy at 13 weeks....16 looks so far away. I think i will have used up all my MCs by then!

sookiewookie: no worries.. will be praying hard for you... everything will be fine.. =) I'm doing my oscar on wed... I agree with u.. I like dr tham too.. he's so comical.. heheee.. opppsss.. =X


ask for HL instead dun waste ur MC ... i tink i only got better after wk 14 the other time lo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i doin the Oscar tml.. hope will be gd result too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so good u manage to get Monday slot for Oscar. I try to reschedule my appt to Monday but all fully booked.


Good luck for your Oscars. I hope baby behaves if not the scan can take like a few hours.

St, I booked it when I was in my 8th week but i heard that mons and fris are the most crowded. The last time I took, i waited almost 2 hours for my turn so I think Wed should be better!

when you are not feeling well, just take leave/MC/HL. You and baby are the most important now.


oh i doin at my gynae place not goin TMC for those proper 1... mainly my gynae will check the neck thickness etc so far ok wonder will see the gender anot..


ya wk12 only indicate u r end of trim 1... i read tt for MS to disappear completely it wk 16 but definitely after wk 13 la which is officially in trim 2.. so depend on individual also...

sometimes with this whole MS, i feel heartburn, tummy cramps and puking feeling all at the same time.. i don't know what I am really feeling actually. Like am i hungry or having heartburn or just feel like puking? aiyoh!

yah sorry, I got confused with the dates. Just to let you guys know, after becoming a mummy, my brain is not as good as before.. my cousin calls it nappy brain!


ya 1 moment v bloated 1 moment v hungry really v uncomfortable everyday no mood to work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


1st trim end at wk 12 trim 2 begin in wk 13.. No need to concern abt the wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning ~ ;)

anyone know where to get the maternity jean?

u all prefer dress or pant?

i think i must start to get maternity pant for work~ #__#


hahah i tink my torlerance level is high lol~~~


hmm i been been wearin leggin all the while when i preg.. cos most matenity bottom r ex n too big for me... i would recommend u this shop opp OG bugis they sell v cheap maternity pants/bottom.. i bott 1 bermudas only $20 highly recommendated by many mummies..


enjoy ur bb session later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha u wearing legging ar? but when tummy getting bigger n bigger at 3rd trimester.. legging still can fit well?

actually i wearing Uniqlo legging now... hahaha

i like legging too. but the rubber will be too tight for bb ?!?!?!... ;)


ya cos only my tummy big so no issue anyway i buy from cotton on jus buy bigger size lo n when tummy v big i will wear up to hip nia keke... but u try out the shop opp the bugis OG la really alot cheaper.. n design simple not v obiang keke...


nope the side facing the temple direction got a few shop sellin cloths 1... quite obvious i dun have the shop name wor...

Hi all. After taking e hormone pills.. My ms is back again. Puke yest again. Sianz. Dunno i still gotta continue till when.

And for.. I'm so forgetful! I think i ate my folic acid 2x yest! Any cause for concern?

I'm going for my Oscar next Fri. Anyone going on e same day?

JSL> enjoy ur appt later..one trick is to reach there as soon as it opens, so wun haf to wait so long..tink u haf a long list of qns for him hor..keke..

rach> i plan to ask my HB drop mi at taxi stand i go chop que no first while he go park. hehe very drag to wait.... heehee


How are u? Hope u are better.. Ur vomiting must be quite bad it hurt yr throat. I also get strings of blood when i vomit but never had a big clot before. Hope ur MS subsides soon sigh. I should be reaching 12 weeks in a few days and my vomit count has gone down.


Yah I also get the bloatedness +nausea+ queasiness

feeling in stomach all day long. Unable to focus on

anything else. Hubby always asks "so how is ur stomach uncomfortable?? Bloated or what ??" and I can't answer him coz it's everything tog. Feel like smacking him


glad to hear ur puking count drop:p


in fact there is a shop selling bb clothing ard there leh those singlet, long n short sleeve plain 1 many mtb go there n buy 1 esp those with no pass down clothing v cheap hankie also have... but i only know how to go keke...

oh my... you take care Elmo. i consider myself lucky. Aside from feeling extra tired, I am blessed with no symptoms. Know of my pregnancy only after 8+weeks. Recently just feel a bit giddy and a slight nausea which I hope I can handle (cross finger).

Pink...my hubby oso likes to ask how i am feeling. Sometimes I juz ignore him coz I feel if i talk too much the puke will come out.

Then my hubby "obigood". He got irritated stomach recently. He feels like puking and is having stomach cramps, no appetite etc. Then he told mi that he finally can understand how I feel...haha!


lol~~ when ever i complaint v sick to my HB he will jus say wan to see dr anot.. as if seein dr all this will be gone[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JJ.. I think I'm like u.. Appetite increase le.. Every evening, I will buy bread to eat in the morning. Every morning ard 5.45an when my hubby 's alarm ring, my tummy will start to growl haha den when I wake up @7am, after bath i'll start munching on those breads. Reach office, breakfast again usually like bread or kueh. By 11.30am, stomach start growl again... Munch abit den lunch still eat omg (getting fatter)

afternoon ard 4pkys, must have done standby snacks too.. If nt after wrk, I sure feel v xin ku in train.. But dinner time, i'll onli eat abit.. Duno y.. Either dun like the food maid cook or still prefer my mummy's cooking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hai ya loh. Just when i tot my ms is getting better.. The spotting comes and i gotta eat the hormone pills again. Sianz. Wonder gotta eat till when. Appetite like Shit again. Monday gotta go back to work le.

Piggytoh, i know tt shop at si ma lu too. The bb clothes there v cheap. It's Opp the temple only.


piggy: maybe next time we can go together.. heeheee...

bearhugz: if DH see me very terrible.. he will tell bb.. dun make mummy so terrible.. next time smack ur backside.. haahaaa

