(2011/04) Apr 2011

St, I'm goin 33weeks Liao. But usually my aches only come at night, day time I'm still quite mobile n alrite.

Btw, read that alot of u have sign for d Origina Jamu postnatal massage, is it good? Seems abit pricey if compared to d freelance massage lady that I had tried. Anyway d freelance massage lady that I tried was Mona n her rates 2yrs ago was 5 massage $160,per session 1hr!

during d week of binding, I lost 1inch n after that week, gain back d 1inch so mayb not that effective bah....

I'm also undecided if wanna move back my mum hm for confinement or order confinement tingkat from natal essentials. My mum's place is further from my kids childcare centre, so hubby and 2 kids gotta wake up earlier....



so fast got pattern liao..if u want to change her then better do it fast...else see if the agency can talk to her a not


think there is another mummy also chosing 4/4 leh..so it's really good date bah but then ur timing must also chose a good timing right?


wah ur maid sleep in aircon room ah..

huh din even dare to change.. tink better change now... so u gettin another philippino???


oh dear cry until vomit ah.. poor boi... actually i tink it norm cos i tink usu they will took at least 2 wk to adapt.. n maybe sumthing they do at the CC he dun like?


i heard MOna not v gd so din try be4 cos it goin to be my last preg so goin to try Origin Jamu since the review is so gd ....


since 33 weeks then u need to see if u are comfortable to massage at this stage..even tou some ML will say can massage till u deliver

as for origins also my first time trying..last time i used freelance..

Pink, what is your Chinese horoscope? Must also see if crash with rabbit n or parent horoscope wor... To play safe lar... For me I send Jovie ba zi for her chinese name, so I dun seek master advice on the date to c-sec...

ST, I think is bbgoh who choose 4/4 also... If I'm not wrong... I see the fortune book, that day suits to do many thing, so shld good day bah? I also base on my 6 sense de... Woody asked me y 4/4, is it b'coz the number 44??? Wahahahaha...

Piggy, my son very stubborn de... Cry until vomit is quite norm for him... Last time he sick went see GP, the doctor touch his buttock to insert bullet he also cry until vomit... He is those type super buay gam wan (不甘愿)de...

hi mummies

tdy on leave, just finish wash all the bb clothes watever i have. after washed then realised my hanger (like umbrella one) left at in law hse so nw no place for all the mittens kekeke


tat frame can fir with diff size of drawer?


did they say when ll have new stock come in? i feel like buy it rather than those tier drawer ler


hehe hi5

which hospital will u give birth? wat time u chose? i also just ask my aunt look thru the calender & yes she also told me after 4/4 then must wait till mid april which i feel not safe too near to EDD


yr maid is new one, rite? nwadays maid really got many pattern huh sigh.. better chg b4 u pop out.

my girl born at 2.7kg not feel tiny ler, she not chubby but she is tall girl


i saw march forum they were syaing 4/3 also good date kkekek all the 4s..

btw which master u sent for chinese name?


my son will also cry when we press him down to sit stroller etc but he din cry until vomit type la.. but it enough to irritates me liao haha...

argh so fed up with NUH finally some ah mao ah gou dr call me sound v young n know nothing.. keep tellin me the consultant say this n tt n yet cannot ans my question n now everyday my maid mus pass a test for consecutive 3 days n the test will only come out nex day i was like wth cant u speed up the test 1 more day stay ther mean more $$ n tt dr jus tell me the lab need time blah blah.. irritating.. i told her if only they do the test early in the morning it shd be able to come out by today till now haven do the test of cos need tml la.. bth..


they ask me to call in end of the mth to check if the stock arrives

me also feel like taking Thur leave to sleep at home

the other time my #1 induce should also look and see which are good dates hmmm....

Wow Hippo at least you know when you going to deliver so you can organize your things well...

Pink hello [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think the new maid is used to not doing much things liao so now you ask her to do this and that she cannot get used to liao.... better change her maid or else she will give you problem when Parsley is out.

Ha ha I sayang Parsley for you. I am sure she is a good girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ningyo that time I also thought of choosing Mona but yesterday I chanced upon 1 of the MTB thread they were complaining about her attitude. So I am lucky that I did not take up her for post natal massage. I took the recommendation from Piggy, Mdm Maz (Mdm Ida's cousin)

Bbgoh, I go TMC.. 9am... According to the book, 9-11am is good hours to do thing... U which hosp???? Same bor? Same bor?

ST, will send to the 1 opp TMC, my son's name 1 also from there... So far so good... So goback to them.. That 1 is Zoe Tay as spokeswoman that 1... But I forgot the shop name...

Pink, show ur maid ur power now... Else u have difficulty to control her next time? Or shld u talk to her? Since she has no patient for bb... Will she torture Parsley??? I dun mean to scare u but as parent we sometime also cannot tahan our own kid crying blah blah blah... Let alone outsider, if she is not caring enough, she may do something that worry us...

Piggy, ya.. Kid cry can really push me to 1 corner sometimes but Bo bian leh... At least 1 thing I can see from Terry's fav teacher is, she is very caring person, I quite fang xin to let her handle Terry...


ya that time my mum called the yu rong zi there and asked if induce need date they say don't need cos induce also can't control what time the bb come out


that one opps TMc is it the one doing the tiao mao bi??

beside giving u the names do they also give other info of the bb ba zi?

hippo n bbgoh

who knows i might choose 4/4 too! haha. i still havent choosen any dates yet. last visit he havent mentioned abt a date for c-sect. tink he might wait till 34wks then ask me. as i was seeing e calendar, my 38 wks fall on 4/4 tat wk too! thus tink there's a high chance tat my gynae might schedule tat wk too!

ST, ya, that's the 1... He gave my bb ba zi good n bad point then follow with suggestion of name character that can strengthen bb weak element... Last time got promo, S$88 nia... Now dunno how much liao...

Sharlin, u also TMC??? Com come, we deliver together our bb!!! Lols...


i also wanna know when is e baby fair too! i tink first wk of march onwards. i got $50 taka vouchers. tinking of getting a mcclaren stroller as e current capella stroller tat i had going 2 spoilt soon. tinking of getting mcclaren since i got $50 vouchers. hope they got gd deal

Hmm talking about strollers and car seat, my hubby's friend will be giving us since his son dont need liao and they dont intend to have a second one. At least can save some $ first....

Ha ha you all know when baby comes out can plan things well and then you got accompany wor.... I think by next month we can see some action liao... and next month is like after this week....

Erm if bunny gal chooses it lor.... mine is natural so bunny gal gives the call ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]she is the boss now...

Mummies.. Is lunch time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so busy everyday that I'm looking forward to knocking off & lunch time everyday whaha..

Btw, Anne told me one of the mummies not going for the photoshoot on 6th Mar so asking me to take over the 3-4pm time slot.. Who nt going?? From the previous time slot she given me, 3-4pm - kailee aka karrin. Kailee nt going???

Vivi, nvm lar... The waiting game also quite fun... I will go for waiting game if there is some1 i can trust helps to look after Terry, just too bad... I can't find 1 n I can't bear to leave his side too long... The waiting can like drag 1-2 days if bb dun cooperate, and from Terry experience, I don't dare to try... If not he might thinks that I don't want him liao... Lols...

Mrs.Chua, ya, Kailee couldn't make it... So maybe you can take over her slot? Piggy mentioned yesterday or this morning, I think you miss out her post...


i have same prob, cant bear to leave my girl

lata when u in hospital, who ll look after him?

i suppose to choose caesarean at 11pm so we can send my girl to cc 1st then go hospital, but tat timing got ppl booked liao, so no choice tat day let her stay with my mum at hom, once we settled then hb cum to fetch them to hospital


erm not sure if u hear be4 You long zi no gd?

the name he give all sama sama 1 so pp suspect he jus copy n paste...


it ok la cos now can only wait.. jus bth their attitude..


if u gettin 2nd hand stroller u mus check out the condition leh cos got wear n tear 1 mah..

even natural can chose to induce mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBgoh... We plan to send him to CC in the morning... Then head down to TMC for C-sec... Hubby will be in time to fetch Terry in the evening... Once I deliver I have nurse in hosp, so hubby can concentrate to take care #1 at home lor...

On the discharge day also same, send him to CC then pick me up at noon... That's y choose 4/4 coz won't involve weekend... Which means we will have less problem to settle Terry...


Wah seems like you have everything plan.. So shiok..


Ya.. We play waiting game.. Never mind.. Hopefully, it doesn't go into the 4th trimester!! Haha!!

Piggy the stroller still in good condition because they seldom bring the kid out...

I doubt my gynae will be into induce since she always say let bunny gal choose her own time to be out.... dont even dare to ask her about induce and my hubby is also those that says let bunny gal choose


i tink ultimately it up to u la cos i dun tink the gynae can force u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me i will induce if bb get too big la.. jus hope he come out himself no need induce..

yah mummmies, mine is supposed to be new one and first time in Singapore. But my friends say her actions show that she is very daring and don't feel like it's her first time here. Either that or she has relatives working here and they have influenced her. I'm definitely going to change... if she cannot change diaper even what help is she supposed to give me next time? HAIZ...

Piggy: U changed CC for Kyler liao?

Hippo: My chinese horoscope is doggy wor... any idea which date in March (after 23rd March) is good for C sect? ;)

Vivi: hope your cramps are better? Hehe you're such a doting auntie to Parsley. Next time she can play with Vienne! :D


but she ever went out be4? if she got influence by friends or relative dun tink first time bah... tt y i rather get INdo 1 at least no off day but also depend on luck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

no leh still on waiting list sianz..

Hi mummies,

Gd afternoon! Time is nearing - we are left with ard 1 month....mixed feelings though...

By the way, kindly check where can we get Lemon Grass for our confinment?

For those buying the Braun thermometer, do we still need to buy the normal thermometer for newborn or we can just use the Braun thermometer - *TOUCHWOOD if baby falls sick*?

