(2011/04) Apr 2011


lemongrass is easily available at wet market or supermart...

since bb born i jus use the braun 1 wor but if touch wood ur bb sick the 1st few mth can get those put under tongue 1..


Hi Mummies,

Thank you for your reply.

You girls are using Da Feng Cao for your confinment bath? Is this the only chinese herbs?

Hilo mummies!!!


wow how long the hospital wanna drag.


u n ur hb reali plan. Hehe I read ur post Liao den realise if I go gif birth my gal how. Donno my hb can handle anot ESP at nite.


luckily u manage to catch her takin nap in air con rm n test her out b4 parsley is out. If possible change her if not u may haf more headache.

Is she very young? Do not haf her own kids? Mine is very young but got 1 daughter when she 1st came I can tell she scare to change diaper for my gal when she poo but now better le. Well I still waiting for my maid's health report to b out some how hopin I oso can change her. She start to haf pattern le.

Yoti, so far I only heard about da feng cao... Or u can use those white wine with lemongrass add into boil water for bath...

Ok ring d traditional wellness for d trial 1hr prenatal massage this Friday.

Going to book d OriginsJamu for d post natal 7day package.Hope it can do miracle and let me slim down fast n fit back my jeans in 1mths time :p

Hi Vivi,

didn't know Mona bcome so attitude Liao. Anyway, she's very modern! Very skinny and short n tanned, got tattoo, got alot of ear piercing, dyed yellow hair n I think she smokes too.

I used her previously coz she stayed near my mum's place n I'm always her 1st customer of d day.

hippo: my hubby is piggy heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for helping me check. This is just the general calendar not the one specific to ba zi rite?

From what I hear from some people, in general bunny horoscope is good to match with dog and piggy. is it true?

piggy: she doesnt have off day yet so never go out at all. I think her character is just the lazy and chao geng kind so no point considering keeping her.. I can't trust her at all. It's not something that I can train her to do. Her work ethnics is horrible. I must so unlucky, first one already so problematic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sandy, no helper must plan like that lor... I also wish I can take my own sweet time to wait for Jovie arrival lor... Even now plan also worry if anything crop up last min, sure jialat de... I also bu fang xin my hubby take care of Terry, Terry will have only porridge n milk if under his father care... if not will be pack food, grhhhh.... Which I think is insufficient for his age... But then bo bian leh... This time round is really like I cannot do it on my own.... If can I would rather let hubby go deliver the bb and I do the rest... Hahahaha....


they told me if the test is -ve the last test will be thurs but result come out on Fri tt y i bth i told them cant they speed up n do in the mornign? jus now i call at 11 they say haven do the test for today lo angry....


u can jus use lemongrass n ginger.. u got employ CL? she shd know if u have... i dun like herbs water to bath cos got the residue so i prefer lemongrass..

sandy: yah she is 27 only and no kids. But her resume says she has experience taking care of children so I thought could give her a try. Guess it's my mistake too, should look for someone older and more experienced. She don't dare to change diaper, then I asked her how next time? I stare at her she stares back when my daughter poops? Look at it this way, if she is really keen to work, no matter how grossed out she is, she will die die have to hold her breathe and change the diaper coz we are observing her. But she stepped away. WAHAHAHA. I think that just means she CMI at all...

It's good to plan the logistics for your Jewelle in case you go and give birth anytime... If not last min everyone panick then don't know how to manage! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your maid is indo or philo? What kind of pattern is she coming out with? Haha, mine lagi the best, turn on air con in my living room and sleep on my sofa! and only 1 month here. I think after 2 months she will lie on my bed and wear my clothes and turn on air con! So shiok!

Piggy: Hard to say.. Some say Indos are not very bright so you'll teach her until you puke blood.. but philos too clever then know how to chao geng. How I wish I don't need to have a maid at all, but I don't have a spare pair of hands, then everyday 24/7 I have to take care myself, I have no confidence to do it. So in the short term I still need someone to help out

oh, but if ur hubby never take care ur girl alone b4, maybe u wan to consider to train him now??? But u stay with IL, anything they still can help right? I know u dun like the way they take care of ur girl, but still better than nobody is helping, close 1 eye for that few day/week lor... No choice...


aiyo no la many pp 1st maid also got prob n u cant be any more unlucky than me rite for nothing gotta spent few ks...

if u dun like her jus faster change her la at least still got time to re-train 1..

actually for INdo i tink depend on the maid also like u say whether they r keen to work anot.. infact i prefer new n young maid cos not so much influence.. my maid only 24 n alr mother of 1..


actually ok la pack food n milk is gd enough mah... anyway few day nia ok la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah Pink cramps like no more liao... scare die me...

hoo hoo next time Parsley can play with bunny gal hee hee

Pink and Sandy I dont think you all unlucky but nowadays the maids are like this in majority. Very hard to get a good maid.

Yoti I will be buying the da feng cao for bathing. If you dont know you like this then buy a few packets and try.... dont buy so much.

Hippo very funny hor ask your hubby to deliver on your behalf.

Ningyo wow the way you describe Mona makes me scared ... but when I enquired about her services she also doesnt sound very friendly ...

hippo: it's alright, i think if your hubby can take care of Terry full time that's considered very good liao. U can pack aside the ingredients in advance and ask him to put into the pot to cook Terry's porridge? You have a slow cooker rite? just need to put it in the morning and in the evening it will be a delicious pot of porridge liao. I think men cannot be as meticulous as the mother in most cases, but if you put aside for him, it should be quite easy for him to do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


at least u will feel at ease to leave ur terry wit his daddy. i tink if me, i will get very worried abt leaving my gal wit her daddy! I felt safer leaving my gal at my mum hse instead as i had never left my gal alone wit her dad be4! hehe


hmm if i remember clearly it's like $100 ..then still have to give a little token when u go collect the name...i was thinking if i should still go to him for #2


yes even before my #1 i heard that he not good cos name also use back the same..but the name he gave my SIL boy doesn't appear on my list luckly kekek..but for girl name i think will sure have "en" one kekek

so was thinking if there are any other good ones around

piggy: yah true.. the woes of having maids man. My hubby also very zek argh sometimes. He will say things like "only the problematic ones will become domestic helpers now..their economy is improving and their salaries are increasing too...if they are good/smart workers they will work as a waitress or something, also earn more... " Really headache lor. Where to find good and reliable help.


i tink man need to train 1 bah.. maybe now u can start to let him try... beside cookin food for my boi tink my HB got no prob takin care of my boi at all.. sumtime we jus gotta learn to let go n force the man to do their part[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah hippo u fix date le ah. I still waiting for my gynae appt tmr... Hopefully bb turn head down le. Nowadays he's movement is like every where.. I dunno wat's the position liao! Wish me luck! Just curious.. u got the calendar ah? Can help me check end Mar or early Apr wat date is gd for monkey, dragon and pig? :p

hahahah hippo: now u're the appointed calendar checker liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elmo: how is ur son? the phlegm getting better?


ya You long zi $100 at first my HB friend recommend him den we dunno You long zi so i ask my HB jus go when he come back with the book i saw You Long zi i faint n i saw the name so limited n not nice so we seek 2nd opinion... hmm i going to the 1 my HB family all go.. i find quite gd he v detailed really say alot wor n i tink it $80 if u wan can consider...


ya lo but still we need the maid to help if i dun need to work i wun need the maid at all so much problems..

paiseh ah hippo... :p Just see for fun when u free la. I hope I no need to choose a date!!!

pink, my boy still coughing. Last nite seem to cough slightly less.. and wake up every 2-3hrs instead of every hr for the past few days. So maybe the chi med works.. but v v slow effect ba? But still whinny and no appetite lah. And now he got red patches all over his body.. hope it's just roseola (sp) the harmless patches that comes after fever sometimes.

Pink... Mar 29,30 & Apr 01,03,04 are good day for get marry... and no crash for Piggy, Doggie and rabbit... 29/03 & 04/04 is the top best date among all 5 dates...

Pink/Piggy, No lar... My hubby cook porridge not suit my son taste, so he can never finish his dad cooking... Then my hubby tastebud is those heavy taste de... He cook must put salt... Told him thousand times no need also he will still "forget" about it... BTH... Then u know guy lar, ask them to take care, they just ask the son play himself n he play computer himself... That 1 call take care meh???


the contact i mus get from my HB.. nvm la if u confirm wan den let me know again den i help u find the details..


glad tt ur boi gettin better but every 2-3hr v siong for u wor..


u asked ur hubby then PM can...at least i have a few contacts at hand..then i when i want i know which to go meh.tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, yest i stayed over at my mum's. So she helps.. but i still can get woken up lah. 2-3 hrs i still can survive. Like newborn bb also. If it's every hr then i will literally vomit the next day like last wk liao.


lol~~ my HB do tt sumtime cos my boi will play on his own den when my son get born look for him den my HB will read him ABC lol~~ but cannot hiam la wat to do.. huh but the porridge not for him also add salt???

wah Mar 29 ah.. so far away leh...


cos my HB not in sg so i scare i forget maybe nearer to date den u remind me again better cos lately i abit busy also scare will totally forget..

Piggy, I want the contact also!!!! sms me sms me!!!! Where is the master located? Easy access bor? Coz I need easy access de if not hubby will be super busy... Run here n there...

Ya, agree... WE must learn to let go n force them do their part, me last time everything also dun wan let go, in the end everything I do myself, super tired... My hubby is a good toy for my son if he is in the mood to entertain him... Wahahaha....

Elmo, U can take Mar 19, 30 or Apr 3,4... U cannot take 01/04 coz that day crash with Dragon...

Basically the date given is base on the date suitable to get marry hor... for me marry n give birth is equally impt coz the book i have do not stated the date suitable to give birth... N i will see if that day is suitable to do other thing anot, more thing can do on that day means it's a good day compares to other day... If u need the good timing on particular day let me know, I will check for u also....

Pink, nvm... I will be the 算命婆 for the being time... accurate or not, I no guarantee de hor... Lols... Same for u, if u want to know the good timing, do let me know, I check for u...


hmm i dunno accessible anot leh cos my HB go with my MIL tt time i din go but it not in the west for sure....

nvm la let the man run.. we alr did alot now their turn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya even myself sumtime i need a break n surf net so cant expect my HB to play with him whole day mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe thks hippo! I just see for fun lah.. even if need to choose date.. i wont go suan ming also. I dun want Apr full bb too! But somehow i got a feeling he'll come out on 1st Apr purposely to gek me. lol!

Btw... for those who did csect b4.. Need to shave everything below ah???

piggy: now Parsley got cord around her neck.. so i wanna bring forward the date also if not I have to monitor movements everyday and worry also. And C sect should be safer to prevent complications that may occur during the natural birth... looks like I will probably do c sect as I always wanted... Do u know i got to spend $120 to buy the fetal heartbeat monitor.. argghh waste money. and got to count heart beats regularly... now I'm scared she doesn't get enough blood/ oxygen

Elmo: hahaha so funny u got the feeling ur #2 will play punk with you and come out on 1/4! hahaha!!

Piggy, nvm... Just sms me when u pm ST? I will call n check with the master... Coz hubby need to handle Terry for the days I stay in hosp, if can just get some where that is more accesible, rather to run here n there... Then night time he still has to take care of Terry himself.... I only left Terry to my mum 1 night so far and slept at 1am in the morning, imagine if he does that to his dad, he will like zombie for sure... Just have more choice but within the reasonable limit lor... If really far far then just go back to the last master opp TMC... =)


then do u need to visit gynae once per week to scan and see?/


icici then got some similar names too??

but i know for yu rong zi if u don't like the name he give hor u can mix and match urself to the list he give...


dun worry too much actually many bb come out with cord ard their neck 1..

talk to parsley she will be fine.. if really life threatenin i tink ur gynae will request u to c-sect imm also.. so u goin to c-sect in Mar/Apr????


ur boi cannot sleep on his own??? n when #2 come out the 4 of u goin to sleep in same rm?

Back from lunch..


Wah you must buy a doppler? $120 ok lah.. cos you need to monitor parsley mah.. Babies are expensive lor.. As soon as conceive, can already dry up our bank account liao..

I think you better change maid.. Where got maid dare to sleep in aircon.. super daring.. But I do find maids with children seem to take their work more seriously.. Mine is 28 with 2 kids.. She is not bad.. Very patient with my daughter.. Now she will feed lisa and play with her.. I now cannot be chasing my girl to eat liao.. Super xiong!!

Anyone here is a rooster? I heard rooster and rabbit not very good right?? Hehe!! Maybe it's time to let my hb (his dog..) look after #2.. Haha!!


i dunno got duplicate name anot cos it my first bb mah.. anyway the list i see also not nice so din use... even the master i go also mix n match my self 1...


Hi vivi,

ya, Mona does look scary! Haha, she got d bad woman look. :p Forgot to mention that she got big eyes n puts those black eyeliner. Anyway, if I didn't remb wrongly I think she shd b in mid 40s but still very hip in dressing!

