(2011/04) Apr 2011


i got both flask n cup usu i will pour 1 cup out so not so hot to drink den refill accordingly but i always cant finish 1 cos i drink v little.. still got soup n milk..


piggy & twin star,

is true, my auntie also said during our 3rd trim, our body will be very heaty, so must take a bit of cooling stuff to prepare our body for confinement coz during confinement we can't take liang stuff also

But yest, i juz took durian.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fung Fung I dont dare to eat the durian so that day when I was in Katong after my check up I bought Durian puffs to ease the cravings


i see. i have small one, thk its 1.5ltr only. dun thk enuf for me, i m big drinker.

maybe i ask mil if temp chg with hers

yah our body nw is heaty, but also dun take too liang, mil said no good for bb. lata born ll a bit hard to take care.

Piggy: coz they say nw if we tak 2 liang will trigger 2 early delivery leh..

U noe tt time i go buy liang teh, i 1 buy honey with aloe vera, e uncle veri fierce ask mi, is it i drk leh, i say ya, he say i cannot tak aloe vera, ask mi drk water chestnut instead.. luo han n herbal jeli oso cannot tak.. wah so fierce lor till my hubby some sort like run away, leaving mi behind ther, so bad rite.. tt uncle like so serious @ selling e liang teh leh, but gd la he noe wat he selling..

tWIN Star,

i nv heard of tt is it another myth??? n thru out preg i have been drinkin bubble tea n takin liang thing.. for aloe vera i tink preg cannot take n herbal jelly i tink it contain some herbal thing so not wise to take not becos they r liang wor..


i tink as long as moderate it ok la cos we know our body best mah if v heaty can take more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: haha mayb bah, so juz tak as reference lor, coz 2 mani aunties myth liao...hear liao will feel like y preg so jia kiat, so mani things cannot do..mi oso been drking bubble tea n taking liang stuff, but as long moderate shld b ok bah..

MIL during cny tease mi mah, tt pineapple tarts so nice but 2 bad i cannot eat, then haha mi leh.. but i tell her i duno eat hw mani pce liao lor, she almst flip...haha...


how come u don't dare to eat durian?


oh issit, aloe vera cannot take during preg? why? i took some together with those drinks during my pregnancy...

piggy & twin star

hmm.. i also drink bubble tea often before my pregnancy but then after pregnant, dun dare to drink any bubble tea coz of caffeine..

Twin star,

u shd tell her pineapple alr cooked y cannot eat? sumtime the myth 1 person pass to another n no logic 1 so i dun really bother abt it...


i cant remember y liao tink tt time some1 got share... bubble tea is ok 1 even gynae say 1cup of coffee per day is ok ..

Fung Fung

I dont dare to eat the durian because scare that baby will be too big and too sweet for me so dont dare to eat the fruit. Ended up eating the puff.... but then also cannot eat too much...

ya..twin star

pineapple cook can eat.. initially i also thought my fav. pineapple tart, i can't eat but my grandma and auntie tell me "pineapple alr cooked, why cannot eat.. "

Fung Fung: My gynae even allow mi 2 tak @ least 2 cups of tea or kopi per dae..

Now i every morning oso got drk kopi de,b4 tt i oso tak those fruit-tree, apple with aloe vera leh..

Piggy: ya mi 2, as long i nv eat a lot, y bother rite..watermelon i oso got eat..


bb big anot depend on how well bb absorb i dun eat durian or beef also bb big.. if bb cant absorb well u eat daily also no use n all the sugar level n calories will stick to u instead...

Fung Fung

That is what they say so I dont dare to eat but I know some mummies eat that. Anyway it is heaty so refrain from eating that too... Dont want to be sick

Fung Fung: ya it's true, coz durian is heaty, will mak bb bigger if eat 2 much.. a gynae fr geneagles oso say so..

Vivi: durian puff i tink oso same bah coz they use real durian meat 2 mak e paste rite? haha i oso keep eat durian ice-cream by Scoops 2 ease my cravings.. they use real durian 2 mak e ice-cream oso..

aiyo dun talk abt durian lah, i crave for it but hb & fil both say worry too heaty for me as i got rashes not dare to buy for me sob sob


ya i know is heaty but my craving is there.. but will restrict myself from eating much.. dunno is it coz of yest durian, today my nose bleed.. keke

Radio and tv licence will be remove

Child below six yr will get $300-$400 cash credit to Cda ac.. Mostly will get $400.. Those with no cda ac can

Open an ac to receive this Amt

Twin star,

i tink durian hor only those bb who absorb well n u still eat den will big 1.. cos my SIL ate durian end up bb v v small also.. so i dun tink it applies to every bb...

Budget2011 news - Growth Dividends for Singaporean from 1st May 2011, estimated S$600-S$800 for middle income (depending on your income and value of your Residence)

Fung2, think the paternal leave is for National Day Rally. Cos I remember tht time maternity leave change to 4 months was announced during the 2008 rally.


oh.. then we may not be in time for the new changes then.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

st, u not working today? dun disappointed.. at least got up to $400 cash credit credited to #1 account.

Fungfung, hope the cash credit, our little one inside will have it..

austin, depends on govt when want to start.. I think we shld have, cos we del mar or apr..

The usage and withdrawal of the Child Development Credit will be subject to the current approved usage and withdrawal under the Children Development Co-Savings Act.

wow you all talking about the budget....

Hmm I am glad that the radio and tv license fee has been scraped because every year when I pay this I will always grumble because no noce tv programs everytime only show repeated shows yet have to pay this kind of license.

The growth dividends does this mean we will have some $?


the$400 v fast finish 1 esp for vaccine n when they sick each time easily $100 1..


the baby bonus not so soon 1 got they jus annouce will review hope they will backdate till Mar lo..


the iherbs have arrived and i have email u gals the details..


i will pass u the Mother milk tea durin PS k.. please remind me to bring ya[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i can meet u gals at JP but wkday i can only make it after my HB come back wor.. if u need it urgently let me know i can dropby ur house to pass u since we stayin nearby ya... let me know again..

Piggy - thanks for coordinating. I will give u my hp no via email. I don't think we will meet during PS so leave it at the studio bah then I will pick it up.



yaya i will pass to Anne maybe u collect from her[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but u remind me again k i v absent minded lately[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

