(2011/04) Apr 2011

vivi: heehee... Meiji's milk is nice... so long it's pure milk.. i drink... dun give me flavoured milk can le.. haahaa..... i think u need to bring ur ROM cert and both i/c...

piggy: oooooo... then i think no need to get the full month menu also le.. heehee....

the disposible panties hor.. i bought about 50pcs leh... is that enough??


Wow Tweety 50 pieces of disposable undies is a lot la!!!

Piggy CL will wash? I pai seh leh...

Because we thought of a name liao for her so I think mine is based on how many strokes to derive whether to go ahead or not so I guess not very detailed.


Haha!! Hopefully more seasoned.. *fingers cross* =)

The last time I bought disposable undies and in the end did not wear.. For me quite uncomfortable.. Rather wear my own..


paiseh for wat they r suppose to wash 1.. my CL even help me wash my HB cloth leh.. for mine i jus dump into laudry bag n use washin machine to wash... ya marriage cert n both ur i/c will do.. u in TMC rite they will usu mail u admission detail n wat to bring 1 jus double check against tt list can liao..


ya cos i tink buy outside cheaper wait cater 1 dunno nice anot n usu we cater only 70% of the pp wait not enough paiseh :p wah 50pcs alot leh cos we be wearing pad most of the time so if no stain 1 panties a day is enough n usu after 2 wk the lochia will be lesser so chances of stainin is lower.. but if u go travel ok with this type of panties shd be ok la..

oh yah i almost forgot the disposable panty, who got the hospital bag list can share huh?

i totally nvr prepare anythg *chiam* maybe #2 over relax liao

Piggy hee hee then dont need to buy liao maybe first week and second week use the disposable ones....

Ha ha see I not used to someone doing this for me...

Oh I see another thing into the bag... That day when I went for my check up the nurse very cool leh ask me 2 questions and then I think she book the hospital liao. 2 questions as in : TMC? how many beds?

Wa ha ha after baby come out very hard to travel liao....

Ha ha Provided my hubby dont have weak legs after seeing how bunny gal comes out. He super scare of blood.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wait got camera no camera man [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm it up to u la.. cos usu i only change when i bath n all the time usu pad.. only if stain den i change if not i am ok jus cannot tahan stain n wet pad nia..


alamak u mean u wan ur HB to take pic on how ur bunny gal come out from tt area??

no la u tink too much liao we only start takin pic when bb is out ...

no la since he will be with me in the delivery suite he see all the blood wait he fainted then when baby washed up liao I think no camera man liao...


yup thanks

i tot not many thg to brg just

- pyjamas

- nursing bra

- pump

- pads

- camera

- small towel for wipe

- disposable panty

- I/C

wat else??

baby clothes


jacket and socks in case you feel cold

nursing cream

clothes for yourself to wear when you are discharged


erm ur HB will be standin beside u so he wun see the bloody mess unless he std beside the dr.. which i doubt so la...


a set of bb clothing, admission letter, phone charger, extra camera batt? clothing for discharge? i need to refer to the list cant remember so much..


Just ask him to stand next to you and look at you.. Ask him if he is really very scared to not turn and look at the gynae.. I don't think he will see much if he stands at the head of the bed.. =) If he is daring, he can take a picture of your newborn before she gets cleaned up.. =)


toiletries? Still need to wash face and clean up... ROM cert if you want to apply for birth cert at the hospital? 1 set of bb's clothes?

Ha ha Gerry I dont know if he has the threshold to see bunny gal before cleaned up... so I always laughed at him maybe end up we have to take care of him ... wa ha ha


i dun tink it will be tt bloody leh.. my boi was still ok leh only some trace of blood on the body nia wor.. not really scary at all...

Maybe because of the coconut that you drink?

That day bought 1 coconut from Cold Storage, rather happy because it was a fairly big one. Then go home and hack it chey little juice and the meat was so hard so anti climax...


Actually I find the big coconuts tend to be tougher..

Ya bb not too bloody, but if I remember correctly, Lisa had quite a bit of mucus on her.. Hehe!!

Dear mummies,

notice that you gals are toking about nipple cream.. which one to recommend? and may i know what is BM? another brand of nipple cream?


i dunno if it the coconut i drank but bb is inside the water bag all this while so i doubt it can get tt bad till cover with alot of blood bah...

usu i buy from fruit stall ask the uncle to chop for me wor...

Piggy - I'm big sized wor... I now wear like L or XL sizes... If not correct size then it's ok. Thanks for the offer

Think vivi's list quite comprehensive already, anything else missing ask Hubby go buy or go home take. Oh empty cloth bags to bring home any gifts that might be given during hospital stay?

vivi: i had 1 coconut on Wednesday too.. wah.. super... heehee.. the meat also very young... heehee.. then at night when i go home... MIL cooked bird nest..


maternity panties is free size n it pretty big tt y i cant fit... if u wan i can bring along u ok den u can have it if not see if the rest wan anot if not wasted...

for gift n goodies bag can ask ur HB to bring home be4 discharge else alot to bring wor cos still got balance diaper n for u 2 precious bb to hand carry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks piggy, will take note of that brand

oh didn't know BM can soothes nipple... hmm.. interesting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually mummies, if u gals want to purchase baby toiletries or disposable panties, can try this shop "ocean" at people's park, the building beside OG people's park, 3rd level. Is cheaper than outside. but need to check whether they sell maternity disposable panties or not...

thanks mummies, i noted it down at the same time wait for piggy post me the complete list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when shall we start drink the coconut water?

can drink now? tdy my tongue got no taste very xian. ask my coll help me buy ice milo.

JJ I saw disposable undies woven kind at People's Park and the packaging was indicated with maternity so sizing wise should be ok. What I did was I bought 2 packs and then go home open 1 pack and see if it is big then after that ok then stock it up.

Huh I thought big size better end up greedy me got a tough meat and less juice wa ha ha so much so for buying coconut for the first time.

I was so fed up that I told hubby wonder if the canned ones worked.... :p

Wah raining now ... wonder if it will stop later when we knock off. Just now saw news that it will be a rainy weekend for this week.

Fung fung,

i tink it young coconut...


tt day my HB buy from NTUC alr cut but pack in plastic bag 1 v sweet n nice leh n it small haha v shiok to drink when it cold...


yah those the skin is clean one, small de i thk its thai coconut. shiok huh hehe i cant wait to drink it specially these days sooo hot


usually how u kp warm yr red date tea during confinement?

last time mil bought a big thermol, nw she using it for hot water. my hse use small one, wondering if to buy a new big one or any other solutions?

Ha ha Piggy that day when I craved for papaya went to NTUC cannot find papaya but saw the small coconut. Then when I want to find the small coconut at NTUC end up dont have but see papaya ... I was like >_<

Ha ha Tweety if can drink canned ones will be like so convenient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah can 1 r processed 1 dun tink it fresh coconut..


actually for me as long as coconut i happy liao i bochap which type loL~~ the red date tea i use thermal cup ..

Piggy: ya mi 2, i oso ni e list of things 2 bring 2 hospital.. hav't start 2 pack anything yet..haha same like Fung Fung, i tot BM is a brand of nipple cream..btw wher can we find Lansinoh nipple cream?

Tink muz buy bah, coz i got hear ppl pump milk till got blood n e milk becme as if strawberi flavour then e whole bottle hav 2 pour away liao, like so scary..

Little Twin star,

the Lansinoh cream u can buy from BP or Rach better buy now cos it take 2-3wk to arrive 1...

mine nipple also bleed n after sore den apply i find does not help much cos we still latch or pump 3hrly n our skin take time to recover...


Fung Fung & Piggy: ya la my aunt oso ask mi 2 drk those green n big coconut, coz she say e thai de 2 liang.. but i prefer those thai de coz nicer n more sweet leh..

