(2011/04) Apr 2011


no leh cos my supply no gd my CL encourage me to sleep dun wake up 3hrly to pump cos if not enough rest milk SS will be affected as well n i listen to her n i got more milk after enough rest n consistent pumpin durin the day...


Yeah I just bought my pajamas from TPY (2 sets enuf bo?) anad washed them. Took out the bag & started dumping things in haphazardly liao. Will pack nicely this weekend....

What size bag u gals bring ah? I'm dumping everything into cabin size trolley bag. My hubby say very 'kua zhang' but doesn't seem that big leh... like quite alot stuff to bring wat...

Uh oh, seems like bfeeding is really quite an art eh? The only thing my mom said is to make sure drink enough water. She said milk is liquid so if insufficient water in the body, milk supply will be affected, which sounds logical.


i using a big shoulder bag since HB drivin so will jus bring the necessary n anything i need den ask him go n take or leave in the car...


yes but becos durin confinement they say cannot drink so much plain water will cause water retention so i really drink lotsa soup, maternal milk n red date tea n milo will drink water on n off too haha... really torturin becos i seldom drink water usu n i get bloated easily but bobian.

tweety: my frens encouraged me to bring along the pump to the hospital, just in case bb doesn't latch on properly, at least can still 'start' the supply. Though from what I read, the 1st few days is mostly colostrum.

Ha ha you all start to pack things in your hospital bag? I havent done so hubby was asking when am I packing the bag? I told him next month la still got time....


hmm it depend on u cos we can always borrow from the hosp n their pump is definitely v gd 1... n if u can sucessfully latch on u wun need the pump la... or u can get the pump ready den if require den ask ur HB bring?


ya ya... my mom said 没有喝水, 哪里来的奶? There're those double boiled soups which are nourishing and supposed to help with milk supply...


Ya he helped me to massage yesterday.. I tell you my #2 pregnancy is making me an old lady lor.. here ache there ache.. My #1 pregnancy like yours.. I was super active and didn't feel as tired as now.. I was even sleeping pretty well in my 3rd trim.. Sigh..


Having a young child and pregnant really not easy hor.. they sick, we also have to take care of them and we end up with all the aches and pains.. Ya me also trying to walk less..Aiyoh.. Please time pass quickly and let us all give birth.. Hehe!!


Yup using ameda dual lactaline double pump.. I think it was good enough for me.. And judging from your supply, I think ameda would be good enough for you too.. =) I'm sure your supply will be as good as your #1..That time I bought ameda cos it was really signifcantly cheaper than the medela and I was super scared that I cannot tahan breastfeeding for 6 months..

Yes now I think about breastfeeding, I get quite scared.. The thought of waking up 2-3 times a night to feed.. Sigh..

Gerry: when i was at mums r'us, the sales lady there mentioned Ameda is a very good pump & the only problem is that the spare parts spoil quite easily, issit true? Cos my cousin's also due april & she's keen to buy the ameda.

I think I bought all the things liao but also havent wash the pjs yet...

Erm need to bring 2 sets of baby clothes or 1 set?

Hee hee Gerry since you are also using the Ameda Dual pump next time anything I dont know can ask you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lo.. cos i dun like the papaya fish soup so my CL cook me peanut trotters soup she say work the same so i jus drink n drink lo.. n glad tt my determine is pay off...

but if u bring pump to hosp u mus tink of the sterilising prob... for me if hosp can borrow will rather get from them la keke...


it best to pack 1 mth in advance jus in case..


ya lo now really painful with all the ache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

st: so how heavy is bb now???

vivi: just 1 set for discharge is enough.. bb will be wearing hospital clothings in the hospital... TMC provides a set of clothings for bb for discharge, so if u want bb to wear the clothings you've bought, just pass them to the nurse, they will put on the one you've bought and put the TMC clothings in a plastic bag for you.


I was using my ameda like crazy for 10 months.. at least 3 pumping sessions everyday.. I subjected some of the parts to lots of hot scalding water after every pump lor.. and if I remember correctly, I only need to buy the triangular rubber thingy at the bottom of the funnel once.. but that piece quite cheap and easy to get.. So i didn't find it an issue.. What I like was that even if battery operated ( I was even pumping on the plane on my way to tokyo!!)the suction was still good enough.. =)

I drank lots of soup and milo.. and I noticed after drinking milo, my let down will be super good.. Did an experiment too.. the vol will get at least 10-20% more when I drink 1 cup of warm milo prior to pumping.. hehe!!


Thanks!! =) U enjoy your pregnancy wor.. cos I did with my #1 too.. Hehe!!


No problem.. Will answer as best as I can.. =) I brought 1 set only.. for going home..

Wah I just went to kaypoh the March forum and saw that really quite alot deliveries liao! And cos it's early, most of the babies are 2kg+ only.... But fortunately all healthy!

Think our thread will start seeing action next month then!


but u mus have a container or wat to put the parts to sterilize mah...


ya i tink the Mar thread most early 1 got complications 1 tt y so early.. my #1 thread most got big bb n most due EDD wor.. hope our thread only have action mid mar la at least it mean our bb past 37wk... too early mus inject sumthing to strenghten bb lung also...

Good morning mummies,just discharged from KKH.Was admitted to KKH ward on Wed due to stomach flu and high fever...just went to the A& E to see the doctor din expect to be admitted...was on drip the whole night and painkiller every two hours...My stomach was in such pain that I was rolling on the bed and the nurses who walked past thought that I am about to deliver and even asked my whether I have dilated...out of 5 beds there 4 beds were filled with mummies who have contractions and about to deliver...I was the odd one out...

Gynae told me that his usual practice is as long as the pregnancy is past 34 weeks, he won't do anything to stop labour if it begins.....

Wow Milo works for milk supply ok I have 1 big tin unopened yet so that can be reserved for me liao ha ha ha. I also like to drink soups so anticipating the soups that CL making.... Drool ... :p

By the way for CL do you get her to cook different dishes for lunch and dinner or same throughout the day? Because at home I am used to eating the same dishes for lunch and dinner.

Ya hor Piggy anyway will try latching on first then see how....

Wah my friend lucky she c sect liao third day got milk supply coming in and is sufficient. Hopefully can be like her...


Feeling better now...but still feel weak duno y... kkh was quite reluctant to discharge me as my last temperature reading was 37.9 but I told them I really wana go home so they gave me HL for the next day to rest...


if got supply bor pian must wake up as its engorge & if i miss out the timing, jiu leak dao my pyjama wet


yah 4/4 is good date. as gynae said i can give birth once enter april so i like to chose beginning of april, not much good date can chose bcoz its during qing ming fest

wah yr bb queit big. u also c-sect? but since yr EDD on 8th, u shd be can give birth on end of march bah


yah i agree with gerry

i also drink a lot of milk while in hospital, brg some 3in1 packets one, during confinement drink many soup & red date tea, only few sip on plain water. even after confinement also still have many soup, if we depend on plain water to get milk supply the milk ll look thin. we need liquid to have supply but better get from those nutrition liquid

once my supply kick in, i drink hot milo b4 & during pumping & kp massage. really tiring but not waste my effort loh can have good supply

BBgoh 4 April easy to remember. The other time when I romed it was 12 April 2009, Thursday at 4.44pm all the 4s and also during the Qing Ming Period. Hubby nearly fainted


my CL will try to cook me diff dish for lunch n dinner cos i got no appetite for breakfast so usu i only eat biscuit n drink milo... it depend on the CL i know some lazy 1 may jus cook same dish day after day...


ya i understd the engorgement but also mus pump 3hrly???


oh dear pls take care of urself...


actually as long as over 2kg is not so bad cos usu above 2 kg even born early no need to stay in ICU if not wrong..


it depend on u lah, my CL last time cook simple lunch for me eg kidney mee sua, bee hoon soup. only dinner then prepare more dish as hb eat together. soup also for dinner time.

so usually i ll finish all the soup in mee sua/bee hoon

hehe i also c-sect & my supply came in on 2nd day. i stimulate it by pump at afternn & got the colustrum then evening my bra jiu felt wet i start to pump constantly 2hr


rest well

Just an advice, if mummies above 32 weeks were to be admitted to hospital for any emergency and it need not be delivery related,, there is a tendency for the hospital to ask u to pay for maternity package for your unborn bb on top of your hospitalisation bill in case the doctor wana the bb to be induced out early,this applies especially to those intending to stay in unsubsided A wards...was shocked when the hospital asked us to pay $2k plus upfront for admission and also something like a 5 digit amount for unforeseen unborn bb complications in case the bb needs to be induced early...

My advice in this case is as a Singaporean use the privilege and take the subsidied ward like B2 class coz upfront only need $305 and the rest is either subsided or claimable by medisave

austin: rest well okie... drink more water.... speedy recovery to you!!!

vivi: heehee.. all the 44444....

piggy: i know... my customer's daughter also due early.. but bb only 1.7kg.. have to stay in ICU....

BBgoh for the CL i got the agency told them to cook separate dishes from my hubby and mine because normal people when they eat confinement food will be heaty and I dont think hubby likes anything with ginger.

When I hear you mentioned the Mee Sua I drool already.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm i tink out of courtesy the CL shd ask u wat ur likes n dislike on food n communicate with u la cos for me i dun eat vegie so more troublesome n she will let me know if she cook this ok anot cos she scare i get bored with the food so she try to cook diff things or style lo...

actually hor many things we eat our HB can eat too not all the dishes with sesame oil n ginger cos like vegie n steam fish ur HB can eat mah my CL will fried me chix also... n some confinement food for them is ok also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies,

It's finally Friday.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh, for manual pump - avent is good? hmm.. then all those pumps that are passed down to me, can't be used.. u mentioned that most of you get the medela US set; are u referring to those that you gals got from rach or other website? Got warranty? not from the local store? Just curious, is it cheaper to get online than from those local shop or baby fair even though the later got special bundle or promotion?


Thanks for sharing, will think about it.. But are u aware the warranty is until? but based on the rate that you mentioned ($350-$400) and i need to buy spare parts of about S$50, then with the amount of $$, i can get a new US set.. But the only disadvantage is no warranty lah for the US set. usu this kind of thing is warranty for 1 year right?

but rene, i also heard that try not to drink plain water during confinement coz it will cause water retention. can substitute plain water with those cooked "longan and red date drink" or ginger drink


yah i remember they always say milk supply = demand. during 1st few days in hospital, the nurse ask me to pump every 2hr to clear it, bk hom i chg to 3hrly. bcoz the most u clear mean more demand u need. if u not pump, yr mind ll tell yr breast u dun need so much. i tot pump every 3hr is queit normal as per bb feeding also every 3hr. if u got latching then maybe dun need so often?


hehe r u hokkien? i also like mee sua :p

i m soo looking forward to eat those confinement foods haha


ya Avent manual pump is gd but hand will be aching lo cos 1 side 20min u need to pump both side n v time consumin...

i tt time help a few here to order from US u can either order from Rach or Tan Leng leng from the spree thread.. even durin bb fair the cheapest for freestyle is $799 n US set max $480 it a big savin.. n usu the 1st 2 yrs the pump shd be workin fine so for me with or w/o waranty i am fine...


ya lo.. but mine really pathetic la.. in hosp the LC come squeeze my nipple damn painful but nothing wor n after a wk i only got 20ml heng after massage n clearin ducts by the massage lady my SS start to increase even my HB say the pump lousy ask me jus go for gd 1 cos single pump time consumin n i still mus press n squeeze my breast to clear the ducts so it will be faster..

btw i hokkien but i hate meesua wor... :p

Tweety yes yes all the 4s always followed me so hubby was joking maybe bunny gal choose to come out on 4 April then I was like huh just a few days earlier than EDD...

Piggy maybe check with how the CL does then see how. Just want to make sure I dont spoil market ...

Bbgoh me not hokkien me hainanese but I like to eat mee sua yummy ... actually first time eating Confinement food...


u pay for her service so it only right tt u make reasonable request dun worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually i dun fancy confinement food 1 but bobian..


Thanks piggy, at least i have a clearer picture with information now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now i have to discuss with HB whether to buy now or wait till baby come out, let him latch on first and see how is the flow, then decide which to buy but then i worry to last min, then very rush...

