(2011/04) Apr 2011


yah i have fixed with my gyane on 4/4 morning

elmo, gerry

yah ll wish yr bb turn head down on time & have smooth natural birth

i no choice lah 1st 1 alrdy c-sect so this 1 dun wanna play the risk

my sil who has also EDD on April, nw in hospital she got high blood pressure, queit worry for her.

pray hard that her blood pressure can under control & go home soon


Haha!! Ya I will tell bb that she would not have any toys to play if she doesn't turn!! Haha!!


Ya for you safer to have c-sect bah.. VBAC sounds quite scary..

Oh dear your sil has pre-eclampsia? Quite serious wor.. I was reading somewhere if cannot control, they would rather take the bb out earlier..

Hi all mummies

Anyone experience swelling at ankles now?? I have leh.. colleagues oso comment tt my nose swell a bit oso, then ask mi 2 tak note..mayb gg deliver soon or got 2 do with my diet leh.. so wori nw..btw my EDD is end of April..

gerry/elmo: your bb not yet head down???

bbgoh: oooo.. nice date arh... 4.4.11... heehee... oh dear.. .then how is she now?? pray hard she will be okie...

gerry, tweety

might be, she dun wan to let me noe maybe pan-tang or wat, is fil secretly told me yst. he is very worry

yah hope she can hang 1more mth

just nw ask hb to call her, she sound very upset

like to visit her but worry she mind it


Ya baby's head not down.. gynae told me by 34-35 weeks should come down.. So by my next visit, bb should turn.. *fingers cross* for me my bb is in oblique position.. maybe bb want to turn but low placenta blocking her way..


Why pantang? Maybe she doesn't want to scare you.. ask your hb ask her whether you can visit..


or maybe she dun wanna scare me bah.. yah tonight ask hb give her a call


still got time for yr bb to turn head down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but if u got low placenta, yr gynae nvr say if it got bleeding risk? last time mine was like tat & he said if wanna try natural also can but he need his coll help in case bleeding cant control

so i just chose c-sect & at the sametime removed the cyst

Hello mummies,

I hope all the mummies that want their baby to be turned down will turn down soon. I heard you should try talking to your baby and even walking helps. On my 28th week, baby was oblique position.. but by 33rd week, turned down so don’t worry!

Bbgoh: wow! 4/4.. at least you have a date you can look forward to and prepare for. So exciting. Guess for your situation, there are more considerations so perhaps C-sect is better for you.

By the way mummies, are you going to try your luck at the $10m toto? My colleagues are so funny, asked me to buy on their behalf cause they said pregnant women have luck. So I bought on their behalf and bought my own share too. The queue was so long so they lined up first and when it was close to their turn, I took over. I don’t really believe lah but it sounded so humorous that pregnant women are considered luckier. I’ve not heard of it.


Ya still got time.. =)

My gynae said my placenta just on the edge of my cervix opening.. she did ask me to be careful and any bleeding should immediately see her.. but she never mention got higher risk of bleeding during delivery.. will ask her during my next visit.. She seemed a little worried when she noticed it during my last visit..

Little twin star..

Swelling at ankles, legs and feet very common in 3rd trim.. no it does not indicate you are going into labour.. My legs are super swollen and red.. Don't worry.. Part of the pregnancy package.. Just drink more water..

sookie ; yah hope everythg get smooth

gerry ; my gynae more funnie he ask me why my both pregnancy got low placenta (this preg also have)

lil twin star

i also got swelling legs & when i cross my leg can feel the skin is stretching. shd be normal

but got 1 thg to share, just FYI

during my last preg, i have badly swallon legs after discharge from hospital & its gone abt after 1wk of delivery

as ppl always say after delivery the water retention ll gone. some cases like mine get worst after give birth

tat time the CL & my mil worry my blood cot blocked so ask me go hospital scan my legs, spent le 100+

Gerry, haha ya. Tell bb i'll throw all the toys n new clothes away if he dun turn!

tweety, my last checkup was 3wks ago. So gotta wait till next Wed then will now. Will be 33 wks by then. Pray for gd news.. though gynae say still got time!



haha $10m if strike no need to work Liao. Durin my last n tis preggy time I tend to find my luck gd got strike abit hehe


I hopin to change her. Tmr gng to the agency will c how.

Mrs chua

wow u got something to look forward to tats gd very fast sat will come n u can rest Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha ha Tweety I normally kaypo at the Feb and the Mar thread.

Twin star me too have swollen ankles and fingers now. So I guess quite normal ba....

Hi mummies,

Regarding Breastfeeding: Is it advisable to latch or pump at the start? Heard from some mummies we also cannot latch for too long; if not babies will have dificulty for bottle feed....experienced mummies, kindly advise?

Thank you.

harlo mummies.. wah i had a really v tiring day~

early in the morning 5+ woke up drove my Hb to airport den go home bath n feed my boi breakfast, cook lunch for my boi vaccum n mop floor den go buy some grocery follow by goin to TB control unit to let my boi take x-ray i am soooo tired now...


erm ur pump alr 5-6yrs?? i tink dun waste $$ to buy parts can jus buy new set.. cos my aunt set 2 yrs alr cmi leh.. like i say if SS ok mini electric plus is ok but if no gd it lousy... i agree with sookie sumtime it not our SS no gd but the pump... cos i got ffriends who use other brand v bad supply when she seek help with LC n use those medela pump the hosp used she is amaze with the SS..

like skin care there r cheap n ex 1 same for pump if u wan better suction n gd pump u gotta buy better model tt explain the price diff for diff model.. for medela PIS suction is better but v bulky so many go for freestyle cos it light portable n can go hands free n i heard the suction is pretty gd alr... so if u r serious abt breastfeedin i wld suggest u get a gd 1...


wah ur water retention so bad ah.. i hire the malay massage she say the post-natal also helps to reduce water retention leh did u get post natal massage after delivery for #1?


was on leave for 3 days suppse to accmy son to CC but who knows theCC i dun like n end up all spent in hosp thanks to the maid... tml if my kolig ask me how my son settlin in the CC i also dunno wat to say-_-


ur gynae is not wrong in sayin most 1st time mummies gave birth near EDD or even overdue wor.. cos i tink i mentioned be4 usu a small percentage will have premature bb n usu it becos ofcomplication like contraction at v early stage n many i know gotta bed rest with such condition so it can delay the bb from coming out...


usu in hosp we will try to latch first cos the supply in the beginnin is miserable n the colostrum is v precious latch is better.. u can always follow with a pump ... the LC will guide u... as for bottle feed it depend on the baby.. cos i do know a few mummies their bb refuse bott feed n rather starve than drink from bott n some almost 2 still latchin becos alr become a comfort like pacifier... but many mummies have no problem weanin from latch also la.. for me i dun like to latch so i only latch the 1st wk n pump all the way...


Wah u so busy today.. Ur boy sleeping already so now u can rest.. Ur boy went for chest x-ray.. To check whether he got tb issit? Hope he is ok.


Latching on is a personal choice. For me, I was fully on latched on for first 2+ months.. Then after that if I'm not with her, my mum would bottle feed her ebm.. But everytime I'm around, I would latch on.. I find it convenient.. ESP for the night feed.. I was lucky with my #1.. When I'm at work, she'll take bottle and when I'm home, she would latch on.. And it was easy to wean her off bm after 10 months. But again this is baby dependent.. I know some bb can't really latch on so mummies have to bottle feed bm from the start.. Or sometimes mummies anatomy not too suitable for bf so will bottlefeed.. It's really a personal choice and it depends on both mummy and bb..


ya i dunno if tt is chest or lung x-ray but the x-ray show ok but still mus take an injection tosee if there is any sleepin bateria in his body.. but becos he jus took mmr so cant take now wll bring him for the test in Apr lo.. but the gd thing is the dr told us only the carrier is contagious so even if any of us catch the bateria we wun spread to others i tink tt is y they r not strict or request us to quarantine etc..

piggy ; i nvr get msg lady for 1st delivery, as c- sect worry hurt the wound no experience.

yoti. ; to me I got inverted nipple so I was fully pump nvr latch on. when i got the colustrum luckly my girl with me do I quickly used my finger to take & feed her. my supply came on 2nd day & it's a lot, I remember when I discharge I left few glass bottle in hospital & they gave to others Bb. so still depend to individual case & most ll recommend latching as good for bonding


icic nvm get 1 this time round c-sect can still massage but mus wait dunno how many wk...

wah envy u so much supply...


ya lor...coz my cousin already 5 or 6 years old already, even if i calculate wrongly, at least should have 4 years already bah... and my auntie only use it for a few months only. My HB also said if want to buy parts, then later realize that pump no good, he dun want to waste another sum of $$ to get new one.. just use the Manuel pump that my auntie gave me also (brand: Chicco)

Thanks for your advise, will discuss with my HB. If really want to buy in the end, will try medela as what most of you suggested... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fung fung,

ur hb is rite but hor if u wan manual pump I wld suggest u get avent 1 cos pump hor really mus get ok 1 sum pump tink so lousy dun work at all n gd pump helps to speed up pumpin also.. N if u gettin PIS or freestyle like most of us gettin US set it takes time to arrive unless u can latch n supply ok no prob with the let down speed can buy ameda like Gerry..

Found this info (Jan 2011 issue of Mother & Baby):

Baby Care Festival 2011

18 to 20 March 2011

Hall 6B Singapore Expo

Fri & Sat: 11am to 9pm

Sun: 11am to 8pm

Free Admission

Festival Highlights:

Mother & Baby Cover Baby Contest

Toddler Telematch

Baby Crawling Contest

Carnival-themed play area

Story-telling sessions

Exclusive Subscription offers

$15,000 worth of prizes and goodie bags to give away

Maternity Care & Baby Care Products & Services:

Sponsors include-->






Philips Avent





paste & copy from my #1 thread.


Here are 17 Ways to Turn Your Breech Baby!

Be sure to check with your provider before trying the positions for turning a breech baby to see if there is any reason why you should not use them.

1. Visualizing the baby moving down with the head very deep in your pelvis, several times a day; especially in conjunction with positions and exercises below.

2. Swimming as often as possible. This keeps your body and pelvis loose and relaxed. Do in conjunction with headstand below if you have help.

3. Headstand - with assistance and in a pool frequently as possible.

4. Breech Tilt - begin at 32-35 weeks gestation. Do 3 times daily for 10-15 minutes each time, when you have an empty stomach, and the baby is active. Prop one end of an ironing board securely on a sofa or chair 12 to 18 inches high (or may use slant board). Lie down, bend knees but keep feet flat on board. Relax, breathe deeply, avoid tensing. May also use pillows on a flat surface to raise hips 12-18" above shoulders. Gravity pushes the baby's head into the fundus, tucks it, and baby can then do a somersault to a vertex position.

5. CD/iPod headphones - place them inside mom's pants toward her pubic bone and play classical music for 10 minutes 6-8 times a day.

6. Flashlight - try moving slowly down from the top of the uterus toward your pubic bone while you are in a breech tilt position.

7. Massage - start with your left hand at the bottom of the abdomen and your right hand just above it. Move move your hands clockwise around the right side of your tummy. As your right hand reaches the top of your abdomen, slide the left one over your right and move it down the left side of your tummy. Your left hand leads as you you come full circle, continuing clockwise. Massage gently as you would to apply lotion. Massage for ten minutes or more up to several times each day.

8. Clothespin - place on the small toe of each foot at the outside corner of the toenail; sideways so that the toenail and toepad are stimulated for 30 minutes per day, this is an acupressure point that is a "moving down" point. You can also do this with just finger pressure as you remember to do it.

9. Motion Sickness band - place with the bead four fingerwidths above the inner ankle bone - another acupressure point that is used for stimulation of the uterus. Do not use this point if you are experiencing any pre-term labor.

10. Glass of orange or other juice - follow this with a side-lying position with your hips positioned higher than your feet. Babies move more after a sugar high!

11. Pelvic Tilt- with an ice pack on the top of your tummy on an empty stomach, 10 minutes twice a day. Do this while lying on your back on the floor with knees flexed and feet on the floor with three large pillows placed under your buttocks. Try this in conjunction with headphones and visualization.

12. Cat stretch - start with all fours, then lay your head and chest flat on the floor with your buttocks in the air, as you round your back and return to all fours.

13. Knee-chest position - by kneeling with hips flexed slightly more than 90 degree, but with thighs not pressing against your tummy and your head, shoulders and upper chest are flat on a mattress for 15 minutes every two waking hours for five days.

14. Belly Relaxing followed by Inversion - Partner places a shawl, sheet, towel or rebozo under mom's hips as she lays on the floor. Lift up on the corners of the cloth and shimmy her from side to side moving your hands up and down to wiggle her belly from side to side. These should be very small movements which mom should find very relaxing. Do this for about 5 minutes. Then mother kneels on the stairway landing. Walk your hands down 2 or 3 stairs into an all fours position; have your partner support your shoulders to balance you. Remain in this position for about 5-10 minutes or as long as comfortable. Also do this on an empty stomach.

The following techniques to turn breech babies to vertex involve the assistance of a specialist or medical professional:

15. Acupuncture - find a acupuncturist who is familiar with pregnancy and knows the points to stimulate for turning a breech baby.

16. Webster's Breech Technique - see a Chiropractor who is experienced in this technique.

17. External Version - this can be done in the hospital at about 37 weeks; see an Ob-Gyn for assistance and more information.



Good morning mummies!

It's Friday... The 1st time I hate Friday, lols... Terry starts to adapt to his CC life but he is not going tmr!!!!! Another fresh routine next week, think also scare... Kekekeke...

morning ladies..

back to work today see the amt of work pile up super sian... my right bum also ache so badly i cant even walk properly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gerry & bbgoh & vivi: ya @ 1st i tot is normal, till 1 of my colleague say she onli experience swelling when gg deliver n another colleague oso say e same, then ask mi tak note till i fr no scare becme panic man...esp nw preg like so easily scare by ppl leh esp when cme 2 bb issue, duno y [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tink tt e nature of being a mummy??

Wah nw like getting more n more tired everydae, even climb stairs oso like half dead...

Morning mummies.. TGIF!! Ytd night after wrk, went to attend hubby's wedding dinner.. So did nt come in.. So tired now but nvm, tmr is my massage & arrival of baby's bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ & bbgoh.. I oso starting to feel the itch at my lower tummy area. Hubby say is my stretch mark that suddenly all appearing towards last stage. Sometimes I oso itch until wake up, scratch until can't slp but I kept telling myself nt to scratch it.. 

Fung.. She told me $460-470 in total for the freestyle. Had checked with piggy, that abt the price that time she helps the girls to get it. No warranty de if we getting direct from us.. If u looking for warranty, u hv to get from sg. But price definitely more exp, would say is double the price we paying for a us set. 

Bbgoh.. I started my ml 21 mar.. When ur edd??? My edd 29 mar, at 1st was still think to start onli when I go labour but at my current stage of aching & tiredness, I still start early oso gd, let me rest more.. Hehe

Fung: If u don't mind 2nd hand, there're quite alot sellers letting go of their medela pumps - freestyle & PIS. Some still have valid warranty cos local set! Then all you have to do is change the parts which costs abt $50 or so.

In fact, I know 1 forum mommy selling her freestyle set in good condition (local set bought from Taka Oct 2010, used for 3 mths then stop breastfeeding liao). She's asking for $350 - $400. Let me know if you're keen.

Some aunties at my workplace also say my ankles very swollen & due anytime.... Think it's again another old wives' tale and I agree that just make sure adequate intake of water then don't drink too much water before u sleep & where possible, keep your legs slightly raised.

morning mummies....

mrs chua: posting error arh.. ur hubby's wedding dinner?? heehee... rest well.. try not to scratch your tummy... endure!!!!!

st: how was ur checkup yesterday?

piggy: hugz hugz.... do what u can do... dun over work yourself...

jtho: so good... not working today... =P


really sian early in the mornin my boss gave me attitude liao..

tokin abt hosp bag i finally remember to wash my pajamas... how i wish i can pop now. damn tired..

Morning ladies,

Ya TGIF.. I also wanted to take MC today too.. my right knee is hurting quite a bit.. My hb thinks it's cos of the swelling I am getting above my knee.. Sigh.. =( But today got to finish up some stuff..


Wah lucky your boy alright.. Oh so later they will still do the skin prick test.. Wah.. I remember doing that in Pri 6 and it was quite painful..

Fung fung,

Ya.. For me I latched on till I confirmed I had supply before buying an ameda.. and it is good enough for me.. Plus it is way cheaper than the PISA and freestyle.. A 2nd hand medela can still be more ex than a brand new ameda..


Thanks for the info.. I have read about some of them too and am actually trying like the pelvic tilt.. Will find out next fri whether my bb has turned..

Little twin star,

Totally understand.. As mummies we are constantly worried about our little ones.. from the time we conceive to forever, we'll always be worried...

But there are some conditions where excessive swelling is no good.. like in pre-eclampsia.. there will be too much swelling.. and that's a pregnancy emergency.. but generally swelling will get worse towards the end of gestation.. so don't worry too much.. I can't wear my metal strap watch and my ring is getting tighter.. plus I have to loosen my straps on my birkins too.. hehe!!

morning mummies

TGIF but still so sleepy


yah really hope this round can have good supply too

also counting down to my ML, really tired huh

i cant remember my 1st preg got so tired at later stage ler


a good pump is very important, i saw many of my friends & cousins who did latching but get manual pump, their supply all not good


how i wish i also can stay at home tdy, so envy

Mrs Chua

my EDD is 19/4 but ll do c-sect on 4/4

last time i also thk save the ML for after delivery but huh after give birth we really hard to rest ler. altot during confinement we got helper but thk of breastfeed jiu tired le cant sleep thru the night must pump 3hrly


ya lo at least he clear the x-ray not so bad..

actually suppose to go back nex mth to do the test den do again in Apr after the window period to do again for 100% confirm so i rather let him do once after window period... anyway he still got the DT vaccine haven take so will take tt first...

oh u knee hurt ah.. now i try to minimise walkin lo so painful on my joint n bum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

