(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy, well.. glad to hear that tummy tightening is not a sign of early labour. Oh ya, tt time u told me what chi herbs to buy for kids cough har? My boy yest cough till vomit again. Luckily he din get our food poisoning! Since on leave today.. can boil for him.

Gerry, i shd be better le. Just had 3 pieces of bread n milo. No pukey feeling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Need to do some housework today le.. house like pig sty over the weekends! Hope ur gal get well soon too.



take care ya... it always us who will be more tired when children fall sick[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my boy got no prob sleepin in his own room the prob is sleep without any help in his own room sigh~


yup received[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah i tink our order will exceed $240 manz.. as our order get heavier the shippin will also be more leh.. but so many orders after dividing shd be quite ok...


oh cos for my case is jus tightenin no cramp n my gynae din see any sign of labour la.. n even told me i got lots of fluid in my water bag...


agree leh last time big tum tum still ok now big tum tum with a toddler super shiong..

my weekends are super duper shag


I think making him fall asleep without help is the hardest part.. Jia you.. At least once this settle, you can concentrate on your #2 too..

Ya my little girl had fever but it looked like I'm the one that is sick.. She was still running around and playing her toys!


I totally agree.. Pregnant with toddler is super exhausting..



That's good.. Slowly eat.. =) If you still need to rest, housework can wait..

Tweety.. Ya, very fast will count down from 30 days Le.. Wanted to rest more but nephews & niece ard @ Hm. Very hard to rest more do decided to go bk office earlier, hoping tonight dun hv to ot.. 

Andrea.. Ya V fast.. Sorry ytd night nt feeling well so did nt post the info on cordlife.. Shall try do it tonight ;) from wat I rem is that, it is free now, dun hv to pay anything. All u need is to sign up den when baby's born, bring the  box which contain all the tubes to hospital when u hobna deliver. Passed to gynae & they will know wat to do.. Afterwhich, called cordlife & they will come hospital to pick it up from u., den after u & baby discharge, go either Ocbc or stand chart to open the account, 1st pymt $400+ den give will subsidies the same mat. After which, duno 1yr hv to pay how much.. That one need to check Le.. But I signed up for 31 yr plan.. Meaning by 21yr, plan finish den ownership trf to baby., 

Piggy.. U tried Mdm Emma? How is it? Maybe u Pm me her number den I contact her? Thanks.. Think u might pop ard the same time as me ba.. If I go natural & u go induced.. U planning end of mar induced or mid of the mth??

Elmo.. Take care ;)


actually if i let my boi sleep in his playpen he can sleep without any help but if gave him a room he more keen in runnin abt dunno wanna sleep at all.. nite time not so bad but day time horrible so yesterday after an hr i gave up put him in his playpen for day time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

huh really ah more maid gettin TB ah.. sian..


i dunno wor when she here den i discuss with my HB n SIL bah...

Mrs Chua,

yup i tried her.. n she usin Clarins oil so i dun mind payin another $10 at least it branded n i like the smell haha.. but Mdm Ida team dun do pre-natal after wk 32 leh u got tell how u how many wk anot?

Mrs Chua,

i dunno if i wan induced anot cos even dun induces i may pop 2 wks earlier too since this is #2 cos my gynae say anytime after wk 37 can be anytime..

elmo: oh dear.. better take good care of yourself... ur boss really... got ppl like to be sick meh,,., still reply how cute... -_-"

gerry: u too take care.. drink more water....

piggy, ok.. u let me know how much to transfer to u.

Mrs Chua, Nvm.. its okie.. I'm thinking sign up on baby fair is it got better deal or not.. hehe..


so far my previous 2 maids i pay extra to do the hep B test...now i think i better bring them to TB test too must play safe..


shag lor..then think there was once i strain too much my lower tummy suddenly cramp and i can't move have to squat on the floor for awhile..

Hi Ladies,

Happy V Day!

Seems like quite a few of us feeling unwell hor.. I also sick, was fighting flu & cough for awhile which got better then suddenly the cough came back with a vengeance yday. Last night cough non-stop! Plus I fractured my TOE!

Hiya, now tum big big v clumsy. Last thurs nite at home, kicked the wall accidentally then fractured my toe. SIGH....


actually i dunno can pay extras for more test.. i thot the usu medical checkup alr includes.. maybe i go find out wat test is included in the medical test first..

piggy, mine is also tummy hardening. No cramps or pain. Just v uncomfy. Did u see my qn abt the Chinese herbs to boil for bb's cough?

Gerry, wash clothes throw in washing machine only. Got piles of clothes to wash cos weekend din do anything!

Thks Mrs Chua, tweety! Yest i realise bb moved v little.. maybe cos i din eat he no energy to move also. Now got some bf.. we started kicking again. Phew!

Andrea, i paid abt $200 a year for cordlife, 21yrs plan. Sign up at baby fair think got some discounts rite? Plus u can get a referral here.. think each can get a $50 voucher.

aiyo, rene did u see doc? Toe fracture can be serious leh. I ever broke my toe before.. when i kicked the legs of the table when i'm young. Need op to put the bones back!


oh i tink i miss ur qns..

hmm u can go to chinese medicine hall n buy chuan bei ask them grind into powder u add to the water or milk.. if not can try EYS Hou Ning for cough 1 but ex...


for my agecny cos i asked..but i didn't check if it's more exp than GP leh since the maid already with them to have blood test then might as well do everything lor

Elmo: thks for concern! Went to SGH last friday, problem is, I'm not too comfortable with getting an x-ray done though the doc feels it's ok cos it's toe which is far from tummy & they will shield. It's my right 4th toe. Well, I'm sure all mommies here will understand that I'd rather not take the risk....


Thanks!! Am trying to drink more water.. It's just damn xian loh..


Ya I got injured before trying to carry my girl.. While lifting her up, my shoulder suddenly super suan.. and no strength.. Like twisted like that.. And now also cannot lift her up from squatting position.. HEhe!!


Do these FDW have to do chest x-ray? I know when I apply for a new job, my new employer will always have chest x-ray during medical check up..

elmo, may i know y u choose cordlife? A lot of ppl commented cordlife in my facebook.. The ratio against stemcord is so much different.. My gynae told me both is the same wor..


i also comment on ur FB on the cordlife thingy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dear be careful ya.. but if the dr tink better take x-ray i tink u better take to play safe la.. can understd ur concern but if ur injury is serious it will be worse leh. esp if the dr say it safe...


i not v sure wor need to check i forgot le..


ya will check when my maid clear her test first thanks ya..


at that time cordlife have this machine (i forget the name) that can extract much more cells out..so we went to cordlife lor..better to check with the cordlife person what is this machine abt..

st, icic.. hubby fix appointment with stemcord sales person tonight.. think the different is abt the technolgy/machine used..


no leh very fast Wed meh..i can't wait for mine on Thursday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i just called my agency..they told me now new maid come will go for X-Ray and checked TB one..u check see if Nation is the same

Thks for concern all! Thankfully the pain is rather bearable.... and doc said it'll still heal in 2-3 wks whether or not x ray is done. Just that it'll prob heal slanted...

Hmm Rene then you have to take care especially avoid people from stepping your toes ...

Gosh I hate this pukey feeling not feeling very well now.


at least urs is this thursday, mine will be next tuesday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got to wait for sooooo long!

Piggy I think if fracture no put on cast, once slanted will be tough to go back to the original shape

JTHO me also very sleepy now.

Thks piggy. Later i go chi med hall ask see have anot.

Rene, last time i also fractured my 4th toe! Can you still walk now? It's fracture no dislocated rite? If hairline crack even if you xray.. Doc also cant do much. Have to let it heal by itself. But will take Mths depending on how bad. Cos tt time my sis toes got smashed by a big slab of ice also like tt.

Andrea, i posted on ur fb also lah. Hehe. Think tt time mine was 4 yrs back. Only cordlife has some dunno wat accreditation. And more popular. So i just take loh. Dunno abt now le.

Keke.... i'm not too concerned la. Slanted will only be a bit weird looking lo. But rather slanted ugly toe than risk anything to my gal.... Yep, I can still walk.

Elmo: ya, doc said most likely the case is even with x ray, wil stil need time to heal. Only diff is if confirm fractured they wil cast so can heal straight. But nvm la, 4th toe ugly ugly la...

Good noon all mummies!!!!

Alone with Terry @ home now... Going for registration for Terry CC tmr... But now super tired... Terry is coughing since last week, the phelgm makes his appetite drop leh... Then start to have abit of running nose this morning...He also got diarrhea but like abt 6-8hrs apart... Aldy 3 times since yesterday... Dunno want to bring him to another round of GP visit anot... Haiz.... dilemma... Pray hard nothing serious...

Gerry, Elmo, take care ya!!!! drink more water... Nowadays the weather really siao siao...

Rene, slanted then next time cannot wear nice shoes... U really dun want to have x-ray? Maybe can check with ur gynae to ensure...

Hi mummies!

Seems like lots of toddlers are sick recently. Must be the weather! My gal is also sick with flu and cough over the weekend. so scared of getting it from her since the whole family was sick with cough the last time and it was so "kan kor".

Rene: aiyoh... so poor thing! hope you will get better. try not to walk to much so as to heal it faster.

Elmo: your boss is so terrible. why do such people exist?

just went for my check up.. baby at 32 weeks, 5 days is around 1.8kg. Most happy is.. my 1kg from my weight gain from CNY.. stayed constant! Yippie! gynae so pleased cause most of his patients gained 3kg after CNY.

I told him that I have been having a lot of cramps, braxton hicks and more discharge. told me all was normal. as long not cramps with braxton hicks or bloody show or decrease in baby movement, should be alright. Baby is also head down so can qualify for natural birth. yippie!

I banked my #1 with cordlife cause they seem more advanced then.. that was almost 3-4 years ago but now.. i don't even know if I should bank for #1. gynae did mention that there is 1/4 chance that I can't use #1 for #2 and he did say that chances of using is very slim but its like an investment/insurance if you decide to bank it. So, i'm thinking of donating for #2.


Hippo.. If got diarrhea.. Can buy the sac form of probiotics from guardian. It's e good bacteria for e stomach. kkh also give this. Yest doc also gimme this. I find it v gd.

Rene, can just cast without xray? My sis only need to bandage 2 toes together. Mine was slanted cos my bone was dislocated. But no issues lah.. Wear shoes also normal.

Sookie, my boss siao one lah. Dunno he trying to be funny or sarcastic.

