(2011/04) Apr 2011

Piggy: paiseh Paiseh... NEver come online.. I'm ok with 12pm.. See ya!!

Vivi: hugz hugz.. Dun let bad things affect ur mood...

Gerry: see ya tomorrow too!!! =)



I read her bk b4 n did try to follow her schedule when my #1 is abt 4mth plus but fail. So I tried to used her's s a guidline n 'invent' my own.


*sobsob* tmr can't meet for lunch Liao le haix.

Will there b another gatherin besides this?? Haha wanna meet up wif u all b4 my bunny come out next mth.

Pink/ piggytoh/ Gerry

yup agree wif piggytoh 1 ear in another out but I yet to master this skill well. Donno y they r so kpo lo got sooooo many things to say la ask la comment la. Luckily is 1 year onli get to c once but how I wish can don c.


mine oso got pain n if I at hm I will lie down n roll left right ren the pain. I ask my gynae b4 but he jux say is BH ask me to rest more n don walk too much.

Any mummies experience very sharp pain below tummy???

Now almost when I sleep half way I can't turn to my side cos of the pain. Is like a sharp knife poke into my tummy below.

Which side mux we slp on huh?? Left or right huh??

Tweety, Pink and Piggy see you tomorrow

Twwety I am ok now. Hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy suppose to sleep on the left side better but when I ask my gynae she said we also cant be sleeping on the left side all the while so it is ok to sleep on the right side.

Hmm I dont have the sharp pain but can feel those suan suan feeling and I realized that bunny gal is kicking more strongly now...

Wow you all so hardworking reading up on books I am the lazy one


i alr sms Jtho[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya not easy la mus endure their cryin...

my boi cries is horrible 1 so loud n non stop tt is y i gave in to pacifier if not chiam... n mus tahan but i tell myself suffer for few days better than ongoing... my HB so heng when he came back i alr train him sleep all the way-_-


sumtime it ourselves la mus learn to let go n ignore comments... if every comment we take it to heart we angry they also dunno no pt...

if not like my friend she travel durin CNY to avoid irritating pp nex yr u can consider[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh i exp. sharp pain occassionally also but not freq v uncomfortable[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] best to sleep on left..


i also lazy tt y only read a bit n end up with my own schedule haha...

Good morning!!!!!

Pink, endure ya... Another 2 mths to go! Gambateh!!!!!!!!! *hugs*

Happy deforestation to all mummies!!!!!

Working day for me!!!!! Abit sianz... My boy was sent to mom place last night... So angry with my hubby... Rather go back to work than stay home look after the son... Just dump my boy to my mother... Grhhhhh... Too bad I aldy took leave on 1/2 n 2/2, paiseh to take another day off also... Pek chek...

Another aunty ask me to give up seat to her again... I really dun have a chance to look like preggy, how to PS on 6/3 huh????? Hahahahahaha...


Back 2 work oso...sian n tired..nv slp well coz used 2 slp late n wak up late 4 past few dae liao, somemore bb keep toss n turn inside mi middle of e nite..Zzzz

Nw i find it so difficult 2 slp @ nite, nt onli i ni 2 find my comfortable position, i muz consider 4 bunny bb oso..if she will nt 1 slp n do mani stunts..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies.. Same like hippo, another working day for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]  so tired.. Yawn.. B4 cny, I took dome work bk hoping can do it during the break but in the end, I oso no time plus lazy to do it lols.. Haizz.. Gonna get busy again.. Life is so tiring for me.. 

Oh ya.. Happy deforestation to vivi, piggy & Tweety.. & enjoy Ur lunch with the rest of mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u all enjoy urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Ytd night was chatting with my 2 sil.. One of them c-sect while the other natural.. As we had the same gynae, they were telling me our gynae is pro-natural person who will encourage pple to go for natural birth.. But the sil who c-sect is becos her cervix do not open after some time so no choice but to c-sect.. But during the 2nd birth, gynae did ask if she wan to try natural.. But she dun wan Liao lols..  Now talking abt birth, is really near to our birth.. Cannot imagine another 7 more weeks to go for me.. So scary.. 

Hippo.. Nobody taking care of Ur boy today ah? Maybe Ur hubby dun wan to waste his leave today so he got more leave when u give birth to accompany u? Dun b angry le.. No gd no gd.. 

Morning mummies...


hahah dun worry gd PG they will teach u how to pose to make ur tummy look bigger[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way u bring Terry take MMR or MMRV?? i still cannot make up my mind chaim...

Little Twin star,

me too v tiredcant sleep well with bb kickin n the ache[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Chua,

ya usu if #1 cervix not open #2 usu they will opt for c-sect cos wait cannot open again mus emerg c-sect waste $$..

Morning ppl!

I'm back to work today. Totally no mood and no brain to work! So sianzzz.... still got 2 more mths to endure before i can have my 4mths 'break'!!

Happy deforestation today for those going! I love thai express! But cant meet u all for lunch.

Hippo ur tummy must be really small! During CNY most ppl commented my tummy very small. Only my auntie say like bigger than last time.. cos last time my tummy also not too big. Think it's my body build ba... tummy is v pointed.

Hello ... everyone

Hippo you should let the auntie know you preggie ma no other people to give up seats meh? Except you? Hmm...

Hee hee Sandy great that you can join us.... tomorrow my turn of Tuesday blue, wow 5 days of no work and it is coming to an end soon...

ya piggy, i already feel like my tummy is stretch till wanna explode le.. v tight liao. Esp when after food.. v xin ku. Bb like press on my stomach and bladder... then i keep wanting to pee.. if sneeze will leak pee also. V cham!

vivi, hols are too short hor? No more hols till we pop liao. Now can only wait for us to pop to take a break off work!


ya lo i agree esp lately my groin area ache is gettin worse[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

turn or move alr v xinku duno how to survive when my HB not ard.. cos now my maid sick i dare not ask her come over liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy, ur maid staying at ur ILs place ah? Then she keep falling sick.. how to help u? Can change maid anot? My fren told me yoga can help with groin ache. If u got time maybe u can try? I'm not a yoga fan. Luckly my groin pain is not permanant for now.. it comes n goes think depending on bb's position.


ya tt y lo now waiting for the agency to advice cos for new maid mus wait n my maid have express she would like to stop her contract Liao .. So dun tink I can get any help when my hb not in sg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


2wks.. Ya but bobian leh wkday still ok it wkend[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now I also worried my IL can't cope with 2 toddler.. Now thinkin of lettin my boi start CC earlier but I haven bott him for his MMR headache..

good morning mummies,

So sad.. the CNY holidays are over, and yes, i'm also back at work today. so tiring!

Piggy: i also put on 1kg within these few days! chiam ah.. all the goodies and yu sheng are just too hard to resist. my appt is next Mon. will just "welcome" the nagging.

Wah hippo, your tummy must be small or maybe the outfits you wear must be very loose. maybe you need to wear a tshirt or tag that says "yes I am pregnant".

yippie 8 wks left for some of us. I really wonder who will pop first.

Enjoy your lunch girls!

piggy, can ur IL help on weekends too? Ur boy cough ok le ma? If ok then can faster go jab le loh. Better to start cc before u pop leh.. not much time left. Btw.. tot u shd be at lunch now? haha

sookie, i din even weigh myself. But i'm v unhealthy ah.. i eat less rice n those normal meals.. snack on CNY goodies instead. Cough recover le then eat n eat.. now wanna sore throat again. :p

Mrs. Chua... Thanks! With the monster boss... Haiz... He on leave at home also answer call non-stop... So to him no point stay home... But the prob is I find him abit reluctant to take care our boy lor... Abit worry next time I will have hard time to handle 1 toddler and 1 infant...

Piggy, I let my boi take MMRV! I totally trust my PD so she said what I follow, lols~

Elmo/Vivi/sookie, yes... My tummy is small... today I wear tight tight liao... tummy still cannot fight with my boobs... LOLs~~~~~ When I look down I see my boobs instead my tummy... Plus nowadays ppl all heartless...

The angriest part is i gave up the seat to auntie liao hor~ she still give me feng liang hua lor... I was sitting at the seat behind the driver for those new type bus lor... Can only fit 1 adult 1 children that type, she asked me can share set with her anot? How to share? I big size plus I preggy mah, so I just stood up n gave up the seat to her lor... She still told the whole bus, she asked me to share seat not to gave up seat, then nag nag nag non-stop... Make me pek chek lor~

pink, as long as bb's size is ok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippo, if i were you, i'll say loudly.. Erm.. I'm preg leh.. how to size in 2 ppl in that SMALL seat?? Make her malu mah...

Hippo: Y u give up e seat 2 her?? Shld say u preg mah..see wat she say, then say hw 2 sit 2 adults when tt seat oradi so cramp??

Reali bad mood when encounter such situation..esp when rest so mani dae then like no mood 2 work.. ask her go squeeze with driver la, keke

Hi gals: Share ur desert feeling after deforestation...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my oradi like Tropical Rain Forest liao, keke...but i no guts go wax leh..

hippo, hugz hugz. Early morn meet this kind of ppl really spoil ur mood. Tt day got ppl puposely elbow me on mrt i also v pekchek whole morn... blame it on our mood swings. My poor hb kena my mood swing many many times le... :p


I think labour is going to be more pain...? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually without the maid I doubt my IL can cope also cos all this while all the washing of clothes n bathing by my maid my IL nv done it be4...


I gain 0.5kg within this few days think will gain another 0.5kg this sat for my checkup:x

hope can faster pop v heavy ah..


icic which PD u seeing how much u pay?

Aiyo tt aunty really ridiculous she v old? Wah the moment I board the train pp gave up the seat lol~

Little twin star,

heheh I am the first to go hmm pain la but not v v bad kind still bearable going for another round nex mth be4 I pop..


u know hor when I saw ur SMS I burst out luffin n now live reportin funnie la u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm for labour if u go for epi it painless wahaha..

U sure u wan c-sect? It going to be more painful on the wound wor ..

wahahhaha pink is damn funny!!! I see le wanna lol in office liao!!! Think labour pain shd be much worse ba? :p

piggy, then better go get ur boy's injection done soon and try cc earlier. Ur deforestation descr so different from pink.. ur pain threshold must be pretty high. haha

ya pink, go natural with epi if u scared of pain lah. My fren had epi when she felt the 1st contraction.. then she say not painful at all. She say extract wisdom tooth more painful then delivery! Pengz! I v peifu her!


haha ya pink v funnie lol~ hmm I find painful but still ok wor tink maybe my pain threshold higher but still I dare not go without epi leh keke..

Ya I jus found cheaper CC near my IL place goin to take a look like if can maybe start sooner rather than march..

