(2011/04) Apr 2011


wah ur teacher friends so poor thing ah..

my HB side got 3 teacher but like quite ok leh.. usu noon will go off le... hee or west side sch not so stressfuL?? hee..



I delivered at Mt E. I like it cos I get to stay in the delivery room the entire time I was in labour. Plus all the things needed for delivery and bb are all in that room so no need to go anywhere..


Ya it's quite academic.. so teaching can be quite a good option for me.. Can teach in poly also..


Army man all like that!! Haha!! Ya I watched a video of birthing before and it really is quite distubing esp when you can see the baby's head..


Hehe!! So cute your hb.. My hb used to be quite conservative too but I think he too used to me and my girlfriends liao.. So now he ok..

piggy: hmm, also depends on the individual lor. If u want to 混日子, really just take pay and go home that kind, don't really care about performance, then can lor can go home earlier. Either that or they are really good at avoiding work. WAHAHAHA.

That also means they have absolutely no prospects in their careers, because they are also lotsa other teachers out there who are willing to put in the effort to climb up the ladder. =)

No matter in which industry, what u give is what you get. If that is their mentality towards their work, it's quite sad for our future generations who are attending school right?


Your friends teach atas school right?

Ya most of those I know who are teachers are always taking the full 4 months ML plus 8 months unpaid..then they go back to work for a while and conceive #2.. and the whole cycle starts again...

gerry: nope... no difference leh. Most of them are at normal neighbourhood schools. But it really depends on what you want from your career? I don't think they can "force" you to do your work if you are not willing. But if you just want to nua, and don't mind not getting promoted, then I guess it's a place u can 混日子 and get by. Maybe my friends are not that kind because they really have passion for their jobs.


hmm cant really say tt la cos like my SIL who is also a teacher in reputable sch not tt she gd at avoiding work or dun care abt performance she usu will stay after sch a couple of hr to clear the work n some time some activities like campin or CCA she also mus get involve but she dun seem to be busy until so jialiat la..


haha y amy GYnae say only army guy use the word endure lol~~~ ya i watch be4 also.. but i cant imagine watchin a video wher bb come from me.. :x

ST: no lar, MOE did offer me but I rejected them and took up my writing job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I have a few teacher friends. I think my friends all have boring jobs, mostly in teaching, banking or they are scholars working in the ministries+ stat boards.


i think it also depends alot on the sch policy n culture..just like looking for a suitable company for us loh..

best is can be tai tai like u larrr..:p


icic..i hafen quite decided yet la..u can go be bio teacher!


^5 loh..hahaha


for my first 1 i only do 3 days.. this time tinkin of 5 days but hor i dun liek the oily n sticky feelin so see how it goes..

kailee: aiyoo not fun leh. My friend who just gave birth 3 weeks ago can't wait to go back to work already. My sister too, before giving birth she wanted to take 4 months ML at one shot. After giving birth, after 2 months she rushed back to work. Everyday repeat cycle of feeding, pumping, bathing, washing, cleaning, changing diapers, coaxing the child to sleep. I think it's infinitely worse than working. Ur job doesn't even end!!

Next time u won't envy me liao! Seriously, it's better to be working. I think u will tell me in April or May that you don't envy my life!

Waaa.. thanks for the hospital list. Quite clueless wat to get ready also. Think I've only bought the disposable undies.

We need to bring PJs of our own ah? I tot hospital will provide the gown or something?

piggy: the pastures on the other side always seemed to be greener [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What everyone expects to get from their jobs is also different =) At least in the private sector I think your pay commensurate with the effort you put in. But that doesn't really happen in the government sector. If my friends divide their pay by the no. of hours they put in, they will be paid worse than blangah workers liao. Wahaha. So I guess for them they should get out of there and join the private sector. Which is what most of them will do after their bonds end =)

Wow raining again I dont like... hopefully it clears later on.

Ha ha my hubby and I spoke before he accompanying me to the delivery room. He said he will faint if he sees blood. I told him wa lao later still have to take of himself....

His colleague recenlty told him that when his wife go for c sect he accompany her in the room and the nurses gave him the baby which is not cleaned up and my hubby got the jitters about handling a bloody baby. I told him if he really afraid can tell the nurses beforehand that he prefers to handle bunny gal when she is cleaned up....

I cannot imagine the scene whereby I have to take care of him when he fainted in the delivery suite... lol


Thanks for the info! Don't know what to expect. If it is normal delivery, when can I start the massage?

Kai lee,

Ya bio teacher is an option.. Actually last time in uni, I was giving chemistry and bio tuition.. Hehe!! But sec school not very flexible.. My friend was telling me that poly is better. You can work like 3x a week (no admin work) and get about $3+k.. I think that's quite decent..


I agree.. After 3 months of ML, I was really excited to go back to work!! But work also very tiring cos I still have to pump 2x at work.. Come back home and take care of baby plus little lisa didn't like to sleep so she woke up about 3-4 times a night.. Can u imagine.. I was really a zombie at work!!But after a while, the body adapts and now i need less sleep. but I feel that I have aged quite a bit!! Haha!! =)


ya it's really "no" life especially if u BF..


Mount E so good can still video..ya one thing TMC no good is that the weighing of bb is outside the ward.. but when i calculate all the disount i can get at TMC and the my gynae's clinic is there so she can pop by easily..else Mount A also not bad..but no discount for gyane and PD leh

Gerry: true true, it's very challenging. But compared to er, taking care of her full time, I think u will still prefer to go back to work and have a semblance of your own life and personal time. At least for half the day, u have adults to interact with and u don't have to provide your breasts as comfort when the baby cries, ON DEMAND.

ST: that's uber shiok! can still travel. I don't think I can enjoy that kind of luxury. My hubby expects that I run the household and takes care of the family full time since I'm not working full time. And he has all these expectations that I have to do all these things for Parsley and train her to be this this this this and this. Sigh. Really want to faint liao. If I can become like Bree Van De Kamp from Desperate Housewives, that will be good. Wahahah, but then I'll become desperate too.

Gerry I plan to do 5 days massage then if good do another 2 more days ... they say effective if you do at least 5 times and cannot break the sequence.

Rene I only bought like disposable undies and nursing bra and the Pjs... Havent buy the maternity pads. Intend to buy the pureen one at Kiddy Palace. Then I see how. Yesterday while clearing my wardrobe I realized that I still have 2 unopened packets of Whisper Maxi pads.... if later blood lesser maybe use up that first....

I will also bring my breast pump just in case only.


actually i find not true leh... in pte sector not all co pay u wat u deserve... at least so far the co i join it like tt... be it mnc or small firm... in fact some can work there for 10 yrs but same post... i tink unless u in sales line u get wat u work for...

yes i agree every 1 expects differently from jobs so mus gave n take lo.. like a sch.. the HOD position is only tt little n yet there r so many teachers... those who dun get it does not mean they r no gd or less hardworking also...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for ML i tink it how u manage n arrange wor summore u gt helper shd be better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


those hosp 1 is tie 1 at ur back n ur back wil be bare leh.. so usu we bring our own button front PJ easier for breast feeding... ur HOSP shd be senting u booklet on wat to bring etc...


oh usu right after u discharge can massage le the earlier u start better...

am i the only 1 who dun look forward goin back to work?? haah even breastfeedin at least i got more time can go out with friends arrange playdates etc wor... n i find easier to BF when i am not at work keke...


oh for mdm Sadiah she say like 7 days later than can massage she say wait till the wounds the wombs heal back first..but for Mdm Ida can do straight liao

me me i also don't look forward coming back to work leh..some more after the shift it's so far from my house..


HUH Mdm Sadiah 7 days ah??? i heard all say straight better leh the sooner the better wor.. sian.. maybe i need to reconsider liao..

ST: No life is an understatement... hahah. My friend's son latches on every 2 hrs, so it's a relentless cycle of latching on, feeding, pumping, supplementing with FM, burping him, washing, bathing, sterilizing... she even has to rush through her meals because her son will start wailing for milk. We can't even have a 15mins conversation on the phone properly.

I think some mothers have it easier bah if they have really someone to help them with most of the chores full time. If the mother is the main care giver/u are going to BF full time, life is going to suck. at least for the first few months.


yaya..but not sure her 7days is from the day u deliver so which means 4 days later can massage or from the day u reach home count 7 days hahah

ST: yupyup, she will help out with housework and cleaning etc. but care for baby will be done by me bah. If not I might as well go work. I'm also not the kind to be able to completely "outsource" to maid. I will wonder if she really cleans my baby's stuff properly or whether she will 加料 to our food... And I don't want the maid to feel indispensable. So whatever she can do, I can do myself too. I can't be that kind of employer like have a maid means I won't lift my fingers...

Hmm I havent even though of what lies ahead after bunny gal comes out. I dont even know I will be overwhelmed by it or I enjoy it. So now just take a step each day wait till she comes out then see how....


ya take a step at a time i also cannot imagine wat kind of parent i will be n if i can manage be4 i had my #1 we jus gotta learn along the way lo... afterall every bb is diff i also scare my bb will be v diff to handle:x

vivi: hehe yes according to my friends, now is the best time to enjoy the peace and serenity around us.... Hahaha. After giving birth, good luck to all of us!!!

ST: When i can monitor still not so bad. Who knows what she will do when I'm not looking. Wahaha, no eyes to see man!!


Ya mt e good.. but no discount or anything wor unlike TMC... In 2008, for normal delivery with epi and 2 nights stay, I think cost about $2500 before subsidy.. does not include gynae and anaesthetist fees.. Mt A also very good leh.. U have decided on TMC?


Ya work allows me to have 1 decent meal (lunch) with colleagues which I always look forward to.. Hehe!! But since you have a maid, you must learn to let go and let her do her job.. Let her wash and sterilise bottles and cook your meals.. at least when baby sleep, you can sleep too.. Very important!! Don't stress about baby training lah..

Actually agree with piggy, stay at home has it's advantages.. esp when BF.. So much easier.. I remember the 1st 3 months, I didn't wash too many bottles since I was on full latch on.. latching on if u and baby like it is uber convenient...

Thanks ladies for the massage advice!!

Hmm Pink there was once my ex colleague told me that 1 of her friends dont allow the maid to touch the baby at all.... no close contact with the baby for fear that she will harm the baby or the baby will be closer to the maid than the mother.

Gerry: i think it's coz you girls have #1s which are not incredibly hard to take care of... maybe not as fussy bah, so still quite ok. My friend's son doesn't like to sleep at all.. she hasn't slept for months... and is very very tortured... work is stressful but nowhere as torturous!! Her son will keep wailing for milk and even after feeding will be fussy... initially was colicky then had diarrhea... then her milk supply isn't that good (pumped until she had blood coming out), so everything is just very tough. And she is already a very calm and patient mother. I think I'd go crazy already. Sigh...!!

Rene no need to buy the ex ones mine only $7.90 per piece nia.... I think can look at people's park for mine I bought it at Toa Payoh Central


for PJ i bott those cheap 1 hahah 1 for $7 nia..


actually it really hard to foresee how it will be after bb come out.. n i tink sumtime it really depends on bb n how 1 deal with bb.. like my friend bb cry non stop anytime she is not sleepin she is cryin so i find her v lihai can cope with it alone with no helper... n i tink gettin a gd CL helps.. cos they know how to deal with all sort of bb...

Piggy: yup my friend didn't get CL so quite jia lut.. My cousin even better, he told me to confirm the CL for 2 months coz his wife had a very tough time with baby too. They engaged a CL for 2 months, have a helper to do chores, n both sides parents help out too..


My #1 day 1 at the hospital didn't sleep either (she roomed in with us).. every hour woke up and and wanted to latch on!! And my nipple started bleeding.. I remember everytime she latched on, i would flex and cringe at the same time cos it was that painful.. it felt like an electricity current passing through your body.. Lisa was sleeping like that my entire ML.. and after that at night she would wake up about 3+ times until she was 1!!

I definitely wouldn't call my #1 easy.. I don't think anyone has it easy esp the first year.. but cos my mom helped, I managed to sleep 1-2 hrs here and there...I think most new moms would never be able to get 6 straight hours of sleep.. I was happy with 3..

Maybe your friend cos boy needs more milk like piggy's boy.. But I fed Lisa like crazy during the first 2 months.. probably to increase supply.. but i can only assure you that it will get better.. =)

Piggy I think sometimes also depend on high the mummy's threshold is ... some can take stress some cant ....

I think hubby's support is very important and family...


wah ur cousin really v well equip... keke...

actually i find the 1st mth is v crucial.. once u know how to deal with ur gal learn from the CL i tink subsequent shd be quite alright... maybe we can have play dates etc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually most impt mus learn to relax la.. cos i also v bad milk supply pump until bleed kind but i quite ok with givin FM not try not to stress myself.. n boys hor the demand is usu higher n my boi got v loud voice so mus learn not to afraid of his cryin etc..

Gerry: yah life sucks right for the first yr at least? Wonder why we put ourselves through this? I think I'll become extremely cranky without sleep for prolonged period.. Can imagine its going to be a nightmare

Vivi: yup there are couples like that. My cousin let his son sleep alone since he was 4 months old. Rather use a baby monitor than let the maid sleep with him



actually i find after 3 mth life start to improve alr...


yes actually i find it how u manage n deal with it.. can deal with stress may not be able to deal with bb cryin etc... so i tink if u got no exp it will be gd to have some1 exp ard..

maybe cos of my family background i can handle my bb quite alright cos tt time my sis bb alr sort of train me liao haha.. but every bb diff la mus trial n error not easy..

