(2011/04) Apr 2011


Wah your line sound scary.. My line only the students must chong like crazy.. Sigh.. Ya maybe should start looking for a more family oriented company..


Don't scared.. You did it once.. and this will be your last time.. Maybe this time like what your gynae said, your down there stretched already so might not tear so much.. This is the last stretch already.. Quick quick deliver the child!! =)


hahah maybe this few days see my HB like v much in pain when he poo poo reminds me of the first poo ouch... but still i wanna get this over... thou will be more busy but really dun like carryin big tum tum n here ache there ache[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya...audit also scary one..but they r paid v well...heh


hee..last time young can pia mah..now getting older n with bunny boy coming..i think really need to find alt liaozz..

u r teaching rite now?i was also contemplating wan to change to teaching ornot...hahaha

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I got 2 packs of huggies new born diapers (unopened) to let go at $5 each.

Also letting go of pigeon nipple care cream(unopened) at $12.

Do PM me if interested. Thanks.


hmm not really leh esp for fresh grad n no experience personnel the pay is not fantastic to begin with esp with the long workin hrs... actually u can consider teachin in those pte trainin centres as well in IT area??


yup alr booked better book now if the 1 u wan is popular..


is it...but the accelerate quite fast in their career...see how loh...now i can't think of much except sleeping n waiting for ML...hahahahaha

btw..have u all started packing ur overnight bag for hopsital stay?i not sure wat to pack leh...

Kailee: this is a rough list... not sure if I missed out anything

2 sets of PJs

Slippers (to walk around hospital & to go home)

1 set of nice clothings (to go home)

Sanitory Pads

Cotton disposable panties


Hair dryer (optional)

Hair clip / something to tie your hair


Warm jacket (in case cold)

Nipple cream (if you are breastfeeding)

Nursing Bras

Zip Lock bags (to put dirty clothes)


Cosmetics pouch (if you want to look mei mei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Face and Bath towels (Optional. Hospital will provide but you may want to use your own)


Camera charger

Handphone charger


Laptop charger

2 sets Baby mittons

2 sets of Booties

1 set of baby clothings (to go home)

1 swaddle

Diapers (if not provided by hospital)

NRICs of Daddy and Mommy

Marriage Cert

Pre Admission Letter

kailee: I've not actually packed but I'm getting the items ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I sort of have a mental checklist so as and when I see something I need I will get it liao. Don't want to wait around. Some Feb or even March mommies are going to give birth liao...

ST: I think for Philippinos they increased a few months back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the recent one is for Indo ones rite?

kekke say abt camera hor we got bring leh but think hubby too execited and nervous until the nurses have to ask him to take out the camera LOL


hahah my HB also he too nervous end up when the nurse tell him nv take the time ah den late by 1 min haha....


ya if u got time can get ready early la.. usu 1mth in advance is gd..

piggy: yah I'm very kiasu will get ready early early hehe. Don't let to do things last min then 手忙脚乱 =) if we give birth around 37-38 weeks then 1 month in adv is very soon! Ard 32-33 weeks can stand by! hehehe I really want to see the finish line soon.

piggy: excellent idea!! I'm more interested to see his face... all new borns' faces look the same lar... i don't think Parsley will look very exciting


wow the nurses so good will ask him to take time mine never leh..then i told hubby this time round must take the time..he say don't think he can react so fast cos he want to focus on bb


ya and my hubby face got turn pale leh..even the nurse noticed that and ask if he is ok LOL


ya i tink MT A nurse quite nice.. i remember TMC cannot take pic inside labour room rite??? tt wat i was told when i go for the tour wor...


ya new born look alike but still can tell la..

n the pic will be v precious leh keke.. it the first moment parsley arrived this world[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if u c-sect ur HB will acc u in also??

st: machiam he gave birth and lost blood hor.. wahaha.. so hilarious. I really wonder what goes through their minds too... I think I'd be freaked if I see so much blood and gory details :p


hahah actually for natural birth we dun get to see much leh jus got a shock when the nurse suddenly out of no where dump the bb on my thighs loL~

piggy: yah he will go in also lor... since I'll do epidural not GA. First, I must convince my gynae that's what I wanna do. LOL.

Ok lar, I don't feel like it's very special or anything. Lotsa newborns arrive everyday every minute every second. Wahaha. Nothing spectacular for me. Sometimes I feel sad to bring her to this world even, so much suffering and cruelty. Oops.


dunno leh cos durin the tour the guides told us after we deliver they will bring bb out to take weight n measurement tt where the daddy take pic... no photo takin in the room wor.. cos for Mt A all done in a room so dun even have to move ard...


hahha it special becos it ur baby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i tink seein ur own bb n others the feelin is diff bah.. til now i will stil occassionally took out the pic when he was born to see how much diff he look haha..


Doing biomedical research stuff..Hehe!! But ya very tempted to go into teaching too.. Last time after graduating wanted to go into teaching but didn't like the fact that I cannot take leave whenever I want.. Must wait till school hols.. but now think about it.. teaching is actually want of the most family oriented occupation.. I know the fertility rate amongst teachers quite high.. Hehe!!

Piggy, pink,

Actually during labour, the hb got quite a lot of things to do.. First must hold wife's hands and tell wife that she is doing a good job, 2nd must make sure bb coming out smoothly, 3rd, have camera handy... Not easy wor.. My hb lucky manage to cut Lisa's cord and take quite a no. of unglam shots of both Lisa and me!! Haha!!


So cute.. both you and hb turn pale..Hehe!! Must be the shock of a newborn!! =)


funny hor i got take leh..even my friend also got take..maybe what they meant is during the delivering process bah..

ya one thing good abt Mount A is that everything is done in the ward..


no it's my hubby face turn pale..

for me my face turn pale after the delivery cos lost too much blood liao


good leh ur hubby react fast to take so many pics..my hubby once foucs on the bb..his mind can't think of other things liao


Haha!! I think he not use to the bloody mess.. Lucky he never faint.. I heard some hb actually go weak in their knees and need to sit down..My hb told me the floor was messy and filled with my blood.. Sounds quite gross..

Good afternoon!!!! Exhausted!!!! My son super duper hyper active, sooooooo tired... -_-"

Bought 2 dresses at Metro for CNY, happy!!!!!! Think my kitty makes me vain, grow until so old the 1st year I keep looking out dresses for CNY, and so lucky I got it!!!!! Cheap and got my size some more.... Hahahahaha... S$36.90 for 2, cheap till siao...

Piggy, next time u update table help me change my kitty name to Jovie okay!? I keep have this picture in my mind my kitty will cry while writhing her name if I name her as Gwendalynn.... Hahahaha....


lol~ my HB v funnie he kept tellin me endure endure den my GYnae told him u mus be from army lol~~~ oh talkin abt cord i haven cal SCBB wor.. shit....

hahah i told him dun take pic of me haha..

ya quite true for teacher the only restriction is no leave n for CCL hor mus have child MC to support wor... but can enjoy long ML esp after ML happen tt it sch holiday shiok..


But they are super unglam shots!! Lucky he never accidently take pics of downthere when bb coming out..

My friend told me her boss was very proud of his wife and actually videotaped the whole birthing process from down under and actually showed the video to some of his colleagues!!!! I think I would faint if my hb did that!! I so really don't want to see the crowning!!!

wah..tks pinky dear...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i feel v paiseh actually...i feel like i hafen done enuff for bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] always too tired etc..think i really need to start n take down a list of all the things i need..


omg me too dun wan to see the bloody mess n how the bb evolve tink i will have phobia from givin birth n sex if i seen it when i had #1 haha...


oh..icic...wah..biomedical shld be quite similar to academic no?

ya..this will be a v diff jump..will consider it carefully.

hahaha..u all bery funny...my hubby afraid of blood..i wonder if he is able stay "awake" to cut the cord n take pics...he also cannot really multi task one...wahahahaha

Piggy, today my boi vaccination mah.... Have been torture by him since 6.30am... He tried to woke me up sharp sharp... I just nua n nua... Bodyache leh... He slept liao we still do cleaning, so chiam.... Hahaha...

ST, I remember we are not allow to take pic in labour room wor if deliver @ TMC... Was ur bb being clean outside the labour room?

hippo: what's wake u up sharp sharp? wahaha. read until blur~~~ heh Jovie is a sweet name!

Gerry: think in Asia our culture is still quite conservative. Probably in the more westernized countries they are really open about such things... and the thing is i think for me my hubby is the conservative one! When I wear something revealing he's the first one to make noise and if I zao geng he will cover me up. So if I tell him to video the process I don't think he'll be ok with showing it to people :p

With regards to the teaching industry, no leh I don't think it's really family oriented either. I have many teacher friends whose bosses are not understanding or family focused. Depends on the school culture and how the principal manages the school. Have heard of many female teachers who couldn't conceive+ suffer many miscarriages coz their jobs are too stressful and the hours are too long. Alot of them are overworked and underpaid too. Almost all my teacher friends reach their schools before sun rise and leave only after sun set. Oh, and it's not true that they have such long holidays. Usually for Sept and March they will be called back to schools for meetings and will barely have any leave. Then June and Dec, usually first and last weeks will be back to school for meetings and extra classes too. Given that they can't take normal leaves on normal days, it's quite a fair compromise that maybe they will get a few days more than our regular 21 days of annual leaves. But most people have the misconception that they really have holidays every 3 months.


hmm we still have not think of our #2 name...


so u gg TMC or Mount A kekke


ya my hubby also can't multi task de

