(2011/04) Apr 2011

morning mums - i noticed that if i keep eating ... i won't have the urge to vomit .. hmm but its not good for my weight gain ...

my hubby (with a vexed look on his face) is already looking at me keep eating n eating ... but he keep silent ... hahaha



haha tell ur hb u r havin twin so u need more food[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry abt weight gain now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ, don't worry. If you can eat, just eat. my ms is quite bad. I keep feeling nauseous. with or without food I will throw up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thot the 1st 3mths should not eat for 2 cos the bb's are drawing their nutrients from the mother ... not from the extra intake of food


yup but sumtime we will feel v sick if we r hungry... so sumtime i try to eat more meal less quantity.. or fruits which is less fats:p

piggytoh, U r seeing Dr Clifton Chan right? Can I have more info on his package from u?? Cos he's at Clementi, much nearer if I see him.. How much is his package fee? Inclusive of supplements? he got night clinic?? Lastly, how u find him?

piggy - last night was feeling so awful ... that i had to lie down & try to sleep. Head seems to be pounding, urge to puke ...


yup with DR Clifton Chan... my sis had all her 3 kids deliver by him.. i find him v experience but he wun say much la unless he find something not right cos dun wan to say so much to make us worry for nothing..but if u ask question he will talk alot.. his package is $700 from wk12 no supplement includes.. he no nite clinic but he open on sat till 4pm.. for the NT scan i do it at his clinic n he only charge me norm scannin charges which help me save alot:p he even gave me free 3D scan in my last delivery.. he jus change his machine with 4D scan dunno wil gave me FOC anot lol~~

i would suggest maybe u go n see him n see if u feel comfortable with him anot. cos sumtime is the feelin also.. i recommend 2 friends to him 1 sign up with him the other dun like him find him not details din say alot so really up to u..


u r havin twin so ur hormone maybe higher than us so bear with it ya... i have headache over the wkend too n i gotta take care of my son which make thing worse now i can hardly open my eyes..

i asked my mum & she said both her pregnancy all smooth smooth, no MS, no spotting ...

By right suppose to follow mother one .... Haiz ... i read that with twins all the symtomps will be aggrevated ... so if my mum no MS, my MS is due to high horomone (as u explained)

hi mummies, i dunno y since i realised im preggy, im feeling so pek chey every other day and losing my temper towards my hubby. it seems thr's so many things for me to do yet it's never ending job for me. i feel so tired yet i cant rest...i hv to take care of my boy...every morning is so chaotic as i hv to wash up for my boy, feel him medicine, feed him milk and prepare for myself too...

lately my boy is veri difficult to handle..wenever i wan to wash him up, he will struggle and kick everywhr...it's even worse wen i feed him medicine. usu i still can distract him and feed him slowly now he doesnt even wan to get distracted. wenever he see the srying coming towards his mouth he will struggle and i hv no choice but to force feed him. i really dun wish to do tis to him as i knw he will hv nightmare but i got no other choice.

he juz recovered frm his cough over the weekend and i had brought him back to the IFC today. i really scare his cough & flu will be back again once i bring him back to his sch...but no choice...no one to take care of him and i cant apply anymore leaves. Act my MIL can take care of him tis week but wenever my MIL takes care of him, she will always put him in a cot the whole day. i feel veri pitiful for my boy..he's so active toddler and juz learn how to walk...yet he's always inside in his cot. she doesnt spend time playing wif him cos this requires alot of her time.

i hate staying in this family wif my in laws. my mood changes each time i return back hm...i can feel the tension and stress. wenever i see them (my in laws, my bro-in law, my sis-in law), i really really super duper sianz! i cant wait to move out yet i still hv to bear another one more yr.

sorry mummies here for the long post and venting out my frustrations...


not necessary we will follow mother wor every1 n every preg is diff 1...


cannot get ur HB to help abit in the morning?? i can understd la tt y even thou my MIl is a nice lady i try nt to stay with them..

try to get ur HB helps as much as possible? it not easy to get everything done all by urself not to mentioned all the stress u been gettin...

hi mummies,

welcome for new mummies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my MS turn very bad since friday, i puke out all the foods even milo also cant.

haizz... very tiring running out toilet specially when travel to work

piggytoh,usu im the one who wakes up earlier at 630am to prepare for everything. my hubby doesnt help out he sleeps all the way till it's time to change and go to wk. over the weekends, he does help abit in the housewk. but wen cums to my boy like feeding him, bathing him, changing his diapers im the one doing everything...


den get him to wake up early to do.. man r like tt u dun request they will act blur... i usu pack my boi bag the nite be4 n my HB will make milk in the morning n feed my boi since he wake up early.. now tt i am preg he take over bathin him too cos we r not wonder woman leh.. force or order jus ask ur HB to help.. mus train him if not when #2 come out how u goin to cope? not easy leh..

jeslyn: wah.. seems like you're quite stressed up... get hubby to help you in the morning is a good idea...

on feeding medicine to ur boy, my boy also dislike medicine in syringe.. so normally i'll mix it with a bit water and put in a cup.. then i'll call it "nice nice syrup" and pretend to be excited to drink it myself.. he's more than willingly open his mouth for the syrup and always ask for somemore syrup (which of course I don't give).. just an idea that you can try with ur boy..

Thanks dOr and piggytoh for the advise, will definitely keep the pre natal classes in mind.

Jeslyn, you are indeed v stress. Could b due to the hormone changes as well.

Gotta take care of yourself and talk to your hubby. Time to share the load of taking care of your child. Try to get help to make yourself a happy mummy, else baby will feel the stress too

Hi ladies,

Am new to this thread expecting my #2

Piggytoh can me my details please ... Thanks u

Edd: 3rd may but gynae mention will be early as my #1 born 3 wk early mid April most likely to be confirm

Gynae: Dr sandy lek @ parkway east formally known as east shore

thanks piggytoh and dOr for the information :)

hi jeslyn

yup maybe you could try to talk to your hub. im sure he's willing to listen and help out if you let him know. dont keep everything to yourself ya :)

Hi SY welcome;) will update tonight...


NP i heard Mt A is not bad.. not necessary mus go to the Wong boi boi class.. cos i really think overated la she say many irrelevant thing in the class liao end up always exceed class time so maybe u look ard first den decide which 1 u wanna go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my bb gal, looking to clear the following items. hope mtbs will find them of interest!

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are

described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD

will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. calls from unknown

nos. will not be entertained.

thank u!!

Welsome SY....

Jeslyn, talk to your hubby on share out the workload... I think your boy can "sense" the coming bb... So he is attracting your attention...

My boy also did this to me... He used to be quite independent boy, he can play on his own while I'm doing some simple cleaning or housework but then when I found myself preggy with #2, one day suddenly my boy (he is now 13mths) become super sticky and always stick with me, he even doesn't let me do cleaning or cooking, must hug him 24/7 like that... We are wondering what makes him change like that... then later part we found out that he might sense the coming bb and he try to win our attention... Amazing right? But sometimes really kid can feel things although we didn't say it out....


my boi no wor.. i been tellin him bb inside tummy he jus look at me n walk away.. no diff wor still play n explore as usu.. n he is almost 13mth too..

Hehe.. kid's expression very funny sometimes. My first child was a girl going 13mth. I told her last weekend that I have a baby in my tummy. She look at me with a blur look. Then I point to my tummy and asked her to sayang little baby. She bend over and kiss my tummy.

Maybe there's a difference with baby girl and boy.


when I told my boi BB here come sayang he will sumtime say baby den rub my tummy the way I show him other time he will jus concentrate on other thing lol~


So cute. hehe.. wonder how they will react upon seeing the new family member. Wonder if they will be receptive.


tt kid lo... actually my Bil gal which is 2 mth younger than him is also under my MIL care so he know tt is mei mei n he is now a gor gor.. so when i ask him di di or mei mei he will only say mei mei cos my IL been repeatin mei mei lol~


my HB wan another boi for me both ok most impt healthy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I got feelin it gal haha..


True.. Actually the gender doesn't really matter as long as the baby is healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have a daughter already and I am still hoping for another daughter so they can share clothes, share secrets when they grow up and of course go shopping with me. hehe.. But if it's a boi, i'm also fine. The boy can go play soccer with my husband [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my hb also feel tt if 2 boi gd cos he gt a bro so he find having a bro is great can play together etc.. But we can't chose boi or gal mah but my mil prefer boi cos they compare my bil gal n my boi they say boi so much easier to look after as in my boi eat fast n express wat he wat tt gal eat v little n v slow n v stubborn.. I was like it not abt boi or gal it their personality n character tt make a diff ..


Ya.. I agree. It's their character not the gender. But the older folks have their own set of thinking. I'm looking forward to my next checkup to see the heartbeat. BTW, how many weeks are u at already?


ya la I also can't be bother to say much.. I am 9 wk + now nex check up 12 wk going to do nt scan n blood test for DS..


My #1 is a gal I shower some gal dust to u while u shower boi dust to me !!!!!

When my Hubby informed his mother that I expecting her first reaction was hope this #2 is a boi (I tell my Hubby even is a gal I dun mind) .....my mil is a kind of old lady wan more grandson imagine including my gal 10 grandchildren she has 7 boi n 3 gal lor still not happy ....


shouldnt be having the runs. constipation is normal. vomit and diarrhoea sounds like food poisoning to me. maybe you should go see a GP.


haha my HB always wan a boi not tt he flavour boi but he wan a son to watch soccer etc with him.. i also wan boi cos i scare if gal look like my HB chaim n guess wat my Boi is like photo copy from my HB heng not a gal cant imgine gal with big nose small eye lol~ if #2 boi i ok also at least my son clothes wun be wasted if gal also ok hope look like me wahaha...

btw i also LS v often it norm for preggie.. but if the vomit n LS too bad maybe u can jus take mc from ur gynae n rest at home?


Maybe Later go see GP


That y I dun mind #2 gal can save a lot of $$$ coz my #1 got tons n tons of clothes if #2 also gal my friend also going to hand me her gals clothes ....

I'm a SAHM since my #1 time I can't claim MC luckily my Hubby at home help me take care of #1 he going to start work nxt mon I be alone at home w my gal ....


Constipation is becos we took tool supplement like iron.. now we haven start so constipation maybe later.. my TCM sinseh say our stool mus be loose not hard wor..


mine 1 also i went to toilet 3-4times liao.. hmm maybe u jus go n see GP for me my digestive system no gd alway LS so i cant be bother cos when i have #1 also like tt haha.. wah u r a SAHM ah.. i wish i can be 1 too.. so tirin to work nowaday...

Bubble pearl,

I believe that got to let our #1 (mine 26mth) know another family member coming up n let them hug n kiss our tummy everyday my gal does that .....

I even bring my gal to c gynae together so when gynae scan n see e sac my Hubby will tell my gal there is a bb inside mummy tummy than she will shout " Mama bb inside "


Do see a doctor. I experienced the same last week and it was minor food poisoning. But ever since then, I also started my MS.. sigh..


How old is your girl? She's so cute. My girl still doesn't know how to talk. But she knows what I am telling her.. NOt sure if she fully understands when I told her she is going to be jiejie..


When I was preg w #1 abt 5 mth got terminate fm company so be a SAHM till nw coz nobody help to look after my gal even my mil stay near me coz my mil take care of my Sil 3 boi lor me no chance lor ......

She did offer but my sil boys v rough n like bully my gal i dun dare to leave my gal ....


I also agree must let #1 know that another bb is coming along. I told my boy tt there's a baby in my tummy and ask him to kiss. So now everytime I ask him "where's the bb?", he'll point to my tummy and kiss... there was once he was patting my tummy and was too hard, so i told him to be gentle to the bb... after tt incident, so far so good...

