(2011/04) Apr 2011

hi jojobaby, do both of ur kids sleep on the same mattress? act im oso tinkin how to sleep together wif my #1 wen #2 arrives...im staying wif my in-laws too...

Hi Jeslyn,

Initially, #1 sleep on floor mattress, #2 in playpen. Then when #2 is bigger, we put #2 on flr mattress as well. Right now, they take each side of my bed, one on my left, the other on my right..now, I have to think when #3 comes, no more space...!!! I have 8 months more to thing of a plan..

jojobaby, wow...ya u got to tink how to arrange wen #3 cums...maybe one of them sleep wif ur in-laws? hv u ever tot of shifting out since now thr's so many kids?

Sharlin, i tink it's ok bah...taking ferry onli...i took ferry twice to Batam wen i was preggy wif my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic cos i thot identical twin is divide from same sac din read properly haha so tt mean u may have 1 boi 1 gal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah sooo cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no issue but jus worried u may get seasick from the motion of the ferry..


Read from singapore motherhood, teats 3 months, bottles 6 months. Somemore all the milk bottles look okay to me, so wasted to throw away just because it is more than 6 months.


the prob is now with MS the motion will make u v sick best is get medi from ur gynae.. tt time i took boat even not preg i alr feel sick esp the motion too big...


i got many bott to switch ard so i din follow the guide wor.. maybe time to change lol~


I have many many bottles too especially the small ones.. I use till 9-10 months then throw.. Very heart pain .. Actually wanted to use for the second child but can't .. Saw those glass milk bottles , they have those rubber wrap around the bottles, but never try before.

kaira: i also won't choose glass bottle... coz i read somewhere that let's say if it has a tiny bit of crack (and we don't notice it), then will be dangerous for baby as part of the glass can be drink by the baby without us knowing.. don't know how true..

oops... are we not supposed to use the bottles longer than 6 mths and the teats more than 3 mths. my 2 yr old is still using the same bottles since he was 6 mths old and the same teat since he i upgrade him to the biggest one... but they are still in good condition leh.. whats the consequences for using so long? anyone knows?

i have been so nauseous these 2 weeks.. the doctor's medicine din help so I went to Eu Yan Sang TCM for help.. but i dont feel there is much help. I am resigned to puking for the next 2 mths.

for the palmers stretchmark cream, i am one of those who kenna rashes on my tummy. i layed off it for a few weeks until my rashes were gone. i din wan to waste it, so i applied it again and it was ok after that. but i was on clarins oil too! and i have not got any stretchmarks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mummies, remember to use the creams even after you have given birth

Wow 2 days never drop by and so much ti follow up.

My "official" afternoon sickness finally kicks in today. Went puke out everything after my late breakfast. Never eat then don't feel well, eat already also don't feel well.

Btw hates plain water unless it's hot hmmmmm

hello ladies..just went for my 2nd scan today and doc advised that my EDD is 28 apr.

as this is my first, hope that you girls can guide me along~~~ thanks!!

thanks piggytoh!!

can help me update the table for mine?

Nickname: evie

EDD: 28/4/2011

Gynae: WK Tan

Hospital: TMC

BB#: 1

Hi everyone!

I am new to this thread. I am 6 weeks plus pregnant and went for my scan today. I am expecting twins too (like JJ), saw 2 heartbeats! Very excited but feeling a bit stresed too cos i'm a first time mummy. Plus having pretty bad MS :p

Hi piggytoh, can you please help to update the table? Thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nickname: lychee

EDD: 11 April (38 weeks max for twins)

Gynae: LC Cheng

Hospital: TMC

BB#: 1 & 2

Wow... Congrats to JJ & lychee.. So envy of u all having twins but I can understand how stress & tiring it would b having twins.. Cos now with one, I'm already feeling ong haha..

Today my ms still extremely bad.. Whole day feeling unwell.. So sianz.. Back to parent home today cos I miss Hm & still feel Hm the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lychee: U also having twins !! hi hi hi !!

Lets share this journey together okie ...

I saw 2 sacs .. u lei ??

Mine is abt 5 weeks so havent see heartbeat yet... going back on 7sep which should be 6w 3d so hopefully will see heartbeat by then


congrats on twins! So exciting!


jus signed up for the first baby incentive today at TMC... They gave quite a lot of freebies n e staff seemed nice... Yeah maybe u can check out e hosp tour...

I jus had my scan today.. Bb is 1.28cm now... Going back on 7 oct to have OSCAR test... Anyone did e test alr? How much is it?

Hi ladies!!

Thanks for your well wishes!

We are still in a state of disbelief. Cos we have been ttcing for 3 years. Finally, we managed to conceive this time with the help of ivf. It has been a tough road and i know will be even tougher ahead of us.

It's non identical twins as they are from 2 separate embryos.

Hi JJ!

Ya, glad that we have each other! You should be able to detect the heartbeats at your next scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello Sapphire~ not sure yet. She doesn't see preggies till 8 weeks. but heard that she's super experienced and good. will share mine experience after my next visit..

Hi kaira,

I've tried using pigeon glass bottles but they r really hot to touch n quite heavy too.Supposingly glass bottles r better than plastic to hold hot fluid but it's just too hot to d touch.....

Hi Ladies- I'm new to this forum! Approaching end of 10th week and really looking forward to a MS-free 2nd trimester.

Piggytoh- pls help update my particulars. Thanks

Nickname: Pongzai

EDD: 2nd April 2011

Gynae: Chan K H

Hospital: GlenE

BB No 1

Piggy, my #1 also just past 1 YO, I also FTWM, *5*, same thinking, we also want to close shop faster, haa haa... But if #2 is boy again, we will try for #3 maybe 3 years later... wanted a princess so much, if not I will be lonely when all boys grown up... kekekeke....

Michelle, thanks for the info, will check hospital tour in 2nd tri. Actually quite sastify with TMS when my 1st, but since heard abt -ve feedback will see look see look again... Kiasu cum kiasi... haahaa...

Congrats to JJ and Lychee~~~ Envy...

Welcome pongzai...

Any of you start/booked CL already? I need to look for one actually, my #1 is my grandma help me doing but I abit paiseh to ask her again as she dun want to keep the angpow I gave to her that time... Since she is also quite old already, dun wan to trouble her...




hee for me i am ok boi or gal so after this will definitely close shop.. i tink boi or gal when they grow up also no time for us 1 la gt bf gf own working life hahah i alr told HB when they grow up our time to go travellin....

i jus booked CL only cos popular 1 is so fast taken so dun 1 to risk..

so happi finally finalise a trip nex mth....


Sorry to interrupt. I am from an earlier thread. Have some "extras" from my breastfeeding days to let go cheap.

- 2 brand new boxes of Mothercare breast pads (100 pieces per box) with 25 - 50 loose pieces from an open box

- 2 brand new boxes of Lansinoh milk bags (50 pieces per box); with close to 40 loose pieces from an open box


$25 for breast pads - both boxes + loose pieces (original price: $18 per box)

$25 for milk bags - both boxes + nearly full third box (original price: USD10.99 per box)

Pls call / sms me @ 93679627. Don't PM as I don't check this often. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Breast pads reference: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=67707

Milk bags reference:


Hi Hippopolai,

Hee no need to envy, you will also have 2 soon! Actually i'm getting quite stressed thinking about taking care of 2 newborns at the same time, especially when i have absolutely no experience! :p

wow.. so many mummies here expecting twins. Congrats!

Hi lychee,

May be you would wanna consider attending pre-natal classes? I went to the class conducted by Mrs Wong Boh Boi when I was expecting my first. Learnt alot about how to take care of the new member and also what to expect during labour.


sorry i may havemiss out can provide the info again?


yes 2 bb is v tough not easy but dun stress urself now.. perhaps u can start planning whether u gettin help from maid or what... u still got 7-8mth time to plan so dun stress up ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi dOr,

Yup my hubby and I definitely intend to take pre-natal classes (we need all the preparation we can get!!). Do you know when is the right time to do this? Thought of 2nd trimester since i'm feeling tired all the time now + MS.

Hi piggytoh,

thanks, ya very likely to get maid cos my mum will need all the help she can get when i go back to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dor.. Wat is it all abt the pre natal class? As a 1st time mummy, I would like to attend more to understand wat I would expect as a 1st time mummy ESP when the little bundle of joy arrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How do you sign up for the prenatal classes at TMC? I think it's nv too early to start learning... I'm sure we 1st time mommies hv lots to learn... :)


jus call tmc they will tell u the details.. N u mus over 24 wk den can attend 1 if I remember correctly not now wor..

Morning mummies.

Mrs Chua,

The course is to teach new mum and dad to-be on how to take care of the newborn. How to bathe them, feed them.. and also how to identify a real contraction vs a fake one. I attended 1 yr ago the session conducted by Mrs Wong. She was also my Lactation counsellor. She has helped me with my queries on breastfeeding.


It was advised to book when you are around 20 weeks.


Extracted from http://www.thomsonmedical.com/facilities.htm

Childbirth Education Course

We regard childbirth education as an integral part of our family centred care. Awaiting the arrival of your baby can cause unnecessary anxiety and apprehension.

The Childbirth Education Course consists of six weekly lessons. You may wish to sign up for the full course or any two lessons (only for subsequent deliveries) and we will include the Doctor’s Talk at no extra charge.

With this in mind, the Childbirth Education Course is organised for expectant mothers and their partners to prepare them for the experiences and challenges ahead.

Course Duration

6 weeks (5 weekly lessons plus one Doctor’s Talk)

When to book

Confirmation of pregnancy around 20th week of gestation

Time (subject to change)

Weekday Classes 7pm to 9pm

Weekend Classes Saturday

2pm to 4pm l 4.30pm to 6.30pm l 7pm to 9pm


10am to 12pm l 12.30pm to 2.30pm l

3.30pm to 5.30pm

