(2011/04) Apr 2011


It should be to check for thalessemia; a form of blood disorder very common with Asians. I am Thalessemic so hubby was sent for blood test to check if he is. Babies most likely will not survive if both parents are thalessemic.


morning mummies..

Was on mc yesterday. very unwell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

they have maternity toothpaste ???

but its not the toothpaste that causing the gag reflex lei .. is the toothbrush in my mouth ... hahaa ..

I've been purchasing some online maternity items ... I know too early but i couldn't resist ...

Good morning ladies!! How's everyone?

RE: Stretchmark Cream

I got some stretchmark left over, dun know can apply or not cos it stated at the back to use on starting on third month pregnancy..

RE: Fish oil

I noticed some had started fish oil. When signing up with gynae, I think only have obmin and calcium tablet only right?? Fish oil we got to pay for it right?? May I know how much is the fish oil? Can get from outside?

JJ, got sell maternity toothpaste at Kiddy Palace.. What are the items u bought online?? I think I will start some buying this month end..


for my gynae all the supplement mus pay 1 wor.. calcium n fish oil usu start after 1st trim my gynae dun gave multi vit but iron, calcium n fish oil n the fish oil cost ard $40 for 30 capsule(neurogain brand)...this time round i gettin from iherbs the nordic brand only work out to be $9 for 30 capsule n it 1 of the better brand...

piggytoh, some gyna they will give when sign package.. I will be taking same gynae as rene.. he will give 2 items, the other one need to buy, the nurse say is multi-vit.. Do you know which Multi-Vit referring to?? my #1 I only take obmin.


ya I know tt y I day my gynae all need to pay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]From wat I know obimi is the multi vit. Diff gynae diff practise n style my gynae dun gave multi vit 1..I tink the free 1 is FA n calcium?

andrea1985 - i bought 2 bottoms & 1 top ..

I'm more in need of bottom now actually cos i can say at least 1/2 of my usual office bottom that I have in my waredrobe can't be worn liao ... so more desperate to find a decent office pants.

Seems like I put on 1kg too .. weighted myself this morning ...

piggytoh, I dun know wor.. u buying fish oil online? I also want to buy.. But I not sure how it looks like.. when u wan to buy u let me know k??

Seems like quite a few mummies having MS.. I am taking medicine now so that i can eat cause whatever goes in, come out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I buy alr the parcel jus arrive maybe I go find the link show u this Nordic is purified fish oil so better than most market brand n I bott the strawberry flavour hopefully less fishy I gave my boi fish oil from Nordic too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is it? took caused of e jab then got higher level of hormones level etc. Well, yesterday my lunch went into the toilet bowl too. luckily is only lunch. now i everyday struggling to eat. I felt hungry but when food get into my stomach, i dnt feel well etc. Also gastric had been hovering me everyday too. haiya. felt tis pregnancy is more xin ku than me 1st preg. well, every pregnancy really diff. my 1st preg no spotting etc and appetite so gd everyday.

mrs chua

e blood test is for thalessemia. During my 1st preg, i was tested + for thalessemia n my hubby was asked to test for it too. luckily he was -.

piggytoh, so fast buy already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when u start taking?

Anyone want to buy?


ya maybe u r entering the peak of ur MS tt y... i am like u i feel hungry but sumthing seems to be pressing my chest make me no appetite den eat a little will feel v bloated... my 1st preg only spottin this time round is bleedin... sigh.. tt y i hate pregnancy process la but for the seek of havin children jus gotta bear lo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] since last nite i have been havin cramp till now din sleep well n now strugglin at work cos the cramp make me v uncomfy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya cos my gynae wan me to start earlier this time round cos of my condition so i jus buy lo at the same time stk up my son medi like teethin tablet, flu tablet n fish oil for him...


ya, tats y every woman is so wei ta! every preg really very diff hor. my 1st preg everytink was so smooth n gd. thought 2nd will be gd and smooth too. but not as per wat i expected lor. haiya. u having cramps? better consult ur gynae lei. not gd if u had cramps for a long duration.


ya cramp but it at the side I did some read up the side is the ligament pulling due to uterus expand ....

Actually my both preg abt the same jus tt this time rd more complications how I wish I no need to work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Ladies,

I have the following for sale.

1. Klorane Dry Shampoo (used 3 times only) $5

2. Brand new L size Old Navy maternity pants $29.50

Pls pm me if interested.





Any of u considering to buy the maternity pillow the one where can bend in different shapes to accomodate the body changes ?

or have anyone bought it ... good ?

hi ladies

my nauseous is worse since yst, all my lunch puke out & no dinner for me too. feel so bad

this morning wake up also feel sick

sianzz hope this MS can pass soon

on my way to KKH now went toilet & saw 1 steak of brownish blood discharge. 1st time experiencing this but trying to be calm.

also noticed that my MS gone... hope it's nothing to worry abt

wish me luck gers

Hi Mummies,

Hope to join the group too.

EDD 12 Apr 2011


Gynae Dr LC Cheng

Baby #3

My baby just turned 8 wks and I am having 'night sickness' mostly.


i c. me too also hoped tat i cant dnt work. since yesterday came back to office after 3 days of mc, i havent been feeling gd too. heavy headache etc too. but no choice, casued need $$ thus need 2 work.


same lo after bed rest for 2 wk i come back everyday struggle to work somemore new job but jus received my confirmation today out of my expectation... i alr told me HB pls work hard so i can dun work earlier...


welcome.. will update for u tonight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies!

welcome jojo :)

going for my check up today at TMC again n maybe pick up the brochure to sign up for TMC's 'first baby incentive' scheme. today going to doc to just check that the baby is growing fine.

have a good fri everyone n update y'all tonight :)

hi gers on my way home now.

on duty doc say this is small matter only if it's red blood n menes flow then come back.

did a on the spot v scan & saw 2 sacs! twins!

still too early to see heart beat

Hi mummies~~~~

My MS still with me today, puking in the morning... Feel bad... My #1 I never had all these symptoms... I very enjoy the 1st preg... So I was telling my hubby that 1st son more filial... hahahahahaha.....

Hi Michelle S, mine is #2, still thinking whether to deliver @ TMC after go thru the thread, seems that some -ve feedback wor... Haa Haa... Maybe go for hospital trip then decide...

Hi Jojobaby... you have #3 now~!!! Envy!!! Hope I can have #3 three years later.... kekekeke....


wow twin!!! haha usu twin will gave birth earlier at wk 35/36 leh... but did ur dr say urs is identical twin or non identical???

Hi Susan & hippopolai,

I also think children are a blessing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, My #1 is 2 and my #2 is 1 yrs so maybe not so 'envious' when you think I have been and will continue to have 'sleepless' nights for another 1-2 yrs... the good think is the children can grow up together...


Thanks in advance for updating


Congrats! Twins is good... but you'd need more help to cope-plan early!


Do u put your no. 1 & 2 sleep in the same room at night ? If no. 2 cry , will yr no. 1 wake up or will continue to sleep despite the crying.

Hi Kaira,

Actually, I dont have a choice cos I am staying staying with in-laws(i.e we all stay in 1 room). My #1 (thankfully) is a sound sleeper so sometimes he can sleep through when #2 is crying.. and actually, I think after a while they get used to it...?


Thanks.. I keep thnking how to fit 1 todd and 1 baby in a room at night. Or should I let hubby and my 1st sleep in another room. Don't really like this arrangement. Just hope my boy will get use to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Any mummies use glass milk bottles for your babies ? Find that its quite wasteful using those avent bottles as we need to change like every 3 - 4th months ..

