(2011/04) Apr 2011

hi mummies... long time no see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow time flies man... we are all left with 2-3 mths ...



yesterday i go JP OCBC the new notes package not out yet wor can change alr mah???

ya lo wanna start washin but waiting for the tray first if not no space to keep the clothing...


ic ic but i always thot it pretty norm for twin to have 1 bigger than the other wor...

ST, i got dozen thing not done... CNY goodies only bought cookies... House also paint halfway....

Piggy, OCBC starts today... Want tumpang me bor? Since I aldy in the Q....

I'm going bank this thurs to exchange.. My job requires me to go to the bank every month.. So lucky.. hehe. I can tumpang too..

hippo, OCBC a lot of ppl?

Ah~ but then my boy stuff finish buy liao.... Hahahaha... Left me n Hubby 1... No mood to buy our stuff since not going anywhere... But gotta buy some drink n snack coz I invite my kolig to my house in CNY...

Piggy, S$2 notes for loose change 1 no more!!!! Left with S$400 goodies package de!!!!! I was only in Q less than 10mins!!!!!!!!!!


hahah so fast??

nvm they replenish daily 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If u need not much just change with me, I actually need S$100 of S$2 n S$100 of S$10 nia... But I going to change the S$400 package since no more loose de S$2...

tweety, ya lo... my company doing changes with their organization.. we all kana lo... now then settle in.. haha 12 Feb I got family dinner... cannot go ah....

OCBC fortune pack consist S$200 X S$2 & S$200 X S$10 come with ang pow packet.... If any of u want to change, pls go Q early morning.... Really hot hot!!!

Andrea, thank you for offer help... I now Q at PoSB, hopefully have else I will have to take another day leave to Q rely in the morning....

Piggy, yeah.. They replenish daily... Think most of aunty uncle very free n kiasu... Come change early early that's y no more liao... Maybe come later will have.... If I want come tomorrow think I have to come to Q at 9 Liao... Wahahahaha....


hahah ya usu if change on first few day v fast no stk...actually wkend also can change la since now they open daily:p

Wow the new notes reali run out that fast ah? Im still thinking to go chg this fri...

Tweety, cannot la.. normally there will be "gambling" session at home then go to the buffet dinner together.. hahaha once every year need to join the "gambling" one! LOL

Piggy, if u go JP branch everyday also so many ppl lar... I find west side really alot ppl de... Do anything also must Q... Last time stay my mom side not so worst... Hahahaha....


hahah last time my ex co can sneak out so i change durin office hr... for JP i find wkend morning still ok wor...

in fact yesterday after work i go the q not long wor still ok...

hello mummies, back from appt liao...

luckily just have to control diet :p

and prick fingers 7 times/day x 2 days a week...

the dietician and the doctor said basing on my #1 record, my diet control is very good, so shouldn't be a problem this time round also... phew!!!

in fact the dietician is worried that i dun have enough as i told her my gynae commented about my slow increase in weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so she told me if the reading of the blood glucose is low, i can increase my intake of carbo a little bit... hehehe


oh tt v gd sound pretty ok wor...

can still take abit of carbo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, can still take carbo, just have to limit the amount lor... not so bad cos can take more protein and fibre... hehehe... means more meat and veg, but less on rice, noodle, bread, potatoes, etc.


yaya at least no need medication[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd also maybe u will gain very little[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


in fact, according to the dietician, i was overweight (or rather obese... hahahaha) before preggy, so now with the losing of some weight during 2nd tri and putting on of weight in 1st tri and now, my total weight gain is less than 3kg... but she said for my case, i should put on overall of 5 - 9kg by the end of this pregnancy, then will be just nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh really huh...

if only i only gain so little...

in fact i have many friend who r overweight they become slimmer after preg wor...

jtho: 3kgs! u'll make so many of us envious! Anyhow, happy for you that u don't have to take jabs! ;) let's jia you and look forward to March+ April!

gerry: yah I think I can't put on much anymore coz my stomach's weight is putting alot of pressure on my body. I have to eat like a hamster now.. like what Sookie says small meals and more frequent eating. Haiz.

sookie: yes I got the heartburn/indigestion medication from gynae. He offered it to me. It's a syrup but I haven't taken it yet. My current vomiting is sometimes due to my cough, and sometimes when I eat stuff that doesn't go down well. Like spicy food/curry. Sigh you take care too, first trimester was really a nightmare to go through! Let's hope it doesn't come back!

hehehe... thanks pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but many of u will not be envious of my original weight ;P

hahaha... anyway, ya, i am happy that i dun need insulin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me too.. i think my stomach has shrunk.. Or at least got squash by the ever growing uterus.. Nowadays I eat 1 sandwich already feel like I just had a buffet!! And If I were to drink a milo after, I would regurgitate a bit of milo.. which is really gross.. esp when I have to bend forward to get stuff.. Yup.. Small meals.. I just had a roast beef wrap and I am very full.. I think I can only eat half a sandwich each time.. Sigh..


This is good!! At least no need to take insulin.. Remember no durian.. They also say grapes have very high glycemic index so should also try to avoid.. =)


seems like a few of u appetite have shrink..

but i still eat alot leh chiam..

jus now ate malay rice at 12pm den now hungry again..

gerry: yah.. now it feels better to eat less than more... I can't finish a full 6inch subway sandwich now... must eat half at a time. If I over eat everything will come out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy: that's coz u don't carry high! ur stomach super pointy and it's not pushing against your boobs... Mine is and it's a awful feeling...

The nurse at my gynae's clinic can predict that in a few weeks I will need to sit up to sleep already. Coz my lungs are compressed and I can't breathe properly lying down. Sigh. She says got to wait until the last part of pregnancy for the baby to move downwards then the pressure will be taken off my chest, lungs and stomach.


huh?? my tummy is high wor or rather my body dun have enough space for my tummy to be high or low.. when i abt to pop some pp can see their tummy "drop" but i tink my body no space for tt "drop" effect so..... n mine boobs rresting on my tummy leh.... n hate it too esp when i dun wear bra.. tt y this time round thot of buyin better bra... like maidenform... alr sag like ah ma breast liao dun wan it to sag any further...


in office diff to find fruits leh...


i was told to avoid the yellow fruits such as durian, mango and banana... anyway, i was given a chart to see what to eat and what to avoid...


at least u dun look heavy but number shows otherwise... for me, i look heavy and the number reflects it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Don't worry.. Just eat if you can.. really..I really love food and now I am constantly full which is making me a little cranky! =P


Ya I had a 6-in subway and I was bloated the whole afternoon.. Super uncomfortable.. I also think I am carrying this pregnancy high.. Last time, I never felt like this.. I was like piggy, eat and eat like there's no tomorrow!! But now I get breathless easily..full faster and my boobs could lie on my tummy for support!!!!! BTH!! I never experience these before in my previous pregnancy..

Hehe!! My next check up is on the 7 too.. You know seriously I think it is not so much the number on the scale but rather how you you are build.. I have always been heavy boned and my weight always looks higher than what should be expected of my size.. but so long as I can fit into a particular size dress, it doesn't really bother me how heavy I am on the scale..



but able to eat would probably mean more weights n seriously sumtime i dun feel like eatin machiam it a chores but tummy tell me another thing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm i tink my bone heavy too cos i tink i weight more than i look:p n like u say most imptly can still fit into our usu dress size n appearance look the same;)

