(2011/04) Apr 2011

Pink, change bedsheet is tough job, pls get ur helper to do it!!!! My friend's friend change herself end up deliver the bb leh... Think she use strength then accidentally push the bb out or what... Dun play play... I also let my Hubby do this... Some we can do we do, cannot then let helper do... That is the purpose u get urself helper!!!!

hippo: wahh.... think ur friend's friend must have over exerted.. yah my mattress is very thick and heavy that kind... i still try and change and hubby will help... ge kiang hor. Argh but if I ask my hubby to change he will ask the helper to do~~ but I don't like it... >< unless i choose a good timing. if not she do housework the whole day then touch my bed sheets.. arghh...

Hahaha... Pls get her to change early in the morning or after she bath lor... Dun play play leh... When my fren told me also I shock coz I also change myself before that... Now dare not liao...


I think once you are more familiar with your maid then things would be easier. For me, my mom will teach her how to do marketing and plan meals for us. I got lots of recipes for her to follow and try out and so far so good.. Eventually you will learn to let go if your maid has proven herself. She can read simple English right?

As for bedsheet, she has to change first thing in the morning. Laundry she'll do at night after shower. She washes her own clothes by hand. Cannot mix clothes mah..

Now with kids, I make her vacuum and mop the floor everyday and if got guests I'll ask her to clean up after they leave unless it is very late.

Hey Gerry, thanks for the tips. I think there's still a long way to go for me to learn how to live with a helper. I just hanged up my clothes to show her how to , and I was just thinking to myself aiyo what if she sees my undies? So paiseh...

Ur helper is quite good! Can try out recipes. It will take time for us to get there...

I think my helper is quite free now. She is like cleaning every corner of the house that she can find. Corners that I don't even bother! *amused*

But she just came bah, so she needs to work very hard to prove herself like that. Over time I think it's human nature to start to get lazy.

The timing is important hor.. she was helping me hang up clothes right then she put the fresh new laundry on her shoulder! And she has been doing housework all day. So now I feel like my laundry dirty again. But how! I cannot put everything back to wash. Too obvious. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So bedsheets must be changed right after she bathed? hahah. Mine bathes at night before she sleeps, so er I ask her to change immediately after she bathes? wahahaha but after she changes the bedsheets she will be sweaty again... :p

JJ.. So happy for u that both are healthy.. Actually the 20% dun seem alot ah, who know @ a later stage, ur girl may b more than the boy. So really dun hv to worry de, as long as they healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jtho.. Heng onli need to control diet but stil need to prick fingers 7times/day for 2 times a week.. So painful.. Ouch!!! But since everything ok, is really a pcs of gd news for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy.. Actually I was hoping nt to intro pacifier to my boy if can.. Like wat rene said, maybe Ur girl dun like, so y force? Furthermore, isn't it beta nt to try it cos scare hard to wean it off next time.. 

Piggy.. No matter how much I tell myself to eat less, my tummy seem to tell me eat more.. Really dun like the feeling.. But nevertheless, let Jia you together 4 the next 2 mths ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi.. Ya, he responded to music but ytd night abit naughty, dun wan to respond at all but onli respond to his daddy's calls.. Lols

Hippo.. I oso haven wash the baby's clothing but I already bring all back to my mummy's place since I doing confinmemt there.. & she offered to help me wash after cny cos she find it too early to wash now & there no place to put the clothing now.. 

Pink.. U really making me envy u on eating so little.. How I wish my diet oso can b like u.. Now with 1 bowl of noodles, I will hobble up everything so wonder how my weight can maintain or reduce.. Haizz 

CNY gathering.. I'm ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

JJ: ooh I missed out on your good news! Happy that twin boy and girl are fine! All April babies feel like my own baby too heehee

Mrs Chua: better to have the option to eat!! Now I just want to go deliver Parsley then stuff myself silly at a SASHIMI buffet!!!!

I am back from my check up and just had dinner.

Hmm gynae saw me first thing commented that I grew.... I had put on 10kg since first trimester.... not a good news...

she nagged me to control my diet since I have 3 more months.... no CNY goodies. My hubby is watching me eat like a hawk now. Meaning no ice cream, no snacks, no sof drinks.... gosh how to survive...

Anyway the weight is on me because bunny gal is at 1.2kg today and she is in the ok range. Gynae warned me if I continue to eat then bunny gal will be a fat bunny and no natural birth for me.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How to avoid the nice goodies during CNY? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I went to chinatown and bought the nursing bra that Rene recommended. The price is at $15.90 per piece and I bought 3 at $45. Wow I took size 40 so I think my cup size increased a lot wor....

I saw a lot of shops selling disposable undies. The woven ones at $4.50 for 5 pieces and the normal ones at about $3.50 for 7 pieces...

If you are looking at PJs with front button, People's Park there is a couple of shops selling so can go and check it out.

I also went to shop at those streets and although it is afternoon it is still packed and I am sure it will be even more crowded in the evening. But nothing much because the stalls sell similar things.

Oh yes MOM officer called and asked me to come to a meeting with my former HR director on Friday. I told her I cant make it on Friday and she sort of asked me to try and I firmly told her no. In the first place, she did not even consult me and thinks that I am readily available waiting for her call, no way lor....

Anyway I also dont know this meeting will be productive or not since if they are not giving me my 8 weeks why should we meet? Just proceed straight to investigation la, dont waste my time

Thanks Pinkparsley & Mrs Chua

I shall not worry anymore but try to go thru the preg normally. no point worrying too.

Now short term goals, get thru CNY 1st, now my only concern is being mobile cos now walking I'm like 0.0000001km/ min .. so slow ...

today got ah-ma walk faster then me .. overtake me sia


alternatively get the helper to change the bedsheet early in the morning...

since u alr engage her mus make full use of her mah...

Mrs Chua,

yay lets jia you together 2more mth v fast 1..

Wah... No got 26 boi n 21 girl nia... Not enuff distribute... Next time my kitty have to fight with Parsley they all lar... Chiam...

wow, i just found out there are 2 mums having same EDD & gynae as mine! Blumuffin & Blessed mum..16 Apr, Dr Adrian Woodworth.

How can my name be added in?

Sandy, Tomorrow confirm meet me bor? Tomorrow I confirm go work so can meet u after work, but can we meet at 6.30pm? I scare I might be stay late coz I 2 days never report to work, work sure pile up....

Hi Anne,

u r havin boi or gal???


hahah i am not great la aiyo any1 can do the updates[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearly: Toking abt diarrhea, i been having it on n off ever since i preg, e feeling 2 mak big business is always ther, duno why,hubby oso surprised why like tt, coz preg shld b always constipation, he still ask mi is it i eat 2 much liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jtho: Dun tink so much, b hapi, u can do it de!!! Glad that u no need injection..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo: Home-cooked food after all better than buy outside lor, eat 2 times a dae oso ok wat, ur hubby cannot complain so much..i 1 eat oso dun hav.. sad

Piggy: Hi-Five, mi oso waiting 4 hubby 2 buy box b4 i can wash all e bb stuff..if nt no pl 2 store after dry.. so mani 2 wash lor, duno hw 2 finish, esp when limited pl 2 hang dry in my hse..

Pink.. Happy Birthday to you 1st! This time parsley is inside celebrating 4 u, next yr, she will b out to cuddle mummy as a way to say mummy, happy birthday le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I oso can't wait to eat sashimi.. Pple keep asking wat craving I hv for this pregnancy, I told them nothing yet they dun believe but in fact sashimi is my all time craving which I cannot touch during this pregnancy.. Really looking forward to it hee.. Let go indulge ourselves with sashimi after Ur parsley & my boy boy is out ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

talking abt maid, as I'm staying with my mil now, maid under her but we paid for it.. The maid does everything.. Her cooking so so onli, my mil will take over when she can.. Den I will leave my new bedsheets on my bed whenever I wan to change in the morn b4 go work, den when she tidy up my bed, she will know I wan to change.. She will oso sweep & mop in the morn b4 everyone wake up & night sometimes jus sweep, if dirty den mop.. Clothing oso let her wash but if anything my mil see le nt satisfied, she will say her.. But think this maid being with us for coming 3 yr, know us well & getting lazy & like to argue so mil thinking of changing her away this apr.. But when my sil ask her if she confirm wan to end her contract in apr, she say anything.. Duno wat her concern.. Oh ya, another note for u all, if possible, dun give maid any mobile phone.. If really there is a need, lay down terms & conditions on when she can use & cannot use.. Cos my mil's maid working attitude changes alot after gotten a mobile phone.. U will c her using mobile every single min from morn wake up till she slp, in the beginning when she jus gotten the mobile, she uses it when frying fish, mil say her.. Dun use mobile when frying fish as one hand hold mobile while the snother frying fish, later spill, is hot oil, very dangerous.. She dun like & oso dun really bother.. After which, she clever Liao, duno gotten from where a ear piece!!! So now whenever do housework, she jus plug in with the ear piece to tok  (as if she a business woman).. Really cannot stand it!!! But haizz.. 

Vivi.. I know is hard to resist the cny goodies but wat to do? Let's Jia you together ok? Actually during cny, my onli craving is julies strawberry love letters which I even ask my patent yo help me buy so I can go bk eat lols.. I try to see if got time after cny go Chinatown buy the pj & nursing bras which u & Rene recommend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ.. Even though ah ma is old but u are carrying additional weights on Ur body ah so walking slow is natural de.. Recently I oso started walking slow, keep asking hubby slow down jus becos of me.. Lols.. 

Mrs Chua I know la how to resist. My gynae told me 1 day 1 tart only so better than nothing. Yeah ask me along too if you going for sashimi I am waiting to eat that too....

Oh by the way, nurse yesterday told me my next appointment I can book hospital liao... and for those who are taking TMC , charges will be increasing but dont know how much yet

Vivi: Yaay, glad u found useful stuff to buy at People's Park. The bras really reasonable right? 3 too few leh, not enough la... If you wash only once a wk, u'll need at least 5-7.

Aiya, forget to tell you to check out Cheong Choon store which is just in the next building! Cheong Choon is one of those 'old' names for bb stuff. Alot mommies go there and just order everything needed from cot to mattress, detergent, shower stuff, cotton wool etc. Oh the parklon/ LG playmat is cheaper there too.

Aiyoh, I tell you hor, MOM is like that one la... Hmm, i think if the HRD is meeting you, should be that they're willing to compromise and possibly offer you something. It may or may not be the full 8 weeks but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't dare go for mediation 'empty handed'. Hope all turns out well!!

Vivi: Hehe, my gynae's asst more KS. I think abt 1 mth ago made me book hospital liao. Yeah, she mentioned charges going up. But dunno when or how much. Hopefully we won't kena!

Ha ha Rene yeah I bought 3 pieces to try out if good then buy somemore. Hubby said that if good he will go with my MIL and buy for me again... wa ha ha I am surprised that he is willing to buy for me leh... even disposable undies... :p

Maybe next time I go there and check it out but some of the stuff I bought liao so quite settled.

You think so my company is willing to take a step back? But I am not very willing to compromise leh....

I think yr hubby happy that it's so cheap also la, can save $$ ma. Better than u go dept store to buy those exp ones. Your MIL will approve of buying from People's Park also. Anyway it's v comfy cos im already wearing it. Heheh...

Yeah I believe your co. will offer something. But like I said, it may or may not be 8 weeks. You'll have to decide if you're willing to compromise. If you're not and want to press on, then just be prepared that it may be a long drawn-out battle which may turn uglier and possibly waste more time. At the end of the day, if you don't take initial offer and the case goes on. They may withdraw offer. Of cos this could go all the way to Minister of Manpower who has the authority to order re-instatement (which I'm sure you wouldn't want) or due compensation (which is the 8 wks you want).

My suggestion is to go & see what they've to offer and their attitude. Then decide. Feel free to play up your sympathy cards.


me nt working today 7early 8 early wake up acc my hb to SGH now dunno mus wait how long how nt to yawn..


yesterday I go JL the nursing bra only $9.90 under a brand eternal n $13.90 for impression so j wan sumthing cheap can consider[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning gals! pop in to say hi! Been bz at work recently so cant post forum. But have been reading on the posts.

Happy birthday pink!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, ask u all. Will ur gynae recommend PD to you? Last time the pd that my gynae recommends sucks. Dunno wanna find my own this time.. but dunno what pd to choose. Prefer near woodlands. I usually go to one at woodlands.. but dunno if she goes to hosp to check on bb... and she's not tt gd either. Anyone got recommendations?

Elmo: so interesting that u brought up the topic of PD. Was at gynae's yday & he shared wif me dat unless the bb has any serious illnesses/ conditions, prob just go to polyclinic will do. He said no need to worry abt queue cos infants don't share same queue as the adults, so won't be long wait. (Mommies with experience, issit true?) He say esp for the vaccinations, poly is much cheaper... again, i also dunno how true.

G'morning ladies,


Hopefully your hb will be ok.. At least hopefully can get this whole piles business out of the way..


Happy Birthday!!! =)

Mrs Chua,

My maid's sisters all pamper her so as soon as she came to SG, they bought her mobile phone and pre-paid card. At the start, she would use the phone all the time.. My mom scolded her and told her that she can only use her phone when she is not working.. So now she usually use it at night before she sleeps..

After maid work for a while will not be scared of you one.. But must always make sure she is scared of at least 1 of you lor.. I know my PIL's maid is scared of my FIL so will die die still do a pretty decent job.. but my PIL's maid have very good life lor.. No kids to look after and she is allowed to record and watch movies on the hub station.. Sometimes will even watch with my MIL.. My SIL always say that my MIL like the maid more than her!! Haha!! =)


The nursing bra at JL is it padded kind? Looking high and low for padded ones..


Yes Polyclinic cheaper.. but you can also use the CDA account to pay for the vaccines.. See PD only when child is persistently sick.. Call poyclinic and tell them you want to vaccinate your child and they will make arrangements for you to go down with less waiting time.. When you see PD for vaccinations, you have to also pay for PD's consultations which can be ex lor..


for BB they have priority Q 1 usu within 30min tt y if BB Jena jaundice we go poly clinic 1 cos go PD each time at least $100+ n for jaundice at least 2-3 time per wk till the level go down..


it lightly padded Nia I tink most nursing bra r like tt tt y I bott wireless bra.. But some lightly padded bra is ga enough to cover the nipple ..

Morning mommies!

My chicken pox virus is gone! But I took 30+ pills over the last few days. Hope bb is ok when I go for appt next week.


Where did you buy the nursing bra? Which shop at Chinatown?


Happy birthday!

Thks Gerry & Piggy!

Yeah and gynae shared that if really anything wrong, referral from polyclinic will be much cheaper than from pte. Anyway, even though he TMC doc, if any serious complications, be it mother or child, he strongly recommends to go KK cos of the level of expertise available there which pte hospitals lack & much lower cost.

There's this preggy mommy at my clinic, poor thing... 30 wks then contractions started. My gynae advised her not to go TMC but KK instead. Cos if she has to be warded for the next 10 wks, TMC's cost will come up to 6 figures!


yes yes tt y the insurance I bott is for fully charged at goby hosp cos I dun foreseen myself going pte hosp..

Yaya I know a mummy also contraction start v early n was warded for wks imagine the bill!!

Rene, ya i also bring my #1 to poly for injections. But I tot need to assign a pd to u in hosp.. so that when bb is first born.. that pd will check if everything's ok for you? Plus will give the 1st injection in hosp also. Then i rem 1 wk later still got follow up or something like tt?

Oh piggy, I think for H&S insurance for self, you might wanna consider including pte hospital. Cos for adults' complications, there're certain experts who are at pte hospitals (eg: Gleneagles for eye related problems).

From what I understand from surgeon friend, the medical needs & expertise for adults & baby is diff in SG. For children, the best people & equipment are in KK. For adults, it depends on the actual illness/ medical condition cos the specialists are more spread out. In the event you need to be treated, it's best that the H&S policy the adult have is 'as charged' including pte hospitals becos there're certain equipment available in these hospitals that aren't so readily available in the public hospitals.

morning mummies!!!! I'm back from my checkup... =P

Jerrell is 1.2kg.. and dr tham mentioned his head is quite big wor..... haahaaa.... Me put on 500g.... dr did 3D scan for me... but Jerrell is sleeping.. so can only see his mouth opening and closing... dr mentioned 3D scan at 29weeks not very nice de.. look forward to next appt.. ehehee...

good morning mummies!


Hmm all you gals are talking about eating less during the 3rd tri. How come its not happening to me? I seem to be hungry all the time. Like gerry, this is so opposite from my first pregnancy. I am just thinking.. is there something not right with me? how come hungry all the time?

I think I am so unprepared.. have not bought any undies or bras, pampers or washing materials.. other than looking through my baby clothes I have not done anything else. Hope its not too late to do some stock taking and buying after CNY.

Piggy: I’ve checked my gal’s record. Yes there is an 8th month details scan at week 34. but because my #1 and this baby is a different gynae, not sure if diff gynae have different policies.

Oh dear.. guess early contractions are so common now. We all better take care and take it easy. We are in our last lap (3rd trimester). We can make it!


Rene oh I see then see what the idiot company got to say... but I dont know if Still can claim the maternity from MCYS with the company's payout?

Piggy wow so cheap but I buy liao see how ...

Gerry it is at People's Park third level Ocean there... there is a bra shop and beside they share shop space with others selling toiletries.

Lynn yes I have leg cramp too happen again last night

