(2011/04) Apr 2011


It was my first bb so I am quite inexperience , din know 3d scan they only scan the face , for 8 pictures at $268...it is not worth it...KKH is no longer cheap as perceived by many...


I am used to the chop chop style at KKH already, my 20 week scan was done by a sonagrapher which I think is from China, she also chop chop finish her scan very fast...then the 3d sonagrapher also chop chop scan the bb face quickly...everytime during my gynae appointment I was like waiting for at least 30min or up to 2hr... when it is my turn for me to see the gynae for the ultrascan, it took me like 15-20mins and I have finished my appointment already...But my gynae is a nice man la...

i agree with pink! it was simply bad service! but i know what you mean about not knowing how to react since its your first time. when did you do your 3D? it is was recent, i think you can still write in your complain!

pink: yes this is my #2 and its a boy. I'm now 28 weeks,5 days . for my gal, i definitely carried her much higher. for this one, its lower but a little lower only cause i am so short to begin with!

Pink: How come you lost 1kg? is it because u of sickness or that you have started to vomit again?

austin: yah.. must be disappointed not to get a good scan after paying $268 for it... she should at least try to give you something better!

Sookie: i'm shorter than u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think I lost weight because I started vomiting again, mostly after dinners. My appetite has shrunk a lot. Dinner portion is like 1/4 of what I eat last time. Coz baby is pressing against stomach and if I eat more everything will come up and out.

Then sick for the past few days and barely ate anything. Whatever I eat comes out also. Haiz.

Strangely enough Parsley can still gain weight. Within 2 weeks another 300g. And I'm not eating any dessert/ McFlurry anymore. Not much carbs too.

Vivi & JJ.. I nv try being braless b4 @ Hm, but sleeping time I got try, quite comfy lols.. Actually my hubby prefer me slp braless but now staying with in laws, v ma fan when I need to go toilet as we nt using master bed rm.. 

JJ.. So cute that ur little ones inside will move themselves with the shine of light..my hubby tried with music, my little boy will respond & he seems to b dancing inside lols.. 

Austin.. U mean Ur gynae nt gynae @ kkh but u giving birth there ah? I agree kkh is super crowded, every time need to wait at least 1hr b4 get to see my gynae lols.. Btw, may I check how much u did the 3G scan @ kkh? 

Lynn.. Take gd care ah.. My throat starting to feel abit sore so I drinking myself with water jus now in office lols.. Now I can jus take 3 meals each day but my breakfast for weekend must b heavy.. Duno y, think cos we will slept until abt 9 plus 10plus den by the time go out eat, will b brunch so tend to overeat lols.. 

pink: oh no! the dreaded vomiting! think you have to go back to eating many small meals daily.. argh such a chore thinking about it. maybe you need your heartburn medication again. i already stocked up on that cause i am so scared of the 1st trimester nightmare!

babies are amazing. i think its good that she gained weight. maybe u are just too nutritious for her! heee

Mrs Chua

The 3D scan is $268...U need to tell the gynae in advance that u r interested to go for the 3D scan...KKH only does 1 3D scan a day and you cannot choose the timing...no MC can be issued too if the scan happens to be during your work time...Can only get the time-out chit...

My gynae is from KKH, he is a nice man.. he does not deliver outside KKH

Mrs chua - mine will move with those music with loud thumps haha...

Kkh think all boil down to the individual nurse/ sonographer that attends to u. So far my experience with kkh is quite smooth.


i did my detailed scan at TMC the sonographer also scan all the heart n other organs which is their main concern but still they bother to find out the gender for me leh.. hmm tink KKH 1 really bad service... my gynae gave me foc 3D scan for #1 hope this time round also..


actually friends ard who have gal all pointed tummy leh.. in fact more pointed then me... n my aunt who have boi tummy grow side way also so i tink the sideway or pointed depend on individual also bah... the pointed/sideway tummy is jus a myth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


got scan at 8mth meh?? i dun remember doin any special scan at 8mth wor.. jus the usu scan only..

Hi, the pic i got in soft and hard copy r all the faces scan (8 pics), did glimpse thru the scan of bb heart etc and limbs but they are all in 2D(black and white ultrasound)...so technically speaking the 3D scan is only on my bb face...

Mrs Chua:

yah my throat hurts too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I take 4 meals a day but smaller portion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]


Actually some mothers start to lose weight in the 3rd trim as they find that they can't eat as much as before. But do take care.. Looks like u are experiencing the 1st trim again..


my gal don like pacifier. Donno y but I put in she spit out.

I told tat CL she don listen she insist her way. Until my gal in hospital I so fed up my hb kept tat S26 she den stop.

At least I know can start bathin with those herb makes me feel better.

I was like an idiot thinkin I don bath I will start havin mushroom growin on me.


she will suckle den stop n cry my CL will keep put the btl in her mouth.


actuali tat time I was washing below wipin my body but I totali cannot stand no soap n water on me so I bath frm tat time onward I will hide in toilet n bath whenever my CL is busy.

Tis time round will be abit difficult since hb onli can take 1 wk leave. Abit sad but think on the bright side is a time for me to b independent n don rely on hb much n oso bonding time wif bb.

#1 is my hb do everything till now hb understand my gal more than me :p

Austin: I have not done a full 3d scan before so not sure if they do the rest of the body but each time I go for my monthly check up he will measure the tigh bone so he will then say ok this is the scrotum and little penis. So it does help to reaffirm the gender again.

Piggy: don't know why i remember there is an 8 mth detailed scan. I will go dig my daughter's record tomorrow to check.

the nuh nurse did mention that no MC will be given, time chit instead, also they will try 2-3 times to scan for a nice shot in btw might have to go walk walk.

then if no good shots won't be charged. all these to manage expectations.

I don't think the 3D scan inclds the organs/ body .. most i see focus on the face.


usu young BB dunno how to suckle pacifier 1 it took me a while to train my boi to suck also mus keep pressin the pacifier for him..

Actually my CL is the 1 who encourage me to bath wor cos she understd sg weather is hot as long we do it the right way y not? But for u no help abit tough cos we not suppose to carry heavy thing n if u boil the water n ur hb nt ard who goin to help u with the water? If ur maid can help abit ok la if nt really nt easy..

morning ladies....

Pink I got my Pjs from the Toa Payoh but it is not the ex kind... just normal cotton with flower imprint or cartoon imprint. My hubby so bad he straight away ask me to take XL....

Pink at least Parlsey is growing well and you lost weight .....

Yeah for me I think waist line is slowly expanding liao....

Hmm Austin even if the sonographer can scan correctly the gender they also tell me that it is only 95% accurate .... I am sure 1 of these days your gynae will be able to catch a glimpse of the baby's gender when you got for the check up....

I am so looking forward to the appointment later to see bunny gal.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all mummies...

Piggy: Ya dun agree abt e pointed stomach, ppl tend 2 say is expecting boy, coz my is veri pointed and all ppl say is boy b4 i go 4 e scan, turn out is girl girl, luckily i nv go listen 2 them n buy all e boy clothes...keke

Now e funi part is after e scan, i tell them is girl, they still can say sure a nt, wait turn out boy, i almst faint man...

Nw reaching tri 3, my appetite like gg back when i was in tri 1, feel like vomit n nv eat much again. Tired..

I hear ther is oso 4D scan, wat e diff between 3D & 4D? 4D scan like bit harmful 4 bb, coz of e radiation..

Little Twin star,

ya my friend 1 also v pointed n her mother refuse to believe it gal cos it v pointed but when the bb come out they got nothing to say...

i tink the older generation jus believe strongly the shape of tummy tells everything.. n when sumtime they guess correctly cos of the shape they find it even more accurate...

4D scan includes a video clip of bb movement in the tummy but 3D only picture...

Vivi: Ye mi 2, looking 4ward 2 my next visit next mth 2 see bb kicking in my stomach..

As 4 e scan in gov hospital, usuali nt done by e gynae, it's by another dept.. always go scan will see diff sonographer doing 4 u.. gynae onli see e photos of e scan..so bit disadvantage ther.. but as long as bb healthy n active, who care rite, wahahaha..

Twin Star yeah I dont feel much hunger too....

Like today actually wanted to eat tao sar pau but then now I dont feel like eating it now... but I got this bad habit of snacking leh...

Yeah am very tired just last night I kept on waking up on and off besides the toilet trip ...

good morning!

so sian... today going to see the diabetic doctor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope no need to take insulin, just control diet will do...

regarding 3D scan, i did for both #1 & #2. they dun scan the body parts, only the face... NUH gave me very good service. the sonographer will try her best to get the shots...

and i paid $180 plus to get 2 3D scan and 4 4D video clips...

Good morning, yesterday, I was talking to my hubby abt the gender, he said that the sonagrapher did ask us abt the gender of the bb before the scan, my hubby said 'boy' then she duno scan what and said 'ya,I also think so' ... maybe I was too engross with the pictures on the monitor...but for the px of $268 I tink it is really too exp for 8 shots of the pictures.

Morning mummies!!!


no wonder la I try till abt 4mth she still don like I put in she spit out if press in she cry aiyoyo.

Tats wat I worry too hope my maid can help me.

Sandy if she really dont like, maybe dont force it? Yr gal also an individual ma, maybe she just dont like pacifier? Heh heh....

Cos my mom forced me to eat veggies when I was young. Everytime she fed me, I'd vomit everything out. Until now as an adult, I still don't dare to eat veggies.

G'morning ladies!!


Good Luck!! Hopefully you don't need insulin jabs..


My girl also refuse pacifier.. Buy so many different types, and she rejected all of them.. She only wants her thumb!! Now at 2, her thumb has this massive callous.. Sigh..

morning mummies!!! =)

jtho: good luck.. hopefully no need to take medicine.. just cut down on food intake will do.. =) dun sian..

went KKH to visit 2 friends who gave birth on 16th and 17th.. and such a coincidence, they stayed in the same ward.. haahaa... just opposite bed.. =P

Hi gers, finished my u/scans le... The sonographer updated that the boy is est abt 1kg, then the girl is est 800grams, she showed us the graph chart & girl is somewhere from mid tier to lower tier. Whereas the boy is 50% tier upwards.

Might be the 20% difference btw boy & girl thats why the doc wanted me to come back scan again. Now I'm 25wks 6days


wah same room ah really coincident...

now i wish can faster pop but at the same time i still got many things haven do leh.. mus start washin bb clothes etc liao... left 2mth for me nia... keke...

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Austin.. Wow.. So exp ah? & onli 1 3D scan on each day.. Actually if they did nt do properly for u, u can tell them de cos u paid for it ma.. Who is Ur sonographer? That time during my 20th week scan, it was done by a lady, her name Li Li.. She nt v friendly too, uses all the medical chim chim terms to explain to us that is the heart etc to us..Den when we ask, is boy boy or girl girl, her reply is u duno ah? Overall, i think like wat JJ said, it depends on the individual nurse or gynae we seeing ba.. Jus her attidtude no gd but we still managed to know what we wan like baby's gender & health is gd, we satisfied le  Furthermore, overall experience with the nurse & my gynae is smooth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ.. My boy boy simply love to move with music.. But we did nt tried with those loud music, hubby scare later he too violent or become wild lols 

Lynn.. Now dun care how many meals we eat, as long as baby & we healthy will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my throat still abit pain too, drink more water ba ;) I jus dun wan to drunk too much @ night cos hoping I fin hv to go toilet too many times @ night to disturb my slp.. So far, once every night shld b ok for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Pink.. I hoping I can lose some weight during 3rd trimester but it seems, I'm nt ;(


oh i tink quite ok leh.. cos most of the twin i saw hor 1 will usu be smaller than the other n seems like the boy is slightly above average so i tink the gal is consider ok bah..

Mrs Chua,

hahah u not alone i also hope i can lose some wt but i seems to be eatin more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Waaa so coincidence same room hor.... Quite a no. of us choosing same hospital. For those of us taking 2 or 4 bedder, scarly same room! Quite fun also rite...

Good morning!!!

Piggy, I keep hear u said want to wash bb cloth lar... Make me everytime also wanted to take out n wash but I also haven't, hahaha... Wait after CNY liao....

Thought I can do some spring cleaning yesterday end up sleep the whole afternoon... If can today also want to sleep all the way like sleeping beauty... Only sleep then no cough... Sob sob.....

Now on the way to JP, going to change new notes, think of the long Q turn me off, but no choice, no 1 can help this year.... Later get caught by my boss, jialat... Mc then Q to change $, Wahahaha....


Piggy - ya lor... Based on the info in website both ger & boy are above average... Maybe cos of the big difference btw ger & boy that's why they concerned.

But already not much I can do cos even if I eat more does not mean the girl will grow bigger. Bo pianz lor just carry on as per normal.

