(2011/04) Apr 2011

hmm undies at $3.50 paper one or the cotton kind... hubby fainting liao...

yesterday buy pjs then Tuesday buy this and that but I thought since I am free and he is free and he drives must as well buy first or else later no time or too tired to even go out....



i dun see the need to go all the way back to the PD la... i lazy leh cos usu gd 1 = long q.. but u deliverin at TMC rite?


ya true leh..very long Q also sian..

even deliver at TMC but i want to chose my own PD cos those PD that work with my gynae i don't quite like leh


no la my bb head down only...

they can head down v early but engage is usu when u abt to go into labour or durin labour...


no no i mean those PD my gynae work with don't quite like leh..(those PD used to be at TMC but now their clinic is outside liao)_


usu there will be a PD appoint to ur bb if u deliver at pte hosp n some gynae they work with a few PD n usu they will chose 1 among them if u din highlight or appoint.. TMC got 1 v popular 1 highly recommended by many mummies but i cant remember his name le..


of cos!! the diff is v big.. head down only indicate position is head downward but engage is bb head moved down deep into your pelvis to prepare for birth n like i say not every1 bb will get engage be4 hand.. n after engage usu with few days to 1-2wk u will go into labour..


ya i tink it him..


but to have sum1 take gd care of ur bunny gal u mus chose 1 tt is gd mah... anyway it a package u chose which PD the price is abt there so might as well chose a reputable 1?

Oh I see Piggy hee hee hopefully Bunny Gal will cooperate and engage when it is time.

Tweety hope you are feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


but like i say not every 1 bb will engage be4 labour 1.. some is water bag burst den engage 1 so u nv know 1...


ok izzit den maybe i check with my gynae can chose him anot lol~


Yeah, my colleague's bb already head down abt this time (28 week) Her bb is 1.5kg abt this time too...so when compared to mine, I felt that my bb wasn't growing fast enough...even my tummy is small but probably due to the bb growing sideway...pple usually says bb growing sideway is girl...but mine is like opposite or maybe the gynae predict the gender wrongly...hah


dun compare with others.. it ur kolig 1 big... y u wan a big bb??? mine is a big 1 n i dun like leh u can also pump up ur bb when he is out mah... my bb head big end up i got multiple tear leh.. oh bb big or small cannot look at tummy size 1.. my aunt v big but her boi only 2.3kg at full term v small... u went for ur FA scan alr? the gender shd be 100% liao mah?? u wan to provide ur details i help u add to table?

EDD? gynae? BB Gender? BB Name?


ya maybe u can try..hmm but hor #1 i use him leh..my and hubby don't quite like him so never went back liao..ke of cos maybe we just can't click with him leh..

Hee hee Piggy that is why I am not thinking about all this first just as long as I can have a successful natural birth can liao.. dont want to be stress

My EDD is April 13, his gender not 100% confirmed coz 17th week gynae said is 60% boy and 20 week sonagrapher said is 80% boy...22 week, went back to gynae and he did the ultrascan and I saw him wrote 'XY' and circle it...hah...din really ask much about gender...but hubby wana name bb as Austin first...


Nope, sonagrapher juz said she can only be 80% sure...so till now haven really bought a lot of bb clothes myself...my mum was quite ks, she bought 1 or 2 pink and blue bb clothes...

Vivi: ermm.. actually i havent opened the disposable undies yet so I also dunno! Hahah.. But tell hubby u're already not buying ALOT la. There're more 'horrible' mommies here who buy waaaaayyy more... hehehe

Vivi: ermm.. actually i havent opened the disposable undies yet so I also dunno! Hahah.. But tell hubby u're already not buying ALOT la. There're more 'horrible' mommies here who buy waaaaayyy more... hehehe

Austin - how much is the 3D scan at kkh ?

I'm planning to go NUH to do the scan

they quote 192.60 (even twins!!)

For my detailed scan, the sonographer was not really concern about finding out the gender of the bb, she din really deliberately zoom into the bb backside to see the gender ...she was busy looking at the spine, heart,head etc...But the first 2 shots of bb , she roughly tell me that it is 80% boy...I dun even know what she is looking at...


My 3D scan at KKH was $268 with 8 shots of the bb face only...nothing much...not clear, cannot get mc,cannot choose the date and timing... I find it a waste of money...


My gynae no longer tells me anything related to the gender since my ultrascan at 22 week...The day he wrote 'xy' on the report...For the last few appointments, he din even mention the gender at all...


NUH is the cheapest and for KK u need the KK gynae to refer else if i am not wrong no walk in..

u can call up NUH to check think now it's like $180++..


u can ask ur gyane..some gyane maybe u never ask he also never say??


wow like the TMC is still chepaer leh cos TMC also $200++ but with video clips

but then it's ok leh at least get to see bb face it's good

Thanks ST - I've checked it out already & confirmed this fri going for the 3D scan. the nurse on phone said if scan & bb not cooperative then won't charge.

Understand that they will give a video somemore .. update u gers when I have gone thru it... I wanna quickly go cos they might revise their price upwards for twins... ahh .. kekeke

hi Mummies.. back from gynae's visit.

I'm growing a monster. Parsley is 1.2kg at 28 weeks and I lost 1kg. Total weight gain is 8kgs. Haiz and she has a big round head. Gynae still says she's not chubby enough to take 3D shot. Think my stomach will explode soon.

Austin_love_mommy: welcome to the thread! I think it's true leh. Baby girls will carry sideways. so it's very uncomfortable. And carry high too. I think boys are carried much lower and don't put so much pressure on the lungs and diaphragm and stomach. GOSH. It's strange that ur gynae cannot confirm the gender.... especially this late in the pregnancy.

Vivi: Why did you get your PJs? I haven't bought mine yet.

hi mummies!

i'm back from my monthly checkup. baby is now 1.2kg. happy cause i have been sick for the last 3 weeks.. so worried. but alas, i put on 2kg even when sick! been warned about the CNY goodies. think i have to be like some of you girls.. must cut down on carbo and sugars.. i was just asking my hubby.. how to have meat for snack? other than chicken nuggets, what can we snack on that's meat?

Austin: try sleeping on your left side if possible. helps to bring nutrients to your baby. frankly don't worry too much. I have friends whose doctor asked them to induce early cause baby did not seem to be growing as much in the womb. They rather plump them up when they are out. Most important is that baby is currently healthy. and strangely for the gender, i thought detailed scan was 100% and the fact that you did 3D.. i would expect it to be 100%.

the popular PD that you are talking about in TMC is called Ang Poon Liat (guy). Mine is Ang Ai Tin (woman). for my #1, we did not know who to choose so my gynae just assigned anyone i think. both dr Angs have super long queues. we like ang ai tin but you must be able to click with her. what i really Hate is the long queue. thus, for me, once she turned 2 years old, and finished up the immunization package, she has been seeing a normal PD. frankly its really your preference. some people change early cause they prefer the PD near their house. for us, we are so accustomed to TMC (gynae and pD)such that we just stuck to it. also, we have the FBI/SBI card.

oh yes, don't worry too much if baby is head down.. cause i know of cases baby is head down at 37 weeks but the next week, head up.. just remember to expect the unexpected!

can i check with you girls.. there is an 8th month scan correct? when do we do it? i thought at week 32 but the nurses did not book for me.. i remembered doing for my #1 but not sure when.


ya they will not ask u to pay if bb not cooperative..ya got video clips one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


we did asked before but the answer was like 60% or 80% ...they din really 100% confirm...I was thinking if that was his real answer from the bottom of the gynae's heart, i find it no point insisting or 'forcing' him to confirm so in the end we gave up asking...

ST: That means my stomach will expand side ways (horizontally) and not outwards, get what I mean? And mine is super obvious. Everyone who asks me get it right 100%, they will go "girl girl hor??"

austin: I think that means it's more or less confirmed bah... they just don't want to commit to the answer. And since yours is a boy it should be very obvious to see the birdie!

i just find it a bit strange they cannot confirm.. maybe they had cases where they really did get it wrong. my husband's friend' friend's was told boy all this while but when the baby came out, it was a girl. they felt so upset cause they bought everything blue and painted the room blue.. they wanted to sue the gynae.. but then again, we don't know details like who is the gynae, or where the hospital is...but its just a bit strange that 3D cannot even confirm 100%.. just a bit strange.

well, sometimes going neutral is better.. can use it for baby #2!


My 3D scan was on the face only blocked with lot of cords ...partially visible face plus blur ...that y I said it is a disappointment for the money and time I spent...my bb was sleeping and he was using his left hand to block the right side of the face during the scan...the sonagrapher was impatient and said that she cannot guarantee the image will be clear ... she quickly chop chop finish her scan then went out to talk with the other nurses and I was the first the only patient there...no one around

sookie: how many weeks are u now? ur #2 is a boy rite? do you find that ur stomach is growing in a different way and u're carrying lower?

yah i agree..going neutral is good if you're sure u wanna have more kids.

austin: wahh such bad service. shld have complained!! kick up a fuss! :p can understand if she tried very hard but still couldn't get a proper image but that sounded like shoddy work to me!



yeah that neutral color is a gd idea...


regarding the 'birdie', tat what we thought initially also but the gynae and sonagrapher said that it could be the umbilica cord so cannot confirm 100%...so me and hubby got lots of ??? during the gender scan...

