(2011/04) Apr 2011

well said...."imagine u pay $2K to invite troublemaker to own hse ... headache ..."

hopefully my this CL is gd.


hi bubble pearl, my edd also between end april and early may. normally will be early right..

Hi ladies, notice the thread is talking about CL. Any good one to recommend?

Anyway I haven't informed my mum abt my preg (want to wait till 1st scan) so haven't gotten her views of her helping out ....

Maybe she also Don't want !! haha.. want to enjoy life already ...

So meanwhile i better source around by word of mouth for a good CL ... piggy yr CL contacts can PM me ?? if the time schedule able to fit i can ask her ...

Hi mommies, sorry to disturb. anyone looking for CL lady $1800 only. guarantee good, 100% support breastfeeding,no deposit needed. pm me if u need one. thx


no usu CL dun do post natal massage i employ a malay who specialise in this to massage me... v impt to get a pro 1 cos they will help u push up ur womb...


i got 1 v gd but too bad alr block for mid mar to mid Apr so cant help me if u wan i ca gave u her contact hope she not taken yet.. usu gd 1 taken v v fast...

susan - yup .. my 1st scan is on 7 Sep (tue) 6 more days ... ahh ...

I went to buy clarins stretchmark cream lei ...


have PM-ed u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u buy the cream ah.. i heard the oil is more effective leh...

Thanks ! I go see later.

I also bought some samples of olive oil ... but like too oily lei .... nvr mind i will assess which one i prefer ...

Managed to eat finish my lunch today (mixed vege rice) then after finish eating went to walk around for a bit ... was hit by sudden desire to wanna vomit ... (very mild feeling) after awhile the feeling gone ...

is it MS ?

hi mummies,

Im new to this tread...

Found out last week that im 5wk preg. 1st time... Done the scan on that day but doc say still early so cant detect BB heartbeat.. Going for the 2nd visit on 13 Sep.. Quite worry...

Seems like there are alot of mummies that are preg for the 2nd time... Hope to learn more from here...

Winnie - 5weeks really too early to see heartbeat .. usually 6-7 weeks should be able to see heartbeat ...

No worries now preg must stay positive !


Clarins Oil is ok not v oily .. nv tried olive oil be4 so no comment la.. yup tt MS[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not to worry.. usu we only go see gynae after 6 wk unless got spottin or unusual pain or cramps... heartbeat can usu be detect 6wk onwards[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ & Piggy - Thks! Will try to stay positive..

2wks later i will need to make a trip to taiwan... is it adviseable to tk a plane at this stage?

Winnie - u need to ask yr doctor when u go for yr nxt visit on his advise on travelling...

but if so far no serious bleeding/ spotting should be safe to travel ... though usually 2nd tri onwards better

is it? I will check with my doc on my nxt visit thn..

BTW, check with you, between KKH and Thomson Medical, which hospital is better?

Any Gynae to recommend?


JJ is right it is advisable to travel after 2nd trim but if no big issue shd be ok the only concern is tt ur MSmay kick in u may feel v sick so if can standby anti MS medi.


personally I prefer Mt A it best u go to all the hosp to take a look .. go for hosp tour Many pte gynae does deliver at all pte hosp unless the gynae u wan is at kk u gotta stick to kk otherwise depend on ur gynae for me I chose gynae near wher I stay..

JJ ,

no I stay in the west[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but the service ther is gd n I v lucky gt the newly Reno room the other time.. Wanted TMC initially but the parkin really sux n building v crampy n I heard many -ve feedback on the service cos they jus Reno also end up many mistake in the billin as well..

JJ: I still do my household chores because I find it a good way to persire. Heehee! The household chores still manageable. I told my hubby that I still can do chores cos I am pregnant and not cripple. :p

Winnie, actually for 1st time mummies.. good to go for their antenatal course.. then shun bian go hosp tour. I went for the Mt A one.. I like it too.

helloo... decided to drop by here... i'm currently 7 weeks pregnant and EDD is 18 april 2011 ^^ this is my 2nd baby.. hehehee...

any good female gynae that can deliver in mt a?? my current gynae can only deliver in tmc... but actually i wanna try mt a, coz not so satisfied with tmc the first time round..

oh ya another question... how to apply the clarins oil yar?? before or after shower? apply the oil no need apply stretchmark cream right? and when should we start applying it ya? i suppose now still too early? hmm...


Welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee the female gynae i know r from TMC not sure abt those outside.. ya many of my friend wanna switch to Mt A after their #1 experience..


the clarins oil apply after shower.. no need SM cream after the oil. i alr start applyin on n off.. we shd be applyin be4 out skin start to stretch actually..

piggytoh: oh ok.. u'll be delivering in TMC? is this ur no 1 or no 2? haha i dunno many ppl not satisfied too with TMC..

ohh ic.. so apply once or twice a day ya? actually i still had leftover from my previous pregnancy but i forgot all about applying it.. LOL.. short term memory loss after giving birth.. :D


haha I not using female gynae this is my #2 had my #1 at MtA happy with them goin to stick with mt a.. Ya many not happy I gt 1 friend on the day she admit cos too many woman waitin for labour end up v messy den she fully dilate Liao the nurses still let her wait at the waiting room.. Hmm I v lazy only apply once a day at nite it best to apply twice la I am also usin leftover from #1 lol..

susan: u can get it from clarins counter. the one i have is "huile body treatment oil".. the name is something like that..

piggytoh: oh.. how old is ur #1 now? my #1 now is 20 months old :D


go to chinatown buy alot cheaper.. i tink i pay $56 for 1 bott... John little selling $80 if not wrong..


my #1 jus pass his 1 YO nia haha.. dunno can handle 1 toddler n baby anot..

susan: it's not sold in watson/guardian... it's sold in big department store like taka, robinsons, tangs, metro, etc.. you can see Clarins have its own counter.. then you can ask the person there about the oil.. if i'm not wrong best is to wait for Metro 20% storewide discount, as Clarins is blue-priced tag there (can get 20% discount too)


i am a FTWM.. v tiring ... but jus wan to finish off n close shop lol~


oh dear.. hope u have a gd rest ya.. take care..

piggytoh: oh oh i'm a FTWM too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

susan: you can ask for "huile" oil or something like that... can ask the person which one is good for stretch mark.. my friend is using their stretch mark cream (not oil) and she say it's very good too.. so it's up to u which one you wanna get.. :D

for chinatown one, yeah i think those shop selling shampoo like swanston might have it too..

back from check up pls help me update. Tks.

EDD 25 Apr 2011


Gynae Dr Adrian Tan


My bb onli 6wks 2days, dr say my O day late tats y but heng can manage to see bb heartbeat.

