(2011/04) Apr 2011


I'm trying to calculate how many weeks and days I am off you hope you don't mind cos my EDD is a day earlier than you - 7.4.10. Which day do you turn a full week?

Morning all ...

The day just started & I'm already yawning away .. someone in the lift still ask me if i'm sleepy ... (o_o)

Any of you drinking fresh milk ? I'm trying to get a daily serving of fresh milk ... just had my bfast feel more human now

jtho - have to come work so can buy pretty clothes & essentials for the precious in us ...

I have bought the belly belt from mothercare to extend the waistline for some of my bottoms ... its such a cool invention


ya, true... all my $$ for the past 2 years been spent on my son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

when just married & move in new hse ... i always spend $$ on hse ... buying the food, deco for hse ... seldom myself ...

now bb come its all for bb now ...

Woman quite sacrificing sia...

piggytoh - would goat's milk not make u so bloated since its not as 'heavy' as cow's milk ?

I asked other mummies abt whether to buy those preg mum's powedered milk they say don't need lei ... just drink fresh milk is sufficient already... those powdered milk will add on weight faster...

JJ ,

so far I only tried powder milk n cow milk but dun wanna buy goat milk la wait cannot waste $$[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya I tink fresh milk is sufficient at this stage powder milk is gd when u r breastfeeding.. Haha after u deliver den u will know the real sarcrifies of woman no in monetary term but our figure, looks n time but I would say it worth it when ur BB smile at u call u mama [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone. My baby is also due in April 2011. Can I check if there is any mummy who is still breast feeding?

Morning mummies. My baby is also due in April 2011. Can I know if there's any mummies here who are still breast feeding?


welcome.. If u r still breast feeding I would advice u to stop soon my friend who is still breastfeeding n preg her gynae say mus stop cos will affect 1 n 3rd trim will trigger contraction..


Thanks for the welcome =) my gynae did mention that if i experience contraction and spotting I should stop. I need to advise to wean her off. Think she is suckling for comfort other than milk.


how old is ur gal? alot of bb too use to suckling is more for comfort i notice for me i bottle feed since 2mth old so no prob for me n weanin baby tt suckle for comfort is more challengin wor.. maybe u can try to reduce feedin via breast n try to gave bott instead?


She just turned 1 yr old. In the day, she is ok with bottle feed. I only nurse her at night. When she sees me or knows that I am around, she doesn't want the bottle. She will cry untill I nurse her. It's tough.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

'morning' gals.. now then i got time to post.

Talk abt travelling.. I'm v sianz leh. I'm going on cruise this weekend.. but everyday still nauseous. Think i go cruise puke only.. all the yummy good sure no appetite to eat also. Sianzz....

gd noon mommies!

going cruise this weekend? so good... yeah buy e seasick band... its amazing.

am 7 weeks today! going for scan again this fri... around how many weeks will they start to do a tummy scan instead of V scan?


ya tt the challenging part but gotta be hard hearted abit la no choice..


cruise ah.. i tink now u wun be enjoyin wor... but bring along medi to make u feel better???


it depend on ur bb location also.. my last scan at wk 8 alr via tummy in fact on my first appt ard wk 6 my gynae try tummy first but not clear...

wow so many gals like cruise ah.. i tink i am the odd 1 out i find v boring n do nothing on board wor n i find ex wor rather go oversea....


thanks for the advice... Hopefully can see bb via tummy soon...

Cruise can relax n go casino w/o paying the 100$ levy hahah...

Btw can we dye hair during pregnancy? Ytd I bought a bottle of liese bubble hair dye n my auntie said I can't dye cuz bb will absorb e harmful chemicals etc then nxt time bb will hv problems... True or not?


I did ask my gynae the last time i went n he said there's no scientific proof tt dyeing hair is harmful to ur bb..but however, if anyone advised u against it, wld b beta not to just in case anything happens (choy!), they'll blame it on the dyeing..

I believe oso tt mums to be always play it on the safe side n not dye when preggy, tt's y always see preggy mums w their previous dye growing out.. ;)


no not true cos the chemical does not go into the blood stream but if u scare better dun touch the scalp for me I did rebonding durin my last preg also like tt ask the hairdresser dun touch scalp but too freq is a no no.. My aunt run a salon n she also dye her hair durin preg..

BTW Mummies for those of u who intend to employ confinement lady please do it now.. for my #1 i happily take my own sweet time n only call n book ard 4-5mth preg end up all the gd n popular 1 all taken n i panic end up try to find online those my friend nv try be4 1 heng she is gd cos i hear many horrible story abt some CL...

den i know those gd 1 usu taken v fast even now i try to book 1 popular CL taken also.. so i book back the 1 who help me with my #1.. for those due in end apr n keen in this v gd n popular aunty can let me know cos i early Apr she can only do mid apr onwards...

thanks for the advice... im still hesitating.. anyway its ok i'll just wait a while more...

what is the 'market rate' for confinement nanny? staying with you or?


hmm for #1 the market rate for those malaysia CL is between $1800-$2000 if u go to agency it abt $2200 onwards.. hee not to scare u i was told usu the gd 1 r book the moment the mummies find out they r preg... so better make up ur mind fast i also dilly dally wait n wait end up almost cant find CL ...


usu they will ask for $200 deposit balance to be paid after 28 days. yes stayin with us... my 1 will help me do clean the house, wash my clothes n care the bb.. so we can concentrate on gettin breastmilk n rest... esp 1st 2 wk...


I've been having this cramp at the right lower abdomen since morn i woke up..wonder isit any cause for concern? Shd i b paying a visit to my gynae today instead of the appointment 2 days later?


cramp is norm cos ur womb is expanding.. however, if the cramp make u feel v uncomfortable no harm bringin ur appt to today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach - If no bleeding & cramp is mild than should not be a prob .. might be as per piggy explained...

but if yr discomfort is getting more n more then maybe should check back with yr gynea already ...

cowgal, michelle, Is the seasick band safe for preggers? I never got seasick b4.. but now so naseous.. i also dunno wat will happen. haha.

piggytoh.. ya that's exactly what my gynae told me. But i already booked long long ago... i die die must enjoy. If not waste my 2k leh! Huh.. so fast must book CL? I tot of waiting till 12 wks first leh.

hi girls!! am new here and am 8 weeks today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just wondering if anyone did any travelling in the 1st trimester?


hahah now i scare la so faster book lo n the popular aunty alr taken sigh... i tell u my neighbour also wait till wk12 den book den all the contact i gave those with gd feedback all taken end up she go agency n the CL sux lo.. steal her thing, lotsa demand den alway push the bb to her parents while she rest... terrible..

ya la since alr pay jus go n enjoy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Welcome.. i have not travel durin 1st trim so far but i have couple of friend did.. i tink as long as u have no big issue n take extras care shd be ok bah..


shouldnt be a problem since it only helps in your sense of balance (i dont know why or how but it just works somehow!) and you dont eat it so i guess it should be safe for mommies. or u pick up the band from the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist at the counter if it's safe. they'll advise u..

my friend who works on the cruise says bananas help too. eat some about an hour before you board and few hours later when you're on the ship. dunno how true that is though.


i ll have giddy sometimes.

tdy my nauseous getting better, hope it wont cum bk

tml is my 1st time to see my baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update once i finish hope can see bb heartbeat

confinement lady ;

this time i ll ask my mama to help me, wont get CL. last time i used tat CL also not really good


hello and welcome! :) i think best would be to check with your doc if it's safe... if safe ask for a letter stating you're fit to travel cos some travel agencies/airline companies ask for doc's letter before they let you go on a plane.

So many CL horror stories i think i rather not take ... cos still have to worry if the CL is good or not ...

if own mother see us so xin-gu think they will help also .. haha ...

I also have light-headedness .. not not exactly headaches ... like head woozy woozy ...

Ah HA ! Pin-point that my sleepy hr is around 3pm ... i should stand up walk abt during this timing ....


that's exactly what happened to me during my last confinement...

i also thought after 1st trim when it's more stable then book, who knows all good recommended CL not available [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so i desperately looked around and my sis' colleague recommended me one.

turn out the CL stressed me so much that i was almost into depression...

this time round, i kiasu, quickly book the CL recommended by my friend, and who was not available during my past pregnancy, immediately after i went to see my gynae yesterday, which i saw the heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luckily she's available... phew!!


HI Ladies

I am new in this thread, though not so new to this forum as this is my 2nd pregnancy. Just found out about 1 week plus back though haven gone to gynae yet. Think i am in my 6 weeks now.

