(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya lo heng the CL i got durin my #1 is gd but too bad i still not fast enought to book the 1 highly recommended by my friends this time round..


hahah i tink if i get my mum we will quarrel.. the thing abt gettin own parents is they may be v old fashion as in no bathin at all n lots of forbidden ..n also paiseh to ask own mum to clean house for me...

my CL allows me to bath everyday but only in afternnoon she even learn how to massage breast be4 pumpin too.. really great help n she is professional.. know exactly wat sort of tonic to cook after 12 days. my mum n mIL all hearsay 1 n not v sure..


Welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looks like we really got quite a no. of mummies expectin #2[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HI Piggytoh,

Thanks for the welcome. You are expecting your #2 also? This time round I feel MS much earlier, am feeling nauseous almost the whole day though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] also somehow most of my pants are tight already, so strange that it is so fast. Will be seeing my gynae next Monday for the first time though would have liked it earlier, but gynae very busy.

Do any of you experience quite loose bowels in the start of your pregnancy?

huh... like tt i dunno wanna source for CL earlier anot. But means i gotta ask my frens... but i dun wanna announce yet. How? hmm..


u din employ any for ur #1?? hmm ur EDD is mid apr u wan to try callin the popular CL i mentioned? my friend told me her cookin is gd n v nice 1 of the Aug mumies tried her too n also say gd n her pricin is reasonable...


yup #2 also my #1 jus turn 1 YO.. i tink becos our tummy is alr stretch from #1 so for #2 will be faster[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my MS also hardly got appetite for anything but today still ok at least can down 1 bowl of fish bee hoon... oh it norm to have loose stools my TCM sin seh say preggie woman stool mus be loose wor..


just say your fren ask u lor....


i also just booked my CL.

#1 CL fly me kite becos she just got an operation. so end my mum...alot of unhappiness


loose stools...i experience everytime my menses coming or ending. according net is becos hormones changing. now we are pregnant...hormones also changing..maybe your bosy still trying to adapt...


You wanna try sourcing for good CLs on the forum? See if any mummies have good recommendations.. then u no need to ask ur frens...


yes unless u r those everything also can follow 1 if not better dun get own mum.. for me i know my mum alot of restriction so no way i gettin her help even thou she volunteer n most imptly i dun like her food lol~~~ great tt u alr book ur CL my CL charge me $2100 for #2 heartpain but bobian[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually if got friend recommend 1 better cos forum 1 dunno if they get pp post for them 1.. i hear some story also.. my 1 also forum 1 but heng gd i tink depend on luck..


the CL i engaged this time also charged me $2100... she charged my friend who's giving birht this november $2k. her reason being that i have #1 whom although has a nanny to look after, but will be at home on weekends, so she will have to cook and wash clothings for #1...


Issit? Din know... i tot look at the status of the person posted, so long not fishy (like new member) then can liao...

My old one is so-so, so i'm asking ard for recommendation. My fren wife just give birth yesterday so if the CL is good, will ask if can help me...


ya tt the market rate for #2 tt y v keen to get the 1 highly recommended n try by many of my friend cos I tink she cheaper by $100-200 but nvm la bobian n my 1 also v gd so jus gotta spend..


I tink some they were recommending own relatives so u can't tell from status..

Omg! I can't believe it! Someone offered me a seat in d mrt! Do I really look so preggy or do i look so pale? Why my colleagues never say anything or r they suspecting?

I'm trying to hide my preggy status until 3mths.

Hmm, I've never thought of having a confinement lady. My mum help me do confinement for my 1st 2 but for my 3rd,

think I may order those tingkat confinement food.

She's getting on age and she's kinda frustrated with doing confinement for me coz I'm so picky about food and I don't eat alot too.


1 thing abt tingkat is v ex n may not taste gd.. i also v picky with food n dun eat vegie so nv thot of gettin tingkat ...


have replied u.. i doubt this CL can make it for u.

don't know is it MS kicking in ... feeling quesy since on mrt home ... then got feeling of vomit but very mild then in the end cough to clear my throat....

Just now the mrt gantry gate nearly slam onto my tummy area .. luckily i got my bags to block & i sucked in my tummy upon seeing the doors coming towards me .. hope won't affect the little one


fish tt is high is mercury is mainly shark, tuna, mackeral.. usu those fish soup stall fish r cheaper fish so not to worry...


hee dun worry ur bb will be fine..

sigh... hungry again... feel like eating garlic bread! at home got garlic but no bread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hee nvm go n buy some n store at home..or ask ur Hb go 7-11 to buy?


btw shark fin is high in mercury as well :p

sapphire - I bought from mothercare, abt $15.

piggy - I hope so too now observing if got any weird cramps of feeling...

Good morning mummies!

Going to my 1st appt tis afternoon, hope everyting is fine. Worried till i hv nitemare last nite n did not sleep well.

Good morning....

Donno whether I should belong to here anot, cause I still donno my Edd. Hope you all won't mind.

Hi jj, hope you are fine?

morning ladies..


i not goin infant care but i heard if the infant care ard ur area is pack it good tt u put ur name in waitin list first.. u mus also consider the ratio between the infant n the teacher ther...


everything will be fine not to worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome.. it ok feel free to join us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies =)


I also experienced the same as u. I feel some of my bottoms are a bit tight and uncomfortable. I also feel bloated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Mummies !!

I'm doing fine ... Had funny dream again ... but slept well ... nothing weird happening at tummy area ...

Do u ger experience creamy, pale yellowish discharge esp so in the morning ??


So far I don't.. did you check with your gynea? I just feel extremely tired and sleepy esp after lunch.


haha I have discharge whole day lo..


haha it norm la I also #2 yet still worryin as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: belly belt

it best not to buy now cos it work provided ur hip n thigh din expand n it too early to tell..

oh .... my mainly in the morning ... it is the formation of the mucus plug hence the discharge ...

Dor - me too sleepy after lunch ... eyes very hard to keep open

piggytoh, i looking for infant care near my mum's place.. already got a center in mind. Cos wanted to put my son in the cc there.. end up he cant cope.. so dropped out. But by the time i put in sch be ard next yr Jul ba.. now still so early stage.. go n book place also dunno the principal will laugh at me anot. hahaha

gd morning mommies

I have discharge whole day too. I think it's normal as long as it's not spotting or bleeding.


not hiring CL alr cuz hub says MIL can help out with the baby...

hi ladies,

just went for my 3rd gynae scan yesterday at 9wks. Everything's going well, fetus is almost 2cm with strong heartbeat. Recommended to go for OSCAR screening at 12wks to test for possibility of down's syndrome.

Damn scary.... think motherhood is a really stressful process. Just conceived wonder if ectopic or blighted ovum, scared dunno whether got heartbeat. Then now scared about down's syndrome test... SIGH

rene, i agree! I super scared of all these tests... wat if the results come out not gd!?! I still havent decide to go for Oscar test/triple test... test more.. scared more??

Regarding discharge.. it's normal. But this time round.. i dun have much discharge leh. Only occassionally more yellowish sticky discharge.


ther r more to come afte DS is detailed scan den u worried BB organ fully developed anot den u will have to observe BB moving anot everyday till they were born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ur mil ah hmm not to scare u but when BB is out relationship with mil may change ESP we have diff way of Carin BB n they may interfere in many thing in fact many of my friends have prob with mil not to mention confinement I got 1 friend v poor thing as u know confinement cannot touch water n her mil volunteer to help end up she say she is elder cannot wash panty for her den cook also anyhow cook n her wound nearly split from all the bendin etc...

so if possible dun get mil to help better but if u can tahan den maybe u can try..

agree is the constant worry over every step ... even bb come out also the worries nvr stop ... Mothers are the best ...

Fathers worry ?? hmmm .... not as often as mothers bah ...

So all of u not doing hse chores already since preg ?? I still load the washing machine, fold clothes & iron ... the vaccum & mop leave to hubby...


i dont really talk much to mil so im a bit scared after i give birth... scared she change face n become nasty etc... and she's old alr dont wna trouble her too but hub doesnt wna spend the money for CL. sigh also dunno what to do now..

actually light household duties is actually good exercise. So vacuuming the floor (try not to mop cos floor slippery may slip) or hanging clothes (but don't be the one to bring the bamboo pole out cos it's heavy!) or folding clothes is perfectly fine.

Well, most of our mothers worked as per normal until they delivered and they're fine!


my HB was away when i had #1 at 6 mths preg for 10mths so i do all the chores and drive to work everyday till i pop so no worries still can do:p


tt the prob cos as u mentioned she is old den nite time how? u know hor we need ample rest to have more breast milk 1 leh... initially i also dun 1 to employ CL wan to save $$ 1 but cos my HB not ard so he insist i get 1 n i was really glad i employed 1 lo..

jus to share with u my MIL is v nice she bott me all the food for my confinement includin all the herbs n make all the red wine for me but durin my confinement she will dropby everyday in the evenin den when bb sleep she will disturb him abit to wake him up so she can talk with him which really irritate me but bobian i cant scold her mah n i know she love him alot so wanna talk to him.. den when i need to pump milk she will still be ard so sometime i mus bear with it n wait till she left den i go pump.. afterall they r not our own mum so certain thing we cant tell them straight off so v diff for us.. so tell ur HB this kind of $$ cannot save 1..

I told my hubby abt the cost of CL this morning .... let him think about it ...

If really want to take care i will get my own mum NOT my MIL cos my MIL does things very fast & her own way .. i have this image of her 'tossing' me aside cos i change the bb diaper too slow ... she is those kan cheong "chop chop fast fast" person ...

Own my still can open my mouth if i am unhappy ... plus my mum modern type .... so she won't ask me not to touch water / bath (how too in spore weather) ?

Yes have confinement lady is great provided u get the right one. During the first month, I just pump, rest and eat. Don't really have the energy to do much as my c section take 2 weeks plus to heal. Then can really walk as per normal.

My confinement lady takes great care of the bb but she always cook the same old thing, eat until very sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My mil didn't involve much during my confinement days. Just come a few times to see baby, thats all. The problem wi MIL is they like to tell u we should do this cos that's how they do it during their times. Even though u explain to them, they will still insist. So best is keep quiet and block out whatever she says, cos not so nice to argue wi them lah.. For my mum, I will tell her my thoughts and explain why I want it to be done in my way, so not much conflicts.

I will faint if my MIL come n do confinement for me. Anyway she cant also.. she got alot of illness herself. And this time round, my mum gotta help me look after #1.. I'll have totally no one to help le. So I die die must get CL! Starting to ask ard now.. :p

Hey.. confinement no need to wash undies lah.. I wore disposables. More convenient!


Did you succeed in total breasfeed for your no 1 ? Mine boy from birth is partial FM partial BM.. I pump but not much maybe cos I didn't wake up at night to pump bah..

Hope this time I will succeed in total breasfeed for one year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi, i decide to pop in this thread too as my EDD might be in between April or May.

I have tested positively on last sat and this is my 2nd child.


ya I agree the right CL is impt I got mutiple tear so took ard 2 wk for me to walk easily too n my CL will try to change menu so I wun get sick of eating same thing..

My mil is consider modern but certain thing she say which she tink is gd for us I dun like la cos my wound Hurt alot so no appetite durin confinement den she keep asking me to eat more say I eat way too little sigh~


I dun like disposable panties wor find not comfy anyway gt CL jus let her wash lo..


no I din succeed cos my milk were pathetic by end of 1 wk only gt 20ml but I din gave up continue to pump every 3 hrly n my milk did slowly increase dis time goin to invest in a gd pump I tink pump matters alot...

Bubble pearl,

welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy got those cottom type disposable panties like real panties .. u nvr tried ?? that one quite comfy

that's the risk lor .. imagine u pay $2K to invite troublemaker to own hse ... headache ...



yes i tried those cotton type 1 but i only wear in hosp cos after we deliver will bleed for wks leh n those cotton 1 v loose with the pad on which i dun like...

