(2011/04) Apr 2011

jj, dun worry too much... by 7 Sep, you should be 7wks 3days, should be able to see heartbeat already. so exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh i calculate wrongly huh .. ok ok ... already so blur ...

now I'm just suffering from tired-ness, slight headache at neck portion, this morning had a bit of running nose, then the back of throat like got something there ...

I'm 1st timer so every experiance is new to me & want to find out if i'm normal ...


not to worry so much anything unsure can jus ask[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maternity clothin??? i tink too big for now bah... i can still fit in my bottom but i tink my tummy r comin out faster this time round so tink i will jus wear leggin..


oh tt great.. ur gynae also v funnie keke... my gynae jus gave me a so fast see me again look lol~

jj, no worries... though this is my 2nd pregnancy, i'm also feeling super tired and worst, my morning sickness is getting worst also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya, my gynae very funny though on first look, he is very stern and doesn't smile one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday morning, when i was brushing my teeth, i felt nauseatic, so made some vomitting sound, didn't realise my son was beside watching. then when i saw him, he started to make those vomitting sound also... making me angry and wanting to laugh at the same time!

jtho, haha ur gynae also v cute. I'll faint 3x if it's triplets! :p:p:p

Maternity clothes..

So far no need to wear yet. Cos usually i also wear alot of loose clothing and leggings with elastic waist band.. so all can still wear. But shorts all getting tight le.. no shorts to wear le. Sob sob.. Anywhere i can buy shorts that can last thro maternity? Last time i only wear 3/4.. so boring..

piggytoh & elmo,

last Fri checked with gynae, he said it's alright. Just called the nurse, she said may be bcos I have passed motion yesterday, that's why more discharge today. I have been taking duphaston twice a day and jabing twice a week... I guess I should be ok. Thanks.

i also got the leggings (elastic) which can double up at bottom just need to wear long enough top to cover ...

I assume all ladies here just got to know their preg ?? like all within 1st tri ?

happy to find this thread cos I haven't tell my mother abt my preg cos want to wait till 1st scan ... so I no where for me to ask silly preg-related qus

Rach - I've been advised by experienced frens who gave birth liao to not take tonic during 1st tri .... start during 2nd tri ...

bird nest considered tonic ?

wah the thread is run so fast i cant catch up


my MS is on the peak. i start to vomit since sat. so tiring tdy at work very xing ku and totally no appetiate to eat to do anythg

JJ> i oso not sure whether birds nest considered tonic anot..haa..always had the impression tt eating birds nest is good for baby's complexion..guess shall ask my gynae the next x i see him..

dun be shy bout the qns, it's always good to share info..n for me, i realised it v soon, few days after my menses were late, n i couldn't bear not telling my immediate family bout it!


ya i tink all of us in 1st trim:p

bird nest is not consider bird nest but no point takin in 1st trim cos bb will only start to absorb nutrient from us end of 1st trim or beginnin 2nd trim.. anyway there r many cases of allergy from takin too much birdnest so i will only take like once a month...


oh since u alr check with gynae den ok but to stop spottin u gotta rest..


me too feel tt my MS is gettin worse jus now lunch practically no appetite only drink 1 bowl of red bean soup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i tink gynae will alway say can eat... birdnest is high in protein n many say gd for bb sick but TCM say birdnest may cause allergy/asthma n i got 1 aunt took lots of birdnest n my counsin skin v badly allergy when bring her to see TCM the 1st thing the sinseh ask is did my aunt eat bird nest wor.. n when u buy birdnest got few thing to take note.. those v white 1 n v neat 1 may be breach be4 so better dun buy cos it cheap..


my lunch is tomyam soup, just drink the soup totally no appt to eat.

tot is my #2 preg but 1st time experience MS. my last preg huh i do no have MS so hope this time is boy :p


we r abt the same.

my last preg also gain total 20+ then still got 10kg nvr shed off.

yst visit my aunt, she can guess if i m preg form my tummy


maybe tats y called it morning sickness bah.. morning feel so cham, dun wanna cum to work

sleepy, nauseaus, no appt, bloated haizz....

piggytoh> tks for the advice..sounds scary hor..now i dunno wat to do w my 4 bottles of Eu Yan Sang concentrated birds nest tt hubby bought once we knew i preggy..


actually my boss ask me go hom & rest but still got thg to rush, this wed i m on leave and ll go for my 1st appt with gynae

somemore this MS not 1 or 2days matter ler


eh every preg diff wor but does not mean diff gender[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I hope u get wat u wan la my #1 I also exp. Similar MS v sian like sumthing pressin my throat yet hungry so no Appetite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my HB wan another boi but for me boi or gal I ok but base on the date of O n conceive I tink mine might be gal another 8 wk will know:p


O date is 11 or 14days after 1st day of menses huh? then when to conceive?

we babydance on 11days so wat is tha chances to get boy? :p


it depend on ur cycle wor u prob O on day 14 if ur cycle is a regular 28days.. But I tink all this fated cos my friend BD v near O date but got a gal I tink depend on when the egg is fertilize also usu... Hee y not try the ring method n see if the outcome is accurate ?

hai.. 1 bowl of fishball noodles can make me so full i wanna vomit! My appetite's real small now! Much smaller than b4 preg!

I'm able to eat my normal serving of food lei .... no loss in appetite ... hmmm ...

just that now i'm super sleepy & nose seems blocked & 1-side ear block ....

just ate tom yam you mian, then a cup of avocado milk shake, and 4 tako balls... crazy appetite... but now feel like puking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JJ... diff pregs all diff. My 1st preg appetite was normal too. Now this one just seem to shrink my stomach.. gotta force the food in.. scared not enough nutrients!


maybe ur MS haven kick in yet?


I dun mind eating less but I hate the nauseaness n bloatedness[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i also hope my appetite will reduce a bit... eating too much too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Goodness ... I nearly slept in the toilet ... eyes was closing .... so werid to feel so tired all the time

ya maybe MS haven't kick in .... i think its coming ... i sort of able to feel it ... its like something stuck at back of throat ...

I ate pig organ rice over weekend (can or not huh?) then i esp love the sour veg even ate my hubby's one....


hehehe... i always feel like sleeping too!

regarding pig organ rice, for me i will avoid though i like it. try to avoid especially liver cos according to many books, it is an organ to process toxins in our body so itself will contain a lot of toxins. so i'm avoiding all kinds of liver. my fav is goose liver, foie gras [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oops ... ok will keep in mind .... I also love foie gras .... noooo....

just ate alittle bit of snack ... so now not so sleepy ...

Do u guys have constipation ? Any of u taking an tai herbs from TCM ?


i juz came back from check up pls help me update ya.

EDD 28 Apr 2010

Hospital RH

Gynae Dr Joan Thong


i will be going back in 2 weeks time to check heart beat. was given calcium n fish oil to take.


another reason to avoid liver is becos high in vit A which is a no no to us ..


okie will update tonight.. Ur gynAe so fast gave u fish oil n cal ah hope u ok with fish oil I simply can stand the smell of it when I burp so goin to take when my MS better..

Ok will take note ... cos i also love to eat liver ...

The only supplement give to me is Folic Acid & Duphaston support pills...

Any of u with kkh ? Any good gynea to recommend ?? I was thinking of going with kkh's private suite ..


thanks. will tell u tomolo if i can stand the fish oil or not hhhaa so fast fish soup ok but fish oild not sure.

JJ ,

I heard dr John tee n SF LOh is gd u can consider.. Usu other supplement is given in 2nd trim..


oh fish oil taste v diff after u digest n when u blurp the smell is v fishy not like fish soup :p

hi mummies,

anyone interested in F1 tix? 24 Sept (Fri)

Last min I cant go so Selling a pair of tix for $150! pls sms 92375402 if u r keen...

Bay Grandstand

row 53, seat 22 n 23


My fren wi Benjamin Tham private suite and she find him very gd. I'm wi dr loh sf cos I did ivf wi him last time . I'm quite comfortable wi him but I do know some mummies don't really like him.

Cowgal.. Thai express steamboat onli available @ marina sq outlet from what I gears from my friend. Nt sure if got another outlet but maybe u can check with them? Vut their steamboat really alot if pple order, almost each table will order a set to share.. $13.90 per set with dong fen, fish, chicken, squid, prawn & mushroom. Omg.. U making me drool now.. Haha

Jtho.. I so envy of ur appetite. I can't even fish a bowl

if miced pork noodles for lunch this afternoon. In fact, I ordered meetabak instead of noodles hoping can finish but still can't haizz... How much I gt craving for food yet no appetite when I can't.. Haizz sad

Ladies.. I'm going to Taiwan this end sep for my honeymoon.. Anyone know if I can go at this stage? I'm worried go le den no mood enjoy.. How sianz it will be...

best to inform yr gynea u travelling ... ask if got any taiwan gynea contacts u can keep on hand in case of anything (chio)

then the food u eat is best hot & steaming (to ensure its throughly cooked thru)

Wear comfortable shoes & rest if feel tired from walking ... Remember to bring yr necessary meds !!

Hi mrs chua,

it's actually not advisable to travel during d 1st trimster but if u take extra care and have enough rest and watch what u eat n drink, guess it should b ok bah.

I've also planned to go HK disneyland with my 2kids at end Sep but if I knew I'm preggie, I won't have booked. Coz I'm tired n get breathless easily n totally not in d mood to shop. Sighz.....

Eyes .. starting to close ... my pre-preg sleep timing is 12am one ... by can't control my eyes ...

do u guys take chicken essence ? I'm still taking lei ...

Piggytoh: I also think is a bb girl because I got cravings for chocolate, no MS and pimples. *touchwood*. Plus this weird dream..... I think is bb girl. Heehee! I can pass her all my bags next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua: how long have you married? Initially we are planning to go to holiday with my parents. Now cannot go cos of me.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs chua,

by end sept u shd be in trim 2 if so shd be ok as long as ur MS go away shd be okie I planning to go travel end of the yr too but haven plan location but remember no hot spring k,.

Ting ting,

aiyo I also like sweet stuff n gd complexion when I had my boi those myth not true la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggytoh: haha! Is it? I heard that no MS and like to eat sweet stuff is bb girl. Maybe is depends on our body system. When will u be gg for your Oscar test? Mine is third week of sep. I also intend to go for short holiday instead. Gonna ask my parents again. Cos initially planning to go to Korea in sep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi ladies

glad to join this thread. piggytoh, could u please help add me into the list? thanks!

EDD: 21 apr 2011

seeing dr k t tan @ kkh

2nd baby


read some posts about eating bird's nest. it should not be taken plain on its own as it is cooling. can ask herbal shop what it should be double-boiled with, but i usually put gao li sheng inside. once or twice a month is fine actually from 16 weeks onwards. my first boy has silky smooth complexion cos i take regularly. =)

JJ.. Thanks for ur advice. Will check with my gynae this thurs during check up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ningyo.. Some of my friends oso told me abt nt to travel during the 1st trimester but I already book the air tickets b4 I got to know of my pregnancy. If I know, I would hv book a short trip to batam or bintan for relaxation haha

ting.. I'm married for coming to 2 mths. Did nt expect to b pregnant so fast if nt would hv plan a shorter trip.. So now already paid for air tickets so if dun go, very exp leh..

Piggytoh... Ok noted of no hot spring for me.. So many pple reminded me of it.. So sianz can't go hot spring which my aim is to enjoy hot spring in taiwan haha.. My main concern of going Taiwan is MS. Hopefully by then it will be gone or lesser... But becos of what u all say, 8-12 weeks tend to exp bad MS, makes me even worried... So now thinking & thinking..


morning ladies..



actually sumtime i was thinkin if it was birdnest or our gene keke

Ting Ting,

oh i be doin it in my gynae clinic so prob my nex appt on 25 Sept:p erm all those myth rubbish 1 la my friend all who r preg with gal their MS v v bad n their tummy v v pointed their relative still insist it a boi even the detail scan say gal bth... so dun tink too much abt all this symptom no link 1..some even say boi mummy look like shit bit nose etc... but this does not happen to me either lol~

Mrs Chua,

nvm la Taiwan hotspring not really fantastic the sulphur smell v strong i prefer Japan 1.. so it ok:p every 1 diff for the MS so dun worry too much worse come to worse get some anti MS medi from ur gynae?

