(2011/04) Apr 2011

Tweety/ michelle

I wanna go today if can't make it will b tmr le but I die die mux go :p


if there is seats haha the best. Like today wear till normal nobody gif up seats n the best part is when I'm on the phone I mention Im pregnant suddenly the 3 person infront of me fall aslp they closed their eyes so qiao again.


Tweety what time you going? Tomorrow weekend I guess would be crowded too right? Actually I never been to this type of fair before

Tweety/ vivi

even they won push but mux still be extra careful cos will haf ppl pushing pram ard they will push n hit ur feet la n may trip us tis wat I experience.


piggytoh is rite weekday is the lesser ppl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I work in bb fair before tis time won't be much but ard 7pm ppl will b in but normally not much pram [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh my breast so painful like tat time aft birth jux now I tot the milk leak :p


you be surprised cause everyone there is probably pregnant. so just be careful. I went for the fair a few years ago. felt like nothing to buy though i did sign up for cordlife. You should look at what brands are participating and if it is a brand u are interested, then the trip down is good. for example, if they are selling pampers or pigeon etc.

Vivi: part time jobs are hard to come by. sometimes i wished I could be a SAHM doing part time but unfortunately singapore culture is not into part time. there's definitely some positions but not many. Don't give up first. The important thing is to try. I know of a few that ended up doing their own online business or they freelance their services.


I dont think I am talented to be my own boss. Me too would love to have those blogshop business but nothing for me to sell la... all the people selling already....

Yesterday I wrote in and 1 recruitment agent called me and she said she will submit my resume for a data entry job. Hope can hear good news soon.


me too can feel my breasts sore again this week and dont know why have been having headaches like almost every day.

wow when will the baby fair be until?

Hmm this Sunday I will be going to Ipoh as my hubby need to go back his hometown, so that means only left tomorrow if I want to go wor....

I dont know if I can take the 8 hours car ride. Hope will be ok. I will only be back on Wednesday evening.

Tweety hope I will because it is very boring there. At night in the kampung nothing to do so usually I will bring a book and read there.

vivi: yeah.. i know.. i used to go there every CNY de... heehee... cause singapore got nothing to do.. so during CNY DH and I will ride up to a friend's house.. heheee..

Does the haze makes u feel like puking? My nauseous seems to be acting up again.. though not as strong as 1st trim. Argggh!

Gers - I have fren going USA so I will be asking him to get cheap bb clothes..

Besides the following brands what other brands are cheap over there huh.

- Osh Kosh B'gosh

- Carter

- Baby Gap


u can ask ur friend help u buy jumperoo if not too much v cheap ther.. also can consider gettin fisher price cot mobile or some toy n not forgettin medela")

Piggy - wah .. so bulky ah .. i doubt he wanna buy back for me.

I've already told him to buy the bb pump for me lei.


hee ya bulky but in sg v ex leh can buy 2 there keke... but ask pp to buy mus see they willing anot keke... if not get smaller item like cot mobile? oh the lansinoh milk bag is cheap over ther too..


haha ya bought forward so I can buy if not c onli I can't stand it. "itchy finger"


ya la mimosa haha so more tat GUY sitting at reserved seats lo bt maybe is cos hor he finish reading newspaper so he slp but he did look up n c me den close eyes


woh at nite got nothing I like it hehe can chit chat wif hb. Bonding time. Last time when haf #1 at hm nothing to do we will chat hehe. Get board game den can play over ther

Yes yes yes I will b gng bb fair tonite. Ask in law look aft bb awhile den me n hb go.

I thinking to bring a pen n paper lei to write down the price den tmr go compare price if cheap will den go back on sun to buy hehe sorry for been cheapo but donno y tis pregnancy don wanna anyhow spend not like #1 buy buy buy

Thanks all for ur concern I been washing my hands non stop n also using dettol to clean e toys, books n etc even mop n vacuum e whole house this morning ....

Helping hand

My mum stay in e west I stay in e east is impossible for her to come over as she working as well .... My mil need to take care of my elder bil 3 kids plus a maid plus nw e third kids just recover fm chicken less than 2 wk must more dangerous than HFMD .... Anyway it wouldn't be my turn for her to come over she is those unhygienic lady everything wipe on her clothes wan yucks !!!!


I was telling my Hubby how I wish there a maid to help me out .....


If can there another way if doing know which hotel is ur friend staying than order online n send it to e hotel ....


I asking my Hubby best friend to help me buy breastpump ( i can give up my slot to e ladies here in case u going) coz they going nxt mth for holiday so ask them tompang e wife is v kind to help us ..n also buying burts bee hand sandnitizer 1 dozen coz nw v post dun allow diapers/ drugstore to go through ......

Was thinking to get swing or free style can someone help me on this ....


i not v sure on swing but seem like freestyle is more recommended n it can be handsfree but not swing...

erm i dunno if i goin anot yet but i not reservin any slot for any1 yet la cos everything not confirm n if i goin den i will post here but limited slot also will be first confirm first serve bah... so if ur friend goin better get them buy since mine nothing is confirm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no la u not cheapo.. but i tink the price wun be v v cheap even if cheaper u mus consider the time n petrol/journey spent to travel ther worth it anot also ...

Pearly : HUGE tiger stripes stretch marks -- me too

Re: Stingray

i am also eating.

ppl said not to eat is becos stingray is a dirty fish and also becos its chinese name is "demon fish" hee hee. but i dun care...just take it chinese name is " square fish" anyways in moderate.

bbgoh.. this is the stingray which I mentioned jus now..

Macpherson Barbeque Seafood

34 South Bridge Road

Singapore 058668

Tel : 65333758

HP : 90041829 / 90618497

Opening Hour : Monday to Saturday 11am to 11pm

Lunch Special (Monday to Friday only)

11am to 3pm

Free Delivery for 5 packets and above

they do serve other variety of food like seafood hor fun, fried rice etc... but I jus quote u 2 example which me & my colleague tried today. recommendation is thumbs up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBQ Stingray with rice (come with an egg) - $5.10

BBQ Stingray with Sweet & Sour Chicken with rice - $6.80

omg.. hubby jus told me, MIL ask how come hubby no tell him I going to do my confinment back @ my mummy's place.. is she going to do for me?

Mrs Chua,

cos usu for their thinkin is such tt u alr married into their house so u shd inform or discuss with her abt ur confinement as a form of respect???

sumtime such thing v sensitive 1 esp if ur IL is not tt easy going:p

SY - thanks for the suggestion but as he will be working in the day time so hard to coordinate a delivery, I've already find all the nearby stores for him to pop by to purchase the pump at.


Haven't been actively posting. But thought will try come in and chat so I can ask you gals more questions on confinement. I live in Australia. My gal was born here in Oct 2008. This one now due 7 Apr and have decided to deliver in Sg for a change and fly back after my confinement.

Piggytoh.. Ya, if can hv same bday as hubby, that would be great. It will be my best bday present to hubby liao haha..

Sandy.. For me, I decided to eat everything moderation. But I really cannot eat prawn cos I got skin allergy, now with such bad weather, It got itch sometimes so it will itch more after eating. So that is y I date nt eat. As for crab, I oso dun date touch becos I believe in kids being itch fingers & legs when they born haha anyway, I'm nt a fan of crabs so can give it a

miss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

refer back to ur earlier post.. Dun think so much. It could be really be jus qiao that u dreamt of it but if u dun feel comfortable, seek a medium or jus go pray pray for safety lo.. That is to give u a peace of mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rehi mommies, home after lunch and meet up with friends

argh i see that my stomach is getting abit bigger~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sandy hope u find some good buys!

welcome dreamysprings!

Piggytoh.. I think like wat u said, she wondering how come we no tell her yet.. Furthermore, last week an uncle asked her who doing confinmemt for me, she say duno den my sil go say will b my mummy. So mil thought we told sil liao which we had not.. Sil is purely based on guessing ba.. For me, I dun wan mil to be tied up becos of me. She had op this yr, 1week after our wedding. So walking long distance will b a prob for her & seeing how the 4 kids of my sils make her eveyday so tired.. I choose to let my mummy handle. Anyway, I dun think I very selfish ba.. Though my mummy will b helping me take care of baby when I go back work but I oso got say, I will still being baby over maybe 2days each week for her to take care. In such a way, my mummy can rest too & mil can hv bonding with baby..

mrs chua,

yah can get ur hubby to explain to ur MIL that u all are concerned for her health and dont want her to be too tired... and she has to take care of 4 kids already... wah that's alot to handle. u're so lucky it's like both sides want to help u~~~ that's a good problem to have... mine is both sides say very early way before the pregnancy that we are on our own they are not helping... (=_="")

So for everything I plan without them... if they come they come and play with kid... if they don't come i will be on my own with CL/maid... have to learn everything myself

Mrs Chua,

dun worry so much jus explain to her la i intk she will understd 1... jus tt some parent they dun like where every1 know except her n in ur case ur SIL alr big mouth say sumthing which is base on her guessin so ur MIL may not be v happy but i tink jus explain n everything will be fine tell her ur plan n y u did not approach her i tink she will be happier tt u did not leave her out of ur plan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sumtime they jus wan to be informed la keke..

Pinkraindrops.. Dun be sad, tummy gd means baby growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my tummy grow very fast too.. Colleages see my tummy say could there be twin inside? Haha another colleague oso say, I dun even gain any weight. Weight seem to b on my tummy now.. So is gd that baby is absorbing all the nutrition I had eaten.. I'm hoping is really true that baby gain all the weight den I got very little to lose after give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkraindrops & piggytoh.. Ya, I will tok to her maybe over this weekend when 4 kids nt ard & sil oso nt ard.. Easier to tok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had a sudden craving for delifrance chicken crossiant ard 9pm jus now.. Hubby quickly bring me to cwp eat but haizz.. CWP closed for renovation so did nt satisfy my craving sad.. In the end, went to mac for a milk shake &

some fries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

went to the bb fair just now. went home empty handed cuz nothing much to buy/see since i dunno the gender yet. pampers are cheaper by a dollar or two so if mommies with #2 wanna buy pampers for your #1 can save a bit of $$. :)

went to the electronics fair two halls away and there was nothing to see. It states electronics fair but the whole hall = 1/4 electronics, 3/4 insurance co/banks/slimming ctrs hounding you. sigh.

Mrs Chua,

I had the same craving too!! But fortunately, mine was in the evening and so, I got satisfied.... :p but so qiao lor.... We actually craved for the same item.... hahaha.....

bb expo really got nothing ?? hmmm.. thinking if i should go ... not even cheap bb clothes to look thru ?

is it cos fri all the vendors haven't come in ?


not really that cheap... Socks are cheap... 3 for 5$... Then clothes are like 1 pc $6 for kids... Maternity wear same... Almost e same price.. They got sell nursing bras at 19 bucks...

Hilo Hilo

I'm back haha aft walk walk went for dinner tats y so late.

Baby fair

total damage $383.50

these fair is sooooo small onli spend abt 45mins nothing special la alot of clothing.

Bought a breast pump at $500++ quite worth it is a new brand hygine enjoye forget how to spell le very nice n the stall selling tis is mumfairy ba n they r reali my fairy haha cos the person oso inverted nipple aft talkin to her make me feel more confidence In breastfeedin. I sign up a breastfeeding class by sister kang frm MtA. So qiao tis aftnoon was reading abt her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u don think u wanna go down can don go hehe unless u wanna buy alof alot of clothes which I think u can get it else wher. They do sell pram but nv check out the

price n their baby cot pricing r not fantastic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

------End of report-------

saturday is coming soooonnn haha wish all mummies enjoy their weekend rest well slp well n eat well.

n pls vomit, giddy, toilet bowl n cramp kindly go for a holiday stop following us mummies.

Gd nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies...

i also changed my mind le.. not going down for the bb fair.. my friend went yesterday... she said nothing much to see.. disappointment.. heehee..

Wow so nothing to see at the baby fair then no point travelling a long way down liao...

no point go there and buy baby clothes because for me Toa Payoh Central will also have nice and cheap baby clothes for everyday wear liao...

Finally the haze cleared up liao

