(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya..we can org another one in central too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee...really ah..later fall into toilet bowl how?hee...my current ofc is open concept one..even the rooms r glass..no where to hide at all!

i think next time i pump milk also difficult..


Avocado me stay at Blk 142 what about you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy yeah I hope I will have good news too... hopfefully my chance of getting the maternity benefits will be high.


ya my ex co is like tt the meetin room door can see thru 1 n pantry only open till 3pm so i gave up BFeedin after i rtn to work lo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also can feel the cramp but I Bo chap one wor... I just saying my tummy n tell my bb stay cool dun b naughty lor... Sometimes I feel is bb movement but my hb always said bb too small not so strong.... ZzZZzzz....

Lying on the sofa in conference room to take a nap.. Shiok!


huh...really ah...if i got enuff milk...i'd like to BF my kid longer leh...hopefully i can request for change of assignment by then...or best!quit...ut hubby sure say no one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

can on! i ever try sleep in toilet.back then wen nt even married ar! did it twice..haha..at 2 different place...haha...sleep realli shiok! i usually go the handicap toilet the floor very dry then i put newspaper then i sit! shiok man! gosh now im sleepy...

u all very funny hor~~~ still share ways to eat snake... share places to sleep... better don't let all ur bosses read this page ah...

if i say this i think i'll get killed ... but i'm at home... coz i work from home~~~

don't kill me don't kill me!! hahaha!!

i tried to cook porridge for lunch, then it got burned, coz i was too busy here posting. (=_=""")


i also wan but bobian for me cos i got other factor la my HB not ard v hard for me to breastfeed, work n take care of my son n i usin electric pump cant pump in toilet so only BF my son for 3mth + lor ... aimin for at least 6 mth this time round n slim down more hahah.

oh sleep in toilet is possible cos my ex co got hand rail at 1 of the cubicle so i jus rest my head on it lol~


we need to keep ourselves awake mah...entertain ourselves...

u shiok loh!!!got lobang ornot?i also wan to work from home...haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyoh..be careful leh..we can wait one


my handicapped toilet is inside the normal toilet..will be v hard to sleep in toilet..

raining now...how i wish i'm snoozing in bed...

Kurnia & ST,

Wahaha... I'm staying at Blk 277B!!

hee...hee... So, if the other mummies are meeting in the West, maybe we can organise another gathering of our own?

Hmm....actually, quite convenient for us to travel to Tampines too lar... just take 27 lor... :p

pinkraindrops - ya cos got discounts hence its cheaper.. the lady told me spring suntec also clearing their old stock so will be having discounts... u guys can go see


my job no ML no benefits no medisave no nothing.. and got to handle problematic students' parents... stressful during exam periods~~~ (LIKE NOW!!!) will prob have to stop next year too... no one to take care of baby for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha i stay at 275A hahahah..

sorry hor for mtg is out for me liao...cos too busy have to take care #1 and hubby not as xi xing as me kakak


serious i working in Suntec leh hahah will pop by tmr...liao hopefully still have stock..but then their clothes also not cheap lor


also can hahah we might even bump to each other before who knows..but the food at kopitiam cannot make it hor faintz


ya, maybe we have seen each other many times before le.. hee....hee... ya, the food really cannot make it... These days, I rather go Hougang or just walk to the coffeeshop behind (next to Shop & Save).

st, no lar, i'm not so pia don't have alot of students... yah timing is flexible.. and when the kids go on holiday i holiday too heh. can be stressful teaching naughty/spoilt kids and managing parents' expectations...


ya i know too bad i got no patient de..and dun really know how to teach haha else can just work as tution teacher and got more time to accompany bb


i am patient when it comes to other peoples' children. but when it's my own, i don't know! haha, maybe i'll burst into a ball of flames. Alot of kids now are very spoilt by their parents so really got to be firm with them. And once you establish a close relationship with them, they are more receptive to your teaching. That's why I don't overload myself with too many students. I believe in quality over quantity.

Yah my hubby prefers that i do this so that i have more flexibility.. his job is stressful and tiring and requires long hours. we have no help and he doesn't want a maid to take care of the child so there has to be a parent at home


ya as tuition teacher u have more flexibility n whats more u can witness all the milestone of ur little 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 1:39 pm:       

so who is on for meeting in the west?

i start a list first:

1) piggytoh

2) pinkraindrops

3) tweety

4) sandy dee (u work in clementi right?)

5) michelle S (yes I am at gombak alr (:) )

6) andrea (must c Nov which date, after 12th cant le)

Pink > Salute you! Quality is way better than Quantity. When you do good to this students, word of mouth will spread *thumbs*


u power mummy mah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the toilet here cannot sleep one!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oh..but u enjoy the flexi hours mah...which is gd..my fren also piano teacher...gd leh..

but i lost touch with school work liao..dun think i can quit my current job n do tuition..

wat other flexi options r there???

terribly sleepy now......arrghss


ya i agree but if ur HB can afford why not? i dun mind givin up my ML n benefit if my HB can afford keke...


no la i am jus an ordinary mummy...


hmm well at the moment he can but who knows? it was really difficult for us last/last last year during the Financial Crisis AKA Financial Tsunami? Alot of his colleagues got fired/the whole divisions "disappeared"... anything like that can happen again. Whereas for you your hubby's job is very secure heh iron rice bowl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


2 hands up! but application rejected many many times lioazz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hee..u r too modest...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kurnia, heh *paiseh* yah prefer to do that because i'm passionate about teaching lar I'm not in it for the money. Like to interact with children and teach them new concepts. Very satisfying when u see them learning and grasping new ideas. And eventually when they show you their results... (hopefully it's good!)

kailee u can always pick it up! Once you get in touch with the syllabus again it's not very difficult!

and the best thing is, next time you can teach your own kids too ;) my hubby keeps saying yah can save on tuition fees we'll teach our kid ourselves


hahah iron rice bowl but earn not much no use leh... but i agree la cos my SIL used to be banker n really whole team kena ex.. so now she prefer to work office line less stress la...


my HB approve my app but not now mus wait[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but at least can look forward lol~~~ tryin to self console...


hahah ya got a hope is better than nothing.. but at least gotta wait 5 yrs!!! i hope my HB got overseas posting... den i can quit n yet get paid *evil grin*


ya i tink u mus have passion in teachin la my SIL is a teacher n she gave tuition as side line the fee is quite gd lo..


heee...really?shall see how it goes loh...this pregnancy already fried my brain abit liaozz...i hope we can recover from it after wor..hehehe...

piggy jia you hope ur dream will come true soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think u'll be a great mother to the 2 boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yaa...something for u to look fwd to!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last time i study n teach tuition one...den after sch i almost went into teaching cos of the economic crisis after grad...but in the end..got into IT sector...maybe on of these days i will go back to teaching...i do like interacting with kids too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah thanks...i tink i mus tell my HB to jiayou hahah but the down side is he will be flyin frequently lo... like wat u say got gd n bad:p i tink all of us will be a great mother[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah now i jus wan to look forward my vacation... which is more practical lol~~~ oh since u went into teachin be4 i tink not an issue la.. can consider givin tuition too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So tired time is crawling so slow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my eyes closing Liao *yawns*


well i'll see how this little imp is like when he/she pops first loh...if i really find it hard to juggle...den i might consider other ops...cos my hubby career also just started..and i'm the higher income earner..so gotta endure first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic ur HB startin his own business? if so den u also got sumthing to look forward? i hope i can quit den prob work part-time those 2-3day per wk 1 but i tink not so easy to find bah... hopefully we will all wish come true..


me too i got many things to clear but see liao dun feel like doin super sian~

Actually, recently my friend was telling me she is damn super stressed by her son's exam and he is only pri 1.. She keeps telling me that she is seriously considering quiting her job to stay at home to teach her child..

I really don't know, but is school that bad??

Besides tuition teacher (Pink), are there any teachers around in our forum?? Hopefully, don't offend anyone.. but I feel that some teachers expect the parents to send their kids to tuition and then they themselves no need to teach. That same friend was also telling me that her boy's teacher actually gave worksheets that weren't taught in class and only those kids who went for tuition knows the material!!


so maybe it is a good idea to stay at home when your kids are in formal school and that will be in 5 years time!! Just nice... =)

