(2011/03) Mar 2011

2ks- ya man!..ex -bf is ex..we forget long long le lo..i vaguely rem my ist ex -bf KNS tat kind..make mi feel like puking even if I tin of it...lol..heheheh

hehehee!!! i also want to try for a dragon baby!!! for those who want to try got observe your fertile period and when you ovulate boh? if have hor... can try looking at the chinese gender chart and BD accordingly to what gender u want lor.. but take it with a pinch of salt lah huh.. hehehee...

i'm hoping next one will be a girl! =P hehehee... so now i can't try must wait till dec then can! hahaha..

Been trying to speed read all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy Friday!

ST- I think you should see a doctor, it doesn't sound right, it could be kidneys, I don't mean to scare you but... I didn't do confinement and washed and showered etc and I have wind- as in a bloated stomach sometime but my finger and joints are all okay, yours sounds painful.

eh eh.. the Chinese calender doesn;t work for me! Jaster is right, take it with a pinch of salt! Ha!

btw, any mummies still having the wrist pain?

2Ks - I totally agree with you, as much as I would love to try for a boy and I don't mind being pregnant and I love my babies.

I really cannot afford it and frankly I'm just too old, I need to drop this weight and get back into shape already, no more babies for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tres: your wrist pain still havent recover? u had the injection rite? by right the injection should recover..

i remember whole life can only inject twice or thrice.

the pain i encountered during kyler time lor..its really unbearable..its lucky that the sinseh cure me..

M: yeah...actually 9 months pregnancy very fast over..

just that the money lor...and the upbringing...

i have no parents/in laws/maid, i really have no confidence to take care of 3...

but then kyler will be 5 yrs old la..

but still loads of chores..

yup 2Ks, still having the wrists pain. Went for the injection for BOTH wrists, after 3 months, the pain came back leh and has not recover since!

but of course, it's better, I can use the mouse & all at work but when carrying bb, it will hurt lor. Sigh....

tres: u see those doctor they sure ask u to do therapy all that rite...

how about trying acupuncture? i did acupuncture...

i recovered fully after 6 sessions..

cos i told the sinseh i am bf, no medicine for me...so he did slower method..

too bad i lost the card...i only know the clinic is at circuit road

i googled and found it..

shaolin wushu medical hall

64 Circuit Road

#01-353 S370064

but there is only one sinseh who is good..the one with many patients one...

i cant remember his name..

think lin yishi...

very old medical hall

2Ks - I have maid, in laws and parents and it's tough for me, I still have no idea how you do it. Plus, my MIL's maid who also helps us out wants to go back which is actually a good things cos I can't afford to pay for 2 maids and daycare. The problem is that she's better at looking after #2, sigh. Lets see what happens come in Dec, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My daughters & dogs are spoilt, they have attention 24-7, rolls eyes.

M: close eyes and bite thru lor..what to do...

i think i am more or less used to it le, thats why i still can cope...but 2 + 2 furkids = max le..one more i no confidence really..

1 of my older dog is not toilet trained somemore (adopted), and he pees everywhere...i always got to clean up after him when he pees, can get frustrating especially in the mornings and when i am alone...

my kids dont have my attention always...no choice, they gotto get use to it

hi all, am pretty new to this forum...i have a baby girl born 1 mar 2011 and i'm looking for playdates for her. staying next to bishan park but happy to travel. pls pm me if you know any interested parties or any suggestions on where i can find playdates would be awesome. thanks!!!

i have pain in my joints too: wrists, fingers, arms (as baby gets heavier), backache, etc. used to see chiropractor but it was a never-ending process with no end in sight (plus it was difficult to get away from the baby or to bring her along)

I got lobang to share!

The National Library Board is giving to all moms-to-be and new mommies ( even for toddlers up to around 2yrs)

a FREE Pre-Birth Kit worth $50 which consists of :

1) Baby Journal (Journaled milestones & 25-page information guide)

2) Baby's First CD (for foetus to enjoy; parents to learn to tell stories, nursery rhymes and lullabies)

3) Baby's Height Chart (indicate baby's developmental milestones and appropriate reading)


Stefanie> hihi!!! *waves* my girl is born on 1st March too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm staying at Yishun..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] near near...

Heehee.....hi rach mine also born 1march [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was the one who recently bought the HB from u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raisy> hihi!!!! *waves waves too!!*

Hahaha oh didn't know suddenly so many 1Mar babies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway just measured baby.....

8.5kg, 66.5cm at 5.5mos...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm... Trying for a girl. I read before both hubby and you must change diet. Something about acidic or alkaline 'environment' affect the outcome of a boy or girl.

2Ks, did you have a painful wrist when you visited Shaolin Wushu?

I have a very painful wrist. It started with only pain when I woke up in the morning. But there were 2 days when I carried heavy things and now my wrist is painful the whole day.

Will try the medical hall that you recommend. Thanks.

Baby's weight is 7.11kg and height is 64.5 at 5 months! She does not drink much milk in the day. 140ml for 4 feeds and latch on for 3 feeds at night. Fell sick recently, throat infection. Took medicine for the first time and she shivered at every mouth. Poor thing but really so cute. Haha.. Terrible mum. :p Really, there is nothing as impt as good health for baby. It was terrible when she couldn't sleep after taking the cough mixture. Sigh. Poor baby and me...

If i am not wrong, i Went to the shaolin place when I fell from my bike years back. The physician is good. Not sure if it is the same place u all are talking about.

Sapphire: yes I had a painful wrist after I gave birth to kyler.. I did not hv a cl for the first few days and I guess I "Jin feng"

It was my right wrist initially then it spread to my left wrist..

Do not eat cold stuff also lo..

I can't remember the sinseh name.. Only one is very good with this, he know how to cure it without eating medicine.. Just soak with medicine bags and acupuncture..

I remember I went 6 times ($300) and I recovered.

so long never come into the forum. so many changes to our babies.

everyone seems to have their own prob. be it husband, mil or other people.

even myself, had so much misconceptions about my sil previously. had a good talk with her earlier and i realised she's not what i thought she is to be. been really wronged about her all these while.

btw, how much do you feed ur babies now for those who have started solids?

i'm wondering if i'm feeding enough or over-feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My kids also need lots of attention since my mum dotes on my elder boy, I stopped work, got a maid, last year my hubby took a year off.. Lol my boys always need someone to entertain them.


When my hub mentioned about having a little gal, I Thot he was serious and almost fell off the bed. Lucky he was joking in the end...


I understand, I dun see my in laws often tho i always wish for a close nit family. I've always come from a small family. But can't choose our family members.

Jordan has not shown any interest in cereal nor puree, so I've not started. Tried twice n failed.. Will wait n try again next week.

Wah! Seems like forum revival! All the old birds coming out to say hello!

Jaime: my boy whines at times.. ESP when I wake him up.. Lol. But I kept telling him big boys don't whine so now it works some times! Lol

Butter: Dont so violent until fall off the bed la!! Lol. Go easy on your Lao gong! HahhahA

Cae: I feed niska 2x a day but v minute amounts, just 1-2tsp cereal n 1-2tsp puree. But she's a month younger than cayli so no comparison

2ks, pixie, how u all???!

Rach: I think my girl is quite tall.. Almost 68cm! But so skinny!!!! Argh

Angelia: Wah.. Your ah ma quite energetic to help u hor!? My

Mum after 1/2 day w my

Kids say she tired lo! Hahhaha

Ps; sunay loves the frog too!

regarding purees and cereals, I used to feed L twice a day of puree and cereals (3 tspn ), then his milk intake dropped. So now I cut back to late morn puree and evening cereals. But now he got this very bad habit, always cannot finish his 150 ml milk. Must leave a bit like 30-50ml then after a while feed him then he will finish it. Last time he will just finish the whole bottle.

*waves* at pinkypink: yoz!!! U really long time no come in chat!!

Very busy with yr hi tea hur hur..keke.. Everytime look at yr pic for food makes me salivates..

2ks, no la! Actually I'm back at work for a month on a half day basis.. One of my former colleagues is sick n on leave so I'm covering her. Just Thot I'd try n see how it goes. But Wah, my poor sunay cry until so xinku that although my boss request me to stay until end of year, after the initial month tt I'm not gg to extend til December la.

I'm a super coward.. Dun lik to hear him cry til like tt.

Dear mummies,

Hope everyone is good and still moo mooing... Got really no time for myself with 2 kids ard esp when u have no maids and parents & in laws to help. It's no joke. But it's worth it once u get to see them smiling at u.

2ks, saw u few times at raffles place but din dare to say hello! haha!

Pinkypink: half day work seems good leh...guess sunay too used to seeing u around... How about sending him to half day cc??

Leon: really!! Y didn't call me?? I can be quite blur just walk away one... If u call me I sure say hi!! Where u working at??

2ks: no la.. I've already registered him for n1 next yr.. No point putting him in cc fr few mths. Anyway.. To b honest.. I'm way toooooo lazy to rush ard.. Plus my pay is very sad one! Lol

wahhh, everyone's back somehow!..hahaha..

2Ks: i am going to try for a girl leh, my last try liao.. not tt i can choose la.. but if really still boy, i guess i jus gotta ren ming.. sigh!

anw, i talk to my gynae, n i heard there's like a near 95% proven method about the ovulation days thing.. so im gonna try it lo.. plus some secrets..WHAHAHAAHAA..

if still tio boy... i tink, its really my life liao.. no help alrdy.. =XX

pinky: sunay cries when u goes work? poor boy...

yr pay not THAT pathetic right!! hahaha, u jus cant bear niska n sunay.. =Pp


LOL... u dowan to try for a girl? =P

cae: let bygones be bygones.. =D stay happy okay! =))

M: lol, dont worry im sure u can cope.. jus spread out the time with them.. =) im like 2Ks, my kids jus gotta live with no attention 24/7 always.. =Xx evil mama here...

bad sunday! my kiddos sick again, esp Jav!! =(( down with flu cough n fever again.. heard frm sinseh weather is real bad n lots of kids are down... hope all kiddos get well soon n stay healthy always!! =D

hi teresa, rachel and raisy: awesome! shall we have a playdate session? my number is 96723998.

thanks for the lobang mimimo! i called AMK library and they are out of stock, in case anyone is gg there. call before gg...

maybe i should go shaolin when the pain becomes intolerable. want to try exercising 1st.

hmmm, i heard that pilots have mostly daughters coz they are always in the air, radiation kills the Y-sperm (for boys.) as for diet, lots of meat eaters (or nutrient rich food) have girls, if i remember correctly. timing of sex is impt too, usually 24-48hrs before ovulation is best, coz x-sperm survives longer than y-sperm in the womb.

yah, my baby started solids a month ago and i regret not delaying longer coz she drinks less milk (which is most nutritious) and not gaining much weight. i blended organic brown rice into powder then cook porridge with spoon-grated meat/fish and sieved cooked spinach. she showed interest in what we eat very early on so we would spoon-grate bananas for her to try. no turning back on solids once she starts.

kudos to you moms with more than 1 kid. my first baby and i feel overwhelmed...dunno how to have 2nd one.

pinky, where did you register for N1? i am starting to panic coz my fren register her baby for preschool once she got the birth cert and she is #70 on waitlist!!! :eek: *jaw drop*

pinkypink, hope u r feeling better? no chance to meet u till now hor


hope your kids get well soon!!!!

i think jaime's fb post is so so true, weekdays are for recuperating...im so exhausted

morning went longkang fishing, sling bb along

then back home, lunch

then go out again, IMAX movie

then back home again, dinner

then go out again, a run @ garden opp my place

boy, im bushed leh! my son still say dun want to sleep. i had to point out to him very firmly that the sun is setting then he wants to climb into bed...

anyway today not a very good day, i lost temper several times in the day, poor #1 bearing the brunt of it coz he made me mad! im usually ever patient with #1 (but not with #2....hurhur)

die liao lor, both kids also no patience, wahhahahaah

both kids slept at 7pm so i had some time to myself

how how how????

even carrots puree, so so sweet my bb oso dun want

i bot pumpkin, hope she takes it tomorrow


Hi mummies....

tried to feed banana puree today and my boy loves it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It has been 4 days and my boy still hvnt poo poo...dunno wat's wrong with him...had banana puree but still no sign of poo-ing....makes me worry...

How about prunes puree??

Letting go one can of Enfalac @ $38 as my boy move on to stage 2 le. Exp is Jan 2013. Anyone interested?

Hi 2ks, no la, u were talking to your collegue or friends most of the time. My office is at HSBC building. Where's ur office then?

I have a book name How to choose the sex of your baby. Recommended from my friend. WOrks on them n myself (I guess). Let me know if anyone interested.

Leon: me at hong Leong building... Yup I hv regular kaki for lunch lor so it's the usual few la...

Really?? Share the info leh... I wanna try for a girl.. (most likely)

St: how abt carrot puree? My boy last week also nv poo for 5 days. Den I started him on carrot puree n he poos soon after. Try massaging his tummy in clockwise direction too. Can see my boy really have problem pooing..his face was like all scrunch up when pooing. I've to stay w him to emmm with him.

Bb ger: I also wanna bb ger for my #2. Planning to have 2 kids so hope the next will be a ger ger. Share share the tips leh.

Hello everyone....

Roller coaster ride for the past week.

Mon - Eden temperature 37.6, brought him back from IFC

Tue - stay home but no fever

Wed - Brought back from IFC 37.8 liao.

Thurs - Hit all time high 39.6, went KKH, kena sent home cos say is viral fever

Fri & Sat - Still high high

Sunday - 37-37.5 degrees mostly

Today morning 630am - 38.1

Sigh... Wondering if it will get any higher a not...

Will send him back to kkh if still so high and admit him sia....

His schedule all messed up.. Drink 70-80ml now, if lucky 100ml only..

Anyway those who signed up for the free Huggies new natural samples... - i finally received mine already...

4 free nappies with one x 10pcs huggies wipes

Took them super long la... Applied in may... Now end august liao then received....


Good morning mummies!


hope his condition improves, you take care too ok. I just received my huggies sample too! Really v long, I applied in may. But I'm pleasantly surprised to see a big package in my mailbox.

