(2011/03) Mar 2011


SOS!!! Help!!! my colleague realised (well recently i also found out!!!) that when i smile got the yu wei wen (3 lines to be specific) at the side of my eyes!!! any facial pdt to recommend? SOB SOB SOB!!! I'm only like in my twenties nia lor!!!


pixie: how i wish kiefer can be addicted abit leh...

i buay tahan him eh eh eh....

feel like boxing him..

jaster: tat is very natural leh...

cant be help...sign of aging...


Jaster, apply eye cream ba... will help de... i got a lot of 'yu wei wen' on my tummy leh... how sia...

hb also say my buttocks loose loose... i dam sad lor...

today's topic shall be loose skin after pregnancy....lolz


hahaha.. ehhhhh... my tummy is like those apple put in the fridge for many days... then all wrinkled up that kind! hahaha... and is still a slab of loose meat lor! hahaha...

sian hor...after give birth to baby, then hubby commented how we look...

but now i suan him back, cos he is getting fatter...

Hi Mummies

Re: BN Lamaze Musical Toy - $14

I will bulk purchase lamaze musical toy with my friends but now still short of 5pcs to meet the MQQ. The px is $14 ( come with plastic bag packing) Let me know if you re keen

Please email to [email protected]

The delivery time will be in 2 weeks (-+) once the order is closed

The collection place : Yishun, AMK, Bishan, YCK, TPY, Taisheng and Expo Mrt


Morning Mummies!!

Pixie - My gal also TV addict... I think I watched too much TV during pregnancy lol...

2Ks - I wished my gal not so addicted... she loves disney junior's Handy Mandy and Dibo the Gift Dragon =)... Dibo is her fav... whenever she is fussing at where ever, my hubby just need to on the Dibo clip on his hp and she will quiet down and watch... even thou its just one song and its on repeat mode... she just love it... I think there's something abt purple dinosaur for kids... thou my bb haven seen Barney yet but this Dibo is also a purple dinosaur...

I also got loose skin and fats every where... you ladies still bf-ing = still got hope, me stop liao and nv exercise = gone case...

XFZ: u so fast subscribed to disney junior ah??

i didnt subscribe so fast lor for kyler..

i also dont like the purple dinosaur..but hor...dunno why the kids love it..

kyler now dont watch already la..

dont worry, after yr 2nd one, u be slimmer...

i also was so fat after having #1, but now also fat la..but much better than kyler's time


i think dibo TOPS barney in terms of everything

amongst all the cartoons, i think dibo is the best...

i biased lar, coz im trained in graphics, web, IT - the rendering of the animation, detailing of the characters and backdrop, simply stunning lor. koreans sure know how to create such amazing characters in such beautiful colour scheme

ok i can gush about dibo all day long, paiseh

my #1 likes dibo, mickeymouse clubhouse, and handy manny too

hey! i just ended my BP, i have got handy manny activity books leh....heehee

i got lobang for dibo the gift dragon water bottles too but BOY, the MOQ is sky high until wanna faint

pixie: barney is boring lor...

i dont like it too...

heng now kyler dont like it..

dibo, he so so only..

how about pororo? i always mix up the dinosaur and crocodile..

2ks....J wasnt interestd in YBCR last time..i am surprise he ask to watch mei mei show nowadays...

so i jsut play for both of them...

my girl also watches when the song section..the rest not interested at all...

think my cheap exersaucer quite worth it..nowadays during adult meal time..we dump her in it..so that she will be entertain while we eat..n its the only safe play besides the cot..

the bumbo she can come out of it already.on the mat, she crawl all over n out of the mat...so my mum say the only safe place for her..either the exersaucer or her cot only...

so glad i bgt the exersaucer if not i will need to bring out the walker


pororo my son likes

aiyah my son likes all cartoons of every kind lar. he super tv addict. but we allow max 2 hrs a day lor...

during confinement time i bz with bb n all, weekends he can watch all day long. winner rite. once settled with bb, i cut off his tv, so now revert back to an hr or 2 a day

which is a LOT liao. heng CC got no TV

i was just telling angelina yesterday, i dun like barney. so fat n oily muahahahha

pixie who is dibo...simi si dibo..must keep myself up to speed with cartoon character

recently my boy saw the handy manny advertisement..he ask me who is that?

oh he know pororo coz i bgt for him to watch coz its all in chinese..he quite like it..

but i dont remember who is who also...rubi, loopy, etc


C so young watch Dibo liao .. haha ..

My girl, M only recently can sit there watch a bit .. Her pant got ant so can't sit there watch TV for long (2Ks, we should put M & K to play together, burn their energy while we can have our coffee)

I use to on the babytv when M is young. Same like bb Einstein, to me it's more on the musiz/sound instead of the graphic lor. BB Einstein is better to me compare to those in Disney junior, coz most scene is in simple background/object.

Best for Babytv is, all shows after 8pm is cui mian qu.. bb hear liao sure sleep .. haha


^5, i did the same to Shay. He alone time on mat while we makan.

But recently he very smart lor, can't see anyone he will eh eh eh, till we go to him. sometime i just talk to him, instead of physically to to him (I need my dinner lo else no milk.. haha) usually he hear someone's voice he'll be ok ..


if dibo bottle on, i'll take 1 .. my girl is ok with boy's design de .. haha .. she prefer Mickey then Minnie .. haha


yayaya, must start watch cartoon.

My girl like My fren tigger & pooh, but nows like no more liao in Disney junior ..

2Ks - Cos got SCV at home then used to have those animals channel then my hubby ask me go chg to cartoon in case bb fuss then can use cartoon to entertain her... I guess that's a wrong move cos now she will 'snatch TV' with her daddy... daddy on HK drama she fuss then switch to her cartoon she ok... the kids are simply too smart now... I always feel my gal is a toddler not a bb cos she dun behave like a bb lol plus she very chor lor and like all the boy boy cartoon... cute cute girlish one she no interest...

Hopefully like what you say will be better when #2 keke... everyday see my fat tummy also sianz... open wardrobe seen all those pre-preg clothes lagi demoralising...

pixie - ya I also agree Dibo's cartoon is better then Barney's... I guess its the vibrant colour that attracts the kids... my gal will chuckles and wave her hand, kick her leg legs when I place her in her rocking chair to watch Dibo... perfect eyesight no hope liao...

sinmey...exactly the same...tt what my mum say also..if no one in living room, she wil eheh..but if got ppl got sound, then its ok wor....

ask u all ah..ur toddler when they wake up..do they whine whine whine ah?? my boy every morning whine n whine non stop..

but his sister wake up not a single noise , can smile..sometimes i dont know she wake up already until i go see her close up..

Thks for sharing! I think I've lost touch. I'm still living in the Barney, pikachu and digimon time, need to google this dibo and find out more about it!

I still got water retention in my thighs, sigh and I don't know how to get rid of it....sob sob

actually now got a new cartoon, called dinosaur train. my son can now rattle off few dinosaur names like stegosaurus...sorry, i myself oso cannot pronounce

the artwork i think is done jointly with MDS (media development of singapore), but adopted by Jim henson company (of the muppets fame)...

the colouring is super off, glaringly orangey-red-greens, and not smooth, everything is too bright, the whole cartoon looks like paste-y parts of reds, orange, greens


i think SG still long way to go in terms of animation

take a look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwzJPmGup0Y&feature=player_detailpage


my massage lady say massage can lose the water retention...

or sauna LOL


x1 dont have, but when younger, yes. he will whine n whine...it comes and goes in phases. but now no more liao. "ren" bah

my nephew, everyday till now, wake up from nap or sleep, will cry n cry. i think he's pri2 this yr

some kids are just like that, they need to adjust from sleep to wake. the transition sometimes they cannot cope

TV shows.

same same, my #1 also c the shows alot... dora, barbie, strawberry shortcake, barney, words world, diego, etc...

but recently, her addiction is Pocoyo. #2 also like interested.. my mom say she saw #2 raise her legs when pocoyo raise his. her eyes v glue to the TV....


^5, find BCR nothing much leh... i didnt burnt it, juz save as soft copies in the player... =p mayb wait another couple of mths, then try #2....


i also find boob got lots of loose skin.... look so full when engorged... but once pump out, like deflated balloons.. so depressin... sigh.....

Bibo, nv tried... time to find this liao... available in library???

BB Feeds, paisei, late in "reportin"..

total intake - 600ml + latchin(s)

#of feeds - 4btls (125ml). once finish up, wil latch her..

pixie, 2ks... with regards to ur suggestions on pump timings... i don think i can pump within the time frame from 2-5pm lor. cos this is the super prime time for meetings to happen. sure jam inside meeting room de. tt y i'm still thinking how to switch to 8hr pump :C

btw, my gal also like to watch dibo those parts which got singing and music would amuse her... but i think it's quite lame leh haha seriously dunno how to appreciate. but it's no doubts very colorful.


no leh, my girl won't whine whine lar .. unless she sick, or sometime dream/wake up midnite & saw no one ..

usually she won;t whine, the most will tell me she sleepy & wan to sleep somemore .. or, 'today is saturday, no school' ...


my chest freezer goin to be full soon..so got febm to donate...who wants? i stay cck.. else other than use it to bath, nothin liao right? felt so wasted to throw away leh..but full chest freezer liao..no choice hor?

pixie listen to u...coz remember tt time i tell u my boy like got night terror...recently like dont have already..

but super whiney in the morning..n at night refuse to sleep..sianz...


got which kids like to sleep. when awake they have fun and can enjoy. my son also dun like to sleep nowadays liao lor...

when my son whines, i will ignore. coz after he whine finish he will be his usual self. so i give him the outlet to vent usually. im thinking, if i ask him to stop he will feel lousy the whole day. this battle can dont fight de, even though very grating on my ears


Maybe you can post in the 2011 thread and sees who wants them? Else use it to shower, do facial (my friend did that!), feed the dog, water the plants ( never try before, maybe something unique will sprout out):p

I still have water retention on my fingers....i cant hold a pen ...also hv difficulty to take out the coins from my purse... :<

I had total 11 massage sessions during confinement still cannot get rid of the water retention....should I go to visit a doctor?

Wa 2Ks thanks for helping to think of my pump time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] worth a try >.<

Babybride, which part of cck u leave? I also living in cck leh... I live in ave 4. My chest freezer half full cos previously I gave away >100packs... Still thining of wat to do with my febm. Think prob will throw ba.

Mimimo24 I also wanted to use my febm to water my mum's flower... But she say wait attract ants...lolz... But I think maybe the flowers will flourish lo...keke

I also think I still got water retention on my legs... Cos I put pressure then the white white color will wait a while before becomes red... But I bo chup la...

ST: sound serious leh...

previously when i touch water during confinement i also like that...but after i stop, it recover...

u try keeping yr fingers warm? like wear gloves at home when u in aircon? try la..

sometimes i find it might be wind...

zenia: the lady i gave yr contact one, u gave her the ebm?

the person must be so happy 100 bags can last awhile.

Ya, 2ks... I got giv her... I told her I got one freezer full of febm... Then I ask her how many packets she wan, she say as many as I can giv. Then she came with a Styrofoam box n a big cooler bag... My hb pack until the febm fill the whole box plus the bag all full... End up cannot carry still must use trolley...lolz... I think she say her son take 5-6packs a day... So at most can last for a mth only lor...

zenia: she must be very happy lor...

i only gave her 50 packets...kyler is drinking also..so i dont have that much to store la..

mimimo, i got post on thread liao..but no response...

zenia, i stay at cck st 64..near to yew tee mrt..at least ur chest freezer half full..so u stil have time....my one at most can pack in another 5 more only then full to the max liao....ya i also tot of throwin...but very heartpain caz really went thro alot to get this kind of milk..

mayb i go soak my feet lah...caz i got super dry skin after delivery...sigh...see all my nutrients gone..all my youth gone...skin also gone..hahaha

U got put containers inside the freezer? If got then can remove ba... Can pack a lot more without the containers leh... I only lay the bottom of the freezer with the fridge foam I got fr Daiso.

2Ks & mimimo: i touched tap water during confinment. MIL did not help me to wash & sterilize the pump & bottles... how ah??? how to get rid? visit a doctor? gynae or GP?

water retention makes my fingers v painful ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ST, i got ask my gynae abt water retention bfore.. Coz after delivery i got it much worse at my feet than during preggy time. Maybe due to the prolonged drip coz mine was long labor. The advice i got was to exercise the affected part leh. So although pain try moving ur fingers like open n close hands more often every day. It worked for me.. But after a few months r u sure it's water retention not anything else? If not maybe good to check with a doctor...

Thanks Vosiez~

I did check with my gynae ...during confinement...and he told me takes abt 3 mths to recover...but now 5 mths plus...and it's getting worse...think i shld go and check with doctor tmr ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jaime> RY wake up from naps 90% will cry... Either wants milk, or see nobody next to her... She either whine on the bed or cry until she walk to someone....

Morning wake up usually won't cry but 3-4am wake up is cry.. Either milk or change diapers... Her diapers can be 500g by 3-4am de Lo... Even though last change is 9-10pm...

