(2011/03) Mar 2011

ST: I think u c western doctor they usually will ask u to do therapy or injection...

U wanna try and see? Soak your fingers in warm water everynight.. As hot as u can tahan, soak till the water not hot.. Can try putting in some ginger.. The try to wear gloves to sleep at night...

U c any improvement... Then when u free, exercise yr fingers by opening and closing...



I hope to have another 1 in 2 year's time. Not aiming for dragon cos gap too close plus gynae advised me to let my body recover for 1 year before trying. I have a friend who's also due in Mar next year, and a few others aiming for Dragon. Are you planning your 3rd one too? Keke

mimimo: no no no....can die if really hv a dragon bb...

and like what u said, it will b better for us to build back our body before conceiving another one...giving birth is very harmful to our body..

i really dont mind a 3rd one...BUT PROVIDED my hubby got increment...

1 IFC + 1 CC one month already cost me $1K lor

zenia, i got use containers but not alot..just to pack the easiest batch of milk else very hard to search the easiest batch if wan to use leh...

i start using to apply the expired milk on my feet last nite liao..was thinkg of soaking my feet but hor, after smelling abit, decided dont wan soak liao..else later wash the pail also cannot tahan the smell..so instead i use lots of cotton pads to tap the milk on the feet..let u all know if it really helps..caz my skin is really very very dry...

2ks : i think that time got quite some mummies here say wanna try for Dragon bb leh.. but dont know up till now, the mindset got change anot lah.. hahaha !!

ME ME MEEE ~~ I'm trying for Dragon... Is either i tio Dragon or wait till 4year later.. which is sheep year lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ks : should be okokayy lah.. cause next year my ah ma going to take care of Cherelle... Than my mum also can help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now hor.. my hb started to help abit liao leh.. wah ! seriously hor, i stunned ! =/

he will pat Cherelle to sleep and feed her lo.. GOSH !! but not too often lah.. hahahah !

Morning Mummies!!

sinmey - ya C started watching TV like 1-1.5 mths bk... I know its not encouraged but cartoon can really stop her fussing and whining so I gave in...

ST - I think you better go see TCM for the water retention... If you need recommendation can PM me... cos quite a few of my frens visit this TCM for women issues and got so call improved/cured and successfully preg... so I believe for such water retention issue after birth likely the TCM can help also =) just a suggestion...

2Ks - Wahhh #3... kudos... hopefully you get a girl girl when the time comes... me not trying for #2 yet... likely horse or sheep year which will be at least 2 years later... I also agree must let body recover well first otherwise next preg very jia liat cos still got to take care of #1... I still cont to drink my chic essence until now...

Angelia - Great that your hubby is helping, its a gd start...jia you on your dragon bb making hehe...

xiaofeizhu : hopefully this last lo.. although not often but at times , i also happy mah... right.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XFZ: i dont mind trying for a 3rd one...cos i know my hubby will help out..he is very hands on one..

when he is at home, he will help me with the kids..

he is the one who do night duty after the CL left...

pregnant and giving birth not an issue to me too..LOL...my labour quite fast mah...and twice without epi, so i guess 3rd one shouldnt be any prob too...LOL

its just that the financial wise la...its really not cheap..i have to give up alot of things if i really wanna try again..

but age is catching up..i dont wanna give birth after 35 yrs old..

i also dunno la...c how next yr...

confirm not this yr, i wanna rest my body 1st...its very harmful..every childbirth we can c our body have major changes..

mimimo: yr son hor...80cm is very tall and big size leh! my mr kyler yday i just measured him, he is only 88cm...such a shortie...


Jiayou on yr dragon bb making process!


If I wan next one hor, confirm after 35 yrs old, coz I this yr already 35 and its my #1, gosh!!!

Old hen dun know can still lay & hatch eggs or not + old sperm also no more energy to swim. hahaha!

Past 3 nights, my boy have been giving me & my mum hell, dun wan to sleep or sleep and wake up every 3-4 hrs. GOing pang sang! THe thought of this makes me want to close shop already.

panda hut: if i pregnant next yr, i give birth before i turn 35 yrs old la...

just nice, i calculated...

i am prepared for the late nights and lack of sleep one...

all mummies have to go thru all these and i am kindof used to it..

i already mentally prepared..

its not like whole life they are like that, after 1 yr plus, they wil sleep thru...

like kyler, he zzz from 10pm till next day one...

plus u have people to help u...its only me & hubby...if hubby not around, only me....so i wanna grumble also cant lor

2ks...wanna try..TTC a girl..i also like three's a company..children are all a blessing ..the more we have..the more blessed we are lor...

my fren told me beside the money part..its the attention ..coz if got more n more kids..then each kid gets less and less attention lor..esp when they go to P1 etc..need to guide them to do their work etc..

my hubby found a new job no need travel one..so life may be better soon for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If u wan b4 u 35, then hv to start production now.

But yr HB helps in night feeding. Mine came over sleep at my parents plc, but sometimes, bb cry middle of night, he cover himself w blanket!!!

Ya, dragon year is the most popular of all.

Dragon confirm out for me. Me & my HB both dragon already, so we both know the competition when during our study time, and also enuff of dragon in a household.

me too i am prepared for late night and lack of sleep..already function 2 yrs plus without uninterrrupted 6-8 hrs sleep...except for the 7 days i went to taiwan wihtout the kid n the 1 or 2 times when i was really sick

(my hubby is the kind will only help if i kick him to wake up to settle my elder one..if not he cant hear a single thing one lor, but after i kick he wil go settle my boy lor, the baby he cant help do coz no breast :p)

my son still on n off wakes up in middle of night..tt time got a bit of night terror lor..but nowadyas better abit...only 6 plus 7 am wil WHINE....

jaime: how to ttc a girl huh...LOL..i dunno how to try leh..

yes, i agree children are all a blessing..i always wanted 3 kids...but provided i can afford.

attention i try my best, hubby around, so i think its not so bad la...

important is family upbringing, if closed knitted, the siblings can teach each other guide each other ah...

so good! my hubby still travelling lor...but i think i am kindof used to it...i managed time better now..

panda hut: can, if i plan next yr, if i give birth anytime before oct the following yr, it will before i turn 35..LOL.

i dun want dragon baby...too competitive...if i wanna try i try for snake...

cos i got mouse...LOL

me too i am prepared for late night and lack of sleep..already function 2 yrs plus without uninterrrupted 6-8 hrs sleep...except for the 7 days i went to taiwan wihtout the kid n the 1 or 2 times when i was really sick

(my hubby is the kind will only help if i kick him to wake up to settle my elder one..if not he cant hear a single thing one lor, but after i kick he wil go settle my boy lor, the baby he cant help do coz no breast :p)

my son still on n off wakes up in middle of night..tt time got a bit of night terror lor..but nowadyas better abit...only 6 plus 7 am wil WHINE....

but eveyr kid of different age the things to teach is different mar..must cater to their age group..

for me i tink its the time n attention for each kid..

for now i give most attention to the boy coz he knows thing n not the baby per say lor..but soon the baby will know things mar..then how to split myself into 2 or 3..

jaime: same! used to it already hor...

but nowadays i fall asleep damn easy..think less than 5 mins, asleep le..

if i really tired, i just take half day go home sleep...recuperate..keke

jaime: alternate with hubby lor...

otherwise each alternate day...15 mins with them is enough..

but P1 is different case la..

this one havent come to my mind yet..

to me, when the day comes, i will know what or how to do...no point think too much now..

n the daddy does not much value adding things lor..ie play ball..play pigging back riding etc..:p unlike the mummies who will do more "productive" things lor

2ks, does ur hubby do more value adding thing with kyler ..ie some activity..colouring , reading etc


He's so tall that I'm running out of clothes le! Need to get more hand me downs to save money keke. Btw where do you usually purchase your boys clothes? 


That's good news! With your hubby around, I'm sure you will find it easier to take care of your baby. My hubby just found a new job too but though pay is much higher, the working hours are also longer. I'm a little sad but guess it's for the good of our family.

Panda hut

Maybe your boy boy is teething? I can imagine how tired you are now, hang on hang on


hahaha! u got mouse, now want snake.

U want a girl har. PM me your address, I mail u something. (no obligation)

jaime: same la...he only know how to teach him how to kick ball, play sword etc...

i am the one who teach him all the abc lor. ask him to read him a book, i listen le i wanna faint...

so flat lor..no tone one..BORING!

then hor..i put in effort on kyler hor, he think its normal...

all i teach one lor..irritating..

yet my dear kyler can tell me today "i want papa, i dun want mama"

heart bleeding sia..

mimimo: online lor...my kiefer got short legs big body..LOL

3-6 months tops too small on him, but 3-6 months bottoms too long for him...

mimimo..i know of some one's hubby who found a job then need to be stationed in indonesia and the baby just born also..the hubby only can be back on n off during the weekend

but its for the future..so that can progress on and use this as stepping stone..n better livelihood for the family

i also dont know whether my hubby new job will be long hours or not..but is better than not be in SG at all right...coz currently its very high travel ..but i guess with higher pay, bosses expect hours lor..

its like tt..whenever the daddy is in town..he want the daddy to tuck him to bed...initially i quite heart pain..now i am more than happy to oblige..i can go out n watch my channel 8 show lor..

so when hubby out of town..who is ask..me lor..who else right!

jaime: i think they very "roti prata" lor!

when papa not around, flip and stick to us...then papa back...flip to them...

but i also dont mind la...i have many other things to handle lor...

wow.. 2Ks, you kinda sound motivated! hahaha, try lah! then you will make up to #8. lol.

ANyways, on the topic of havng more kids, I also want 3 kids... but this means that I will have to start now! i got 2 more years before i turn 35 y.o. to think again, i think impossible ba. So let nature runs its course!

dun worry mummies, eventhough kids would prefer their daddies, when they grow up, they will naturally stick to mummies ba. Look at us, aren;t we living examples?

btw, I still salute to those FTW mummies with more than 1 kids... I REALLY dun know how you all do it!

Panda hut

I also want girl for my next one! Got tips ah?


I can start to feel the intense competition for the dragon babies...my mil has been bugging us to have another one next year, I told her too soon plus no money keke

my MIL last week asked me v direct if I pregnant again. Coz my boy keep pulling up his both legs and sucking his toes. THen I told her no lah! all babies are like this one wat.

Wow Angelia- wish you gd luck in your dragon bb..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks- i jus kw of one friend who is oso preggy w dragon bb..dragon is a nice "sheng xiao"...kekeke...but i feel snake, horse oso ok too..


Not mine lah. Only helping a biz associate to spread the words. If not wrong, its something like a program. Once you registered and have to pay $$ and tell her if u want boy or girl, then after she will give u some dates to conceive and clinically tested is about 98.7% accuracy. The calculation is based on mother's blood type, DOB, menses cycle, etc.

Say if at the end of the day, if you wan girl, but turn out its boy, after baby born, just show the baby birth cert and will get full refund.

yes. If turn out result is opposite of what u sign for, full refund upon showing the baby original birth certificate.

tres: hahaha! no thanks! i dont want dragon and i also dont wanna get pregnant so fast! i am enjoying my rascal KIEFER now...LOL

haha...not easy to take care of both la..time not enough lor!

starfruit: u are still young can wait till horse...i cant...

actually i dont want snake too initially (if planning for 3rd), cos my ex bf who hurt me the most is snake lor..

but thinking bad...its kindof stupid la...

Panda> how much is the program to begin with? If it's hundreds... Think the probability of refunding is lower Lo...

And if the gender is not what I want, refund also no use leh....


Mimino - my MIL told me...if u want a girl...go and pluck some red flowers then can liao ...hahaha...no harm to try ...

2Ks - yup think i will try ur method and see how...i din know the impact can be so great...nx round i will not touch the tap water during confinement!~

xiaofeizhu: thanks will PM you...was thinking to go the Eu Yan Sang clinic @ sbw...the male doctor looks v popular..


I find the program not cheap also, and success rate is 98.7%, means very accurate. Its $880, think is more suitable for those like desperately need a girl or boy or only intend to hv 1 child type. Ya lah, if gender opposite also bo bian type, but at least the chances is there.

ST: it doesnt happen to everybody..some wash also no problem...

i very kiasee for my case, that why 2nd one i only wash my hands with warm water...brush my teeth also warm water..

u try my way first, after soaking with hot water, wear gloves...

best is those cloth gloves...

do u have the ginger cream? if yes, apply that then wear the gloves...try it for at least one month (EVERYDAY)

if still not ok, then see a TCM..

2kS- kekekekeke....you make my day..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no lah..i nt young le ..by right if wanna have, oso cant wait..

but still dont kw wan have or not...if wanna, snake or horse..if not dont tin will have anymore le..

