(2011/03) Mar 2011

lilprecious: oh dear! jav sick again? this is terrible...

do u give him some supplements?

when kyler turns one, i give him sambucol..maybe u wanna try?

fel: oh dear! hope eden get well soon..

viral fever is very common nowadays...i personally think now virus all change...

the normal fever gone and now the fever that attack change...

its normal that their intake will decrease..just continue feeding him his bm ya...

anybody know how much friso step 2 900g tin selling??

i wanna sell off mine...and i keep forgetting to check the price at ntuc

pixie...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still need to dragging my ass to work to earn money to buy things for my babies..

anyways..my hubby gave me a very very STERN warning on buying things for the kids after he "saw" the thomas lego duplo i bgt for J..(he is overseas btw)

ok lor since cannot buy..then i saw buy those ferragamo, miu miu , prada that i have been eyeing for the longest time...but frankly i am happier spending for the kids than myself

sometimes i think SAHM is super tiring..they do it for 7 days a week ok!!

pixie..ur boy very guai sleep at 7pm (does he nap in afternoon)??

my son only knocks off at 10 plus 11 lor..i can only sleep after tt..the only times he sleep at 8 plus is when he misses his afternoon nap..

welcome back oldies..esp the pink one!i didnt know u went back to work...i dont think u r use to it also right :p ..

2ks..how do u adminster sambucol? coz i give him scott emulson in the morning..once everyday?

haven arrange lunch wiht u also..shirley also wanna join..which day u free? later i grp chat u with shirley

Fel, hope eden get well soon..long time no see u n eden..


yah... stage1 is $40... cos Jovan is drinking Friso mah... I just bought Stage 2 too @ $38 but i never see if it is 900g or not? hahaa..

jaime: i give sambucol on daily basis, just one spoonful...must give daily basis...then finish one bottle already, i stop for 2-3 weeks, then i repeat..

cannot give continously..no effect.

i seldom give scott emulsion, only the sweets..

how about friday?...next week i only wed working..LOL

any mummies working in raffles wanna join us?

Morning ladies,

I too agreed with Jaime on weekdays are for recuperaing...Hubby always want to go out and slinging the bb adds more ache to my body as I am already experiencing by not sleeping well at night...

Feel like taking leave today...sigh..

Hey 2Ks

How come can not continously give sambucol, I have been giving to my #1 continously...why?

I give my #1 sambucol and Cod Liver Oil (Original) every morning...

Lilprecious, mayb I run for president la.. I think that salary may feel ok to leave kids at hm! Lol

Jaime: bo jio me fr lunch!!! I wanna go Raff plc!!

Ok la.. Work is ok.. Love the kids but heart breaks at leVibg my crying boy.. :p

Pixie: ya!!!!! When u free again?? I almost died w fever so high!!! N boobs were like rocks! Ugh!

Stef Lee: I was talking about my older child going n1.. Not this batch of bbs. There r a few kindys tt require early registration but I find it quite ridiculous! Lol

Pinky pink n he's

Now u got me thinking about going back to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Staying at home is more tiring I guess. At work is a diff type of stress. Will plan my entrance back to work force once j is older.


Oki SMS u, u got it?

Or i got wrong no.lol

Stage 2 milk

When is good time to swop? Exactly at 6 month?

Wondering i should swop brand? Just to give baby a change of taste?


this friday free lor, as usual

ur boobs unrocked themselves liao mah huh?


my son no take naps in weekends, all play play play one lah

i very annal about sleep time so yes he sleeps at 7-7.30 on weekends

i've been super strict about this since he was newborn till now so hes used to it.

meaning i dont go out at nights one de leh...as a family

only recently i go out, coz hb ok to take over night duties. last time we strictly come back home by 6pm or so. dinner starts at 5am, eat, then come back home, shower, sleep.

i use the "sun going down, moon coming up" analogy to get him to sleep

pinky...u come with cae n find me lar...got TWG n oriole..raffles place is not a place for big group gathering..lunch time at raffles place is a night mare!!!

btw jaime, i mixed sambucol in a tiny amount of ribena...and bluffed him its ribena

my son calls it "grape juice"

just the amount for ard 8-10sips of ribena...too diluted, he dont want, waste my sambucol

fangfang: after finishing one bottle, i usually stop for 2 weeks then i repeat...

u might notice, if u continue giving, u cant see much effect already...cos body is immune to it le..

so that is what i usually do

jaime: how about soup spoon?

i ever meet like 10 mummies at this republic plaza the asian kitchen...

Dear mummies,

I read in the forum that when we switch to stage 2 fm, we need to mix some stage 1 fm too. Sorry for my v lousy memory now. Am I correct, and what's the proportion of stage 2: stage  1? Thks!

wat taste is it? my son ok with medicine ..so long its not bitter..

mayeb i should go buy one n try..

i luv soup spoon...talk to u on grp chat easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also thinking of dropping is afternoon nap..but i feel he is a bit young to drop the weekend afternoon nap...but sometimes he just refuse to sleep..if past 3 pm..then no need sleep lor..play lor!


Your method is correct! I've learnt about this from my Tmc nurse when I was adminsterly ridwind to my boy when he was younger.. If give continuously, the effect is diluted.


how young is your son liao har, forgot...

btw, u think about it, if you spend eg 1 hr coaxing him to sleep, maybe not worth it coz our weekends precious, 1hr spent on nothing worthwhile...

if i can skip that and play with him n wear him down, push his bedtime by 1 hr earlier, i get more me-time, and he gets to sleep earlier (good habit)

i think its win win situation

to start off with, i push bedtime to later n later V V V slowly from birth till now. thats why still stuck at 8pm on weekdays and 7-730pm on weekends

the key is to delay this as much as you can. you can try on C hurhur

mimimo: ya..i usually dont feed the same continously la...

regarding step 1 and step 2, if u are using the same brand, should be much issue, just keep maybe a few feeds to gradually change over..

but if change brands, do it like one feed A brand, 3 feeds B brand etc

mummies, i realise my gal can recognise ppl very easily. she'll cry if tt person carry her... how arh? how to overcome this?

jaime: some brands of sambucol is abit sourish...

some more sweet...

there was a brand that stupid kyler rejected...

pixie: i think afternoon nap is good leh...but i try not to let kyler sleep too long..

i dont wanna bring forward his zzz time too early also la...cos i wanna have some time with him at night. so i put him to bed by 10pm only..


my son old liao, dun need naps. i think kyler age still ok with naps

as long as they r not cranky by evening, i think its fine to skip the nap. but if they r cranky by evening, means the afternoon nap is still required leh

Zenia: can you imagine my baby cried when my mum try to carry him two weeks ago?? Then my Hb made him facetime with his uncle on ipad, he also broke into tears. Lolzz

Afternoon mummies!!

Had a busy weekend... feeling sleepy after my lunch today...

Leon - What's the title of the book, wanna KIV then next time can yan jiu for #2 lol...


how i wish my gal like ur boy. Can slp without coaxin. my gal must coax to slp soon after her lunch. She wil nap for 1 to 2hrs. If skip, then she bcome hyper active at nightfall. Then slp at abt 7plus. Sometimes even durin dinner time. Then wake up at 1/2am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my #2 start recognizin at 2mths plus. Nothin can b done ba. I mean how to make someone like another when they alrdy dun like at first impression? It took my mom 3mths so tat my gal dun cry at first sight of her. But my mom only c her once a wk. My fil better chance. 6days a wk. But it stil takes A mth to have my gal allow him to carry her. Lol

finally started my gal with puree also. Her 'ya ma' home-grown pumpkin finally ripen liao. But she dosent seem to know how to swallow. 1mouth in, half mouth out. Duno if i shld stop n try again after another mth? In the end, her older sis finished up the puree for her. At least not wasted. :p

limlim, ur bb L so cute lar... video conf also can be scared... winner liao. watch tv will cry anot? does he see his grandma often?

pocky, my gal is depend on mood de. she has no prob with my mum who's taking care of her... 他们的感情很好。i live with my IL, then sometimes my mil carry her she will eh eh eh... cos sometimes my mil will mia a few days. then by the time she come back bb alr don remember her liao... tt y eh eh eh. hope this be better when our bb gets older man, else jia lat lor. and, my god-daughter who's in ifc don have this prob leh. dunno if it's becos they are exposed to more ppl there :S

any mummies got the shoulder pads for ur manduca carrier? sg got sell anot? i search high and low cannot find leh... overseas webbie all OOS de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pixie...my boy now 28 months..

my boy if nap can nap 2-3 hrs one go...sometimes if nap late..wil nap til 5 plus 6pm..faint...

but if afternoon dont nap....some poor adult need to entertain him lor thru out the afternoon

coz teh adults sometimes also nap in afternoon coz super tired...

but i also think if by 2 plus 3pm stil like super energetic..then i wil let him skip the nap..wat to do..

his teacher also commented he takes very long to fall asleep in cc lor unlike the other kids...but of coz the cc make them sleep early like 12 plus..

both of kids are ok with strangers carrying them since young..so any one also can...

my son super afraid of dogs n cats...i think to avoid that i must bring my girl see dogs n cats more often..

Anyone's baby still not sleeping thru the night? Sigh, sometimes really feel like a failure when it comes to putting baby to sleep. Need to carry, pat, struggle with her the she'll sleep. During the nite still wake up at least once to drink milk (latch on), usually twice. Last nite was 3 times, 12am, 2am then 4am.

Afternoon naps last at most 1 hour if sleeping at home on the bed. Can sleep longer at my mum's place if use yaolan. Trying to convince myself that the yaolan will not damage her brain although I did grow up sleeping in one when I was young but still worried. Haha..

Sigh. Think I'm going mad from the lack of proper sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my boy still not slping thru the night lor... depends on his mood.. at least will wake up once lah! ehhhh... maybe u can try dream feeding at night? and also feed her more during the day.. i got no control leh.. cos i dun take care of my boy in the day and my mom has her own style of looking after children... i can't say much lah...


I thought I'm the only one with this prob...for the past 1 month, we will bring my boy from the nanny to my in laws place for dinner every weekday. He cried the moment we stepped in and refused to let anyone carry him. My mil kept lamenting "si Liao la", it's your fault for keeping him at home during your ML instead of bringing him to my house daily"... I was damn pissed cos we stay a distance away and it's tiring for me to travel to and fro during ML. She even suggested that the caregiver take cab daily to send my boy to her place every afternoon so that he will be more familiar with her house...but she's not going to reimburse the caregiver lo!

I stood firm and said no. Swallowed all my yuan qi and 忍. after 1 month, my boy is getting used and no longer cry that much. Now my mil does not complain that much, which is a big relief man.

jaimie, my gal last time also okie de, then when she abt 6mths pattern change liao. see many ppl her wanna cry, strangers carry her also cry. dam sad. recently carried her in the lift, got many ppl... she see so many ppl she also cry :S

esnow, yes yesh the fumbee shoulder pads!!! i wanna buy leh cos my gal has been chewing on the shoulder pads. at least the shoulder pads can wash more often ma.

jaime. Y not try wakin him up if he stil hv not wake up at 4pm? Then at least wont b So near his bedtime?

Jam, Jaster, my gal also not slpin thru le. Only for a mth durin 2nd mth. Then keep wakin up again to latch liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zenia, same lor. Bb dun c 2days the greatSigh....tart cryin when great aunt juz look at her. Mood, cant control leh. Not enuf rest, nappy wet, anythih also can trigger to make her moody. Sigh....

jaime. Y not try wakin him up if he stil hv not wake up at 4pm? Then at least wont b So near his bedtime?

Jam, Jaster, my gal also not slpin thru le. Only for a mth durin 2nd mth. Then keep wakin up again to latch liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zenia, same lor. Bb dun c 2days the greatSigh....tart cryin when great aunt juz look at her. Mood, cant control leh. Not enuf rest, nappy wet, anythih also can trigger to make her moody. Sigh....


Don't feel that way! We used to struggle a lot when putting him to bed, it can take up to 2 hours! He cried a lot, we had to pat, rock him... Guess he was colicky...started in 2nd month till it improved a lot recently (when I returned to work). He started to sleep through out though since 2nd month but recently he chu pattern and wakes up sometimes.

I have a friend who's 6 month old baby wakes up 2 hourly for milk, it's really tiring coz he needs a few rounds to finish his milk. My poor friend hardly gets enough sleep and still needs to work. Another one, her 7 month old baby wakes up at 1am to drink and play since 2nd month, he will only sleep at 5am, his parents have to bring him to airport sometimes in the wee morn if he's too cranky. In a way I think my friend has spoilt him by not being firm with him but guess each one has their own way of handling their kids.


I bought a pair when I bought my manduca. Chose the choco one.. hehe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think our babies need it now.. my girl started biting the shoulder pads just after i put them on, as if its a protocol for her to follow. LOL..

some mummies use leg warmers for this purpose.. but personally, I worry about the toxicity of leg warmers so I prefer to use those pads designated for this use since bb gonna bite and suck it. :p But a lot more expensive lah.. hehe

Dear mimimo, jaster and poky, thanks for the words of encouragement. Feeling down think cos too tired ald.. But it's always nice to see bb smile and want me to carry when she sees me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shall hang in there and hope for the best...

