(2011/03) Mar 2011

St: yup wat rach said is right, trial is 40 n can top up 10 fr mbership.

But I think the classes r quite good. Frankly how often do u spend 45 min 100% engaging w baby? So I think it's good bonding plus developmentally the bb gets different sensations n textures ard them.

So unless u r super on n play music n exercise bb each day plus use diff materials etc to improve their touch n all.. I think gymboree is gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jaster, haha pacifier to distract baby from rubbing his eyes hahaha... nowadays my baby wanna suck both fists...he will bring both to his mouth and then suck one and the other one right behind so cute...hehe

Mummies, how much is a brand new bumbo seat selling now? Thinking of getting one for my gal... can use until wat age?? Worth to get new one or probably buy a 2nd hand one from WTS??

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan

3) Pixie & Xandria

4) Jeslyn & Jayien

5) Evelyn & Skye

6) Caecilia & Cayli

7) Belinda & Olivia

8) Sherrie & Noah

9) Pinkypop & Mika

10) Hazel (Not bringing my son so i can be the nanny for that day.. :p)

xiaofeizhu> just get one from WTS la.. half the price usually.. $40 can get one with tray le.. :p

Brand New is $79 without tray..unless u get from sales la... :p

mimimo> for me i prefer PD... so all jabs and sick sure PD...unless PD not open.. last episode RY vomitted 10 times.. at nite.. i went to GP...

didnt felt serious enough to go KK straight.. unless GP said so.. but it was sort of enough for her...she got better and stopped vomitting after i latched her....so dunno issit my BM more powerful than the medicine.. lol.. ;P

she vomitted out majority of the medicine given also... lol.. ;P

maybe after 2-3 yrs i'll bring to GP after all jabs done ba.. :p

cuz they do health and growth assessment also.. not sure GP does or not leh.. keke.. ;P

xiaofeizhu: my frien juz bot the bumbo seat and tray last wk frm spring maternity. Bumbo seat having sale now, $49.90 and tray $17.90. U might wan to consider..

actually bumbo seat can use until wat age??? I dunno whether shld i buy or rent??? Saw it at those toy rental websites, the mthly rental is $10.

Hi mummies,

Buy & Fix selling 130L chest freezer with free delivery at $288...... Just sharing cos some of u may be looking at buying.

Hi Mummies!!

Rach - Thanks for the price and advise...

bubblypig09 - Ohh spring maternity having sale for this... ok shall go and see see next week... $49.90 then can consider buying new one then can keep for #2 next time, $79 then dun want buy liao...


i think not worth to rent a Bumbo lor .. $10 per mth..

buy a 2nd hand one (maybe $40 with tray) & later u can sell away when bb outgrown ma .. worst price is $30 ba (or u can sell back at $40 depends on your luck ?)

xiaofeizhu: my frien bot it at causeway point spring maternity.. Colors left there is only pink, yellow and purple. Their usual price is $79.90. Kiddy palace and Mothercare also selling the same product but they are more exp.. Im also thinking if i should buy for my ger..

i want a diaper cover, who has one to let go?

i dun mind pre-loved....but i want a diaper cover that is waterproof AND got absorbant cloth kind. i find everywhere alot only waterproof diaper cover leh

Bumbo - my # 1 used till she was 6/7 mths till thighs kept getting stuck. My #2 thighs already getting stuck ahaha! But it helps them learn to sit up and I use with the tray to feed #1 before I got her high chair.

I'd try n get second hand first...

MAGIC FOLD - for folding clothes in less than 5 seconds...

Chinese: http://tinyurl.com/3fb6ofw

English: http://tinyurl.com/3dz492p

<$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

4) Kylie (PatrickStar) - 1 Adult, 1 Kid

5) straylamb

6) Pinkypop - 1 adult, 1 kid

7) mimimo

8) baby_love - 1 adult, 1 kid

9) Yean - 1 adult

MAGIC FOLD - for folding clothes in less than 5 seconds...

Chinese: http://tinyurl.com/3fb6ofw

English: http://tinyurl.com/3dz492p

<$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

4) Kylie (PatrickStar) - 1 Adult, 1 Kid

5) straylamb

6) Pinkypop - 1 adult, 1 kid

7) mimimo

8) baby_love - 1 adult, 1 kid

9) Yean - 1 adult

Lilprecious> great!!!! Can't wait to see my tango loots!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummycents Storage bags

To those mommies who ordered the bags, I sent email out today, please check your mailboxes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone wanna give suggestion on what to eat n where to eat for next fri gathering?

PLaza sing?


Oh, how about Marche @ Vivo City?

Big and rather spacious... Can let us fit all our mercedes?

fel: i think Marche @ vivo is a good idea. we need a place where can accommodate all of us. also a place we all can walk around after we eat lunch.

im okay with Marche too... =D yay! go vivo walk again...whooo~

mmm, ok la, not tt ex la.. can jus order sth n pay ownself.. easier to settle bills n all! =D

pinkypop, i have both the Avent digital warmer as well as the Pigeon warmer. The Avent is definitely better as it uses steam to warm which is much faster than hot water. Im trying to sell off my underused Pigeon.... my baby cannot wait so long for his milk. haha.

An AVENT warmer takes abt 6 mins to warm up chilled milk. The fastest in the market now (I think), saw in a magazine when they are comparing various brands. I am also current using that.

Kteo, the manual says 3 mins for XX ml of milk haha. For greater ml of milk, the timing will increase accordingly. But it's really v fast liao. Pigeon takes dunno how many minutes man..

SN, Kteo>

Thanks but I am not using Avent Bottles. The Avent digital warmer can only warm Avent bottles cos they only fit their own brand things right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SN: Wow so fast ah 3 mins? 6 mins is according to 140ml that my bb drinks now.

pinkypop: Ok lei, fit my NUK wide-neck bottles too. I think most bottles fit, unless your bottles is BIG. =P

I got mine during recent Philips sale 20+% discount. If Robinson got 20% discount can buy lah... but I'm not sure are they having promotion this weekend... anyone knows?


Did u rec my email for the books orders? Let me know soon ok? Thanks!! =))

Baby touch,

Those Tt who ordered right, I passed yr email to e seller, she says so tt u all will b considered as her return customers next time u girls buy frm her.. =) her nick Is wishluck

Pinkypop, thevavent warmer quite wide so should be able to fit most bottles unless yrs is extremely big? Haha. U can buy from Motherswork at Great World City... They have 20% too but dunno is it a permanent 20% or just for a short period...

Young Parents Fiesta

24-26 June 2011

Marina Square Atrium

Free subscription gifts upon 1-2yrs subscription of Young Parents Magazine.

Get there early to redeem the gifts!

The exp gifts are often gone very early by 1st day...

