(2011/03) Mar 2011


i already let my boy "mitten and botties" -less liao... just remember to keep trimming ur bb's fingernails to avoid scratching themselves....

My gal is mitten free since she's 6wks... I still let her wear booties cos my mum say the wind will enter the bb's tummy through their foot.


the ifc u're sending to is air con? anyway... i think is good to let them go mitten-less.. so that they can learn how to grasp things faster.. hahaa.. at least that's how i think lah... but my ah boi likes to rub his eyes.. so we always have to keep a lookout lor..

yes....air con and somemore the ctr is new so the aircon is really powerful one lor..my bb like to scratch behind his ear...

I lazy lor thinking if dun need to wear liao then i dun need to iron name labels mah..haha

royal choc,

hahaaa... aiyo...


hahaa.. unless u're with him 24/7 if not how to stop him?? hahaa... now i give him pacifier lor.. then he'll like want to take his tutu like that.. at least keeps his hands off his eyes for some time.. but when he peh chek with the tutu he will go rub his eyes again!!

Pixie: really? Dr Wong is nice doctor la.. Not those money minded kind.. He quite good with kids..

Just stupid thing is they only accept cash.. No nets.. And the stupid stairs up to the clinic..

Royalchoc: my bb mitten less after 6 weeks too.. I wanna let him feel things.. Now he can grab and hold his hanky etc..

But I still let him wear socks la..

The IFC also aircon so I let him wear long sleeve mostly, either sleepsuits or pants set with socks


If the centre is aircon, maybe still need the booties/sock ba.

Shay already mittenless even though the IFC is aircon, but his jumpsuit mostly with sock. Else, teacher will wear the booties/socks for him ..

Dr Wong is the one at MRT station 2nd floor ?

I like him coz he very cincai to give MC .. haha. But i dunno he is good with kids.

Anyway, my girl going to Ooi baby at Yishun Ave 11. Went few times to Baby bear too at Woodland.. Both also not bad but waiting time is very long to me. Feel that Dr Foo from Ooi baby is more on natural healing (less modication given) as compare to Baby Bear, who is prefer the kids heal faster, hence i feel Baby bear give more medicine.

ok...in that case i will buy more pants wz socks and sleepsuits.

Yup the teachers also advise me to bring more LS top and pants.


yea, if wear sleepsuit then u dun have to label the socks le .. i'm more concern about the laundry part .. i dun have to wash socks .. haha

Anyway, as only 1 young bb at Shay's IFC (All other 'infants' as at least 9mths old), i nvr label any of his thing. And he actually has his own cot, with his blanket hang on it everyday when he back .. haha

Sinmey: yup.. Dr Wong is the Greenlife clinic at sbw mrt 2nd floor.. He not bad la.. Both my kids c him.. Even for jabs..

I don't use CDA for jabs cos it's mainly for Childcare svs..

Those clinics which allows cda usually their jabs abit more ex de..

Kiefer also got his own cot.. I just need to bring blanket there..

I kindof like mfs, I was surprised that they don't give pacifier always unless fussing or wanna sleep.. I bought a pacifier clip the teacher ask me to bring back..

Yday was abit emo, today much better.. Without him around I managed to do house chores peacefully..

But happy also la to hv him back home

pixie, ya, hope there'll be major gathering for all mummies soon, then can meet up to collect books also. Starting to miss all the mummies and baby liao. If not, I'll top up postage... no hurry to collect though.

my girl got stung by bee in school, duno to see doc not. Haiz, abit disappointed with the incident. Not like they went on excursion or wat, it's in school lei. Huge sigh!

2Ks/Sinmey: Next time will go and see Dr. Wong. I prefer to go greenlife....less crowded ...also the one @ downstair ....always v crowded and slow....kinda miss Dr. Ang ....heehee....

ST> yishun is Dr Ooi Baby & CHild CLinic..

my girls go there for jabs... Its Blk 417 Yishun Ave 11...

I see the female PD...supposed better.. people say de.. lol...

Dr Foo


Share some offer with you.


MamyPoko - $20.65 jumbo pack diapers till 22/6/11

Huggies Ultra Super Jumbo pack - $18.95 till 22/6/11

Cold Storage:

Huggies Ultra (normal size) - 2 for $24.55 till 23/6/11

Pampers Active - M68s and L60s

- 2 for $37.65 (NTUC also got same promo but till 16/6/11 nia)

Personally i think pampers got the most promo!!!! Hee Hee... I'm a pampers fan... lol...

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden






Anyone got any suggestion for location and time? How about lunch outside? Easier for everyone?

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan





Anyone got any suggestion for location and time? How about lunch outside? Easier for everyone?

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan

3) Pixie & Xandria




jaster, that's my question too. How come got bee in school! haiz!

starfruit, i wanted to, then my hub say no need lei. The teacher said will monitor if she has allergy.

fel! I thought no more monthly gatherings, I've pre-committed charity work on 24th liao. Sobs! What about 23rd? Ops!

Got la... Just that now lesser, and mostly is mini east/west/north east gathering la...

Just one major one every month? So mummies still can keep in contact n see how our babies grow? You mark in your calendar, last friday of every month?

Next month lor if next fri u cant... Hee hee...

Hi Mummies!!

BB Chermaine had started her IFC yday... really can't bear to let her go yday but today feel better le...

royalchoc - My bb also mitten less but I still wear socks for her cos I feel keeping the feet warm is very impt... cos my bb seems to get cold hands and feet easily...

ST - I bring bb to Jane & Lee clinic near my house (Admiralty Link) for jabs... got 2 doc 1 male and 1 female both very nice, including the nurse... my bb usually see the male doc... but they only have morning and night clinic no afternoon clinic...

The gathering tempting leh... but I bringing bb for jab the day before so gotten give it a miss...

fel> u need to type the dates again for the mummies memory.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

St: who said Greenlife less crowded?? U try going at night.. Can wait more than an hour.. Majiam c dr Ang lor..

U see less crowd one means is dr lim.. Dr wong shift always crowded..

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan

3) Pixie & Xandria

4) Jeslyn & Jayien

5) Evelyn & Skye

6) Caecilia & Cayli

7) Belinda & Olivia

Hi mummies, would it b ok if I join u ladies for the gathering too?

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan

3) Pixie & Xandria

4) Jeslyn & Jayien

5) Evelyn & Skye

6) Caecilia & Cayli

7) Belinda & Olivia

8) Sherrie & Noah

I think my IFC got at least two more infants (5mth n 3mth) so I guess i got to label my bb stuffs as for cots I think got 4 to 5 cots so I dun noe bb got personally cot or nt leh...


email has been sent, order has been made, payment has been made too...

pls chk yr emails n reply me if u wanna cancel or wad ok.. cos the seller has alrdy decreased her disount given aft quite a few pulled out.. let me know asap k..

thank u ladies..

Monthly Mummies Gathering dates:

24 June

29 July

26 August

30 September

28 October

25 November

30 December

That's all for year 2011... It's the last friday of every month....

We will see the response monthly then whether to continue next year,... Haha....

Think March we going to have a MEGA Bash...

lilprecious, the teacher sounds pro lei, told me she pulled out the stinger and cleaned the wound. Then they will monitor for allergy. I'm just amused at how come bee was 'invited' to class... many lesson object. wahaha.


May I join too? First time for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Monthly last friday gathering - 24/6/11



1) Felina & Eden

2) Rach & Clan

3) Pixie & Xandria

4) Jeslyn & Jayien

5) Evelyn & Skye

6) Caecilia & Cayli

7) Belinda & Olivia

8) Sherrie & Noah

9) Pinkypop & Mika

Can't join cos just started work n my fri off will be e following week onwards ..

Any chance of shifting it to end of month? Like 30 or 1?

Mummycents Storage bag

I have emailed all mommies about some confirmation points. Those who have not replied, please reply me so I can send final order to seller ok? Thanks very much!!


I went to Jane & Lee clinic this morning. I find the male doctor is very attentive ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just that the place is v far from my place....


I got one qn - is it necessary to see PD for illnesses or GP is good enough? Cos I find waiting time for PD v long and their operating hours are usually shorter.

The condition of this BABYBJORN Carrier Air is 10/10 as it's used for less than 5 times. It comes in the original box and it's like brand new.

Features of BABYBJORN Air:

- Great comfort for Mom, Dad and Baby.

- Baby can face to either the front or rear

- Machine washable

- Wide padded shoulder straps provides maximum comfort for parents

- Rigid mesh gives excellent stability

- Built-in support for baby's head

- Extra soft mesh is comfortable against baby's chin

- Lightweight, flexible 3D mesh greatly dissipates heat and moisture, and adjusts to the size of the baby

- Carrier fits neatly into attached bag. Bag folds into pocket on inside when not in use

Selling it at $130. (Mothercare is selling at $199) Self collection at Toa Payoh MRT station any time or at Queensway MRT station on Sat/ weekday nights. Interested buyer please PM me.


Mimimo: it's actually up to your own preference whether gp or pd.. Must see who u comfortable with too..

Like me, when kyler is below 4 months old, we visit pd once, coz first time parents alot of questions to ask too..

Subsequent we only visit gp..


St> I would think can go for trial class and decide urself.. In the event if u dun want to sign up, can just top up $10 to become member where u can bring ur baby for free play during their "no lessons" timing.. $12 per hour...

I think non member is $20 per hour of free play...

I find the class too exp and nothing much...

So I didn't sign up last time for ry.

Even free play I only brought her there like 2-3 times...

Cuz location a bit far and out for me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

